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Kenya : Officials Suspected of Poll Violence Appear At International Criminal Court
on 2011/4/9 11:59:32

UN News

Three senior Kenyan officials, including the deputy prime minister, today appeared before the International Criminal Court (ICC), which set 21 September as the date for the start of a hearing on the confirmation of charges preferred against them in connection with the 2008 post-election violence.

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Kenya : Kenyan leaders appear at Hague court over killings
on 2011/4/7 19:45:21

THE HAGUE (Reuters) - Three Kenyans appeared at the International Criminal Court on Thursday, denying they had any connection with unrest in which 1,200 people were killed after disputed elections in 2007.

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Kenya : Anti-terror police on the spot over torture
on 2011/4/7 13:52:34

20110407 - A task force should be set up to investigate the torture of Kenyans by anti-terror police and the culprits prosecuted.

Members of the National Network Against Torture meeting in Kilifi also called for the setting up of a fund for reparation and compensation of torture, counter-terrorism victims and their families.

In a press briefing at the two-day conference, nominated Member of Parliament Shakila Abdallah accused the government of continuous use of force previously termed as controversial in the Terrorism Bill.

Members of the network accused the government of continuously profiling Muslims as the main terror suspects. They demanded the reparation of the nine Kenyans being held “unconstitutionally” in Uganda, the immediate disbandment of the anti-terror police unit and the resignation of the Internal Security minister for “violating the constitutional rights of Kenyans”.

Kenya National Human Rights Commission official Hassan Omar Hassan said for the war on terror to be won. The government needed top apply the rule of law and be sensitive to the human rights of the Muslim population.

Victims of counter-terrorism criticized the government’s treatment of Muslims, saying it was such treatment that pushed some people to radical acts.

Kenya : Kenya a regional hub for ill-gotten gains
on 2011/4/7 13:50:40

20110407 – Kenya is among countries where major money laundering is prevalent, mainly from proceeds of piracy and other crimes. A US Government 2010 report says Kenya launders more than $100 million (Kshs.8.3 billion) a year.

Besides piracy-related funds, corruption, smuggling, drugs trafficking and casinos help to clean up money. The US and UK are on the list too, but this is attributed to their huge economies where financial institutions are accustomed to large transactions.

Kenya it susceptible to the illegal deals as it is the financial and trade centre of Eastern, Central and Southern Africa.

The findings in the “International Narcotics Control Strategy Report – Money Laundering and Financial Crimes” were initially revealed in 2009 but the current report shows the crimes continued unabated.

There is also insufficient political will to address these crimes. The Kenya Government did not report any money laundering or terrorist financing arrests, prosecutions or convictions from 2007 through 2010,” reads part of the report.

Other African countries listed in the report include Somalia, Nigeria, Guinea Bissau and Zimbabwe.

The report further talks of a rife black market for smuggled goods in Kenya, which serves as transit for Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, northern Democratic Republic of Congo and Southern Sudan.

Money laundering in Kenya is further complicated by unregulated informal networks of the Somali hawala cash remittance system.

Kenya : US pledges Kshs.300m to fight drugs
on 2011/4/7 13:48:07

20110407 - Kenya is set to benefit from a multi-billion shillings budget the United States has planned for fighting drug trafficking. The US$4 million (Kshs.332 million) is to be released this year and 2012.

At the same time, US Drug Enforcement Agency is set to establish a permanent office in Nairobi to help choke local cocaine and heroin trafficking routes. The plans are contained in this year’s International Narcotics Control Strategy report prepared by the US Government.

Similar grant
Kenya missed out on a similar grant to countries faced with the drug menace last year. It comes at a time Kenya Police has intensified the war against the illegal trade, but amid pressure by powerful barons to backtrack on their investigations.

The US report was presented to the Congress in March and released at the weekend. The decision is informed by the fact that drugs passing through Kenya are consumed in the US.

Police seized 102kg of heroin worth Kshs.200 million in Mombasa two weeks ago.

Meanwhile, a court in Nairobi has declined to grant bail to six people charged with trafficking in 102kg of heroin. Nairobi chief magistrate Gilbert Mutembei gave the ruling yesterday after the suspected traffickers had sought to be released on bail pending the hearing and determination of their case.

The six are Kenyans Joash Omondi, Hassan Ibrahim and Yusuf Hassan, Iranians Ali Mohamad and Abdul Baasit and Pakistani Khan Mohamad. They are all denied the charges.

The Iranians are further charged with being in the country illegally, failing to report at any immigration office upon arrival to register as foreigners and being in possession of invalid travel documents.

