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Malawi : Germany promises more aid to Malawi
on 2010/9/4 11:09:51


German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, has promised her country will provide Malawi with more aid.

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Malawi : Malawi opens 8,500 measles centres
on 2010/8/18 11:46:53


Malawi established more than 8,500 centres across the country to carry out measles vaccination. The country was hit by a measles outbreak that killed hundreds. Minister of Health, Professor David Mphande said this year's mass immunisation campaign aims at vaccinating children missed out at birth. The campaign is taking place a year earlier due to an early outbreak.

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Malawi : Fired cabinet minister dies
on 2010/8/17 11:49:34


Malawi's Professor Moses Chirambo, fired from cabinet last week, died at a South African clinic, about four days after President Bingu wa Mutharika relieved him from heading the Ministry of Health.

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Malawi : Measles kills 197 people in Malawi since January
on 2010/8/16 16:20:25


LILONGWE (Reuters) - A measles outbreak has killed 197 people in Malawi since the start of this year, the highest number recorded in the country in the last decade, a senior health ministry official said on Sunday.

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Malawi : No life ministers in Malawi
on 2010/8/14 11:18:59


Malawi President Bingu wa Mutharika has said Malawi cannot afford life ministers. Swearing in new ministers, some of them returnees into his cabinet, he said nobody should think ministerial posts are for life. He also defended his inclusion of his wife, First Lady, Callista Mutharika, on the cabinet list.

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Malawi : Malawi stalls local government elections
on 2010/8/11 10:24:35


The Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) announced the much awaited November 23, 2010 Local Government Elections (LGE) may not take place soonest. The elections have been moved several times - with the mainly government supported electoral body saying it was not ready.

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Malawi : Malawi consecrate new flag
on 2010/8/9 11:52:53


Malawi consecrated moves for a new national flag. The event has been hurried up following constructive protests from the civil society and general public. The new flag, with red, black and green stripes from top to bottom, bears a white fully risen sun in the middle with rays spilling into the top and bottom stripes.

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Malawi : Kamuzu Banda had three children
on 2010/8/9 11:51:14


A former and most feared intelligence chief in Malawi's single party rule, has said the late dictator and first Malawi leader, Dr. Hastings Kamuzu Banda, fathered three children.s.

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Malawi : Innovative Campaigning by Women Candidates
on 2010/7/31 10:26:22


You will find Beauty Kasonda on her campaign trail at funerals, weddings, church functions or just about any local gathering in her community. Kasonda does not have the sort of funding her male counterparts have for campaigning in the country's November 2010 elections but she is not letting that stop her.

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Malawi : Malawi to change national flag
on 2010/7/31 10:14:28


Malawian president Bingu wa Mutharika has given the nod to change the national flag of the Southern African country, according to the Speaker for the National Assembly, Henry Chimunthu-Banda. The news follows wa Mutharika's assent to the Flag Change bill after a 21-day grace period.

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Malawi : Mutharika blames churches
on 2010/7/17 10:57:32


Malawi president Bingu wa Mutharika, has accused some faith groups for causing deaths of its faithful. A measles outbreak has killed 82 people and attacked about 17,496 between January and June 20 this year.

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Malawi : UNDP commits $1.3m for polls
on 2010/6/29 13:53:41


The United Nations Development Programme is making available US$1 million funds towards Malawi's Local Government Elections slated for August.

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Malawi : AU chair calls for responsible spending
on 2010/6/29 13:51:41


The African Union chairperson, Bingu wa Mutharika, has called on African countries to be accountable and transparent with donor funding when he took centre stage at the just ended G20 Summit in Toronto, Canada.

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Malawi : World Bank supports Malawi with $54m
on 2010/6/20 11:10:00


The World Bank and Malawi government have signed a $54 million (K8.2 billion) grant agreement as a general budget support. Malawi's Minister of Finance Ken Kandodo said the money will be used to clear domestic debt and implement other on-going government programmes.

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Malawi : Measles kills 70 in Malawi
on 2010/6/19 16:59:08


The measles outbreak which hit most parts of Malawi has already claimed 70 lives in four months, health officials have confirmed. The situation has forced government to carry out a mass measles vaccination campaign for all children between the ages of 6 months and 15 years throughout the country.

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Malawi : 1.4 million child workers in Malawi
on 2010/6/16 11:49:31


A report on labour standards has shown that there are 1.4 million child workers in Malawi especially in tea plantations and domestic servitude. The Malawi Ministry of Labour report indicates that the situation is worse in the rural areas than in provincial town. "41 percent of children younger than 15 years of age were working part of full time, while 78 percent of rural children between 10 and 14 old worked at least part time in their parent's farms.

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Malawi : WC saves Malawians from power blackouts
on 2010/6/16 11:48:27


With the event of the World Cup in South Africa, the Malawi Electricity Supply Commission (Escom) has stopped its habitual power cut-outs. The company said it is its desire to offer all Malawians an opportunity to watch the world soccer showing without interruptions.

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Malawi : Malawi tightens border security
on 2010/6/12 12:07:17


As the FIFA world cup kicks off in South Africa, Malawi's government has intensified border checks during the 2010 World cup to cub child trafficking to the host nation. This comes amid reports that there are more women and children being trafficked to the rain bow nation as a result of the world cup which is being held on an African soil for the first time.

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Malawi : Dutch drowns in Lake Malawi
on 2010/6/6 11:09:33


A Dutch national, who was on his way to South Africa for the 2010 World Cup has drowned in the fresh waters of Lake Malawi in the Northern region.
malawi map

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Malawi : UN boss puts Malawi high on his agenda
on 2010/6/1 17:33:49


United Nations (UN) Secretary General has tipped Malawi high on his world agenda. He said development at the Mwandama Village Millennium Village Project left him with no choice but to promote the landlocked country.

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