Seychelles at a glance        0  1023 reads

Area: 444 sq. km. (171 sq. mi.); about 2.5 times the size of Washington DC.
Major islands: Mahe and Praslin. Cities: Capital--Victoria.
Terrain: About half of the islands are granitic in origin, with narrow coastal strips and central ranges of hills rising to 914 meters. The other half are coral atolls, many uninhabitable.
Climate: Tropical marine.

Nationality: Noun and adjective--Seychellois.
Population (July 2009 est.): 87,122.
Annual population growth rate (2009 est.): -0.02%.
Ethnic groups: Creole (European, Asian, and African).
Religions: Catholic 82.3%, Anglican Church 6.4%, Seventh Day Adventist 1.1%, other Christian 3.4%, Hindu 2.1%, Muslim 1.1%, other 1.5%, unspecified 1.5%, none 0.6%.
Languages: Official languages are Creole, English, and French.
Education: Public schools and private schools, compulsory through grade 10. Literacy--92%.
Health: Free government health services for all people. Life expectancy--male 68.3 yrs, female 77.9 yrs. Infant mortality rate--12.3/1,000.
Work force: 39,560 with 3,550 unemployed. Industries include tourism, fishing, manufacturing, and construction.


Type: Multiple-party republic.
Independence: June 29, 1976.
Constitution: June 18, 1993.
Branches: Executive--president (chief of state and head of government). Legislative--unicameral National Assembly with 34 seats (25 directly elected and 9 allocated on a proportional basis). Judicial--Supreme Court, Appeals Court.
Political parties: New Democratic Party (DP), Seychelles National Party (SNP), Parti Lepep (formerly known as Seychelles People's Progressive Front (SPPF)).
Suffrage: Universal at 17.

GDP (2009, official exchange rate): $656 million.
Annual growth rate (2009 est.): -8.7%.
Per capita income (2009 est., purchasing power parity): $19,400.
Average inflation rate (2009 est.): 34%.
Natural resources: Fish. Agriculture: Copra, cinnamon, vanilla, coconuts, sweet potatoes, tapioca, bananas, tuna, chicken, teas. Industry: Tourism, re-exports, maritime services.
Trade: Exports (2009 est.)--$366 million: canned tuna, frozen/fresh fish, frozen prawns, cinnamon bark. Imports (2009 est.)--$658 million. Major partners--U.K., France, Mauritius, Japan, Italy, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Saudi Arabia. Official exchange rate (2009): 14.2 rupees=U.S. $1.


A lengthy struggle between France and Great Britain for the islands ended in 1814, when they were ceded to the latter. Independence came in 1976. Socialist rule was brought to a close with a new constitution and free elections in 1993. President France-Albert RENE, who had served since 1977, was re-elected in 2001, but stepped down in 2004. Vice President James MICHEL took over the presidency and in July 2006 was elected to a new five-year term.

All CIA World Factbooks 18 December 2003 to 18 December 2008

Identification state

15 character
30 character
Country name Seychelles
Country name > Conventional long form Republic of Seychelles
Country name > Conventional short form Seychelles
Country name > Local long form Republic of Seychelles
Country name > Local short form Seychelles
ISO code 690
ISO long SYC
ISO short
Native names Seychelles, Sesel
Oceanographic code
Translation > Catalan
Translation > French
Translation > German Seychellen
Translation > Italian
Translation > Portugese
Translation > Spanish
UN code 690

CIA World Factbook, 28 July 2005; All CIA World Factbooks 18 December 2003 to 18 December 2008;; Wkipedia; IOC country codes

Top rankings


Economy > Expense > % of GDP

Economy > Final consumption expenditure, etc. > annual % growth

Economy > Household final consumption expenditure, etc. > annual % growth

Economy > International tourism, receipts > current US$ (per $ GDP)

Economy > Revenue, excluding grants > % of GDP

Education > Education enrolment by level, percentage girls > Tertiary level

Education > Persistence to grade 5, female > % of cohort

Energy > Gas-diesel oils > Consumption by households and other consumers (per capita)

Energy > Gas-diesel oils > Consumption by other consumers (per capita)

Energy > Jet Fuel > Statistical differences (per capita)

Energy > Motor Gasoline > Changes in stocks at importers (per capita)