Mr Ibrahim and Mr Hassan are separately charged with illegal possession of firearms and ammunition. They were arrested on March 24th at Shanzu in Mombasa allegedly with the consignment of the drugs camouflaged as dog food. Later, they were flown to Nairobi to face charges.

The magistrate ruled that he found the offence preferred against the accused to be serious, considering the penalty it carries if they are found guilty.

Kenya : Board names new boss for National Oil
on 2011/4/6 16:20:31

Ms Sumayya Hassan Athman is the new Chief Executive Officer of the National Oil Corporation of Kenya.

She has held the position in an acting capacity since September 2010 after former managing director Mwenda Nyagah left.

Ms Sumayya has been with the state-owned corporationfor the past seven years having joined in 2004 as a company secretary / legal manager before rising to the position of deputy managing director in 2007.

Among her areas of focus will be to advance an active oil and gas exploration programme and spearhead the firm's participation in addressing infrastructure woes facing the petroleum sub-sector.

This is via development of national petroleum distribution system including the offshore storage facilities.

Kenya : Kenyan to head global green energy agency
on 2011/4/6 16:11:50

20110406 - Kenyan Adnan Zahir Amin has been appointed Director General of the International Renewable Energy Agency (Irena).

A statement from the Foreign ministry said that Mr Amin was elected by more than two thirds of the votes cast, obtaining 76 votes against 36 votes by the other candidate Pedro Marin, a former Spanish Secretary of State for Energy during election held at the 5th Preparatory Commission of Irena on Sunday in Abu Dhabi.

Kenya : Kenya's Iron Lady backs ICC trials for poll violence
on 2011/4/5 10:38:33


NAIROBI (Reuters) - A local tribunal would not be a credible mechanism to try Kenyan post-election violence suspects because the wealthy political elite would manipulate the court, Kenya's "Iron Lady" Martha Karua said on Monday.

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Kenya : East Africa Community top job up for grabs
on 2011/4/4 15:48:07

20110404 - East African Community is gearing to elect its third Secretary General, as its leaders continue to pay glowing tribute to Juma Mwapachu, whose tenure has expired.

East African Legislative Assembly meeting in Rwanda last week passed a resolution paying tribute to the outgoing EAC Secretary General and ex-officio member of EALA, as it entered its third straight day of deliberations at the Parliament of Rwanda, Kigali.

Mwapachu, a Tanzanian national, has successfully stirred the secretariat since 2006 albeit uncontroversial in a move that has seen the enactment of the Customs Union and the Common Market Protocol in the past five years.

Other than overseeing successful negotiations of the EAC Common Market, which was signed in November 2009 and entered in to force on July 1, 2010, Mwapachu is instrumental in putting together the development of the Terms of Reference (ToRs) to spearhead the negotiations of the EAC Monetary Union, which is the next level of integration.

The Heads of State Summit is expected to meet in Dar es Salaam mid this month to elect a new Secretary General in conformity with the provisions of article 67 of the Treaty for the Establishment of the East African Community.

While Tanzania and Uganda are not eligible to provide a secretary general, all focus is now on Kenya and the new entrants to the community, Rwanda and Burundi.

However, Rwanda is placed ahead of Kenya and Burundi as the possible holder of the office comes April 18, 2011 when the EAC Heads of State Summit takes place in Tanzania.

Kenya : EAC drive to integrate wins Lamy’s support
on 2011/4/4 15:45:46

20110404 - Visiting Woirld Trade Organisation (WTO) Director General Pascal Lamy supports the strong determination of the East African states to integrate their economies. He reckons the initiative to merge was a move in the right direction for the region’s population.

Mr Lamy said in Mombasa that WTO viewed the process as the most dynamic in the whole of Africa, as it had the political will of the leaders and the momentum needed to ensure its success. Speaking when he paid courtesy call at the Kenya Ports Authority (KPA) headquarters, the WTO director general further commended KPA for steadying itself to serve EAC hinterland.

He added that not only serving Kenyans, but the vast hinterland areas of Uganda, Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, Burundi and lately the south Sudan.

KPA Managing Director Gichiri Ndua, who hosted Lamy, told the WTO chief that runaway piracy off the East African coastline has impacted negatively on the port operations. Mr Ndua said vessels calling at the port of Mombasa have to detour to avoid easy contact with pirates in the high waters.

Ndua said it is crucial for the international community to confront piracy, which remains the biggest threat to full utilization of the port of Mombasa. He informed Lamy that the port had successfully implemented a 24-hour working schedule to help hasten cargo clearance, and was carrying out massive investments to upgrade its facilities as it gears towards full efficiency.

