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Afran : Heritage says concerned at Uganda asset sale delay
on 2010/4/6 17:21:21

KAMPALA (Reuters) - Explorer Heritage Oil has expressed concern at Uganda's slow pace in approving the sale of Heritage's assets to London-based explorer Tullow Oil.

The east African country discovered oil in 2006 in the Lake Albert region along the border with the Democratic Republic of Congo, DRC, and production is expected to begin later this year. Exploration companies estimate reserves at 2 billion barrels.

Tullow is in the process of acquiring Heritage's 50 percent equity in two jointly owned exploration blocks -- 1 and 3A -- and has applied to the government to sell stakes on to the China National Offshore Oil Corporation, CNOOC, and France's Total.

A top Ugandan energy official had said that the government expected to deliver its decision on the purchase of Heritage's assets by April.

In a March 23 letter to Uganda's Energy Minister Hilary Onek seen by Reuters on Monday, Heritage asked the government to explain why there was a delay in approving the sale.

"There can be no doubt now that written consent has been withheld or delayed," Heritage said.

"We would therefore be grateful for your explanation as to what are the reasons ... causing written consent to be withheld or delayed."

Ugandan officials were not immediately available for comment.

Heritage said previous discussions with government officials had made them believe that government approval would be completed in time for completion of the transaction by the end of March.

In its letter, Heritage reiterated its commitment to the transaction, but said delaying it could hurt Uganda's image abroad as an investment destination.

"Delays will also put the assets themselves at risk because while the proposed sale to Tullow is effectively in limbo, government cannot expect significant investment or activity to be pursued in the blocks," it said.

Tullow gave assurance that while there was a delay in completing the process, it was going smoothly.

"The purchase and sale process has the unequivocal support of the Government of Uganda," Brian Glover, its Uganda country manager, said in a text message to Reuters.

"And while the approval process is taking longer than we and Heritage might have hoped, it is proceeding satisfactorily and in a normal fashion."

Afran : Army retakes airport after clash in north Congo
on 2010/4/6 17:20:48

KINSHASA (Reuters) - U.N.-backed government forces retook a Congolese provincial airport from rebels on Monday, an army officer said, following heavy fighting since Sunday in which two U.N. workers and several soldiers and police died.

The attack on Mbandaka, capital of Congo's northern Equateur province, marked the spread of an insurgency that began over fishing rights and underscored the central African nation's continued dependence on peacekeepers ahead of a gradual withdrawal expected to start in June.

"We have taken back control of the airport. It is now in our hands," Congolese General Janvier Mayanga told Reuters by telephone from Mbandaka on Monday. "Several soldiers and police have been killed," he said, without giving details.

Enyele rebels, who are from the country's remote north and are not linked to higher profile rebel conflicts in the east, attacked the town on Sunday and seized the airport where the world's largest U.N. mission has aircraft stationed.

Mayanga said the rebels, who mounted a series of ambushes around the airport, fled into the surrounding forest where the army was pursuing them. Peacekeepers from the U.N. mission, known as MONUC, took part in the counterattack.

"MONUC is here too -- they supported us and have done a lot of work to really help us," said Mayanga.

The U.N. mission has been central to efforts to pacify Congo since a 1998-2003 war in which millions died.

But the mission is under government pressure to start a withdrawal of its troops in June when the vast state celebrates 50 years of independence from Belgian colonial rule, and should leave completely by 2011 when it is scheduled to hold elections.

Congo, which relies heavily on revenues from its mining industry, is seeking to attract new investment to develop its promising oil reserves and is hoping to win a deal from the World Bank and IMF in the coming months to wipe out the bulk of its $11 billion in debt.


Most of the U.N's near-22,000 peacekeepers are based in Congo's east, where they are helping the government try to oust Rwandan Hutu rebels. The force is stretched and also faces local rebellions and Ugandan rebels in the remote northeast.

"As long as insecurity persists throughout (Congo), and the Congolese government and military are incapable of resolving crises such as Equateur independent of international support, the drawdown of the U.N. mission remains premature," advocacy group Refugees International said in a report last week.

The organisation said more than 200,000 people have fled violence since a dispute over fishing rights between rival tribes flared in October and a local witchdoctor led an attack on Dongo, 100 km (62 miles) north of Mbandaka, killing hundreds.

Equateur's Vice Governor Vincent Mokako said the town had been taken by surprise on Easter Sunday when 100-150 fighters attacked as people were attending mass, and that the civilian population was still hiding in its houses on Monday.

Analysts said a long-standing row between the Enyele, a sub-tribe of the Lobala, and the Boba, may have been hijacked by groups seeking to foment trouble in the region, which was once favoured by government but is now an opposition stronghold.

"The place has been starved of any government support since Mobutu was kicked out," said a diplomat, referring to Congo's dictator Mobutu Sese Seko, who was from the province and poured money into it for decades until he was ousted in 1997.

Since Mobutu, the region's highest profile politician has been former rebel leader Jean-Pierre Bemba. Having lost to President Joseph Kabila in 2006 polls, Bemba is now awaiting trial for war crimes at the International Criminal Court.

Afran : Tunisia: President Ben Ali Receives Prince Ahmed Ibn Abdulaziz Al-Saud
on 2010/4/6 17:19:04


Tunis — Tunisian-Saudi relations were the focus of President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali's meeting, on Monday afternoon, with Prince Ahmed Ibn Abdulaziz Al-Saud, Saudi Deputy- Interior Minister.

Following the meeting, Prince Al -Saoud stressed, the strong ties binding the two countries and commended the progress, security and stability prevailing in Tunisia.

He also said he had listened to the President of the Republic's pertinent advice and his keenness to safeguard the Tunisian people's interests and bolster Arab relations .

"A great hope is pinned on the persons of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, the Crown Prince of the Kingdom, the President of the Republic and all Arab leaders to achieve the Arab Nation's ambitions and aspirations" he said.

The meeting was attended by the Interior and Local Development Minister and the Ambassador of Saudi Arabia in Tunis.

Afran : Egyptian police arrest publisher of ElBaradei book
on 2010/4/6 17:19:04

CAIRO (Reuters) - Egyptian police have arrested the publisher of a book about former UN nuclear watchdog chief Mohamed ElBaradei and his calls for political change in Egypt ahead of elections this year and next, a security source said.