Energy > Residual Fuel Oil > Consumption by households and other consumers (per capita)

Energy > Residual Fuel Oil > Consumption by other consumers (per capita)

Environment > Biodiversity richness

Labor > Unemployment, female > % of female labor force

Labor > Unemployment, male > % of male labor force

Labor > Unemployment, total > % of total labor force

Media > Newspapers and periodicals > Number of titles > Daily (per capita)

Military > Manpower available for military service > Females age 18-49 (per capita)

Military > Manpower fit for military service > Females age 18-49 (per capita)

Taxation > Tax revenue > % of GDP


Crime > Rapes (per capita)

Democracy > Presidential elections > Turnout

Economy > External debt, total > DOD, current US$ (per capita)

Economy > Service exports > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP)

Education > Women to men parity index, as ratio of literacy rates, aged 15-24

Energy > Gas-diesel oils > Changes in stocks at importers (per capita)


Disasters > Tsunami aid recipients (per capita)

Economy > African countries by GDP per capita > GDP Per Capita

Economy > Commercial service exports > current US$ (per $ GDP)

Economy > Commercial service imports > current US$ (per $ GDP)

Economy > Imports of goods and services > annual % growth

Economy > Imports of goods and services > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP)

Economy > Net financial flows, others > current US$ (per capita)

Economy > Public and publicly guaranteed (PPG) debt > DOD, current US$ (per capita)

Economy > Service imports > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP)

Economy > Trade in services > % of GDP

Education > Literacy rates, aged 15-24 > Women

Education > School life expectancy > Primary to tertiary

Education > School life expectancy > Primary to tertiary > Female

Education > School life expectancy > Primary to tertiary > Male

Energy > Gas-diesel oils > Bunkers (per capita)

Energy > Kerosene > Statistical differences (per capita)

Environment > Organic water pollutant (BOD) emissions > kg per day per worker

Food > beverages and tobacco > % of value added in manufacturing

Government > Procedures to build a warehouse > number (per capita)

Government > Start-up procedures to register a business > number (per capita)

Labor > Labor force > By occupation > Services

Media > Investment in telecoms with private participation > current US$ (per capita)

Media > Telephone average cost of call to US > US$ per three minutes (per capita)

Taxation > Net taxes on products > current US$ (per $ GDP)

Transportation > Aircraft departures (per capita)

Transportation > Air transport, registered carrier departures worldwide (per capita)


Crime > Assaults (per capita)

Economy > Budget > Revenues (per $ GDP)

Economy > Goods imports > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP)

Economy > Imports of goods and services as % of GDP

Economy > Imports of goods, services and income > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP)

Economy > International tourism, expenditures > current US$ (per $ GDP)

Economy > Public and publicly guaranteed debt service > TDS, current US$ (per capita)

Economy > Trade > % of GDP

Education > Education, primary completion rate

Education > Education, primary completion rate > Women

Education > Literacy rates, aged 15-24

Energy > Motor Gasoline > Changes in stocks at importers

Energy > Motor Gasoline > Statistical differences (per capita)

Geography > Rural population density > rural population per sq. km of arable land

Health > Smoking prevalence, females > % of adults

Transportation > Air transport, passengers carried (per capita)

Transportation > Airports > With paved runways > 914 to 1523 m (per capita)

Transportation > Airports > With paved runways > Under 914 m (per $ GDP)


Democracy > Presidential elections > Registered voter turnout

Economy > Exports of goods and services > current US$ (per $ GDP)

Economy > Exports of goods and services > % of GDP

Economy > Imports of goods and services > current US$ (per $ GDP)

Economy > Merchandise imports > current US$ (per $ GDP)

Economy > Services, etc., value added > current US$ (per $ GDP)

Economy > Tourism receipts, international (per $ GDP)

Education > Education, percentage of pupils starting grade 1 reaching grade 5 > Women

Education > Literacy rates, aged 15-24 > Men

Education > Progression to secondary school, female > %

Energy > Gas-diesel oils > Changes in stocks (per capita)

Energy > Residual Fuel Oil > Net inland availability (per capita)

Environment > Forest area > % of land area

Health > Smoking prevalence, males > % of adults

People > Female population > Age 30-34 > % of the total

Taxation > Taxes on goods and services > % value added of industry and services

Transportation > Airports > With paved runways > Under 914 m (per capita)

