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Kenya : Cabinet Set to Meet Over U.S. Cable Leaks
on 2010/12/12 11:20:15


Nairobi — The Cabinet is due to hold a crisis meeting next week amid the expected release of more leaked cables from the US embassy in Nairobi.

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Kenya : Wikileaks - US Envoy Brands Ministers Most Corrupt in Africa
on 2010/12/12 11:13:08


Nairobi — Kenya's Cabinet is the most corrupt in Africa, according to the latest exposé by whistle-blowing website WikiLeaks.

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Kenya : Kenya seizes 92kg of smuggled ivory
on 2010/12/12 10:36:16


Kenyan police have arrested two Singaporeans in possession of 92 kilograms of smuggled ivory at Nairobi Airport just before boarding for Thailand, the department in charge of the Kenyan Wildlife Service (KWS) said.

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Kenya : National coach Mulee resigns
on 2010/12/7 12:07:48


Kenya national football coach Jacob 'Ghost' Mulee has resigned after his side lost 2-0 to Uganda in a Cecafa Cup match in Dar es Salaam, according to the BBC. It was the third loss in a row for the Harambee Stars who now go home without a point.

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Kenya : Ocampo Six Mount Last Assault On Hague Trials
on 2010/12/6 13:16:34


Powerful people suspected to be on International Criminal Court (ICC) prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo's list of the six most wanted over the 2008 post-election violence have launched last-ditch efforts to block the impending prosecutions.

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Kenya : UK Saw Obama's Roots As Threats to Tie
on 2010/12/6 13:10:00


Britain feared that the election of Mr Barack Obama as US president could hurt London's relations with America because of the way Mr Obama's grandfather was treated by the British, according to leaked secret diplomatic documents.

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Kenya : Police vehicle explodes, one dead
on 2010/12/4 13:00:00


An explosive device hurled into a police van in Kenya killed one officer in what a police commander said appeared to be a terrorist attack.

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Kenya : PM Orders Arrest of Gay Couples
on 2010/11/29 12:10:00


Nairobi — Prime Minister Raila Odinga on Sunday ordered for the arrest of gay couples.

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Kenya : Kenya expects $2bn from climate project
on 2010/11/14 7:57:28


Kenya is on the move to launch a climate exchange platform which could earn the country close to $2bn (£1.2bn) a year, for the first time on the African continent. This project will facilitate the trading of carbon credits and help tackle climate change.

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Kenya : Kenya court orders release of Somali piracy suspects
on 2010/11/10 9:00:27


MOMBASA (Reuters) - A Kenyan court on Tuesday ordered the release of nine suspected Somali pirates, saying Kenya lacked jurisdiction to try them for crimes committed outside its territory.

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Kenya : Rise of Nairobi's Puppy Mill Industry
on 2010/11/7 8:58:42


Nairobi — Like a new father, Ben Samwel proudly shows off "his" newest brood -- a litter of eight 10-day-old black-and-white terrier puppies.

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Kenya : 17 suspected Somali pirates released
on 2010/11/7 8:45:02


A Kenyan court has released 17 Somali suspected pirates captured by the US Navy last year and accused of piracy.

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Kenya : Wheat Stem Rust Hits Rift Valley Farmers
on 2010/10/31 11:19:08


Mau Narok — Wheat stem rust, Ug99, continues to threaten the livelihoods of hundreds of farmers in Kenya's Rift Valley region as controlling it pushes up production costs.

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Kenya : Gov’t feels new constitution wave
on 2010/10/31 10:37:54


After the adaption of the long awaited new constitution in Kenya, which formed part of the agenda four in the formation of a coalition government brokered by former UN chief Kofi Annan, the heat of the new constitution is much felt within the corridors of high government offices.

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Kenya : Nairobi mayor arrested over graveyard scandal
on 2010/10/26 9:49:36


NAIROBI (Reuters) - The mayor of Nairobi was arrested on Monday to face charges over the fraudulent purchase of land to serve as a new cemetery for the Kenyan capital in the country's latest high profile corruption case.

