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Côte d'Ivoire : Five killed in Ivory Coast ahead of vote
on 2011/12/12 17:40:02
Côte d'Ivoire

Press TV
Ivory Coast Prime Minister Guillaume Soro has called on political parties and their candidates to stop violence after five people died in the run-up to Sunday's parliamentary elections.

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Côte d'Ivoire : Ivory Coast sees low elections turnout
on 2011/12/12 17:24:29
Côte d'Ivoire

Press TV
Ivory Coast's second parliamentary polls in 11 years have closed amid reports of low voter turnout in contrast to last year's massive presidential elections.

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Côte d'Ivoire : Ivorians vote in parliamentary elections
on 2011/12/12 17:20:45
Côte d'Ivoire

Press TV
People in Ivory Coast have gone to the polls to take part in the West African country's parliamentary elections, more than a year after presidential elections which entered the country into a period of violence and uncertainty.

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Côte d'Ivoire : Jittery I. Coast prepares for polls
on 2011/12/11 16:26:03
Côte d'Ivoire

Press TV
Ivory Coast is preparing for parliamentary elections in what seems to be a reminder of the tense run-up to the last year's presidential poll that plunged the country into months of deadly violence.

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Côte d'Ivoire : Ivory Coast election may bolster Ouattara rule
on 2011/12/10 15:03:54
Côte d'Ivoire

(Reuters) - The ruling coalition of President Alassane Ouattara looks set to sweep to victory in a parliamentary election in Ivory Coast on Sunday, easing the new leader's mammoth task of rebuilding a nation crippled by war.

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Côte d'Ivoire : Pro-Gbagbo parties split over Ivorian poll boycott
on 2011/12/8 12:22:11
Côte d'Ivoire

ABIDJAN (Reuters) - The head of the party once led by former Ivorian President Laurent Gbagbo hit out on Wednesday at political allies who have broken a boycott of Sunday's parliamentary elections, marking a fracturing in what was once a unified pro-Gbagbo bloc.

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Côte d'Ivoire : Ivory Coast's Gbagbo appears before ICC
on 2011/12/7 13:54:41
Côte d'Ivoire

(Reuters) - Former Ivory Coast president Laurent Gbagbo appeared at the International Criminal Court on Monday to face charges of crimes against humanity, the first former head of state expected to be tried by the court since its inception in 2002.

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Côte d'Ivoire : UN urges Ivorians to end standoff
on 2011/12/4 10:46:59
Côte d'Ivoire

Press TV
The United Nations envoy to Ivory Coast has called on the politicians of the West African nation to use the upcoming election to end the political standoff in the country.

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Côte d'Ivoire : Gbagbo faces charges of crimes against humanity: ICC
on 2011/12/3 11:40:58
Côte d'Ivoire

(Reuters) - Ivory Coast's former president Laurent Gbagbo will appear before the International Criminal Court within days to face charges of crimes against humanity, including murder and rape, the first former head of state to be tried by the ICC since its inception in 2002.

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Côte d'Ivoire : Gbagbo's ICC court appearance set for Monday
on 2011/12/3 11:31:08
Côte d'Ivoire

(Reuters) - Former Ivory Coast President Laurent Gbagbo will appear before the International Criminal Court next Monday, the first former head of state to be tried by the ICC since its inception in 2002, officials said.

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Côte d'Ivoire : Ouattara says no "victors' justice" in Ivory Coast
on 2011/12/3 11:24:08
Côte d'Ivoire

(Reuters) - Ivorian President Alassane Ouattara rejected accusations that he had imposed "victors' justice" on his civil war rival by transferring him to the International Criminal Court in The Hague.

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Côte d'Ivoire : Gbagbo's ICC court appearance set for Monday
on 2011/12/1 14:01:08
Côte d'Ivoire

AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - Former Ivory Coast President Laurent Gbagbo will appear before the International Criminal Court next Monday, the first former head of state to be tried by the ICC since its inception in 2002, officials said.

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Côte d'Ivoire : Gbagbo faces charges of crimes against humanity: ICC
on 2011/12/1 13:58:22
Côte d'Ivoire

THE HAGUE (Reuters) - Ivory Coast's former president Laurent Gbagbo will appear before the International Criminal Court within days to face charges of crimes against humanity, including murder and rape, the first former head of state to be tried by the ICC since its inception in 2002.

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Côte d'Ivoire : ICC has issued warrant for Ivory Coast's Gbagbo: lawyer
on 2011/11/30 12:00:57
Côte d'Ivoire

(Reuters) - The International Criminal Court has issued an arrest warrant for ousted Ivory Coast President Laurent Gbagbo, his France-based lawyer said on Tuesday.

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Côte d'Ivoire : Former Ivorian president arrives to face ICC
on 2011/11/30 11:57:51
Côte d'Ivoire

(Reuters) - A plane carrying former Ivory Coast President Laurent Gbagbo, facing an arrest warrant by the International Criminal Court, arrived at Rotterdam airport Wednesday, a Reuters witness said.

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Côte d'Ivoire : Ivory Coast's Gbagbo on way to ICC to face warrant: lawyer
on 2011/11/30 11:43:39
Côte d'Ivoire

(Reuters) - Former Ivory Coast leader Laurent Gbagbo was on a flight to the Hague-based International Criminal Court on Tuesday to face an arrest warrant issued by the global body, his lawyer said.

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Côte d'Ivoire : Paris Club cuts Ivory Coast's debt burden
on 2011/11/17 14:53:14
Côte d'Ivoire

PARIS (Reuters) - The Paris Club of creditor nations said members agreed on Tuesday to reduce the Ivory Coast's foreign debt burden and said reforms underway should lead to further relief.

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Côte d'Ivoire : Some Gbagbo allies freed, but FPI to miss Ivorian poll
on 2011/11/10 12:50:56
Côte d'Ivoire

ABIDJAN (Reuters) - Ivory Coast's government has freed on bail a handful of allies of jailed former president Laurent Gbagbo as part of a deal to see his camp take part in a parliamentary poll, but his main FPI party is still set to boycott the vote.

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Côte d'Ivoire : ICC says to investigate 2 to 6 actors in Ivorian war
on 2011/10/17 16:33:40
Côte d'Ivoire

ABIDJAN (Reuters) - An International Criminal Court investigation into Ivory Coast's post-election conflict will focus on two to six people thought most responsible for atrocities, the prosecutor said during a visit to the country.

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Côte d'Ivoire : Ivory Coast launches post-conflict quest for truth
on 2011/9/29 14:35:35
Côte d'Ivoire

YAMOUSSOUKRO (Reuters) - Ivory Coast has launched a South Africa-style truth and reconciliation commission on Wednesday to try to heal the wounds of a post-election conflict that killed more than 3,000 people and drove a million from their homes.

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