Bottom rankings



Agriculture > Agricultural land > % of land area
Agriculture > Agricultural land > sq. km
Agriculture > Agricultural land > sq. km (per capita)
Agriculture > Agricultural machinery > tractors
Agriculture > Agricultural machinery > tractors (per capita)
Agriculture > Agricultural raw materials exports > % of merchandise exports
Agriculture > Agricultural raw materials imports > % of merchandise imports
Agriculture > Agriculture, value added > constant 2000 US$ (per capita)
Agriculture > Agriculture, value added > current US$ (per capita)
Agriculture > Agriculture, value added > current US$ (per $ GDP)
Agriculture > Arable land > hectares
Agriculture > Arable land > hectares (per capita)
Agriculture > Arable land > % of land area
Agriculture > Crop production index
Agriculture > Fertilizer consumption > 100 grams per hectare of arable land
Agriculture > Fertilizer consumption > metric tons
Agriculture > Fertilizer consumption > metric tons (per capita)
Agriculture > Food production index
Agriculture > Livestock production index
Agriculture > value added > annual % growth
Agriculture > value added > constant 2000 US$
Agriculture > value added > constant 2000 US$ (per capita)
Agriculture > value added > current US$
Agriculture > value added > current US$ (per capita)
Agriculture > value added > current US$ (per $ GDP)
Agriculture > value added per worker > constant 2000 US$
Currency > PPP conversion factor to official exchange rate ratio
Economy > Adjusted net savings, excluding particulate emission damage > % of GNI
Economy > Adjusted savings: gross savings > % of GNI
Economy > Adjusted savings: net national savings > % of GNI
Economy > Aid > % of central government expenditures
Economy > Aid > % of GNI
Economy > Aid > % of gross capital formation
Economy > Aid > % of imports of goods and services
Economy > Bank and trade-related lending > PPG + PNG > NFL, current US$
Economy > Bank liquid reserves to bank assets ratio
Economy > Business disclosure index
Economy > Changes in net reserves > BoP, current US$
Economy > Changes in net reserves > BoP, current US$ (per capita)
Economy > Changes in net reserves > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP)
Economy > Claims on governments, etc. > annual growth as % of M2
Economy > Claims on private sector > annual growth as % of M2
Economy > Commercial service exports > current US$
Economy > Commercial service imports > current US$
Economy > Consumer price index
Economy > Cost of business start-up procedures > % of GNI per capita
Economy > Current account balance > BoP, current US$
Economy > Current account balance > BoP, current US$ (per capita)
Economy > Current account balance > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP)
Economy > Current account balance > % of GDP
Economy > Current transfers, receipts > BoP, current US$
Economy > Current transfers, receipts > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP)
Economy > Deposit interest rate > %
Economy > Domestic credit to private sector > % of GDP
Economy > Ease of doing business index
Economy > Exports of goods and services > BoP, current US$
Economy > Exports of goods and services > constant 2000 US$
Economy > Exports of goods and services > current US$
Economy > Exports of goods, services and income > BoP, current US$
Economy > Export value index
Economy > External balance on goods and services > current US$
Economy > External balance on goods and services > current US$ (per capita)
Economy > External balance on goods and services > current US$ (per $ GDP)
Economy > External balance on goods and services > % of GDP
Economy > External debt, total > DOD, current US$
Economy > Final consumption expenditure > constant 2000 US$
Economy > Final consumption expenditure > current US$
Economy > Final consumption expenditure > current US$ (per $ GDP)
Economy > Final consumption expenditure, etc. > constant 2000 US$
Economy > Final consumption expenditure, etc. > current US$
Economy > Foreign direct investment, net > BoP, current US$
Economy > Foreign direct investment, net inflows > BoP, current US$
Economy > GDP > constant 2000 US$
Economy > GDP deflator
Economy > GDP growth > annual %
Economy > GDP per capita growth > annual %
Economy > GDP per capita, PPP > constant 2000 international $
Economy > GDP per capita, PPP > current international $
Economy > GDP, PPP > constant 2000 international $
Economy > GDP, PPP > constant 2000 international $ (per capita)
Economy > GDP, PPP > current international $
Economy > GDP, PPP > current international $ (per capita)
Economy > GNI, Atlas method > current US$
Economy > GNI, Atlas method > current US$ (per $ GDP)
Economy > GNI > current US$
Economy > GNI > current US$ (per $ GDP)
Economy > GNI, PPP > current international $
Economy > GNI, PPP > current international $ (per capita)
Economy > Goods exports > BoP, current US$
Economy > Goods imports > BoP, current US$
Economy > Grants and other revenue > % of revenue
