Guinea-Bissau at a glance        0  602 reads


Area (including Bijagos Archipelago); 36,125 sq. km., about the size of Maryland. Cities; Capital--Bissau. Other cities--Bafata, Gabu, Canchungo, Farim, Cacheu. Regions; Oio, Tombali, Cacheu, Bolama, Quinara, Biombo, Bafata, Gabu. Terrain; Coastal plain; savanna in the east. Climate; Tropical.


Nationality; Noun and adjective--Bissau-Guinean(s). Population (July 2009 est.); 1,533,964. Population growth rate (2009); 2.019%. Ethnic groups; Balanta 30%, Fula 20%, Manjaca 14%, Mandinga 13%, Papel 7%, others 16%. Religions; Indigenous beliefs 50%, Muslim 40%, Christian 10%. Languages; Portuguese (official), Creole, French; many indigenous languages--Balanta-Kentohe 26%, Pulaar 18%, Mandjak 12%, Mandinka 11%, Pepel 9%, Biafada 3%, Mancanha 3%, Bidyogo 2%, Ejamat 2%, Mansoanka 1%, Bainoukgunyuno 1%, Nalu 1%, Soninke 1%, Badjara 1%, Bayote 0.5%, Kobiana 0.04%, Cassanga 0.04%, Basary 0.03%. Education; Years compulsory--4. Literacy (2008)--42.4% of adults. Health; Infant mortality rate (2009)--99.82 deaths/1,000 live births. Life expectancy (2009)--47.9 years. Work force (2007); 632,700. Agriculture--82%; industry, services, and commerce--13%; government--2%.


Type; Republic, multi-party since 1991. Independence; September 24, 1973 (proclaimed unilaterally); September 10, 1974 (de jure from Portugal). Constitution; Adopted 1984. The National Assembly adopted a new constitution in 2001, but it was neither promulgated nor vetoed by the President. Branches; Executive--president (chief of state), prime minister (head of government) and Council of State, ministers and secretaries of state. Legislature--National Popular Assembly (ANP), 100 members directly elected in 2008. Judicial--Supreme Court and lower courts. Administrative subdivisions; Autonomous sector of Bissau and eight regions. Political parties; In the November 2008 parliamentary elections, the African Party for the Independence of Guinea-Bissau and Cape Verde (PAIGC) won 67 seats; the Social Renovation Party (PRS) won 28 seats; and the Republican Party for Independence and Development won 3 seats. In addition to these three major parties, there are numerous other political parties. Suffrage; Universal at 18.


 GDP (2009); $826 million. Annual growth rate (2009); 3%. GDP per capita (2009); $512. Natural resources; Fish and timber. Bauxite and phosphate deposits are not exploited; offshore petroleum. Agriculture (62% of GDP); Products--cashews, tropical fruits, rice, peanuts, cotton, palm oil. Arable land--11%. Forested--38%. Industry (12% of GDP); Cashew processing. Very little industrial capacity remains following the 1998 internal conflict. Trade (2009); Exports--$114.8 million; cashews ($110.1 million); fish; shrimp; peanuts; palm kernels; sawn lumber. Major markets (2008)--India 56.8%, Nigeria 35.6%, Pakistan 1.2%. Imports--$146.4 million; food products ($58.1 million), petroleum products ($35 million). Major suppliers (2008)--Portugal 24.5%, Senegal 17.2%, Pakistan 4.8%, France 4.6%. Currency; West African franc (CFAF); 446 CFAF = U.S. $1.


Since independence from Portugal in 1974, Guinea-Bissau has experienced considerable political and military upheaval. In 1980, a military coup established authoritarian dictator Joao Bernardo 'Nino' VIEIRA as president. Despite setting a path to a market economy and multiparty system, VIEIRA's regime was characterized by the suppression of political opposition and the purging of political rivals. Several coup attempts through the 1980s and early 1990s failed to unseat him. In 1994 VIEIRA was elected president in the country's first free elections. A military mutiny and resulting civil war in 1998 eventually led to VIEIRA's ouster in May 1999. In February 2000, a transitional government turned over power to opposition leader Kumba YALA, after he was elected president in transparent polling. In September 2003, after only three years in office, YALA was ousted by the military in a bloodless coup, and businessman Henrique ROSA was sworn in as interim president. In 2005, former President VIEIRA was re-elected president pledging to pursue economic development and national reconciliation.


SOURCES All CIA World Factbooks 18 December 2003 to 18 December 2008

Guinea-Bissau, Republic of Guinea-Bissau, Republica da Guine-Bissau, Guine-Bissau



15 character

30 character

Country name


Country name > Conventional long form

Republic of Guinea-Bissau

Country name > Conventional short form


Country name > Former

Portuguese Guinea

Country name > Local long form

Republica da Guine-Bissau

Country name > Local short form


ISO code


ISO long


ISO short


Native names


Oceanographic code


Translation > Catalan
Guinea Bissau

Translation > French


Translation > German

Translation > Italian

Translation > Portugese


Translation > Spanish
Guinea Bissau

UN code



SOURCES CIA World Factbook, 28 July 2005; All CIA World Factbooks 18 December 2003 to 18 December 2008;; Wkipedia; IOC country codes

Guinea-Bissau, Republic of Guinea-Bissau, Republica da Guine-Bissau, Guine-Bissau



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