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Iran : Ayatollah Khamenei: Independent states must close ranks
on 2016/4/25 17:57:45

Click to see original Image in a new windowLeader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has called for independent states to step up their cooperation regardless of disruptive attempts by arrogant powers.

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Iran : Iran Ready to Help Friends on Fight against Terrorism
on 2015/2/8 18:00:00

Visiting Iranian Foreign Minister Mohmmad Javad Zarif on Tuesday evening voiced Tehran`s readiness to cooperate with its friend countries on their anti-terror and anti-violence campaign.

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Iran : Iranian Foregin Minister Meets with Burundian President
on 2015/2/8 17:59:32

Burundian President Pierre Nkurunziza here on Wednesday appreciated Iran`s all-out support for his country, arguing that Iran is his country`s friend in need, and therefore it`s a friend indeed.

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Iran : Nuclear Agreement Accessible If Dual Goals Are Attained
on 2015/2/8 17:54:50

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said a nuclear agreement is accessible if the two issues of complete lifting of sanctions and Iranˈs nuclear activities being peaceful is included in the final document.

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Iran : Iran ready to help Nigeria over abducted girls
on 2014/5/20 0:36:52

Click to see original Image in a new windowIran has offered to help Nigeria resolve the issue of the abduction of nearly 300 female students in the African country by the Takfiri terrorist group, Boko Haram.

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Iran : Supreme Leader: Iran Welcomes African States' Progress
on 2013/4/10 17:56:26

Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei in a meeting with Burundi President Pierre Nkurunziza underlined Tehran's positive look at the African countries and its support for their progress.

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Iran : Iranian, Italian Researchers Synthesize Titanium Oxide Nanotubes
on 2011/4/9 17:53:39

TEHRAN (FNA)- A group of Iranian researchers from Isfahan University of Technology in cooperation with their colleagues at Italy's University of Palermo synthesized titanium oxide nanotubes.

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Iran : Bushehr power plant to go critical soon: Salehi
on 2011/4/9 17:51:47

Tehran, April 9, IRNA – Foreign Minister Ali-Akbar Salehi said here on Saturday that Bushehr power plant reactor will go critical between May 5-10.

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Iran : Spokesman lashes out at presence of alien forces in Bahrain,Yemen
on 2011/3/20 14:02:39


Tehran, March 19, IRNA – Foreign Ministry spokesman said presence of alien forces in Bahrain and Yemen to suppress peaceful protests of people is not acceptable and is a threat to regional security.

Iran : Istanbul hosts Iranian cultural festival
on 2011/2/19 11:11:28


ISTANBUL, Feb. 17 (Xinhua) -- Istanbul is hosting the Iranian Cultural Legacy Festival to introduce Turks to tourism in Iran, reported the Anatolia news agency.

Iran : Iran desires global justice, peace
on 2011/2/11 14:13:02

Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has said that justice, peace, comfort, and purity are the message of the Iranian nation to the world.

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Iran : 'Iran open to talks, no preconditions set'
on 2011/1/23 12:05:35

Secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council Saeed Jalili said Tehran is ready for further talks with major world powers provided that its rights are not violated, refuting claims that it has set preconditions.

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Iran : Iran rejects bilateral meeting with US at N-talks
on 2011/1/23 12:04:56

The Islamic Republic of Iran has rejected a request to hold a bilateral meeting with America during ongoing talks in Istanbul with G5+1 over its nuclear program, an Iranian official said on Saturday.

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Iran : Iran's Top Negotiator: Powers Should Respect World Nations' Rights
on 2011/1/23 12:03:54

TEHRAN (FNA)- The Iranian negotiators in talks with the Group 5+1 (the US, France, Britain, China and Russia plus Germany) in Istanbul, Turkey, called on the world powers to give up their wrong policies and strategies and stop opposing the other nations' rights.

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Iran : UNHCR official: Iran plays an active role for refugees in region
on 2011/1/23 12:01:43

Mashad, Jan 23, IRNA – Head of United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) bureau in Mashad, capital of eastern province of Khorasan Razavi, said that Iran has played an active and special role for refugees in the region.

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Iran : Iran to Unveil Surgeon Robot Soon
on 2011/1/18 12:09:51

TEHRAN (FNA)- A senior Iranian official announced on Monday that the country plans to unveil a home-made brain surgery-aiding robot as soon as the next month.

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Iran : Salehi: Iran to sue Zionist regime for assassinating scientist
on 2011/1/17 17:51:39

Tehran, Jan 17, IRNA – Foreign Ministry Caretaker Ali Akbar Salehi said Iran will soon lodge a complaint with the international bodies against the Zionist regime for assassinating the brilliant Iranian nuclear scientist Dr. Masoud Alimohammadi.

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Iran : Iran not to negotiate 20-pc uranium enrichment
on 2011/1/17 17:49:11

IRI's Ambassador to the IAEA Ali Asghar Soltanieh said Iran will not negotiate the 20-percent uranium enrichment with the Vienna Group after producing it in the country.

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Iran : Iranian students protest Egypt's policy
on 2011/1/4 16:14:45


A group of Iranian students have gathered in front of Egypt's Interests Section in Tehran to protest Cairo's continued policy on preventing Iranian activists from reaching the Gaza Strip.

Iran : Mottaki condemns suppression of students in Britain
on 2010/12/12 11:40:50


Tehran, Dec 11, IRNA – Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki on Saturday strongly condemned the brutal suppression of university students in Britain for their protest against rise in universities tuitions.

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