Economy > Gross capital formation > constant 2000 US$
Economy > Gross capital formation > current US$
Economy > Gross capital formation > current US$ (per capita)
Economy > Gross capital formation > current US$ (per $ GDP)
Economy > Gross domestic savings > current US$
Economy > Gross domestic savings > current US$ (per capita)
Economy > Gross domestic savings > current US$ (per $ GDP)
Economy > Gross fixed capital formation > constant 2000 US$
Economy > Gross fixed capital formation > current US$
Economy > Gross fixed capital formation > current US$ (per $ GDP)
Economy > Gross national expenditure > constant 2000 US$
Economy > Gross national expenditure > current US$
Economy > Gross national expenditure > current US$ (per $ GDP)
Economy > Gross savings > current US$
Economy > Gross savings > current US$ (per capita)
Economy > Gross savings > current US$ (per $ GDP)
Economy > Gross savings > % of GNI
Economy > Gross value added at factor cost > constant 2000 US$
Economy > Gross value added at factor cost > current US$
Economy > Gross value added at factor cost > current US$ (per $ GDP)
Economy > High-technology exports > current US$
Economy > High-technology exports > current US$ (per capita)
Economy > High-technology exports > current US$ (per $ GDP)
Economy > High-technology exports > % of manufactured exports
Economy > Household final consumption expenditure > constant 2000 US$
Economy > Household final consumption expenditure > current US$
Economy > Household final consumption expenditure > current US$ (per $ GDP)
Economy > Household final consumption expenditure, etc. > constant 2000 US$
Economy > Household final consumption expenditure, etc. > current US$
Economy > Household final consumption expenditure, etc. > current US$ (per $ GDP)
Economy > Household final consumption expenditure, etc. > % of GDP
Economy > IBRD loans and IDA credits > PPG DOD, current US$
Economy > IBRD loans and IDA credits > PPG DOD, current US$ (per capita)
Economy > IBRD loans and IDA credits > PPG DOD, current US$ (per $ GDP)
Economy > Imports of goods and services > BoP, current US$
Economy > Imports of goods and services > constant 2000 US$
Economy > Imports of goods and services > current US$
Economy > Imports of goods, services and income > BoP, current US$
Economy > Import quantum/quantity index
Economy > Import value index
Economy > Income payments > BoP, current US$
Economy > Income payments > BoP, current US$ (per capita)
Economy > Income receipts > BoP, current US$
Economy > Income receipts > BoP, current US$ (per capita)
Economy > Income receipts > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP)
Economy > Inflation, consumer prices > annual %
Economy > Inflation, GDP deflator > annual %
Economy > Insurance and financial services > % of commercial service exports
Economy > Insurance and financial services > % of commercial service imports
Economy > Interest rate spread > lending rate minus deposit rate
Economy > International tourism, expenditures > current US$
Economy > International tourism, expenditures > current US$ (per capita)
Economy > International tourism, expenditures > % of total imports
Economy > International tourism, number of arrivals
Economy > International tourism, number of departures
Economy > International tourism, receipts > current US$
Economy > International tourism, receipts > % of total exports
Economy > Legal rights of borrowers and lenders index
Economy > Lending interest rate > %
Economy > Long-term debt > DOD, current US$
Economy > Long-term debt > DOD, current US$ (per $ GDP)
Economy > Merchandise exports > current US$
Economy > Merchandise exports > current US$ (per capita)
Economy > Merchandise imports > current US$
Economy > Money and quasi money growth > annual %
Economy > Multilateral debt service > % of public and publicly guaranteed debt service
Economy > Net barter terms of trade
Economy > Net capital account > BoP, current US$
Economy > Net current transfers > BoP, current US$
Economy > Net current transfers > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP)
Economy > Net current transfers from abroad > current US$
Economy > Net current transfers from abroad > current US$ (per $ GDP)
Economy > Net errors and omissions, adjusted > BoP, current US$
Economy > Net financial flows, IBRD > current US$ (per capita)
Economy > Net financial flows, IBRD > current US$ (per $ GDP)
Economy > Net financial flows, others > current US$
Economy > Net financial flows, RDB concessional > current US$
Economy > Net financial flows, RDB concessional > current US$ (per capita)
Economy > Net financial flows, RDB concessional > current US$ (per $ GDP)
Economy > Net financial flows, RDB nonconcessional > current US$
Economy > Net financial flows, RDB nonconcessional > current US$ (per $ GDP)
Economy > Net income > BoP, current US$
Economy > Net income > BoP, current US$ (per capita)
Economy > Net income > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP)
