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Tanzania : Tanzanian navy captures pirate in Indian Ocean clash
on 2010/9/28 12:04:59


DAR ES SALAAM (Reuters) - The Tanzanian navy captured a suspected Somali pirate on Sunday after an exchange of gunfire in the Indian Ocean south of the east African country, police said late on Monday.

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Tanzania : Twiga Stars in group of death
on 2010/9/23 12:10:00


The national women soccer team of Tanzania, Twiga Stars, has been drawn in a tough group in the Africa Women Championship finals to be hosted by Ekurhuleni Municipality in South Africa from October 31 to November 14. The players will miss voting during the general election on October 31 as they play against host Banyana Banyana.

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Tanzania : World Bank lends Tanzania $150 mln for power
on 2010/8/28 12:11:56


DAR ES SALAAM (Reuters) - The World Bank will lend Tanzania $150 million for a new power transmission project expected to improve the availability of electricity in mining regions.

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Tanzania : Rare Tanzanian toads flown home from US
on 2010/8/21 12:01:11


DAR ES SALAAM Aug 20 (Reuters Life!) - Tiny Tanzanian toads that had been declared extinct only a few years after their discovery have been sent home to replenish stocks after being reared in U.S. zoos.

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Tanzania : UNESCO commends Tanzania gov't for sci-tech, innovation reforms
on 2010/8/15 11:26:27


DAR ES SALAAM -- The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has termed the Tanzanian government and other stakeholders's political will and commitment as a must for successful implementation of Tanzania's Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) reforms, the local newspaper the Guardian reported on Saturday.

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Tanzania : 18 children die on Lake Victoria
on 2010/8/7 11:20:00


Eighteen Tanzanian children drowned when their crowded boat capsized in strong winds on Lake Victoria, a regional official said on Friday. Thirty seven people were on board the small boat when it sank on Thursday in Africa's largest lake.

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Tanzania : Zanzibar Referendum to Set Scene for Power-Sharing
on 2010/8/1 11:45:22


In Tanzania, the offshore archipelago of Zanzibar held a referendum Saturday which is likely to mean that a coalition government is formed.

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Tanzania : Tanzania's Salim Ahmed Salim to Lead Commonwealth Observer Group for Presidential Elections
on 2010/7/28 11:28:53


A Commonwealth Observer Group (COG) will be present during Rwanda's Presidential Elections due to be held on 9 August 2010. The COG will be led by former Tanzania Prime Minister Dr Salim Ahmed Salim

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Tanzania : If Tanzania is Less Corrupt, How Burundians Are Surviving?
on 2010/7/28 11:27:54


The East African anti-corruption watchdog--the East African Bribery Index (EABI)--latest survey ranks Tanzania as fourth with a corruption prevalence of 28.6 per cent, followed by Kenya 31.9 per cent, Uganda 33 per cent and Burundi is the worst with 36.7 per cent.

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Tanzania : Tanzania dissolves parliament ahead of general election
on 2010/7/17 11:13:02


DAR ES SALAAM (Reuters) - Tanzanian President Jakaya Kikwete dissolved parliament on Friday ahead of a general election in the east African country slated for October.

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Tanzania : Oil Prospects Get Even Brighter
on 2010/6/29 14:44:26


A recently concluded geological assessment in Tanzania's Southern offshore deep oil exploration project has shown prospective resource potentials of over a billion barrels of oil and gas.

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Tanzania : Tanzanian growth better than expected: minister
on 2010/5/30 12:35:03


DAR ES SALAAM (Reuters) - Tanzania's economy expanded by 6 percent in 2009, beating a forecast for 5.0-5.5 percent growth, and should grow by 7 percent this year, the east African country's finance minister said.

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Tanzania : Rare black rhinos relocated to Africa's Serengeti
on 2010/5/25 16:32:16


Conservationists flew the first five of 32 critically endangered East African black rhinos from South Africa back to their habitat in Tanzania's Serengeti park on Friday.
The rhinos had been bred from a group that was rescued from the Serengeti in the 1960s and relocated to South Africa to prevent the total extinction of their sub-species at the hands of poachers.

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Tanzania : World Economic Forum: Time to change Africa’s growth plan
on 2010/5/12 11:55:46

Dar es Salaam, (The Observer) -- There were snap calls for Africa’s youth to embrace hope ahead of doubt, and have the self-belief that only they can shape their destiny, as the World Economic Forum on Africa came to an end in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

The calls were provoked by a need for a change in Africa’s growth strategy, the theme of the three-day conference.

A press statement from the forum notes that “To end the continent’s marginalization, Africans must believe in themselves” and, quoting Jacob Zuma, South Africa’s President, “be the change they want to see.”

To those who still have doubts about Africa, Zuma said that proof of the continent’s potential will be unveiled when the football World Cup tournament – one of the most watched competitions – kicks off in a month’s time in South Africa.

“There were a lot of doubts and scepticism. But people who come to Africa will see that we are not just bushes and mountains. They will see how Africa is ready to do anything that can be done anywhere else in the world.”

Africa will field six countries in the 32-nation football showpiece, all with the potential of beating the mighty countries from the West. But when it comes to matters Economics, Africa remains on the periphery.

Africa accounts for 3.5% of global exports despite the fact that it possesses immense resources, and Foreign Direct Investment into the continent remains a trickle, 0.96%, regardless of the fact that the bloc offers one of the highest returns on investment.

Jakaya Kikwete, Tanzania’s President, tried to offer an explanation for this discrepancy. “Africa remains predominantly a primary producer and importer for industrial use. We produce what we don’t consume and we consume what we don’t produce,” he said. “This cannot continue.”

Solutions to this dilemma seem to be placed around the youth, who constitute 60% of the African population.

“Let’s take a bunch of young people and put their minds on fire. You should believe in the demographics [of Africa], make your human capital capable and entrepreneurship will happen,” said Ajai Chowdhry, the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, HCL Infosystems.

Anna Tibaijuka, the UN Under Secretary General and Executive Director, United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT), could not have agreed more.

“There is a role to be played by everyone. But we cannot afford to have more than half our population underutilized and 60% of young people left behind,” she said.

Directing this youthful energy and strategies could work best in the agricultural sector, the bread winner for more than half of African households. “All of us have to accept and understand that farming is business,” said Joergen Ole Haslestad, President and Chief Executive Officer, Yara International, Norway.

The conference also called for a cleanup in the continent’s volatile politics, which stifles efforts in attracting foreign investors. At least 14 general or presidential elections are to take place on the continent this year, the focus of the highly critical Western media.

The conference noted that democracy boosts economic development and reduces poverty.

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