ElBaradei, who returned to Egypt in February after 12 years as head of the Vienna-based International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), has said he would consider running for president if certain conditions were met.

Ahmed Mahanna, head of Dawan publishing house, was arrested on Saturday, the source said.

ElBaradei, in a twitter statement, said: "The detention of a publisher of a book about me and my ideas of reform shows a repressive regime afraid of its own shadow."

The book "ElBaradei and the Dream of the Green Revolution" was written by Egyptian journalist Kamal Gabrayal, who also works in the state-run Roze al-Yusef publishing house, which publishes a daily newspaper and a weekly magazine.

"Officials from national security attacked the house at 1:00 a.m. and my son was not there so they called him from his mother's mobile phone and told him to return. They said: 'we want you and are waiting for you at home'," independent newspaper al-Shorouk quoted Mahanna's father as saying on Sunday.

ElBaradei has called for a new constitution with checks on power, guarantees of a fair vote and better respect for human rights. He has begun an on-the-road campaign to petition for reforms, attending Friday Muslim prayers in Cairo and travelling to Mansoura, a provincial capital in the Nile Delta.


Analysts have said ElBaradei's call for change is unlikely to force reform to the constitution, which makes it nearly impossible for any person to run for the presidency against the ruling party, headed by President Hosni Mubarak, 81, who has ruled Egypt for almost 30 years.

Other analysts, however, have pointed to ElBaradei's use of the media and public appearances, such as attending the Coptic Easter festival on Saturday, which have brought him face to face with senior government officials.

"ElBaradei's presence at the Coptic Easter festival showed his political intelligence," Nader Shukri, an expert on Coptic affairs in Egypt, told Reuters.

His attendance was well received by Copts in Egypt, Shukri said. A Facebook group has been set up by Egyptian Copts to promote ElBaradei as president.

A supporter of ElBaradei and former senior judge, Mahmoud El-Khoudairy, told Reuters some weeks ago the government would detain ElBaradei's supporters to pressure him to abandon his political platform.

"The government might not be able to do anything to ElBaradei due to his current popularity and that the whole world knows him, but they can simply arrest his supporters and without his supporters, what will he do? Nothing," he said.

A parliamentary election is expected in December followed by the presidential election next year.

Afran : Tunisia: Gabes - Export Volume Soars
on 2010/4/6 17:18:37


Tunis — The evolution of exports in the governorate of Gabes, for the first months of 2010, has witnessed an increase up to 56% of demand on products on Tunisian Chemical Group, 42% on agricultural products and food and 22% on textiles and clothing.

In January 2010, the volume of exports grew up to 48%, amounting to 92 million 440, 000 dinars, against 62 million 200, 000 dinars during the same period of 2009.

In 2009, exports recorded in the region 1, 378 million dinars, posting an increase of 33%.

With 853 million dinars, the Tunisian Chemical Group has the lion's share of growth. The distribution among the various subsidiaries shows that exports of manufacturing industries, agricultural products and food, followed an upward curve of 64%, while exports of textiles and clothing dropped by 2%.

Afran : Egypt court orders top Brotherhood men released
on 2010/4/6 17:18:15

CAIRO (Reuters) - An Egyptian criminal court on Sunday ordered the release of 16 senior members of the banned Muslim Brotherhood group who were detained in February.

Egyptian authorities had accused the senior members of trying to set up training camps to stage attacks in Egypt.

"The court has issued its decision but we are awaiting the execution of the verdict...and this is not guaranteed because this is a political case," the Muslim Brotherhood's lawyer Abdel-Moneim Abdel-Maksoud told Reuters.

Among the released members are deputy leader Mahmoud Ezzat and Essam al-Erian, spokesman for the group and member of its governing body. Abdel-Rahman Al Bir and Mohi Hamed, also governing body members, were ordered released.

The court set bail at 5,000 Egyptian Pounds for each member except Mohamed Abdel Ghani and Mohamed Elewah, who are in hospital, Abdel-Maksoud said.

The Brotherhood, though banned, won a fifth of the seats parliament in 2005 when members ran as independents but since then the authorities have squeezed the Islamist group out of mainstream politics.

Analysts expect the group's support to shrink at the parliamentary elections in the second half of this year.

The government of President Hosni Mubarak, whose predecessor was gunned down by Islamic militants, is wary of any group with Islamist leanings, including the Brotherhood which long ago renounced violence and insists it seeks peaceful reform.

Afran : Uganda: Shell Kenya Exit to Dull Market Share
on 2010/4/6 17:18:14


Nairobi — Shell Oil Products last week confirmed that it is exiting the Kenyan market in a move that sets the stage for fresh realignments in the local competitive oil market.

The firm said in a statement from Johannesburg that it is exiting 21 African countries including Kenya as it turns its focus on the lucrative oil exploration and production business.

"This decision is part of our drive to refocus our global downstream footprint into fewer, larger markets," Xavier le Mintier, executive vice president, Shell Oil Products Africa said in the statement.

Early indications suggest there are a number of potential buyers interested in acquiring the businesses as going concerns and we will now enter into a round of negotiations, with a view to securing the optimum outcome for our shareholders, customers and staff, he said.

Players in the oil market reckon that OiLibya is the front runner to snap up the assets at an estimated price of $2 billion (about Shs4 trillion) for Shell's African operations.

If this comes to pass, it would alter the market share landscape in the local oil industry catapulting OiLibya to the top of market rankings.

OiLibya market share stood 9.9 per cent in December and Shell's was at 17.2 per cent, which adds up to a combined market share of 27.1 per cent.

Total is the market leader with a 23.6 per cent share which it assumed upon acquiring Chevron assets last year.

Shell will be following in the footsteps of five other oil multinationals such as Chevron, BP, Mobil, Esso and Agip that have exited the Kenyan market in recent years citing low profit margins.

But Shell which is the third largest company in terms if revenues, suggested that its African operations are profitable, notably for relatively smaller firms.

"The businesses under review in Africa are profitable and professionally run. They have strong positions in their respective markets and offer ample scope for growth to owners willing to invest in them," said Mr Mintier.

As western multinationals continue to reduce their presence in East Africa, oil firms from Asia and North Africa have been keen to increase their foothold in the region

For instance, OiLibya made an entry into Kenya in 2007 after acquiring Exxon Mobil while India's Reliance Industries Limited acquired Gapco in April 2007.