Economy > Net income from abroad > current US$
Economy > Net income from abroad > current US$ (per capita)
Economy > Net income from abroad > current US$ (per $ GDP)
Economy > Net incurrence of liabilities, domestic > % of GDP
Economy > Net incurrence of liabilities, foreign > % of GDP
Economy > Net trade in goods and services > BoP, current US$
Economy > Net trade in goods and services > BoP, current US$ (per capita)
Economy > Net trade in goods and services > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP)
Economy > Net trade in goods > BoP, current US$
Economy > Net trade in goods > BoP, current US$ (per capita)
Economy > Net trade in goods > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP)
Economy > Official development assistance and official aid > current US$
Economy > Official development assistance and official aid > current US$ (per $ GDP)
Economy > Portfolio investment, excluding LCFAR > BoP, current US$ (per capita)
Economy > Present value of debt > % of exports of goods and services
Economy > Present value of debt > % of GNI
Economy > Public and publicly guaranteed debt service > % of exports
Economy > Public and publicly guaranteed debt service > TDS, current US$
Economy > Public and publicly guaranteed (PPG) debt > DOD, current US$
Economy > Research and development expenditure > % of GDP
Economy > Researchers in R&D > per million people
Economy > Royalty and license fees, payments > BoP, current US$
Economy > Royalty and license fees, payments > BoP, current US$ (per capita)
Economy > Royalty and license fees, payments > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP)
Economy > Services, etc., value added > annual % growth
Economy > Services, etc., value added > constant 2000 US$
Economy > Services, etc., value added > current US$
Economy > Service exports > BoP, current US$
Economy > Service imports > BoP, current US$
Economy > Subsidies and other transfers > % of expense
Economy > Total debt service > % of exports of goods, services and income
Economy > Total debt service > TDS, current US$
Economy > Total reserves in months of imports
Economy > Total reserves > includes gold, current US$
Economy > Total reserves > includes gold, current US$ (per capita)
Economy > Total reserves > includes gold, current US$ (per $ GDP)
Economy > Total reserves minus gold > current US$
Economy > Total reserves minus gold > current US$ (per capita)
Economy > Total reserves minus gold > current US$ (per $ GDP)
Education > Adjusted savings: education expenditure > % of GNI
Education > Children out of school, primary
Education > Children out of school, primary, female
Education > Children out of school, primary, female (per capita)
Education > Children out of school, primary, male
Education > Children out of school, primary, male (per capita)
Education > Children out of school, primary (per capita)
Education > Expenditure per student, primary > % of GDP per capita
Education > Expenditure per student, secondary > % of GDP per capita
Education > Gross intake rate in grade 1, female > % of relevant age group
Education > Gross intake rate in grade 1, male > % of relevant age group
Education > Gross intake rate in grade 1, total > % of relevant age group
Education > Literacy rate, adult female > % of females ages 15 and above
Education > Literacy rate, adult male > % of males ages 15 and above
Education > Literacy rate, adult total > % of people ages 15 and above
Education > Literacy rate, youth female > % of females ages 15-24
Education > Literacy rate, youth male > % of males ages 15-24
Education > Literacy rate, youth total > % of people ages 15-24
Education > Net intake rate in grade 1, female > % of official school-age population
Education > Net intake rate in grade 1, male > % of official school-age population
Education > Net intake rate in grade 1 > % of official school-age population
Education > Persistence to grade 5, male > % of cohort
Education > Persistence to grade 5, total > % of cohort
Education > Primary education, duration > years
Education > Primary education, pupils
Education > Primary education, pupils > % female
Education > Primary education, pupils (per capita)
Education > Primary education, teachers
Education > Primary education, teachers > % female
Education > Primary education, teachers (per capita)
Education > Progression to secondary school > %
Education > Progression to secondary school, male > %
Education > Public spending on education, total > % of GDP
Education > Public spending on education, total > % of government expenditure
Education > Pupil-teacher ratio, primary
Education > Ratio of female to male primary enrollment
Education > Ratio of female to male secondary enrollment
Education > Ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary education > %
Education > Ratio of young literate females to males > % ages 15-24
Education > School enrollment, preprimary, female > % gross
Education > School enrollment, preprimary > % gross
