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Democratic Republic of the Congo : DRC, Angola, S Africa support Congo peace deal
on 2013/3/13 17:42:11
Democratic Republic of the Congo

The Democratic Republic of Congo, Angola, and South Africa say they back a recent peace plan for the DRC.

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Democratic Republic of the Congo : Congo gives M23 till March 15 to disarm to receive amnesty
on 2013/3/12 17:03:56
Democratic Republic of the Congo

The Congolese government says it will give limited amnesty to the March 23 movement (M23) rebels and integrate them into the army if they agree to lay down their arms by March 15.

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Democratic Republic of the Congo : No impunity for rapists in army, Congolese defense minister says
on 2013/3/11 18:10:36
Democratic Republic of the Congo

Congolese Defense Minister Alexandre Luba Ntambo has vowed to investigate allegations that government troops committed rape in November 2012 in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo and says there will be no impunity.

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Democratic Republic of the Congo : 70 dead, 1000s flee in eastern Congo, Red Cross workers say
on 2013/3/6 17:23:25
Democratic Republic of the Congo

At least 70 people have been killed and thousands have fled their homes in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, according to Red Cross workers in the region.

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Democratic Republic of the Congo : Congolese rebels capture eastern town, UN says
on 2013/3/5 18:49:37
Democratic Republic of the Congo

A rebel group in the Democratic Republic of Congo has seized control of the eastern town of Kitchanga after days of fighting that have left more than 80 people dead, the UN says.

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Democratic Republic of the Congo : Plane crash kills dozens in Democratic Republic Congo: Officials
on 2013/3/5 18:48:24
Democratic Republic of the Congo

An airplane has crashed near an airport in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, killing dozens of people, local officials say.

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Democratic Republic of the Congo : Congolese troops retake eastern towns after M23 withdrawal
on 2013/3/3 18:34:33
Democratic Republic of the Congo

Government troops of the Democratic Republic of Congo have taken control of a number of eastern towns for the first time in eight months, after the March 23 movement (M23) rebels, weakened by infighting, withdrew from the territory.

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Democratic Republic of the Congo : African leaders sign DR Congo peace deal
on 2013/2/25 19:06:33
Democratic Republic of the Congo

Ban Ki-moon, the UN secretary-general, witnessed the signing on Sunday at the African Union's headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

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Democratic Republic of the Congo : African leaders sign Congo peace deal
on 2013/2/25 19:00:00
Democratic Republic of the Congo

The eleven countries in the Great Lakes region of Africa have signed a UN-mediated peace agreement meant to end the interminable cycles of violence that have been plaguing the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo for many years.

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Democratic Republic of the Congo : 11 countries to sign Congo peace deal on Sunday, UN says
on 2013/2/23 16:55:13
Democratic Republic of the Congo

The eleven countries in the Great Lakes region of Africa have been invited to sign a UN-mediated peace agreement this weekend meant to end the interminable cycles of violence that have been plaguing the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo for many years.

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Democratic Republic of the Congo : Foreigners helped M23 capture Goma, UN chief says
on 2013/2/20 18:08:46
Democratic Republic of the Congo

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon says the March 23 movement (M23) rebels had “external support” when they seized the city of Goma in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo in November 2012.

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Democratic Republic of the Congo : Congo police capture rebel leader
on 2013/2/12 16:58:02
Democratic Republic of the Congo

Police in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) have captured the leader of a rebel group in the eastern province of South Kivu, an aide to the provincial governor says.

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Democratic Republic of the Congo : New DRC rebel group wants Kabila tried for high treason
on 2013/2/5 17:50:34
Democratic Republic of the Congo

A newly formed1 armed rebel group in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) says it is seeking to overthrow President Joseph Kabila and try him for “high treason.”

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Democratic Republic of the Congo : LRA terrorists weakened but still lethal: report
on 2013/2/5 17:49:36
Democratic Republic of the Congo

A new report says the Lord's Resistance Army has been weakened by military operations against the terrorist group, but it is still active in Central Africa.

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Democratic Republic of the Congo : Humanitarian situation worsening in DRC: ICRC
on 2013/2/3 17:25:36
Democratic Republic of the Congo

The war being waged by armed groups in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has displaced thousands of people who live in deplorable conditions, says the ICRC.

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Democratic Republic of the Congo : UN seeks to deploy drones over DR Congo
on 2013/1/9 16:50:00
Democratic Republic of the Congo

The UN peacekeeping department has asked the Security Council to back the use of surveillance drones for the first time in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

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Democratic Republic of the Congo : AU Committed to DR Congo Peace Efforts
on 2013/1/8 17:58:13
Democratic Republic of the Congo

The African Union Commissioner for Peace and Security, Ambassador Ramtane Lamamra, has said AU is interested in finding the root causes and solution to the crisis in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

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Democratic Republic of the Congo : Mai Mai militia wants to join Congo peace talks
on 2013/1/1 13:42:15
Democratic Republic of the Congo

The Mai Mai militia of eastern Congo says they should also be included in the peace talks between the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) government and the March 23 (M23) rebel movement.

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Democratic Republic of the Congo : UN imposes sanctions on Congo’s M23, FDLR
on 2013/1/1 13:41:21
Democratic Republic of the Congo

On Monday, the Security Council unanimously agreed to impose an arms embargo on the March 23 (M23) movement and the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR), the Associated Press reported.

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Democratic Republic of the Congo : M23 rebels attack UN helicopters in eastern DRC
on 2012/12/29 12:51:51
Democratic Republic of the Congo

The UN peacekeeping mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo says the March 23 (M23) rebels have opened fire on two of their helicopters in the east of the Central African state.

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