Essar from India also acquired a controlling stake in Kenya's sole refinery last July and have announced plans to enter the retail market through a buyout of an existing player.

Source at Energy Regulatory Commission reckon that the exit of Shell look set to dampen the market share war that has translated in lower margins and reduced prices at the pump.

"Kenya Shell has been a moderating force in terms of prices," said an ERC director.

Afran : Fighters kill UN peacekeeper in north Congo attack
on 2010/4/6 17:17:43

KINSHASA (Reuters) - Dozens of unidentified fighters attacked a provincial capital in northern Democratic Republic of Congo on Sunday in a battle that has so far left one U.N. peacekeeper dead, U.N. officials said.

At least 30 fighters believed to be part of a mushrooming ethnic conflict in the region crossed the Congo River by boat to Mbandaka, capital of Congo's northern Equateur province, attacking the governor's residence and taking control of the city's airport in a surprise assault on Congolese and U.N. forces, a U.N. official said.

"There is heavy fighting going on right now, especially around the airport," Madnodje Mounoubai, spokesman for the U.N. mission MONUC, told Reuters by telephone. "There is one (peacekeeper) dead, Ghanaian."

He added that a U.N. contractor has also died of a heart attack during the fighting.

The Mbandaka assault is thought to be separate from an ongoing conflict between U.N.-backed forces and rebels in Congo's east and marks an escalation in the northern region, where violence erupted last year between ethnic groups over fishing access.

"We think (the fighters) are the Enyele, a group that started fighting six months ago claiming fishing rights, but now they are far from their land and we don't know what they want," U.N.'s Mounoubai said.

More than 200,000 Congolese have fled their homes in Equateur in the past six months due to the violence between the Lobala and Boba tribesmen, said aid agency Refugees International. The Enyele are a sub-tribe of the Lobala.

In Sunday's fighting, more than 100 troops from Congo's national army chased the rebels, who U.N. sources said numbered at least 30, out of town towards the airport where MONUC has aircraft stationed.

"There are many of them and they took us by surprise but we chased them and they fled to the airport," General Janvier Mayanga, operational commander for the region for the FARDC national army, told Reuters by telephone from Mbandaka.

"We have already started the counter-attack to take back the airport," he said.

U.N. peacekeepers stationed at the airport along with U.N. contractors at a fire station beside it -- both about four and a half miles (7 km) from the riverside governor's residence -- retreated into the surrounding bush.

Neither U.N. nor army sources could confirm if there were any civilians killed in the fighting, but sources in the area said hundreds were sheltering in churches after Easter Sunday services.

The attack comes as Congo seeks the withdrawal of MONUC's almost 22,000 peacekeepers by next year. Most of the MONUC forces are in the east of the country where a U.N.-backed mission to oust Rwandan Hutu rebels is taking place.

"That they have managed to overrun the capital of the province is totally unprecedented for the last few years and what's happened is very serious, especially in the context of the drawdown of MONUC," said a Western diplomat.

"No one really knows who's behind it, but the impact for the country and for MONUC is going to be tremendous."

Afran : Zambia: Catholic Church Disowns Father Bwalya ... He's Not Spokesperson for the Catholics
on 2010/4/6 17:17:41


THE Roman Catholic Church has distanced itself from a statement by Change Life Zambia Director Frank Bwalya claiming that President Rupiah Banda's attendance of the Good Friday celebrations at St Ignatius was a mockery to the Catholics.

And the Zambia Episcopal Conference (ZEC) has also distanced itself from the statement made by Fr Bwalya that President Rupiah Banda should not have attended the Good Friday mass in the Catholic Church.

ZEC spokesperson Paul Samasumo said Father Bwalya was not a spokesperson for the church and what he said were his own personal views.

The church described Fr Bwalya's statement as one aimed at denting the image of St Ignatius and yet he did not represent the parish in any way.

Superior of the St Ignatius Parish, Charles Chilinda said there was no wrangle between the Government and the catholics and advised the president not to respond to Fr Bwalya's seven days ultimatum to apologise to the catholics because that was not the ultimatum from the catholics but from Fr Bwalya.

And St Ignatius, Vice-Parish Council chairperson Evaristo Njelesani said as a parish, it welcomed people who wanted to fellowship with them and that Easter was a big event in the Catholic Church and attendance was open to everyone.

Speaking at a Press briefing in Lusaka yesterday at St Ignatius, Father Chilinda said the Catholic Church was grateful and humbled to see President Banda, Patriotic Front (PF) leader Michael Sata and Forum for Democracy and Development (FDD) leader Edith Nawakwi as it was a big inspiration to unity.

" Fr Bwalya is not speaking for St Ignatius; he is from Copperbelt, we can only speak for ourselves and what we are saying is that the president must not apologise, let him ignore the ultimatum because Fr Bwalya is speaking for himself and not the Church, Fr Bwalya has no authority over St Ignatius," he said.

He said Fr Bwalya was using any opportunity to champion his mission and urged him to stop using the media to create an impression of enmity between President Banda and Mr Sata when in actual fact they were good friends.

Fr Chilinda said the Catholic Church brought everyone together and that it would continue welcoming the president each time he wanted to join them in prayers because the Church was the house of the Lord.

He said politics should be influenced by Christian values which was not the situation saying what was being witnessed was politics of conflict and unChristian events and utterances.

Fr Chilinda has advised the media to stop focusing on the negatives each time they write their articles as Friday's function was aimed at promoting unity, peace and love.

"There is no better time for reconciliation than this one, let's have a media that promotes peace," he said.

Father Samasumo said only he and the secretary general of ZEC Joe Komakoma were official spokespersons for the church.

He said if a bishop spoke, his views could also be taken as the official position of the church and not any other priest.

Father Samasumo said the church at St Ignatius Parish invited Mr Banda to be one of the congregants at the special church service as a way of building solidarity, unity and reconciliation among people in the country.

He said among those invited were Mr Sata, Ms Nawakwi and United Party for National Development (UPND) president Hakainde Hichilema.

"There is no way we can invite someone and later start condemning him for attending our church service," Fr Samasumo said.

He said the statement by Fr Bwalya was unfortunate.