Education > School enrollment, preprimary, male > % gross
Education > School enrollment, primary, female > % gross
Education > School enrollment, primary, female > % net
Education > School enrollment, primary > % gross
Education > School enrollment, primary, male > % gross
Education > School enrollment, primary, male > % net
Education > School enrollment, primary > % net
Education > School enrollment, primary, private > % of total primary
Education > School enrollment, secondary, female > % gross
Education > School enrollment, secondary, female > % net
Education > School enrollment, secondary > % gross
Education > School enrollment, secondary, male > % gross
Education > School enrollment, secondary, male > % net
Education > School enrollment, secondary > % net
Education > School enrollment, secondary, private > % of total secondary
Education > Scientific and technical journal articles
Education > Secondary education, general pupils
Education > Secondary education, general pupils (per capita)
Education > Secondary education, pupils
Education > Secondary education, pupils > % female
Education > Secondary education, pupils (per capita)
Education > Secondary education, teachers
Education > Secondary education, teachers > % female
Education > Secondary education, teachers (per capita)
Education > Secondary education, vocational pupils
Education > Secondary education, vocational pupils (per capita)
Education > Trained teachers in primary education, female > % of female teachers
Education > Trained teachers in primary education, male > % of male teachers
Education > Trained teachers in primary education > % of total teachers
Energy > Jet Fuel > Changes in stocks at importers (per capita)
Energy > Residual Fuel Oil > Bunkers
Environment > Adjusted savings: carbon dioxide damage > % of GNI
Environment > CO2 emissions > kg per 2000 PPP $ of GDP
Environment > CO2 emissions > kt
Environment > CO2 emissions > kt (per capita)
Environment > Forest area > % of land area
Environment > Forest area > sq. km
Environment > Forest area > sq. km (per capita)
Environment > Organic water pollutant (BOD) emissions > kg per day
Environment > Water pollution, chemical industry > % of total BOD emissions
Environment > Water pollution, clay and glass industry > % of total BOD emissions
Environment > Water pollution, other industry > % of total BOD emissions
Environment > Water pollution, textile industry > % of total BOD emissions
Environment > Water pollution, wood industry > % of total BOD emissions
Geography > Land area > sq. km
Geography > Land area > sq. km (per capita)
Geography > Population density > people per sq. km
Geography > Surface area > sq. km
Geography > Surface area > sq. km (per capita)
Government > General government final consumption expenditure > annual % growth
Government > General government final consumption expenditure > constant 2000 US$
Government > General government final consumption expenditure > current US$
Government > Proportion of seats held by women in national parliament > %
Government > Procedures to build a warehouse > number
Government > Procedures to build a warehouse > number (per capita)
Government > Procedures to enforce a contract > number
Government > Procedures to enforce a contract > number (per capita)
Government > Procedures to register property > number
Government > Procedures to register property > number (per capita)
Government > Start-up procedures to register a business > number
Government > Start-up procedures to register a business > number (per capita)
Government > Time required to build a warehouse > days
Government > Time required to enforce a contract > days
Government > Time required to register property > days
Government > Time required to start a business > days
Government > Time to prepare and pay taxes > hours
Government > Trademarks, nonresidents
Government > Trademarks, residents
Government > Trademarks, residents (per capita)
Health > expenditure per capita > current US$
Health > expenditure, private > % of GDP
Health > expenditure, public > % of GDP
Health > expenditure, total > % of GDP
Health > External resources for health > % of total expenditure on health
Health > Improved sanitation facilities, rural > % of rural population with access
Health > Improved water source > % of population with access
Health > Improved water source, rural > % of rural population with access
Health > Improved water source, urban > % of urban population with access
Health > Incidence of tuberculosis > per 100,000 people
Health > Life expectancy at birth, female > years
Health > Life expectancy at birth, male > years
Health > Life expectancy at birth, total > years
Health > Out-of-pocket health expenditure > % of private expenditure on health
Health > Prevalence of undernourishment > % of population
Health > Tuberculosis cases detected under DOTS > %
Health > Tuberculosis treatment success rate > % of registered cases
