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Liberia : Chevron to explore for oil off Liberia
on 2010/8/31 12:01:07


MONROVIA (Reuters) - Chevron Corp has signed a deal with Liberia to explore for oil and gas in three deepwater blocks off the West African country's coast, an official in the president's office said.

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Liberia : Drug War Intensifies
on 2010/8/30 13:14:04

New Democrat

"The problem is bigger than imagined. Arrests and imprisonment are not the solution. There is a need for some social rehabilitation, somewhere to take these people. As we arrest and imprison them, they bounce back on the streets. It is a vicious circle," a police source, preferring anonymity, said in a serious mood.

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Liberia : Political, Social Divides Threaten Strides in Shoring Up Peace, Says Ban
on 2010/8/21 12:08:35


Although Liberia continues to make considerable progress in consolidating peace and security, enduring political and social divides, among other factors, could roll back the strides made so far, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon cautions in a new report.

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Liberia : Weah Accepts Petition to Run For President
on 2010/8/3 12:50:33


The standard-bearer emeritus of the opposition Congress for Democratic Change (CDC), George Weah, has accepted a petition to run for president in the 2011 presidential elections.

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Liberia : Narrow Escape - Deputy Speaker Ducked Prosecution's Dragnet
on 2010/7/31 10:33:56


When Deputy House Speaker Tokpa Mulbah allegedly ordered the brutal flogging of police patrolman Lexington Beh late last month, darted into the sanctuary of his mansion with police in tow, got the spontaneous help of CDC officials and foot-soldiers to help him escape arrest, and claimed to be politically victimized by the Sirleaf Administration, it was all politics – Liberian style. And the day went to the swift. However melodramatic and revealing that police-deputy speaker encounter was, it did very little to shield and give the deputy speaker the carte blanche immunity he and his supporters assumed he has or should have. The deputy speaker came to that grim reality this week, when only the agility of his lawyers stood between him and an arrest order on criminal charges. The Analyst, reports.

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Liberia : World Bank Tables U.S.$63 Million
on 2010/7/31 10:23:48


The World Bank has provided US63 million (Sixty Three Million United States Dollars) grant to the government of Liberia for the implementation of Employment and skills projects in the country.

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Liberia : Liberia ready to borrow again: finance minister
on 2010/7/20 11:40:00


MONROVIA (Reuters) - Liberia, fresh from having its foreign debt wiped out, is ready to borrow money again but will limit net borrowing to three percent of gross domestic product (GDP), Finance Minister Augustine Ngafuan said in an interview.

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Liberia : $15m US grant for Liberia
on 2010/7/19 13:58:01


Liberia will benefit from a US$15 million grant from the United States Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) after it recently signed an agreement with the corporation. The grant is aimed at promoting equitable access to land, improve girls' primary education enrollment and retention, and trade policy and practices.

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Liberia : Resources, Post-Conflict Recovery Draw Global Investment
on 2010/7/13 10:38:44


Monrovia — In the latest of several major investment deals, the Liberian government has signed an estimated U.S.$3 billion agreement with Australian mining giant BHP Billiton.

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Liberia : Liberian Official Says Debt Relief Would Make Rebuilding Easier
on 2010/7/3 12:59:18


Finance Minister Augustine Ngaufuan says this week's $4.6 billion debt relief package should not be seen as panacea for Liberia's post-war problems

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Liberia : Drug War Deepens
on 2010/6/9 12:15:25


If we follow our sixth sense, the full establishment of the rule of law and the attainment of functional judicial reform are two drawback factors that stand standing between Liberia and full international security confidence.

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Liberia : Liberia FA finds new national coach
on 2010/6/8 16:39:00


The Liberia Football Association has named Hungarian Bertalan Besckei as coach of the national team - the Lone Star.

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Liberia : Obama lauds Liberia leadership
on 2010/5/30 12:06:40

africa good news

The U.S on Thursday approved a $15 million grant program for Liberia as President Barack Obama met Liberian leader Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and praised her efforts in rebuilding the country from war.

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Liberia : Liberia: Remarks by President Obama, Liberian President Johnson Sirleaf
on 2010/5/30 11:53:15

all africa

he following is full text of remarks by U.S. President Barack Obama and Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf before their bilateral meeting at the White House's Oval Office in Washington, DC.

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Well, I want to officially welcome President Sirleaf to the Oval Office. I have been an extraordinary admirer of her work for many years now. I fondly recall the speech that she delivered in a joint session of Congress when I was still in the Senate.

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