Geography        0  704 reads

1) Natural geography

Area > Comparative
slightly smaller than Oregon
Area > Comparative to US places
slightly smaller than Oregon
Area > Land 230,940 sq km [78th of 238]
Area > Land (per capita) 9.876 sq km per 1,000 people [130th of 227]
Area > Total 239,460 sq km [84th of 250]
Area > Total (per capita) 10.241 sq km per 1,000 people [132nd of 231]
Area > Water 8,520 sq km [45th of 239]
Area > Water (per capita) 364.37 sq km per million people [60th of 225]
Capital city with population Accra - 1,970,400

tropical; warm and comparatively dry along southeast coast; hot and humid in southwest; hot and dry in north

Coastline 539 km [111st of 271]
Elevation extremes > Highest point Mount Afadjato 880 m
Elevation extremes > Lowest point Atlantic Ocean 0 m
Forested Land 27.8% [99th of 193]
Geographic coordinates 8 00 N, 2 00 W
Geography > Note
Lake Volta is the world's largest artificial lake
Irrigated land 310 sq km [118th of 196]
Irrigated land (per capita) 14.614 sq km per million people [155th of 167]
Land area > sq. km 227,540 km² [81st of 206]
Land area > sq. km (per capita) 10.29 km² per 1,000 people [117th of 206]
Land boundaries > Border countries
Burkina Faso 549 km, Cote d'Ivoire 668 km, Togo 877 km
Land boundaries > Total 2,094 km [80th of 166]
Land boundaries > Total (per capita) 89.553 km per million people [124th of 164]
Land use > Arable land 17.54% [65th of 258]
Land use > Other 73.24% [184th of 258]
Land use > Permanent crops 9.22% [33rd of 258]
Largest city population 1,673,000 [63rd of 174]
Largest city population (per capita) 0.076 per capita [139th of 174]
Largest city with population Accra - 1,970,400
Western Africa, bordering the Gulf of Guinea, between Cote d'Ivoire and Togo
Map references
Maritime claims > Contiguous zone 24 nautical mile [23rd of 83]
Maritime claims > Continental shelf 200 nm
Maritime claims > Exclusive economic zone 200 nautical mile [42nd of 123]
Maritime claims > Territorial sea 12 nautical mile [117th of 191]
Natural hazards
dry, dusty, northeastern harmattan winds occur from January to March; droughts
Natural resources
gold, timber, industrial diamonds, bauxite, manganese, fish, rubber, hydropower, petroleum, silver, salt, limestone
Population density 82.11 people per sqkm [110th of 256]
Population density > people per sq. km 97.18 people/m² [88th of 204]
Rural population density > rural population per sq. km of arable land 272.28 people/km² of arable lan [95th of 188]
Surface area > sq. km 238,540 km² [80th of 206]
Surface area > sq. km (per capita) 10.787 km² per 1,000 people [116th of 207]
tallest mountains > Mountain Mount Afadjato
mostly low plains with dissected plateau in south-central area

CIA World Factbook, 22 August 2006 ; All CIA World Factbooks 18 December 2003 to 18 December 2008; United Nations World Statistics Pocketbook and Statistical Yearbook, City Population, CIA World Factbook, World Gazetteer, Official government websites.; FAO; World Development Indicators database; United Nations World Statistics Pocketbook and Statistical Yearbook; Heal The World Foundation.; Wikipedia: List of tallest mountains by country