Immigration > International migration stock > % of population
Immigration > International migration stock, total
Industry > Changes in inventories > current US$
Industry > Changes in inventories > current US$ (per capita)
Industry > Changes in inventories > current US$ (per $ GDP)
Industry > Manufactures exports > % of merchandise exports
Industry > Manufactures imports > % of merchandise imports
Industry > Manufacturing, value added > annual % growth
Industry > Manufacturing, value added > constant 2000 US$
Industry > Manufacturing, value added > current US$
Industry > Ores and metals exports > % of merchandise exports
Industry > Ores and metals imports > % of merchandise imports
Industry > Other manufacturing > % of value added in manufacturing
Industry > Patent applications, nonresidents
Industry > Patent applications, nonresidents (per capita)
Industry > Textiles and clothing > % of value added in manufacturing
Industry > value added > annual % growth
Industry > value added > constant 2000 US$
Industry > value added > current US$
Industry > value added > current US$ (per $ GDP)
Internet > Broadband subscribers
Internet > Broadband subscribers (per capita)
Internet > International Internet bandwidth > Mbps
Internet > International Internet bandwidth > Mbps (per capita)
Internet > International Internet bandwidth > Mbps (per $ GDP)
Internet > Price basket for Internet > US$ per month
Internet > Secure Internet servers
Internet > Secure Internet servers (per capita)
Labor > Compensation of employees > % of expense
Labor > Firing cost > weeks of wages
Labor > Rigidity of employment index
Labor > Technicians in R&D > per million people
Labor > Workers' remittances and compensation of employees, paid > US$
Labor > Workers' remittances and compensation of employees, received > US$
Labor > Workers' remittances and compensation of employees, received > US$ (per capita)
Labor > Workers' remittances and compensation of employees, received > US$ (per $ GDP)
Labor > Workers' remittances, receipts > BoP, current US$
Labor > Workers' remittances, receipts > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP)
Media > Computer, communications and other services > % of commercial service exports
Media > Computer, communications and other services > % of commercial service imports
Media > Fixed line and mobile phone subscribers > per 1,000 people
Media > Households with television > %
Media > International voice traffic > out and in, minutes
Media > International voice traffic > out and in, minutes (per capita)
Media > Investment in telecoms with private participation > current US$
Media > Mobile phone subscribers
Media > Mobile phone subscribers (per capita)
Media > Personal computers
Media > Population covered by mobile telephony > %
Media > Price basket for mobile > US$ per month
Media > Price basket for residential fixed line > US$ per month
Media > Telephone average cost of call to US > US$ per three minutes
Media > Telephone average cost of call to US > US$ per three minutes (per $ GDP)
Media > Telephone employees, total
Media > Telephone faults > per 100 mainlines
Media > Telecommunications investment > % of revenue
Media > Telephone mainlines
Media > Telephone mainlines (per capita)
Media > Telephone subscribers
Media > Telephone subscribers per employee
Media > Telephone subscribers (per capita)
Military > Arms imports > constant 1990 US$
Military > Arms imports > constant 1990 US$ (per capita)
Military > expenditure > % of central government expenditure
Military > expenditure > % of GDP
Military > personnel
Military > personnel (per capita)
People > Population, female > % of total
People > Population growth > annual %
People > Rural population
People > Rural population growth > annual %
People > Rural population (per capita)
People > Urban population
People > Urban population growth > annual %
People > Urban population (per capita)
Sports > Chess > GrandMasters
Sports > Chess > GrandMasters (per capita)
Sports > Chess > International Masters
Sports > Chess > International Masters (per capita)
Sports > Chess > World Chess Rankings
Taxation > Net taxes on products > current US$
Taxation > Social contributions > % of revenue
Taxation > Taxes on goods and services > % of revenue
Taxation > Taxes on income, profits and capital gains > % of revenue
Taxation > Taxes on income, profits and capital gains > % of total taxes
Taxation > Taxes on international trade > % of revenue
Taxation > Tax payments > number
Taxation > Tax payments > number (per capita)
Taxation > Total tax rate > % of profit
Transportation > Air transport, freight > million tons per km
Transportation > Air transport, passengers carried
Transportation > Air transport, registered carrier departures worldwide
Transportation > Roads, paved > % of total roads
Transportation > Roads, total network > km
Transportation > Travel services > % of commercial service exports
Transportation > Travel services > % of commercial service imports