Kenya : Nacada wants drug barons arrested
on 2011/4/4 15:44:30

20110404 - Political goodwill is required if the war against narcotic drugs is to be won, a Kenyan Government anti-drugs agency said as it called for the immediate arrest of a politician, activist and businesswoman protecting drug baron.

The Director of the National Campaign Against Drug Abuse Authority (Nacada), and a national chairman of the Kenya Muslim National Advisory Council (Kemnac), Sheikh Juma Ngao, said the top leadership should back the police to bring drug barons to book.

“President and Internal Security minister should intervene and ensure nobody shields drug barons in the country.” He said.

He was reacting to a statement from the Police headquarters that police have given up attempt to arrest the politician, who they say owns speed boats used to transfer the drugs from the high seas to his house.

The statement had indicated that the drug barons were intimidating and attempting to bribe police officers investigating the high profile case. Sheikh Ngao challenged the country’s leadership to put their foot down and ensure those protecting drug barons are put behind bars.

Kenya : New semi-autonomous Somali state born
on 2011/4/4 15:42:55

20110404 - Interim President sworn in, but some critics say move is not recognized and is a breach of law

After seven days of deliberations, Somalia’s Transitional Federal Government, members of parliament, civil society groups and clan elders agreed to the formation of a semi-autonomous state to be called Azaaniya.

Originally known as Jubaland, Azaaniya comprises lower and middle Juba and Gedo regions on the Kenya-Somalia border. And yesterday Prof Muhammed Gandhi was sworn in as the interim president of the newly created state.
He said they agreed on a plan that would see their people enjoy peace again. It has been over 20 years of death and tears. They determined to restore nationhood and unity in Somalia.

International community

The move is said to be supported by the international community, including the African Union and igad members, and backed by the Kenyan Government in the hope it would help crush the dreaded Al-Shabaab insurgents. Although the Kenyan Government did not send a representative to the event, there was obvious presence of Kenyan security personnel at the venue of the meeting, indicating it supported the formation of the new state along its border.

Immediately Gandhi was elected the president unopposed last Wednesday, Kenyan security personnel were deployed to guard him. Yesterday, tens of plain clothe security officers thoroughly screened all delegates before they could enter the venue of inauguration.

The state will act as a buffer zone to help keep al-Shabaab militia away from Kenya. Last week, al-Shabaab militia attacked a police station at Liboi town.

Jubaland Initiative Coordinator Prof Muhammad said the group would go to the ground to seek legitimacy from the people and denied they have broken away from the main government. He said just like Puntland and Somaliland, Azaaniya supports Sheikh Shariff Ahmed’s government.

But a swift censure greeted the creation of the new autonomous state. Maslah Mohamed, son of former Somali president Mohammed Siad Barre, dismissed the move terming it a serious breach of international law and unrecognized by the Somali people. Mohammed said “Prof Gandhi neither has the support of the people of the region nor Somalia.”

Kenya : Insecurity in Somali, refugee numbers worry UN officials
on 2011/4/4 15:41:10

20110404 - United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Antonio Guteres has decried the influx of refugees from Somalia into Kenya.

Guteres said since January, up to 10,000 refugees have crossed the border to Kenya, leading to congestion at the Dadaab camp. He blamed the al-Shabaab militia for the volatile situation in Somalia. Guteres spoke at Dadaab while accompanied by World Food Programme Executive Director Josette Sheeran and Executive Director of UN Women Michelle Bachele.

They were assessing the food crisis, security situation and state of women and children. They also visited Ifo and Hagdera refugees camp.

Fresh fighting between al-Shabaab and Somali’s Transitional Federal Government troops near the Kenyan boarder has been raging in the past two months, forcing thousands of residents to flee.

Kenya has deployed hundreds of security personnel at the border to deter incursion. The gangs have more than twice attacked troops in Liboi in protest against alleged Kenya’s assistance to the TFG.

Last week, Internal Security Permanent Secretary Francis Kimemia warned the gangs that they would not be spared. He added security had been beefed up along the porous Kenya/Somalia boarder to deter such attacks.

Al-Shabaab, aligned to al-Qaeda as claimed has warned it would attack Kenya for allegedly supporting the TFG. Commissioner of Police Mathew Iteere has called on Kenyans to be vigilant in malls, social places and matatus (mini-buses).

Kenya : State Files Request to Stop ICC Cases
on 2011/4/4 11:35:01

Nairobi Star (Nairobi)

The government has filed a request with the International Criminal Court to hand over all the reports on post election violence in readiness for a local process scheduled to start after September this year.