The church was reacting to Fr Bwalya's statement in which he gave President Banda a seven-day ultimatum to apologise to the Catholic Church failure to which the church would make him feel unwelcome whenever he attends any service for the rest of his life.

Fr Bwalya was quoted on QFM Radio and the online publication as having said that President Banda's attendance of the Good Friday celebrations at Saint Ignatius Catholic Church last Friday should be viewed as a mockery to the Catholic Church by all Zambians.

Speaking to QFM in a telephone interview yesterday, Fr Bwalya said the action by the president was not different from that of former president Chiluba when he went to the same church and received communion when he knew it was wrong for him to do so.

He said it was wrong for the president to attend the celebration because he is presiding over a government that has accused the Catholic Church of promoting genocide in the country.

He said the action was an act of insult to Catholic priests.

Afran : Zambia: PF MPs to Decampaign Sata
on 2010/4/6 17:17:11


OPPOSITION Patriotic Front (PF) members of Parliament from Luapula Province have declared that they will decampaign party leader Michael Sata for allegedly trying to secretly concession land in the province.

The MPs have also told Mr Sata to forget about getting votes from the people of Luapula Province in the 2011 elections.

Speaking on behalf of the other MPs, Luapula Member of Parliament Peter Machungwa said yesterday that Mr Sata's secret deals were likely to put the country at risk.

Reacting to revelations by former PF general secretary Edward Mumbi that Mr Sata's US$27,000 was meant for land which he allegedly promised to give to a team of foreign business people had he won the 2006 elections, Dr Machungwa said Mr Sata should not be entrusted with the running of the nation because his actions were likely to put Zambia at risk.

He said it was now evident that Mr Sata was not the right person for the country's highest office saying the opposition leader would concession the entire country if given the instruments of power to rule Zambia.

Dr Machungwa also said the PF leader had also told his donors that apart from the nine known Zambian provinces, there was also a 10th province called Muchinga Province in Northern Province.

He said the people of Northern Province should also be careful with Mr Sata because they may one day just wake up and find that part of their land had been concessioned.

"In fact there is already a PF chairperson for Mr Sata's Muchinga Province. According to Mr Sata, Northern Province is divided into two areas. This should be of great concern for the people in the province because something fishy may secretly have happened for the PF to come up with such a province," he said.

Dr Machungwa, who is also spokesperson for the PF MPs attending the National Constitution Conference (NCC) declared that the MPs from Luapula Province would now gang up and explain Mr Sata's secret dealings to the electorate in the province.

He said the revelation that Mr Sata promised to give land to a group of foreign business people was sad and urged Zambians to be careful with some leaders they entrust with power to run the nation.

"Let us be careful as Zambians and not elect leaders that are fond of making secret deals to only benefit themselves. As MPs from Luapula Province we will now tell our electorate why they should not vote for Mr Sata. We will explain the secret deals Mr Sata has been making on Luapula land," he said.

He said Mr Sata's failure to explain the source of US$27,000 was a sign that the money was not genuinely obtained.

Dr Machungwa said Mr Sata's exposed secret deals should be an eye-opener for Zambians and should not be taken lightly, especially that the person who disclosed the issue was a former PF general secretary who once worked closely with the PF leader.

On Friday, Mr Mumbi disclosed that the controversial US$27,000 grabbed from Mr Sata in South Africa was given to him for a deal to concession a mineral-rich piece of land in Luapula Province to a team of foreign business people had he won the 2006 elections.

Afran : Zambia: Red Card Campaign Misplaced - Chief Mukuni
on 2010/4/6 17:16:45


SENIOR Chief Mukuni has advised Roman Catholic priest Frank Bwalya to reconsider his stance on the Red Card Campaign which he said was misplaced and not making any sense.

Senior Chief Mukuni of the Toka Leya people of Kazungula District in Southern Province said instead of politicking, the Catholic clergy should return to the pulpit.

"Let him get back to the pulpit. I am a Catholic and I don't support what he is doing. He is my priest and I urge him to go back and conduct mass," he said in an interview on Saturday.

He said Zambians did not understand the real value of Father Bwalya's Red Card Campaign which he said if not checked could plunge the country into chaos.

He said the Red Card Campaign by Fr Bwalya was an elitist campaign which had no bearing on the Zambian masses.

"The so called Red Card Campaign is neither here nor there. It is an elitist campaign and the people don't know about it," he said.

Senior chief Mukuni said just like the assistant parish priest at Saint Ignatius in Lusaka had preached during Easter Day Celebration mass which was attended by most of the political party leaders, Easter period should be a period of love and reconciliation.

Senior Chief Mukuni said the country experienced a pleasant Easter weekend which should be cemented by the leaders' unity of purpose.

The chief, who owns Mukuni Big five safaris, said it was pleasing to note that local tourism had increased during the Easter holiday weekend.

He urged other tour operators to give reasonable discounts to the local tourists so that they could be accorded a chance to view tourist attraction facilities.

Meanwhile, the MMD in Western Province has challenged Fr Bwalya and other civil society organisations advocating the Red Card Campaign to register it as a political party so that it can challenge the MMD in the coming general elections.

Western Province MMD chairperson Simasiku Namakando in an interview yesterday said those advocating the red card campaign were behaving as a political party wanting to remove the MMD from office.

Mr Namakando said those advocating for the Red Card Campaign had departed from the church and their intentions were clearly not in the interest of the nation.

He said people from Western Province would not welcome anyone advocating the Red Card Campaign because they were mature citizens who knew what was good and bad for them.

" It is not necessary for the Zambian people to be incited to join the Red Card Campaign which is operating like a political party aimed at removing the MMD from power, the best it can do is register it as a party and then challenge it when we go for general elections," he said.

He said NGOs and churches should not be a group of people who preached anarchy and chaos but peace in Zambia.

Afran : Nigeria: Jonathan Orders Probe Into Rimi's Death
on 2010/4/6 17:16:15


Acting President Goodluck Jonathan today expressed shock over the sudden death of former Governor of Kano State, Alhaji Abubakar Rimi, and has directed the inspector-General of Police, Mr Ogbonnaya Onovo to investigate the robbery incident which led to his death.

In a statement issued by the Senior Special Assistant to the Acting President on Media and Publicity, Mr Ima Niboro, described the late politician who is also a former Minister of Communication as unfortunate.

