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Mauritania : 3 crew members die in Mauritania wreckage
on 2012/12/3 18:18:42

Three crew members including one Senegalese national perished and the fourth went missing after their boat sank in the Mauritanian waters near Nouadhibou, the economic capital, a security source told Xinhua on Monday.

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Mauritania : Mauritanian president returns to France
on 2012/11/30 18:38:43

Mauritania's President Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz left Nouachott Friday, saying he was going back to France for "planned medical tests," less than a week after returning to Mauritania from Paris.

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Mauritania : Mauritanian president to remain in Paris for longer period
on 2012/10/29 18:21:57

The Mauritanian president who was accidentally shot and was undergoing treatment in Paris, was advised by doctors to remain there for a longer convalescence period, a diplomatic source said on Sunday.

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Mauritania : Shot Mauritania president to be flown to Paris for medical treatment
on 2012/10/15 14:58:28

Click to see original Image in a new windowMauritanian President Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz will be transferred to France for medical treatments just a day after an army unit accidentally opened fire at his convoy outside the capital of Nouakchott.

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Mauritania : President Abdel Aziz to Be Flown to Paris After Shooting
on 2012/10/15 14:45:32

Mauritanian President Mohamed Ould Aziz is to be flown to Paris for medical treatment Sunday after being shot by a military unit, sources say.

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Mauritania : Army ‘accidently’ shoots Mauritanian president
on 2012/10/14 12:39:55

Mauritanian President Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz has been shot and is receiving treatment at a military hospital in Nouakchott for injuries that are not life-threatening.

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Mauritania : Mauritania calls killing in Mali an "odious" act
on 2012/9/11 10:40:00

NOUAKCHOTT, Mauritania (AP) — Relatives of some of the 16 preachers from a moderate Muslim sect who were allegedly killed by Malian soldiers in a "barbaric massacre" went to the presidential palace in Mauritania's capital Monday to find out why the umen were gunned down.

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Mauritania : 4 French hostages appeal for their release
on 2012/9/9 16:34:06

NOUAKCHOTT, Mauritania (AP) — In a video released Saturday by the private Mauritanian news website SAHARAMEDIAS, four French hostages held for nearly two years urge France's President François Hollande to negotiate for their release with their captors, al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb.

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Mauritania : Mauritania leader refuses to resign amid protests
on 2012/8/7 11:24:06

Mauritanian President Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz said Monday he will not resign, despite weeks of protests by the opposition who accuse him of despotism and mismanagement.

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Mauritania : Mauritania opposition demand president resign
on 2012/8/5 14:13:12

A 10-party opposition bloc in Mauritania on Saturday signed a charter rejecting any solution to the country's political crisis that does not involve President Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz' departure.

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Mauritania : Mauritania and EU sign a new fishing accord
on 2012/7/28 11:10:00

Mauritania and the European Union signed a new fishing accord Thursday after months of heated debate to agree on the EU's exact financial contribution.

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Mauritania : Mauritanian court convicts two in terror trial
on 2012/7/4 12:30:21

The Nouakchott criminal court has convicted two Mauritanians of attempting to form a terrorist group, while acquitting eight others, all arrested last year, a legal source said Tuesday.

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Mauritania : Mauritania, Gambia discuss 'serious threats' in Sahel
on 2012/5/30 13:11:16

The leaders of Gambia and Mauritania on Tuesday expressed their concern over the deteriorating security situation in the Sahel region as northern Mali remains occupied by Tuareg and Islamist rebels.

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Mauritania : Mauritania police break up anti-regime protest with teargas
on 2012/5/26 12:32:46

Mauritanian police fired teargas to break up a fresh opposition protest Friday calling for President Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz to step down, leaving many injured and at least five under arrest.

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Mauritania : Kadhafi ex-spy chief charged in Mauritania over false papers
on 2012/5/22 17:15:20

A Mauritanian court has charged Moamer Kadhafi's ex-spy chief, arrested two months ago and the subject of several handover demands, with illegally entering the country, an official said Monday.

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Mauritania : Several hurt, arrested in new Mauritania opposition protest
on 2012/5/19 16:12:14

Several people were hurt and arrested in Mauritania on Friday as police fired tear gas and beat back protesters demanding that President Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz step down in a fresh anti-regime protest, an AFP journalist witnessed.

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Mauritania : Thousands in Mauritanian anti-regime protest
on 2012/4/23 12:15:46

Thousands of young Mauritanian opposition protestors took to the streets of Nouakchott Sunday to demand President Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz, a former coup leader, step down.

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Mauritania : Mauritius president announces resignation
on 2012/3/30 18:05:05

Anerood Jugnauth says he will join opposition party after falling out with country's prime minister.

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Mauritania : Former Kadhafi spymaster arrested in Mauritania
on 2012/3/18 17:35:15

Abdullah al-Senussi, former spymaster of Libya's slain dictator Moamer Kadhafi, was arrested in Mauritania, prompting calls Saturday for his extradition by Tripoli and Paris.

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Mauritania : Mauritania vows to press on with attacks on Al-Qaeda
on 2012/3/14 11:26:29

Mauritanian President Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz Tuesday vowed to press on with attacks on "criminal elements" after a failed air raid in Mali on suspected members of Al-Qaeda's north African branch.

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