Ghana at a glance        0  762 reads

Area: 238,538 sq. km. (92,100 sq. mi.); about the size of Illinois and Indiana combined.
Cities: Capital--Accra (metropolitan area pop. 3 million est.). Other cities--Kumasi (1 million est.), Tema (500,000 est.), Sekondi-Takoradi (370,000 est.).
Terrain: Plains and scrubland, rainforest, savanna.
Climate: Tropical.

Nationality: Noun and adjective--Ghanaian(s).
Population (2010 est.): 24 million. Density: 88/sq. km. (247/sq. mi.).
Population growth rate (2010 est.): 1.9%.
Ethnic groups: Akan 45.3%, Mole Dagbon 15.2%, Ewe 11.7%, Ga-Dangme 7.3%, other groups 20.4%.
Religions: Christian 68.8%, Muslim 15.9%, traditional 8.5%, other 0.7%, none 6.1%.
Languages: English (official), Akan (which includes Asante Twi, Akwapim Twi, Akyem, and Fanti) 49%, Mole-Dagbani 16%, Ewe 13%, Ga-Adangbe 8%, Guan 4%, others 10%.
Education: Years compulsory--9. Literacy--57.9%. Health: Infant mortality rate (2010 est.)--51.2/1,000. Life expectancy--61.3 yrs. for women, 58.9 yrs. for men
Work force (11.1 million): Agriculture and fishing--47.9%; industry and transport--16.2%; sales and clerical--19.3%; services--5.9%; professional--8.9%; other--1.8%.

Type: Democracy.
Independence: March 6, 1957.
Constitution: Entered into force January 7, 1993.
Branches: Executive--president popularly elected for a maximum of two 4-year terms; Council of State, a presidential appointed consultative body of 25 members required by the constitution. Legislative--unicameral Parliament popularly elected for 4-year terms. Judicial--independent Supreme Court justices nominated by president with approval of Parliament.
Subdivisions: Ten regions.
Political parties: New Patriotic Party, National Democratic Congress, Convention People's Party, People's National Convention, others.
Suffrage: Universal at 18.

GDP (2009): $15.51 billion.
Real GDP growth rate (2009): 3.5%.
Per capita GDP (2009): $671.
Inflation rate (consumer prices, Government of Ghana data as of September 2009): 9.44%. Natural resources: Gold, oil, timber, diamonds, bauxite, manganese, fish.
Agriculture: Products--cocoa, wood manufactures, pineapples, cashews, spices, other food crops, rubber. Land--70% arable and forested.
Business and industry: Types--mining, lumber, light manufacturing, fishing, aluminum, tourism.
Trade (2009): Exports--$5.72 billion: gold, cocoa, timber, industrial diamonds, manganese ore, tuna. Imports--$8.44 billion: petroleum, food, industrial raw materials, machinery, equipment. Major trade partners--Nigeria, China, U.S., U.K., Netherlands, Cote d’Ivoire, France, India.
Fiscal year: Calendar year.


Formed from the merger of the British colony of the Gold Coast and the Togoland trust territory, Ghana in 1957 became the first sub-Saharan country in colonial Africa to gain its independence. Ghana endured a long series of coups before Lt. Jerry RAWLINGS took power in 1981 and banned political parties. After approving a new constitution and restoring multiparty politics in 1992, RAWLINGS won presidential elections in 1992 and 1996, but was constitutionally prevented from running for a third term in 2000. John KUFUOR succeeded him and was reelected in 2004. Kufuor is constitutionally barred from running for a third term in upcoming Presidential elections, which are scheduled for December 2008.

All CIA World Factbooks 18 December 2003 to 18 December 2008

Ghana, Republic of Ghana


15 character
30 character
Country name Ghana
Country name > Conventional long form Republic of Ghana
Country name > Conventional short form Ghana
Country name > Former Gold Coast
ISO code 288
ISO long GHA
ISO short GH
Native names Ghana
Oceanographic code GH
Translation > Catalan
Translation > French
Translation > German
Translation > Italian
Translation > Portugese Gana
Translation > Spanish
UN code 288

CIA World Factbook, 28 July 2005; All CIA World Factbooks 18 December 2003 to 18 December 2008;; Wkipedia; IOC country codes

Ghana, Republic of Ghana

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