2nd last

Crime > Prisoners > Female
Crime > Total crimes
Disasters > Tsunami aid recipients
Economy > Current transfers, receipts > BoP, current US$ (per capita)
Economy > Foreign direct investment, net outflows > % of GDP
Economy > Goods exports > BoP, current US$ (per capita)
Economy > Income payments > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP)
Economy > Net current transfers from abroad > current US$ (per capita)
Energy > Electricity > Consumption by public lighting
Energy > Jet Fuel > Changes in stocks (per capita)
Energy > Oil > Exports
Labor > Workers' remittances and compensation of employees, paid > US$ (per $ GDP)
Military > Manpower > Availability > Males age 15-49
Military > Manpower > Availability > Males age 15-49
Military > Manpower > Fit for military service > Males age 15-49
Military > Manpower > Fit for military service > Males age 15-49
People > African countries by population density > population
People > Sex ratio > 65 years and over
People > Sex ratio > sex ratios > over 65
Taxation > Customs and other import duties > % of tax revenue
Transportation > Roadways > Unpaved

3rd last

Crime > Robberies
Economy > Reserves of foreign exchange and gold
Energy > Jet Fuel > Consumption by transportation industry
Energy > Jet Fuel > Consumption in air transport
Labor > Labor force
Labor > Labor force > By occupation > Agriculture
Language > French speakers
Military > Manpower > Availability > Females
Military > Manpower available for military service > Females age 18-49
Military > Manpower > Fit for military service > Females
Military > Manpower fit for military service > Females age 18-49
People > African countries by population density > area
Transportation > Airports > With paved runways > 2438 to 3047 m

4th last

Crime > Murders
Democracy > Presidential elections > Voting age population
Democracy > Presidential elections > Voter registration
Economy > Gross fixed capital formation > current US$ (per capita)
Economy > Interest payments > % of revenue
Economy > International tourism, receipts > current US$ (per capita)
Economy > Investment (gross fixed)
Economy > Net capital account > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP)
Education > Primary completion rate, total > % of relevant age group
Education > School life expectancy > Primary to tertiary
Education > School life expectancy > Primary to tertiary > Female
Education > School life expectancy > Primary to tertiary > Male
Energy > Electricity > Consumption by other consumers
Energy > Lubricants > Consumption for non-energy uses
Military > Armed forces growth
Military > Armed forces personnel (per capita)

5th last

Crime > Burglaries
Crime > Frauds
Crime > Prisoners > Pre-trial detainees
Disasters > Tsunami > Death toll
Economy > Adjusted savings: consumption of fixed capital > % of GNI
Economy > Trade with US > US exports of mineral supplies-manufactured
Economy > Trade with US > US imports of toiletries and cosmetics
Education > Progression to secondary school, female > %
Energy > Lubricants > Gross inland availability
Energy > Lubricants > Imports
Energy > Motor Gasoline > Changes in stocks at importers
Energy > Oil > Imports
Religion > Religions > Muslim

6th last

Democracy > Presidential elections > Total vote
Economy > Budget > Expenditures
Economy > Export quantum/quantity index
Economy > Goods and services expense > % of expense
Economy > Net financial flows, RDB nonconcessional > current US$ (per capita)
Economy > Portfolio investment, excluding LCFAR > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP)
Economy > Trade with US > US exports of oilseeds, food oils
Education > Education enrolment by level > Tertiary level
Energy > Jet Fuel > Changes in stocks at importers
Energy > Jet Fuel > Net inland availability
Energy > Motor Gasoline > Changes in stocks at importers (per capita)
Labor > Unemployment rate
Religion > Religions > Hindu
Transportation > Roadways > Paved
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