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Swaziland : Swazi police arrest politician, break up meeting
on 2013/9/7 17:17:49

Swaziland police arrested an opposition leader in a crackdown denied by authorities and broke up an international trade unionist meeting on Friday, said South Africa's main labour union grouping.

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Swaziland : Swaziland is a 'monarchial democracy', says king
on 2013/9/3 16:46:42

Africa's last absolute monarch King Mswati III has declared his tiny mountain kingdom has a new political system -- a "monarchial democracy" -- his spokesman said on Monday.

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Swaziland : Swazi Election 'Will Be a Fraud
on 2013/2/4 17:52:46

The tiny kingdom of Swaziland in southern Africa is getting ready for a national parliamentary election this year, amid expectations that the outcome will be a fraud on democracy.

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Swaziland : Allowing Conjugal Visits - a Premature Adjudication?
on 2012/10/15 14:50:14

Swaziland looks set to become the first African country to introduce conjugal visits for prisoners, but critics say the policy is misguided.

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Swaziland : In 2012, King Faces People Power
on 2012/10/14 12:36:49

Mbabane — Swaziland's King Mswati III is under immense pressure following the constitutional crisis that has resulted from his cabinet's refusal to resign after the House of Assembly passed a vote of no confidence.

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Swaziland : Swaziland's reed dancers hostage to a challenged king
on 2012/9/4 15:01:34

Thousands of half-naked maidens danced for Swaziland's King Mwsati III Monday but a dire economic crisis is threatening to dampen popular fervour at the annual "reed dance" celebration.

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Swaziland : Swazi king ends forum with no reform commitment
on 2012/8/12 12:29:22

Swazi King Mswati III on Saturday closed a forum where his subjects called for democratic reforms, promising "expert" reviews but making no formal commitments.

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Swaziland : Swaziland court orders state to reinstate fired teachers
on 2012/8/4 11:23:16

A Swazi court on Friday ordered the government to reinstate more than 300 teachers fired after taking part in a five-week strike over salaries, saying their action was legal.

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Swaziland : Swazi strike enters second month, battling to gain traction
on 2012/7/30 11:12:19

In the geography class at St Mark's High School, boys play chess on a board scratched onto a workbench in one corner, while in another a girl knits a scarf while her friends gossip.

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Swaziland : Swaziland police fire tear gas on protesters
on 2012/7/7 11:08:30

MBABANE, Swaziland (AP) — Swaziland police fired tear gas and beat stone-throwing protesters, chasing some down into a hospital, after a demonstration held Friday in support of teachers demanding higher wages.

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Swaziland : Swaziland cash crunch "critical", AIDS spending hit
on 2011/11/17 14:54:46

JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - A budget crunch in Swaziland, Africa's last absolute monarchy, has reached a "critical stage" with the government struggling to maintain spending on HIV/AIDS, education and the elderly, the International Monetary Fund said on Wednesday.

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Swaziland : Cash crunch hits Swaziland AIDS patients: MSF
on 2011/9/10 17:39:54

JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - An acute government funding crisis in Swaziland, Africa's last absolute monarchy, is disrupting supplies of HIV/AIDS drugs and hampering the fight against the virus in the country with the world's highest infection rate, Medecins Sans Frontiers (MSF) said on Friday.

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Swaziland : Swaziland fiscal crisis deepening, IMF says
on 2011/8/31 22:42:34

JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - A fiscal crisis gripping Swaziland, Africa's last absolute monarchy, is deepening despite an emergency $370 million loan from South Africa earlier this month, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) said on Wednesday.

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Swaziland : Times Boss - Who Needs Democracy
on 2011/6/7 18:19:26

Paul Loffler, publisher of the Times of Swaziland newspapers, says Swaziland doesn’t need democracy.

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Swaziland : King Mswati III Faces Royal Wedding Protest in London
on 2011/4/26 17:02:18


Human rights activists and southern African exiles, organised by the Swaziland Vigil, are planning to protest outside one of London's most expensive hotels this evening to condemn the decision to invite King Mswati III to the royal wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton.

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Swaziland : Ailing First Lady, Grace Mugabe, Rushed to Singapore
on 2011/4/12 10:20:00

Zimbabwe Standard

Harare — PRESIDENT Robert Mugabe again left the country for Singapore on Friday evening amid revelations that it is actually the First Lady Grace Mugabe who is this time seeking treatment in the Asian country for a serious ailment.

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Swaziland : Government Challenged
on 2011/3/20 13:42:29


Mbabane — Thousands of protesters brought the Swazi capital of Mbabane to a standstill Friday as they took to the streets to oppose imminent salary cuts to civil service wages - and demand changes to the country's government.

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Swaziland : Weapons impounded for safety
on 2010/12/25 12:59:54


Community police in Matsapha, Swaziland, have seized weapons from a local shabeen to ensure residents a safe festive season.

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Swaziland : 50 arrested over protest
on 2010/9/8 11:20:53


Police in Swaziland have arrested about 50 people ahead of protests against sub-Saharan Africa's last absolute monarchy, activists say.

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Swaziland : Swazi minister resigns over 'royal affair'
on 2010/8/9 11:52:09


Swaziland's justice minister has resigned following allegations he was having an affair with one of King Mswati III's 13 wives. The prime minister said Ndumiso Mamba had resigned from his position as both cabinet minister and senator. He said it was because of "allegations circulating in the country".

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