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Kenya : Kenya charges six men over heroin grab
on 2011/3/29 10:18:36


NAIROBI (Reuters) - Kenya has charged six men, including three foreigners, with drug trafficking for bringing more than 100 kg (220 pounds) of heroin into the East African nation, a court said on Monday.

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Kenya : MUHURI appeals over Kenyans held in Uganda
on 2011/3/28 10:18:19


A human rights organization has written to Justice Minister Mutula Kilonzo to seek an assurance that Kenyans being held in Uganda on suspicions of terrorism will be released.

The Muslims for Human Rights Executive Director Hussain Khalid has also urged the Minister to organize a meeting with the lobby to discuss the issue of when the detained Kenyans will be taken to court.

This comes soon after Mutula, during a human rights conference in Mombasa, said the Kenyan Government was against the rendition of Kenyans adding the detention was a mistake that needed to be corrected.

MUHURI also wants to meet the Minister for Internal Security Prof. George Saitoti to know whether the suspects who include Humana rights activist Sheikh Al’Amin Kimathi will face trial in Kenya.

Khalid’s letter to Justice Minister said, “MUHURI believe that as top advocate and a human rights activist, the minister will see the need to have the matter resolved at the earliest opportune time and ensure the Kenyans are accorded their full rights.”

MUHURI says that it has been following the case of the Kenyans rendition to Uganda in 2010 following terrorist attack that left more than 70 dead in Kampala in July of the same year as they watched the World Cup matches

Kenya : Kenyan given Sh780 million UK support for war on pirates
on 2011/3/28 10:12:21


KENYA is set to benefit from a Sh780 million fund released by the UK government to help improve maritime surveillance of pirates in the Indian Ocean.

Foreign secretary William Hague said in a statement the money will help improve the regional capacity for piracy prosecutions and detentions in Kenya, Somalia and Seychelles.

About Sh737 million will go to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime whose counter piracy programme includes legislative review and assistance, support to the police, prosecution and judiciary, the provision of logistics and information technology, among other initiatives.

British High Commission head of communication John Bradshaw said piracy directly affects Kenya’s economy and security as it scares away investors. The money is also expected to be used to improve the Shimo La Tewa maximum Prison in Mombasa where about 79 suspected Somali pirates are being held. Kenya has the highest number of suspected pirates being held in prison.

He said the help will ensure the prison accommodation is in line with international standards and that prosecutions are in full compliance with due to process and the rule of law, added Hague.

Kenya : Kenya and Brazil Explore Trade Deals
on 2011/3/28 10:10:38


Kenya and Brazil have taken the first step towards reducing the trade gap between them with the opening of the first Brazil East Africa trade expo.

Trade between the two countries is currently in favour of Brazil, with Kenya exporting goods worth Sh81 million while bringing in goods worth Sh5 billion from Brazil in 2009.

The expo was opened by Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka who said discussions are on between Emblair and Kenya Airways for the latter to use its capacity and maintenance experience to service Emblair’s African fleet.

Kenya : Prime Minister Insists on ICC Trial for Ocampo Six
on 2011/3/27 10:47:35

Daily Nation

Nairobi — Prime Minister Raila Odinga has maintained that suspected masterminds of Kenya's post election violence should be tried at The Hague.

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on 2011/3/27 1:26:08

ORIGIN ENERGY LTD has signed an agreement to sale to Apache Corporation 50 per cent of oil exploration interest in an offshore bloc k in Kenya.

Apache will reimburse Origin Energy of Australia $13.2 million (Sh. 1 billion) incurred in acquisition and past exploration work of block L8 north east of Mombasa town in the Lamu basin. Houston-based Apache Corporation is an oil and gas exploration and production company with operations in the US, Canada, Egypt, the UK North Sea, Australia and Argentina.

Origin’s Executive General Manager Dr Rob Willink said the sale is subject to approval by the ministry of Energy and is expected to be concluded by the end of Jun 2010. He added that they are pleased to have secured the agreement with Apache which will see the joint venture go forward and assume a commitment to drill. They also welcome Apache to bring its specialist drilling experts.

The deal is also subject to approval by Pancontinental Oil & Gas of Australia and its wholly owned subsidiary Afrex as joint venture partners. Apache will meet Origin’s costs of exploration well to be drilled on Mbawa structure.

Apache will have 50 per cent as operator, Origin 25 per cent, Afrex 15 per cent and Pancontinental 10 per cent. Willink said offshore in East Africa has become an industry focus for exploration as a result of recent deepwater gas discoveries in Tanzania and Mozambique

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