According to the statement, "the Acting President has directed the Inspector General of Police, Mr. Ogbonnaya Onovo, to investigate the circumstances surrounding the robbery incident, which reportedly led to shock, and then untimely death, of the late politician".

"Acting President, Dr. Goodluck Jonathan, has expressed shock and sorrow over the sudden death of former Governor of Kano State, former Minister of Communications, and former presidential aspirant, Alhaji Abubakar Rimi", the statement said.

Dr. Jonathan said Rimi's sudden passage was sad and unfortunate, coming at a time when the country needed his political counsel.

He described the late Rimi as one of the great leaders of the Nigerian nation, an astute politician and successful administrator. He said the late politician will always be remembered for his vibrant ideology and vocal advocacy for the rights of the Nigerian people.

"The nation will greatly miss his political experience and invaluable contributions to nation building," Jonathan said.

The Acting President extended profound condolences to the family of the late politician, the Government and people of Kano state, and the entire nation.

He prayed that the Almighty will grant all the strength and courage to bear this painful loss.

Meanwhile, the Acting President, Dr Goodluck Ebele Jonathan has expressed shock and sadness over the death of two distinguished members of the Nigeria senate, Senators Tawar Wada and Kawu Dukku representing Gombe North and Gombe South Senatorial Districts respectively in the National Assembly.

According to a statement issued by the Senior Special Assistant to the Acting President on Media and Publicity, Mr Ima Niboro, Jonathan said the sudden death of the two senators within a pace of 48 hours is indeed shocking.

Dr Jonathan described the death of the two Senators as a great loss to Gombe State, the National Assembly and the country at large. He stated that the past few days must have been trying for the State and the Senate, with the death of the two Senators within a span of 48 hours.

Dr Jonathan said both men passed at a time when the Nation needed their contributions most in the promulgation of laws to move the Nation forward.

He said that the lawmakers would be fondly remembered for their vibrant contributions to issues on the floor of the senate as well as their positive contributions to politics in Gombe and the country at large.

The Acting President condoled with Governor Danjuma Goje and the people of Gombe State, the Senate and the entire members and staff of the National Assembly on the passage of the Senators.

He also commiserated with the families of the deceased and prayed God to give them the fortitude to bear the loss.

Afran : Nigeria: CBN's N500 Billion Power Fund to the Rescue
on 2010/4/6 17:15:13


There is no gainsaying the fact that the greatest challenge of Nigeria's power industry apart from issues surrounding adequate gas supply to power plants and widespread and endemic corruption is the one of poor financing for the sector.

The near collapse of the nation's power sector has been a direct result of poor or inadequate funding over the decades, and where in recent past such funding is provided, it has been found to make its way into the private pockets of people who are supposed to be managing the resources in the sector.

It is therefore with a mixture of excitement and cynicism that stakeholders in the sector welcomed the recent announcement by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) of a N500 billion investment facility towards developing about 2,000 megawatts of power projects across major commercial and industrial cities in the country.

The CBN had at the end of the 213th Monetary Policy Council (MPC) Meeting on March 2, 2010, underlined the need for energizing reforms in critical sectors of the economy such as power and other economic infrastructure.

It decided, therefore, to continue with the quantitative easing policy by providing N500 billion facility for investment in debentures issued by the Bank of Industry (BOI) in accordance with Section 31 of the CBN Act 2007, for investment in power projects dedicated to industrial clusters.

According to the apex bank, the funds are to be channeled through the BOI for on-lending to DMBs at a maximum interest rate of 1.0 percent for disbursement of loans with a tenor of 10 15 years at concessionary interest rate of not more than 7.0 percent. Projects to be covered under the facility include 500MW for Lagos , 250MW for Kano , 200MW for Onitsha/Nnewi axis, and 200MW for Port Harcourt/Aba. Others include 225MW for Kaduna , 200MW for Funtua/Gashua/M-Fashi/Zaria, 200MW for Lokoja, and 200MW for Maiduguri/Gombe/Bauchi.

Speaking during the briefing, the Governor of CBN, Dr. Lamido Sanusi, noted that the nation's economic growth has been slowed by the crisis in the power sector, adding that government's ambition to grow the industrial base of the country and create jobs for the citizens was put in jeopardy by the epileptic energy situation.

To forestall the mismanagement of the, Sanusi added the fund would be channeled through the Africa Finance Corporation (AFC), pointing out that the institution has the expertise and global network to grow the fund and attract other facilities for investors in the power sector.

According to him, "It is expected that this fund will act as catalyst for the sector and through the participating banks more facilities could be attracted pointing out that the apex bank was worried over the low performance of the real sector of the economy which gave rise to many investors rushing to the capital markets few years ago. We felt that we need to push this fund into a sector that will encourage development and growth of the real sector and that was why we are looking at Power and industrial cluster areas but now that we know from your presentation what other requirements are, CBN will look at this fund will have to do a thorough job by incorporating all of this."

Sanusi cautioned on the need to avoid debt overhang and added that CBN statement was meant to provoke discussion so that the very best will come out of this scheme and for the benefit of all. He concedes that based on the financing needs of the power sector, the N500 billion is like drops of water into the ocean. "We know that N500 billion is a small amount when you look at the kind of investment required to get the power sector back on its feet, but we believe that it would have a significant impact on the sector, especially because the AFC that will be adviser on the fund would be able to attract more funding from abroad for this cause."

The CBN governor stressed that the AFC has qualified competent to manage the fund and any local bank that will participate in the scheme will have to meet AFC conditions for such business.

Meanwhile, the former Minister of Power, Dr. Lanre Balalola has advised the management of the CBN that a technical team be set up between his Ministry and the country's apex bank in order to ensure a holistic and effective application of the N500 billion set aside to boost development in the power sector.

The establishment of a technical team, Babalola said, was necessary because investment in power must take cognisance of the transmission, distribution and fuel supply if we are to avoid building white elephants or plants that will only work part of the time.

"We need to adopt a holistic approach on this issue by addressing all variables in a technical manner and the viability of such projects in the identified area," he noted.

He explained that this is the type of structure used worldwide to promote private sector in the development of power projects, adding that even in Africa, Ghana, Cote d'Ivoire and Algeria have used this structure to good effect.

According to him, not only is significant funding required in generation but also in transmission, distribution and fuel supply to effectively produce and deliver power to Nigerians for domestic and economic use.

