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Mali : U.S. to assist Mali in organization of polls
on 2013/2/19 17:51:59

Four U.S. Senators who are on a visit to Mali said on Monday that the United States is ready to help Mali in the organization of the forthcoming elections.

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Mali : EU approves 500-strong military mission in Mali
on 2013/2/19 17:50:00

The European Union (EU) has formally given the go-ahead to the launch of a 500-strong military mission in Mali to support France in its war on the West African country.

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Mali : French, Mali troops seize Bourem town: France’s military officials
on 2013/2/18 18:03:37

French and Malian troops have seized Mali’s town of Bourem, after they launched operations against fighters, France's military officials say.

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Mali : French-led forces conduct house-to-house searches in Mali town of Gao
on 2013/2/12 16:56:44

French-led troops have conducted house-to-house searches for local fighters in Mali’s northern city of Gao after they seized the strategic city.

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Mali : Explosion rocks Gao in northern Mali
on 2013/2/11 18:09:06

A strong explosion has rocked the city of Gao in northern Mali, amid reports of ongoing fighting between French-led troops and fighters in the African country.

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Mali : French helicopter bombards area in Mali’s Gao
on 2013/2/11 18:03:32

A French combat helicopter has bombarded an area in Mali’s northern city of Gao, where fighters have been clashing with French-led forces since February 9.

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Mali : USAF support for French war detailed
on 2013/2/5 17:51:07

A US defense spokesman details the US Air Force support for the French war in Mali.

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Mali : US, France agree to set up UN Mali force: US VP
on 2013/2/5 17:48:48

US Vice President Joe Biden says Washington and Paris agreed on a need to hand over the French led war in Mali to a UN mission.

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Mali : Top rebel leader arrested in northern Mali
on 2013/2/4 17:59:11

The number-three leader of the armed group that controlled Timbuktu in northern Mali until last week, Mohamed Moussa Ag Mouhamed, has been arrested near the Algerian border, sources say.

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Mali : French Warplanes Bombard Islamists Near Kidal
on 2013/2/4 17:51:45

French planes carried out major air strikes in northern Mali overnight, the army reports, after President François Hollande's visit to the country Saturday.

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Mali : France will stay in Mali as long as necessary, Hollande says
on 2013/2/3 17:27:01

President Francois Hollande says France would continue its combat mission in Mali and French troops will stay in the country as long as necessary.

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Mali : French president arrives in Mali
on 2013/2/3 17:09:48

French President Francois Hollande has arrived in Mali nearly four weeks after France launched a war against the West African country.

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Mali : UN concerned over ‘summary executions in Mali’
on 2013/2/3 17:09:15

The United Nations has expressed concern over serious allegations of summary executions since the start of the French war in Mali.

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Mali : Mali jihadists in custody say tortured by military
on 2013/2/1 20:56:04

Three suspected jihadists arrested in the days since the liberation of the town of Timbuktu said Friday that Malian soldiers were torturing them with a method similar to waterboarding.

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Mali : Britain offers France more military assistance for Mali operation
on 2013/1/30 16:28:54

Britain has offered French troops more military aid to help in the operation against Mali's Islamist rebels in the former French colony, Britain's top diplomat to France said Tuesday.

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Mali : Mali mission braces for 8,000 personnel: ECOWAS official
on 2013/1/30 16:27:03

The International Support Mission for Mali (MISMA) could have at least 8,000 military personnel and police officers to help resolve the crisis in the West African country, a senior official of the regional bloc ECOWAS said Tuesday.

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Mali : Nations pledge 455.5 million USD for Mali's security
on 2013/1/30 16:26:18

Leaders from African countries and donors from other continents on Tuesday pledged 455.5 million U.S. dollars for Mali's efforts to regain security and peace in the country.

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Mali : Mali civilian casualties cause concerns
on 2013/1/28 16:11:18

Human rights groups and journalists have voiced concern over the information blackout on the number of civilian casualties during the French war in Mali, Press TV reports.

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Mali : Thousands of people forced to flee Mali amid French war
on 2013/1/28 16:05:56

Thousands of people in Mali have been forced to flee their homes amid the French-led war on the West African nation.

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Mali : French-led troops set to take control of Timbuktu in northern Mali
on 2013/1/28 16:02:13

French-led forces have taken control of the access points to the Malian desert town of Timbuktu as they continue advancing further across the north of Mali, which is controlled by fighters.

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