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Egypt : Egypt: Morsi - Remarks About Jews Were 'Misquoted'
on 2013/1/20 15:45:22

President Mohamed Morsi said that the statements he made in 2010 about the Israeli aggression against Palestinians in Gaza were "misquoted".

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Egypt : Egypt Sounds Caution Over Lake Victoria Water Use
on 2013/1/20 15:43:59

EGYPT has no objection on use of water from Lake Victoria for various purposes by countries surrounding it, as long as the respective project has no harm to the country, Egyptian minister for water has affirmed.

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Egypt : Egyptian upper house of parliament’s legitimacy to be examined
on 2013/1/1 13:44:00

Egypt’s Supreme Constitutional Court says it will examine the legitimacy of the upper house of parliament (Shura Council), days after the country’s new constitution was signed into law.

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Egypt : Egypt arrests former Israeli soldier in Sinai
on 2013/1/1 13:42:50

Egyptian security authorities reported on Monday that the 24-year-old, indentified as Andre Yaacoub, entered northern Egypt’s Taba border crossing without his passport.

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Egypt : Official Website - Mubarak Dying in Maadi Hospital - Sources
on 2012/12/31 18:06:21

An official website belonging to the Egyptian Radio and Television Union said on Sunday that sources have said that former President Hosni Mubarak is dying at the Maadi hospital where he is being treated.

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Egypt : Egypt’s ex-dictator Mubarak suffers from fractured ribs: State media
on 2012/12/29 12:58:08

Former Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak, who is serving a life sentence in a prison in Cairo, is suffering from a build-up of fluid in his lungs and fractured ribs, Egypt’s state media say.

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Egypt : Egypt's Shura Council enters recess, new session to start Wednesday
on 2012/12/25 15:40:22

Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi issued Monday a presidential decree to suspend the 32nd session of the Shura Council retrospectively as of Saturday, the state-owned MENA news agency reported.

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Egypt : President Morsi Receives OAPEC Oil Ministers
on 2012/12/24 17:44:58

President Mohamed Morsi received yesterday 22/12/2012 at the headquarters of Ittihadiya presidential palace in Heliopolis a delegation from the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC).

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Egypt : Prime Minister Praises Participation of All Voters in Referendum
on 2012/12/24 17:44:04

Prime Minister Hisham Qandil on Sunday 23/12/2012 thanked the Egyptian voters who were keen to cast their votes in the referendum on the draft constitution, saying the high turnout reflected strong sense of responsibility on their part.

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Egypt : Investment Minister - Gov't Plans to Achieve 4 Percent Growth Rate
on 2012/12/24 17:43:09

Investment Minister Osama Saleh asserted that the government's plan to reactivate the economy includes encouraging domestic, Arab and foreign investment and re-boosting production in various sectors. Also, it aims at accelerating the re-operation of factories to achieve a growth rate ranges between 3.5% to 4% for the current fiscal year 2012/2013.

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Egypt : Justice Minister Will Meet Supreme Judicial Council and Prosecutors
on 2012/12/24 17:41:48

Ahmed Mekki, Minister of Justice confirmed he had not yet given his word in the two requests referred to him by the Supreme Judicial Council on the resignation of Attorney General.

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Egypt : Court Hears Mubarak Appeals On Jan. 13
on 2012/12/24 17:41:17

Egypt's Court of Cassation will hear the appeals of former President Hosni Mubarak and his Interior Minister Habib al-Adly on January 13 after both were sentenced to life imprisonment for failing to stop the killing of protesters during last year's uprising.

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Egypt : Semi-final results show Egypt's new constitution backed by majority votes
on 2012/12/23 16:52:14

With a low turnout, Egypt's newly- written draft constitution garnered about 64 percent of the votes in a two-round referendum, the Islamic Muslim Brotherhood said in a statement on its website.

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Egypt : Egyptian president appoints 90 member of upper house
on 2012/12/23 16:40:17

Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi has issued late Saturday a republican decree, appointing 90 new members of the Shura Council, upper house of the parliament, official MENA news agency reported on Sunday morning.

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Egypt : First stage of Egypt's draft constitution referendum ends
on 2012/12/16 15:38:52

The first stage of the referendum of Egypt's draft constitution ended Saturday night at 11:00 p.m. local time (2100 GMT).

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Egypt : Egypt's referendum hours further extended due to high turnout
on 2012/12/16 15:27:24

Egypt's Supreme Election Commission decided Saturday evening to extend the voting hours of the referendum of the draft constitution to 11:00 p.m. (2100 GMT) due to high turnout, state-run Al-Ahram online reported.

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Egypt : Egypt's Mubarak injured after slipping in hospital bathroom
on 2012/12/16 15:25:17

Egypt's former President Hosni Mubarak was wounded in his head Saturday after he slipped and fell down in a bathroom of Tora Hospital, official MENA news agency reported, quoting a security source.

Egypt : Great turnout, divisive ballots in Egypt referendum on draft constitution
on 2012/12/16 15:22:40

Egyptian people on Saturday morning went to polling booths to vote in the first stage of the referendum on a draft constitution, which has recently caused controversy in the country and led to bitter division between liberals and Islamists.

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Egypt : Great turnout in Egypt referendum on draft constitution
on 2012/12/16 15:21:31

Egyptian people on Saturday morning went to polling booths to vote in the first stage of the referendum on a draft constitution, which has recently caused controversy in the country and led to bitter division between liberals and Islamists.

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Egypt : Clashes in Egypt's Alexandria ahead of constitutional referendum
on 2012/12/15 18:11:13

Fierce clashes between government proponents and opponents were reported in Egypt's northern city of Alexandria late Friday and are likely to continue into the early hours of Saturday, as the country is set to undergo soon the referendum of a controversial draft constitution written mostly by Islamists.

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