He said there was the need to avoid the mistake of the past in citing and executing power projects where all the variables required for a functional and viable project are not properly considered before rushing into their development.

Babalola specifically stated that in addition to providing debt finance, CBN could further facilitate private sector investment and participation by playing a prominent role in the provision of guarantees and securitization, which are critical for ensuring long-term sustainability of power plants.

The former Minister listed other conditions that CBN should consider for effective utilisation of the facility and development of the power sector, including the establishment of a fund for the sector that provides credit support for Independent Power Projects. He added that, "A more central role should be played by the CBN in the provision of guarantees and securitization arrangement. The Bank should also provide assistance with hedging of foreign exchange rates."

Other alternatives suggested by Babalola Minister include the need for wider consultation with the Ministry of Power, NERC, PHCN, and TCN playing critical role in the development of the power system. "There should be awareness that solutions require a holistic approach which is not just generation focused but include not just transmission and distribution also the reform and deregulation of the sector," he stated.

Many experts on the sector have lauded the proposed funding for the sector, noting particularly its target of commercial and industrial clusters. They, however, noted that while it is the Federal Government's desire to reduce its funding of power sector projects, private investors should be given a level of comfort via the provision of guarantees and other forms of protection from investment losses in order for them to play a leading role in the new initative.

They argue that this funding does not have to come from the coffers of the government as international organisations like the World Bank, IMF and the UNDP can provide guarantee funding. It is therefore imperative that such agencies are carried along as the country proceeds with the reform programmes.

In an interview with our correspondent, the Country Director of the World Bank in Nigeria, Mr. Onno Ruhl emphasised the need for proper financing of the sector to be streamlined to give investors enough confidence in the sector. In addition to such guarantees, he said, other measures should be taken to send the right message to investors on the viability of investing in Nigeria 's electricity industry. Beyond persuading investors about the huge returns that can be reaped, adequate information on available policies to protect investors' interests is critical.

A key priority for most foreign investors will be the nature of regulations that clearly define and allow exit for investors and infrastructure.

In addition to focusing on power generation Ruhl said the country should lay emphasis on transmission and distribution. "It is not enough to focus on building generation plants, transmission is important too. It is a long-term issue that Nigeria has to look at, there is not enough investment over time, and the sector has reached a stage where it can not improve unless there is a conscientious effort to attract private investment," he said.

Beyond the issue of low investment in the sector over time, he said the government must ensure that appropriate tariff was collected from electricity consumers. He said the tariff been collected did not cover the cost of producing electricity, thus making it difficult, if not impossible, to carry out regular maintenance in the sector.

The World Bank's Senior Private Sector Specialist, Mr. Steven Dimitriyev, had in a recent press conference attributed the high cost of investment in Nigeria to electricity crisis, noting that private sector involvement holds the key to the rehabilitation of the sector. According to him, Nigeria 's economic growth was stunted as a result of the the epileptic state of the nation's power sector.

"Electricity crisis is the most important infrastructure bottleneck in Nigeria today. It is the main driver of Nigeria's high indirect cost," he said. Dimitriyev further stressed that unreliability of electricity costs an average 10 percent of sales per year to a typical Nigerian firm. "All types of firms experience power outages and 85 percent of them own generators, this is higher than any of Nigeria's comparator countries," he said.

Afran : Nigeria: More Indigenous Participation in Oil Sector Underway
on 2010/4/6 17:14:37


Abuja — After several years of insignificant presence in the oil sector, indigenous firms would soon receive an unprecedented backing that would lead to increased participation in that critical sector.

This would be made possible through the Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry Development Bill otherwise known as the Local Content Bill, which is set to be signed into law by Acting President Goodluck Jonathan.

The legislation makes provision for the establishment of a Nigerian Content Monitoring Board, which will oversee the implementation of the provisions of the law.

Chairman, House of Representatives Sub-Committee on Local Content, Hon. Tam Brisibe, said the Local Content Bill would regulate the activities of the multinational oil companies; ensure the full participation of Nigerians in the sector; and address the problems of mass unemployment and youth restiveness in the Niger Delta region.

It would be a departure from the past where issues of local content were governed by mere guidelines that were not binding on multinationals, he argued.

The new regime, according to the lawmaker, would put in place a clear cut legal framework for the supervision, coordination, monitoring and implementation of content policy in the industry.

Under the new law, all International Oil Companies (IOCs) operating in the Niger Delta are required to establish local offices in their areas of operation and not the old system of operating the oil wells in the region with offices mainly in Lagos and Abuja.

"Where applicable before carrying out any work or activity in Nigeria, the operator or other submitting a plan shall establish in the catchments area where the project is to be located, a project office where project management and procurement decision making are to take place, to the satisfaction of the Board," says the bill.

It also stipulates that Nigerian independent operators in the industry "shall be given first consideration in the award of oil blocks, oil field licences, oil lifting licences and shipping services, and all projects for which contracts are to be awarded in the Nigerian oil and gas industry; subject to the fulfilment of such conditions as may be specified by the minister, and there shall be exclusive consideration for Nigerian indigenous service".

It also requires the operators to ensure that more Nigerians are engaged in key sectors of the industry to enhance indigenous human capital development and technology transfer.

However, "where Nigerians are not employed because of their lack of training and requisite skills, the operator shall ensure, to the satisfaction of the Board that every reasonable effort is made within a reasonable time to supply such training locally or elsewhere.

"Such effort and the procedure for its execution shall be contained in the operator's employment and training plan while the operator shall report to the Board quarterly on employment and training activities for the reporting period and compare this to the employment and training plan".

According to the legislation, such report would include the number of new employees hired during the year and their places of residence at the time of hiring as well as their employment status.

It also spells out a clear career path for Nigerians in the industry as each operator is required to submit to the Board a succession plan for any position not held by Nigerians. Such succession plan is expected to provide for Nigerians to understudy each incumbent expatriate for a maximum period of four years after which the position shall be taken over by the Nigerian.

The bill, however, makes a provision of five per cent for management positions for expatriates to protect the interest of the investors.

There are strong indications that the acting president is itching to sign it into law because of the nexus between it and the post amnesty programme.

Brisibe disclosed at the weekend that a harmonised version of the bill was transmitted to the Presidency just before the parliament went on Easter break.

