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West of Africa : Nigeria urges firmer UN stance on Ivory Coast
on 2011/3/24 17:08:48
West of Africa

ABUJA (Reuters) - Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan urged the United Nations on Wednesday to take more decisive action to end a political crisis in Ivory Coast, saying instability posed a threat to West Africa's security.

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West of Africa : Refugee upsurge brings Ivorian woes to Liberia
on 2011/3/16 10:37:46
West of Africa


ZODRU, Liberia (Reuters) - Tens of thousands of refugees from violence in Ivory Coast are spilling across the border into Liberia, straining the food supplies of communities that barely have enough to eat at the best of times.

West of Africa : S.African ship at I.Coast complicates crisis: ECOWAS
on 2011/2/9 10:46:25
West of Africa


ABUJA (Reuters) - South Africa's decision to deploy a navy vessel to Ivory Coast is complicating efforts to bring a peaceful resolution to the country's post-election crisis, the West African regional bloc ECOWAS said on Tuesday.

West of Africa : W.African leaders move to starve Gbagbo of funds
on 2011/1/23 17:17:58
West of Africa


BAMAKO (Reuters) - West African presidents tightened the screws on Ivory Coast's Laurent Gbagbo on Saturday, ridding him of an ally at the top of the regional central bank who had safeguarded his access to funds.

West of Africa : Ouattara's PM Meets Jonathan
on 2011/1/23 17:08:33
West of Africa

this day

President-elect of Cote d'Ivoire, Allassaine Ouattara yesterday sent his Prime Minister, Guillaume Soro to President Goodluck Jonathan in continuation of his lobby to reclaim his mandate from Laurent Gbagbo.

West of Africa : Senegalese FM hails "sweeter" ties with Gambia
on 2011/1/20 16:13:11
West of Africa

BANJUL, Jan. 20 (Xinhua) -- Visiting Senegalese Foreign Minister Madickeh Niang sees relations with neighboring Gambia as "sweeter today," saying this is because there is absolute peace, love and unity between the leaders of the two countries.

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West of Africa : Ivory Coast-Liberia plans for refugee influx
on 2011/1/19 10:36:01
West of Africa


As the Ivory Coast political crisis lingers on with no definite solutions yet, Ivoirians are still crossing from western Côte d'Ivoire into Liberia at a rate of 400 to 600 a day, according to an "initial refugee assessment" issued by the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP).

West of Africa : Nigeria's Olusegun Obasanjo storms I. Coast
on 2011/1/10 18:05:01
West of Africa


Ex-president of West African nation of Nigeria Olusegun Obasanjo made an unannounced visit to Ivory Coast late Saturday in an effort to help resolve the country's deepening political crisis after several other West African leaders have failed to persuade the incumbent leader to hand over power.

West of Africa : Ghana kicks against military force in I Coast
on 2011/1/9 11:18:49
West of Africa


Ghana's president John Mills has kicked against any military intervention in Ivory Coast to force incumbent Laurent Gbagbo out of office. "It is not for Ghana to choose a leader for Cote D'ivoire. I have spoken to both Ouatarra and Gbagbo and I cannot make it public. I do not think the military operation will bring peace to the nation."

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