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Equatorial Guinea : E Guinea soldiers need better image: vice president
on 2012/8/15 12:51:00
Equatorial Guinea

Equatorial Guinea's top defence official, the son of President Teodoro Obiang, toured military barracks Tuesday promising better living conditions in exchange for better behaviour.

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Equatorial Guinea : France seizes E. Guinea ruling family's mansion: justice
on 2012/8/4 11:38:19
Equatorial Guinea

France has seized the multi-million-dollar Paris mansion of Equatorial Guinea leader Teodoro Obiang Nguema's family as part of a graft probe involving his son, sources close to the inquiry said Friday.

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Equatorial Guinea : E. Guinea President Obiang puts relatives in power
on 2012/5/26 12:14:16
Equatorial Guinea

Equatorial Guinea President Teodoro Obiang Nguema has named two sons and a brother in the country's new government, after appointing Vincente Ehate Tomi as prime minister, national television reported.

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Equatorial Guinea : Equatorial Guinea government resigns
on 2012/5/20 15:56:26
Equatorial Guinea

The government of Equatorial Guinea's prime minister Ignacio Milam Tang resigned in line with a constitutional reform approved in November, the country's communications minister said Friday.

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Equatorial Guinea : Eq. Guinea probes corruption watchdog for slander
on 2012/4/18 11:42:32
Equatorial Guinea

Equatorial Guinea's public prosecutor has launched a probe into whether the head of the French wing of corruption watchdog Transparency International slandered the country, officials said Tuesday.

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Equatorial Guinea : Rights group calls for graft probe of UNESCO Obiang prize
on 2012/3/6 16:15:49
Equatorial Guinea

An anti-corruption campaign group called Monday for UNESCO's Equatorial Guinea-backed Obiang prize to be investigated as part of a graft probe into the French assets of African heads of state.

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Equatorial Guinea : Tutu, rights groups urge UNESCO to abolish Obiang prize
on 2012/2/28 17:55:22
Equatorial Guinea

South African Nobel Peace laureate Desmond Tutu on Tuesday joined a call by rights groups to abolish a UNESCO prize named after Equatorial Guinea's President Teodoro Obiang Nguema.

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Equatorial Guinea : French police search flat of E. Guinea president's son
on 2012/2/15 18:01:12
Equatorial Guinea

French police on Tuesday searched an upmarket Paris residence of the son of Equatorial Guinea's President Teodoro Obiang Nguema as part of a corruption probe, sources close to the matter told AFP.

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Equatorial Guinea : Equatorial Guinea voting in favour of constitutional change
on 2011/11/14 19:49:27
Equatorial Guinea

MALABO (Reuters) - Equatorial Guinea's proposed constitutional changes are on course to be approved after virtually all the results from 60 percent of the polling stations were in favour, according to a government statement on Monday.

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Equatorial Guinea : CAF confirms gender complaint
on 2010/11/28 11:34:10
Equatorial Guinea


The Confederation of African Football (CAF) confirms receipt of a protest from the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) over the gender status of a player of the Equatorial Guinea national women's team at the recent final match of the 7th Africa Women's Championship.

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Equatorial Guinea : E. Guinea denies fielding men in AWC
on 2010/11/23 14:53:37
Equatorial Guinea


Equatorial Guinea striker Genoveva Anonma rejected claims that they fielded male players in this month's African Women's Championship in South Africa. The Germany-based player was part of the team that helped their country to reach two successive finals of the continental tournament.

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Equatorial Guinea : E.Guinea confirms execution of convicted coup plotters
on 2010/8/29 11:13:37
Equatorial Guinea


DAKAR (Reuters) - Equatorial Guinea confirmed on Friday it had executed four former military officers convicted of an armed attack on its presidential palace last year, saying they were an "imminent" security risk.

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Equatorial Guinea : Human Rights Drowning in Oil
on 2010/8/25 12:01:54
Equatorial Guinea


Lisbon — The oil interests of Angola, Brazil and Portugal could pave the way for former Spanish colony Equatorial Guinea to become the ninth member of the Community of Portuguese Language Countries (CPLP) two years from now, despite the country's poor human rights record.

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Equatorial Guinea : Envoy Denies UNESCO Award Glorifies Equatorial Guinea Leader
on 2010/7/5 13:07:20
Equatorial Guinea


An envoy from Equatorial Guinea has denied that a decision by a U.N. agency to establish an award in the name of President Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo is intended for his glorification.

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Equatorial Guinea : Equatoguinean dictator snubbed by UNESCO
on 2010/6/16 11:52:54
Equatorial Guinea


The US$ 3 million award money donated by Teodoro Obiang Nguema, Dictator of Equatorial Guinea since 1978, is put on ice by UNESCO, fearing its reputation. Mr Obiang is foaming against "a hidden racist and neo-colonial attitude."

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