The legislator, who was Chairman, House Committee on Petroleum Resources (Upstream) when the bill was at its formative stage, expressed delight at the successful completion of the processes in the National Assembly.

He added that Jonathan would be writing his name in gold when he signs the bill.

The bill was initially passed by the House on Tuesday, November 17, 2009 and transmitted to the Senate for concurrence. Thereafter, the Senate passed it but with minor differences, thereby causing the two chambers to meet on Wednesday, February 10, 2010 to adopt a harmonised version.

The conference report on the legislation was adopted by the House on March 3, 2010.

Afran : Liberia: Cabinet Shifts Resurrect Old Faces
on 2010/4/6 17:13:51


The promised reshuffle in the government has been unveiled shifts in some ministries, resulting into the Sacking of Education Minister Dr. Joseph Korto - one of her longest serving Ministers, along with the Deputy Education Minister for instruction Ms. Hester Williams Kartakwe.

The changes at Education pre-empt s yet to be released audit that could indicate significant misuse of funds and paralysis within the Ministry.

Dr. Othello Gongar, a one-time Education Minister in the military junta, is the new man in charge of the Education Ministry.

Dr. Mator Kpangbai will replace dismissed minister Katakwe [sp] as Deputy Minister for Instruction. He has lived in the United States for years, where he served as a High school teacher.

Harrison Kahnweah, Mr. Charles Taylor's Superintendent for Nimba county, is now the country's Internal Affairs Minister.

Mr. Soko Sackor, who served as deputy Internal Affairs minister for Administration under Charles Gyude Bryant, the same position he held before. Others appointed are Col. Gabriel Budy, Deputy Commissioner for Operations, Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization and Al-Karley, who replaced Mr Gabriel Tarpeh as deputy police director for operation.

Afran : S.Korean oil tanker seized by Somali pirates
on 2010/4/5 11:07:40

SEOUL (Reuters) - A South Korean oil tanker was seized by pirates and its crew taken captive on Sunday, the South Korean foreign ministry said.

The Samho Dream was on its way to the United States from Iraq when it was hijacked off east Africa with a crew of five South Koreans and 19 Filipinos, the ministry said in a statement.

A Nairobi-based maritime group said the tanker had been seized by Somali pirates, and a pirate source named Mohamed said the ship was now heading for Haradheere, the port and pirates' base at which many ships are held during ransom negotiations.

The 319,000 dwt Samho Dream is South Korean-owned and registered in the Marshall Islands.

Sea gangs operating off Somalia have stepped up their attacks in recent months, making tens of millions of dollars in ransom from hijacking vessels in the Gulf of Aden and the Indian Ocean, often evading foreign navy patrols.

Afran : Senegal says to take back French military bases
on 2010/4/5 11:05:10

DAKAR (Reuters) - Senegal will take back military bases held by former colonial ruler France, President Abdoulaye Wade said on the eve of the West African country's 50th anniversary since independence on Sunday.

"I solemnly declare that Senegal is taking back, starting April 4, all the bases on our soil previously held by France," he said late on Saturday in a televised speech.

Senegal and France agreed in February on the drawdown this year of 1,200 French soldiers from an air base in the capital Dakar, one of three French bases still active in Africa.

France has had a continued military presence in the country since decolonisation in 1960.

Wade said Senegal's government would begin talks with French officials on the logistics of the handover.

Earlier on Saturday, Wade inaugurated a monument to the "African Renaissance" -- a $28 million statue of a man, woman and child looming over Dakar slightly taller than the Statue of Liberty -- to mark the 50th anniversary of independence.

More than a dozen heads of state, including Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe and Ivory Coast's Laurent Gbagbo, attended the statue's inauguration amid some complaints by residents the project was a waste of money in an impoverished country with crumbling infrastructure.

On Sunday the country marked independence day with a parade in Dakar.

Afran : Malema hails Zim’s empowerment drive
on 2010/4/5 10:48:48


Firebrand African National Congress youth president Cde Julius Malema yesterday saluted Zimbabwe’s indigenisation and empowerment programme saying that was the basis for waging the liberation struggle.

The tough-talking ANC youth leader said it was imperative that indigenous people take a keen interest in empowering themselves, as imperialists would never voluntarily hand over wealth to them.

He was addressing Zanu-PF youth wing members last night at New Donnington Farm near Norton, owned by Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Governor Gideon Gono.

"Having attained political freedom, you can’t shy away from economic emancipation," said Cde Malema, who had earlier during the day toured Zimplats Mine plant near Chegutu and Ngezi Mine in Mhondoro.

South Africa, said Cde Malema, had a lot to learn from Zimbabwe’s experience both in terms of land redistribution and black empowerment since Harare had attained its independence much earlier than Tswane.

While there might be criticism of Zimbabwe’s empowerment regulations, what was critical was the political will shown by the country’s leadership.

"As long as there is political will, nothing is impossible. As politicians we are activists but we have people to implement it — the technocrats, people whom we pay who should then polish our ideas. They should not tell us that it is not possible. Once they tell us that then they are firing themselves. But we should be told that it might take long to implement," he said.

He paid tribute to Dr Gono for the shrewd way he handled Zimbabwe’s economy, which he said, had been under siege by imperialist forces that imposed illegal sanctions.

"He has manoeuvred, even the best economists cannot explain how he did it to make the economy survive under sanctions," he said.

Cde Malema hailed President Mugabe for his visionary leadership, saying the President could not relinquish power when the enemy was bent on reversing the gains of the revolution.

"In South Africa we had (Oliver) Tambo, who served for 30 years as ANC leader without being challenged. All of us said we needed a unifying figure, " he said.

The ANC youth leader urged Zanu-PF youths to be vigilant and to conduct themselves in an exemplary way to attract more supporters.

Speaking at the same occasion, Dr Gono said he was not opposed to indigenisation and empowerment but his views had been misconstrued to mean that he did not want the economy to be in the hands of the majority.

"I can speak with certainty that nobody has come to where he is without the helping hand of this Governor. I know how painful it is to support a cause and get punished for it. My own children had to be expelled from schools abroad because of my support of this Government," said Dr Gono.

He implored the authorities to guard against situations where the elite would continue benefiting from the indigenisation policies at the expense of the majority poor.

"We are, however, witnesses when good policies have failed our people on the altar of implementation. We are also sounding our minister to be on the lookout for those who will be greedy. The process must not benefit those who have over the years benefited," he said.

