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Chad : Over 50 people die in Chad cholera outbreak
on 2017/9/26 12:27:14

Click to see original Image in a new windowThe Chadian government says more than 50 people have died of cholera in the country since authorities declared an outbreak of the disease.

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Chad : Over nine million people in Lake Chad need food aid
on 2016/5/17 17:56:07

Click to see original Image in a new windowThe United Nations (UN) says more than nine million people living in the Lake Chad region are in dire need of food aid, blaming the Boko Haram Takfiri terrorist group for triggering the unrest in the area.

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Chad : UN condemns Lake Chad triple bombing
on 2015/12/7 18:17:53

Click to see original Image in a new windowThe United Nations (UN)’s Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has condemned a recent triple bombing attack by the Boko Haram terrorist group that killed at least 27 people on an island on the Chadian side of Lake Chad.

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Chad : Three blasts in Chad kill nearly 40 people
on 2015/10/11 19:12:06

Click to see original Image in a new windowNearly 40 people have been killed in three explosions in the Chadian city of Baga Sola near the border with Nigeria.

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Chad : 11 Chadian soldiers killed in Boko Haram attack: security source
on 2015/10/7 19:19:23

Click to see original Image in a new windowNigeria’s Takfiri Boko Haram militants have attacked a Chadian base near the border, killing 11 soldiers and injuring over a dozen others.

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Chad : Chad executes 10 Boko Haram militants by firing squad
on 2015/8/30 18:07:31

Click to see original Image in a new windowChad has executed at least 10 members of the Nigeria-based Boko Haram Takfiri militant group after they were found guilty of involvement in a series of deadly bomb attacks in the capital, N'Djamena.

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Chad : Security tightened in Chad's capital after bomb attacks
on 2015/6/17 17:09:55

Click to see original Image in a new windowOfficials in Chad have launched a sweeping security clampdown in the capital, N’Djamena, in the wake of purported Boko Haram attacks in the city.

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Chad : Many dead in twin Chad bomb attacks
on 2015/6/15 17:27:33

Many people have died after two assailants blew themselves up outside police headquarters and academy in the capital of Chad, whose forces have been on the frontline fighting Boko Haram militants, a police official says.Click to see original Image in a new window

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Chad : Chadian troops arrive in Cameroon to help fight Boko Haram
on 2015/1/18 18:07:39

Click to see original Image in a new windowA convoy of about 400 Chadian tanks, with hundreds of Chadian troops, has arrived in neighboring Cameroon to help fight Nigeria’s Boko Haram militants.

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Chad : UN Council to vote first step to C.Africa force
on 2013/10/9 13:16:25

The UN Security Council will vote a resolution on Thursday that takes the first steps toward sending a peacekeeping force to end anarchy in Central African Republic, diplomats said.

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Chad : Chad refugees in Cameroon start returning home
on 2012/12/7 21:33:34

Nearly 2,000 Chadian refugees who fled a 2008 civil war between rebels and government forces into Cameroon began leaving their camp to return to their home country.

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Chad : Flooding and locust plague add to Chad food crisis
on 2012/9/2 11:46:04

Chad warned Saturday that flooding of vast fields of crops and locust infestations had added to a severe food crisis in a country already battling chronic malutrition.

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Chad : Chad rebels threaten to advance on N'Djamena
on 2012/2/15 18:03:39

A Chadian rebel group based in the Central African Republic claimed Tuesday its forces were preparing an offensive that would position them within striking distance of N'Djamena.

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Chad : China-built refinery reopens in Chad
on 2012/2/7 15:13:08

Chad Monday announced it was reopening a major oil refinery it had earlier ordered shut because of a price dispute with its Chinese part-owners.

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Chad : Chad holds first local elections
on 2012/1/23 11:02:31

Voters in Chad went to the polls on Sunday for the first local elections in the central African country's history, after the ballot had been rescheduled several times.

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Chad : Chad president weds Janjaweed chief daughter
on 2012/1/21 11:19:34

Chad's President Idriss Deby Itno wed the daughter of the alleged Janjaweed militia leader on Friday at a ceremony attended by Sudan's president who is accused of war crimes in Darfur.

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Chad : Opposition unites for Chad's first local polls
on 2012/1/10 13:16:19

Chad's main opposition parties announced Monday they had formed a broad alliance to challenge President Idriss Deby Itno's ruling party in the central African state's first local polls.

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Chad : Deby Wins Disputed Election by Landslide
on 2011/5/11 12:42:07


Chad's incumbent president, Idriss Deby, has been returned to power in an election boycotted by the opposition, according to preliminary results published by the country's election commission.

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Chad : Chad leader poised to win vote boycotted by rivals
on 2011/4/26 16:47:23


N'DJAMENA (Reuters) - Chadians voted on Monday in an election almost guaranteed to secure President Idriss Deby a fourth term in office, as his main rivals boycotted the race.

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Chad : Chad's Deby set to win vote boycotted by opposition
on 2011/4/24 14:41:01


N'DJAMENA (Reuters) - Chadian President Idriss Deby is set to win a fourth term in an April 25 election following a boycott of the poll by major opposition candidates in the oil-producing Central African state.

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