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Kenya : Seven football fans die in stampede
on 2010/10/25 14:48:38


At least seven football fans have been confirmed dead in what has been described as a situation of stampede that broke out at the Nyayo National Stadium in Nairobi on Saturday night when the Kenyan Premier League Match between Gor Mahia and AFC Leopards was going on, local media has reported.

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Kenya : How Kenya Ministry Lost Billions in Shady Land Deals
on 2010/10/24 14:40:35


Nairobi — One of the most eagerly-awaited debates in Parliament will be on Tuesday afternoon as MPs discuss the damning report of a departmental committee which found taxpayers lost hundreds of millions of shillings in dodgy deals abroad.

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Kenya : Seven Dead in Football Stampede
on 2010/10/24 14:35:31


Nairobi — Seven football fans, including a young woman, died on Saturday night when a stampede broke out at a highly-charged Kenyan Premier League football match between Gor Mahia and arch-rivals AFC Leopards at the Nyayo National Stadium.

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Kenya : Porous border security tightened
on 2010/10/24 14:29:54


Security at the Kenyan-Somali border has been beefed up following clashes between Somali Pro-government forces and the rebel fighters of Al-shabaab.

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Kenya : اختار شركة لميناء مومباسا في مشروع التوسعة
on 2010/10/23 17:14:18

وقد فازت شركة الهولندية العطاء لتعميق قناة ميناء مومباسا ، التي يقول خبراء البحرية وتعزيز مكانة الميناء الاستراتيجي كمركز للشحن العابر في المنطقة.

وبرزت الشركة ، فان أورد الجرافات البحرية والمقاولون ، وأفضل في التقييمات ، والضرب ثلاث شركات تقدمت بعروض الآخرين الذين في نيسان / ابريل من هذا العام.

وأرجأ موانئ كينيا السلطة (الجيش الشعبي الكوري) والحفر (تعميق وتوسيع أو ممر مائي ، لا سيما واحدة مخصصة للشحن) من العام الماضي حتى البناء المخطط له لمحطة الحاويات الثانية بدأت.

وينبغي لبناء محطة الحاويات الثانية والتجريف للقناة ، والبدء في وقت واحد لأن المواد التي سيتم حصد من البحر وسوف تستخدم لاستعادة جزء من الأرض للمحطة الثانية. وقال الجيش الشعبي الكوري السيد مدير المشتريات Yobesh Oyaro هم في عملية إعداد وثائق العقد الذي سيوقعه قريبا حتى يمكن أن تبدأ أعمال الحفر بحلول الشهر المقبل أو في آخر في يناير من العام القادم.

القيود المحطة الطرفية
وفقدت ميناء مومباسا الأعمال المسافنة في ميناء دار السلام في العامين الماضيين بسبب القيود محطة الحاويات. خطوط الشحن التي ترسو في دار السلام مدير العمليات في الميناء المهندس جوزيف Atonga ميناء سعت منافذ بديلة بسبب تأخر السفينة طويلة ، وقال في مقابلة AMINKenya. أن مومباسا هو البديل الأمثل ، والتي يمكن الاستفادة فقط في الأعمال التجارية بمجرد بناء محطة الحاويات الثانية ونعرات القناة.

ومن شأن توسيع قناة تمكين المنفذ لاستيعاب أكبر السفن التي تفضل الخطوط الملاحية. قناة ميناء مومباسا لديه عمق المياه محدودة والطاقة الاستيعابية للميناء.

خبراء البحرية التأكيد على الحاجة إلى المسار السريع لتطهير الميناء وبناء محطة ثانية للاستفادة من إعادة الشحن التجارية بالفعل تحت التهديد من الموانئ الإقليمية الأخرى.
حالما يتم إنشاء قدرات كبيرة ، وسيكون الهدف عبر ميناء الشحن التجارية من سيشيل وموريشيوس وطنجة ، وزنجبار ومابوتو.[/left]

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