Youth Development, Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment Minister Saviour Kasukuwere said the rich mineral deposits the country has should be fully utilised to build infrastructure such as hospitals and roads, among others.

It was high time that Zimbabweans benefited from the rich resources the country is endowed with, he said.

"The journey is going to be long, you need not to be faint-hearted," added Minister Kasukuwere.

He called for a deliberate policy by banks to have a 30 percent quota of their deposits reserved for lending to youths and the disadvantaged.

"We must support our youths, I am sure Dr Gono will help us in that regard," he said.

The Zanu-PF youth wing donated 10 heifers to ANC youth wing, as well as a bull to Cde Malema.

Minister Kasukuwere pledged 10 additional heifers.

The party’s national youth executive member, Cde Patrick Zhuwao, said the heifers would spur the recepients to look for grazing land, hence realise the need to redistribute land to the black majority.

Cde Malema, who arrived on Friday, is expected to leave today.

Afran : Government to name committee to help administer Marondera
on 2010/4/5 10:48:17


GOVERNMENT is working on appointing a special team to help administer Marondera Municipality and restore sanity at the local authority following reports that the MDC-T led council was firing workers aligned to Zanu-PF and replacing them with MDC-T sympathisers.

Local Government Minister Ignatius Chombo said on Wednesday that the names of the members of the team were yet to be made public as consultations were still in progress.

"We said no to that. No one should wear any political regalia at the workplace," said Minister Chombo.

According to reports, council workers who are not "favourites" of the councillors have not been paid for over six months.

The councillors also reportedly converted a council ambulance into a kombi to ferry them to and from meetings.

Minister Chombo said his visit to Marondera followed complaints by residents and employees of council who alleged they were victimised along party political lines.

He said workers were also not happy because only known MDC-T sympathisers were being allowed to wear party regalia during working hours. Minister Chombo said allegations were that workers were being hired on the recommendation of councillors, resulting in ill-qualified people getting into demanding jobs that required special skills.

The councillors are always at council offices bellowing directives to officials and making it difficult for them to work independently.

Residents complained that council was repossessing their stands on allegations of failure to develop.

Other complaints were that council was paying fines for public violence for MDC-T activists.

"We stopped council from paying a bill of US$9 800. The lawyer had come to collect the funds and we said no to that kind of abuse of public funds," he said.

"We reversed all the wrong decisions that the council had implemented. The ambulance is expected back on the road soon while all residents with residential stands should be allowed time to build. We all know the country was in economic difficulties," he said.

He said all parties were given an opportunity to express themselves.

Marondera-Hwedza Senator Cde Sydney Sekeramayi and Provincial Governor Cde Aenius Chigwedere attended the meeting. He said only 30 percent of the council revenue should go towards salaries and gave the council up to 15 April to devise a payment plan for the workers who have not been paid for six months.

Chairman of the workers committee, Mr Tobias Munyanduki, said problems on the payment of workers started when the new council told residents that they would not pay for water and other rates for six months.

Afran : Mangani is acting like a rottweiler dog – Kabimba
on 2010/4/5 10:47:55


LUSAKA lawyer Wynter Kabimba yesterday dared President Rupiah Banda's government to take Frederick Chiluba, the prime suspect in the Carlington maize scandal, back to court.

Commenting on home affairs minister Lameck Mangani's announcement that the Attorney General would advise the government on how to proceed with the Carlington maize scandal in which opposition FDD president Edith Nawakwi was implicated, Kabimba said Mangani was acting like a Rottweiler dog that had been unleashed by its master to pursue his political enemies.

“Mangani belongs to a group of coup plotters in the MMD that have actually hijacked the MMD using the advantage of ethnic numbers in the party. So he is really acting like a Rottweiler dog that has just been unleashed to pursue the enemies of his master,” Kabimba said. “He is not there to perform the functions of a Minister of Home Affairs. He is there for a specific purpose; to pursue the enemies of his master hence his unwarranted rantings.”

Kabimba challenged President Banda's administration to take Chiluba back to court if indeed their concern was about the money that was lost in the Carlington transaction.

“If Mr Mangani had been a genuine MMD member, he would have gone back to the record and realise that the prime suspect in the Carlington maize scandal is Frederick Chiluba, the man who is wining and dining with his master Mr Rupiah Banda,” Kabimba said. “And Edith Nawakwi was an agent, so how do you pursue Edith Nawakwi and at the same time rehabilitating Chiluba in the MMD? Chiluba had actually left the MMD purely on account that he was a suspect in the Carlington maize scandal in which Zambia lost millions and that money has never been recovered.”

Kabimba reminded Mangani that the Carlington maize scandal was even under scrutiny by the defunct Task Force on Corruption.

“On one hand you can see that they want to rehabilitate him Chiluba as a full member of the MMD with full privileges… attending all the state banquets, attending all the prominent funerals, attending on behalf of RB. And you want to pursue Edith Nawakwi who was sent by Chiluba in that transaction? What sense does it make to Mr Mangani?” Kabimba asked. “I challenge Mr Mangani that if indeed his concern is about the loss of the money, let them take Chiluba back to court because that matter was still under consideration by the Task Force, which they abolished.

“And if they find that Edith Nawakwi is the co-accused, then they can go to Edith Nawakwi as well. Otherwise, the only explanation left why Mr Mangani is doing what he is doing is that he is not there to perform the functions of a Minister of Home Affairs on behalf of the people of Zambia. He is there to silence the perceived enemies or political opponents of his master Rupiah Banda so that he continues in office unchallenged.”

Kabimba said Mangani was actually the worst Minister of Home Affairs that Zambia has ever had.

“But we also understand why he is doing that because he is not MMD. He just belongs to a group of people that has hijacked the MMD, that's what he is! So Mr Mangani should just own up. He should not waste our time. Every other day his statements are about Michael Sata, they are about Edith Nawakwi, they are about those that are definitely challenging the power of Rupiah Banda, that is all,” Kabimba said. “And nothing to do with internal security. It's a shame that we actually have such a man as Minister of Home Affairs. The route he is taking now is not in the interest of the people of Zambia. It is in the interest of Mr Rupiah Banda to remain unchallenged but we shall continue to challenge RB, and Mangani, at the end will be out of that office.”

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