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Malawi : Malawi: Food security experts to brainstorm
on 2010/6/1 17:32:26


The European Union (EU) has pooled together experts to impart skills in the harmonisation of food hygiene inspection in Africa. The European continental body has teamed up with its African liaise, the African Union Commission (AUC).

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Malawi : Malawi leader meets Ban Ki-moon, pardons gay couple
on 2010/5/30 12:35:53


LILONGWE (Reuters) - Malawi President Bingu wa Mutharika on Saturday pardoned a gay couple sentenced to 14 years in jail after he held a meeting with U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.

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Malawi : 184 Somalis arrested in Malawi
on 2010/5/30 12:11:59

africa news

At least 184 Somali immigrants have been arrested in Malawi as they were trying to enter the country illegally.

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Malawi : UNAIDS tips Mutharika to lead G8 campaign
on 2010/5/30 12:11:12

africa news

UNAIDS and the Global Fund believe African Union (AU) chairman and Malawi President Bingu wa Mutharika's voice should be upfront in the campaign for the G8 to replenish funds. Anti Aids, tuberculossis and malaria, Africa's main killers, would benefit from the development, they say.

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