Ghana, Republic of Ghana


Acidification 0% [91st of 141]
Adjusted savings: carbon dioxide damage > % of GNI 0.53 % of GNI [63rd of 179]
Adjusted savings: net forest depletion > % of GNI 1.81 % of GNI [12th of 57]
Adjusted savings: particulate emission damage > % of GNI 0.13 % of GNI [123rd of 165]
Areas under protection 16 [96th of 146]
Areas under protection (per capita) 0.729062 per 1 million people [114th of 146]
Biodiversity richness 2 [20th of 53]
Biosphere reserves area 8 thousand hectares [86th of 86]
Biosphere reserves area (per capita) 0.364531 thousand hectares per 1 [85th of 86]
Breeding birds threatened 1.51% [96th of 136]
Carbon efficiency 0.36 CO2 emissions/$ GDP [120th of 141]
CFC consumption 134 [81st of 107]
CFC consumption (per capita) 0.0061059 per 1,000 people [88th of 107]
CO2 Emissions 5,921.8 [99th of 178]
CO2 Emissions (per capita) 0.269835 per 1,000 people [142nd of 176]
CO2 emissions > kg per 2000 PPP $ of GDP 0.18 kg/PPP$ [128th of 170]
CO2 emissions > kt 7,728.93 kt [99th of 195]
CO2 emissions > kt (per capita) 0.364 kt per 1,000 people [156th of 196]
CPIA policy and institutions for environmental sustainability rating 3.5 [24th of 75]

Current issues
recurrent drought in north severely affects agricultural activities; deforestation; overgrazing; soil erosion; poaching and habitat destruction threatens wildlife populations; water pollution; inadequate supplies of potable water

Ecological footprint 1.12 [104th of 141]
Endangered species protection 87% [42nd of 141]
Fertiliser consumption 42.06 hundred grams/hectare [121st of 141]
Forest area > % of land area 24.25 % of land area [113rd of 195]
Forest area > sq. km 55,170 km² [70th of 195]
Forest area > sq. km (per capita) 2,494.935 km² per 1,000 people [104th of 195]
Freshwater withdrawal 0.98 [84th of 124]
Freshwater withdrawal > Agricultural 66% [78th of 124]
Freshwater withdrawal > Domestic 24% [33rd of 124]
Freshwater withdrawal > Industrial 10% [44th of 124]
Groundwater withdrawals 0 [133rd of 188]

International agreements > Party to
Biodiversity, Climate Change, Climate Change-Kyoto Protocol, Desertification, Endangered Species, Environmental Modification, Hazardous Wastes, Law of the Sea, Ozone Layer Protection, Ship Pollution, Tropical Timber 83, Tropical Timber 94, Wetlands

International agreements > Signed but not ratified Marine Life Conservation
Known breeding bird species 206 [72nd of 146]
Known breeding bird species (per capita) 9.38668 per 1 million people [104th of 146]
Known mammal species 222 [31st of 145]
Known mammal species (per capita) 10.1157 per 1 million people [80th of 145]
Marine fish catch 410,668 tons [32nd of 141]
Marine fish catch (per capita) 18.7127 tons per 1,000 people [29th of 141]
Non-wildness 1.89% [85th of 141]
NOx emissions per populated area 0.29 thousand metric tons/squ [56th of 141]
Organic water pollutant (BOD) emissions > kg per day 14,448.73 kg/day [76th of 115]
Organic water pollutant (BOD) emissions > kg per day per worker 0.17 kg per day per worker [66th of 115]
PM10, country level > micrograms per cubic meter 34.82 mcg/m³ [106th of 185]
Pollution > Carbon dioxide 1999 1,522 [103rd of 199]
Protected area 4.8 [81st of 147]
SO2 emissions per populated area 170 thousand metric tons/squ [104th of 141]
SO2 exports 2,454.67 hundred metric tons [26th of 141]
Threatened species 27 [75th of 158]
Threatened species > Mammal 13 [61st of 160]
Total renewable water resources 53.2 cu km [6th of 31]
Urban NO2 concentration 78.99 micrograms/m3 [9th of 141]
Urban SO2 concentration 64.07 micrograms/m3 [50th of 141]
Water > Availability 1.87 thousand cubic metres [87th of 141]
Water > Dissolved oxygen concentration 6.8 mls/litre [92nd of 141]
Water > Phosphorus concentration 0.13 mls/litre [113rd of 141]
Water > Salinisation 185.59 [123rd of 141]
Water > Severe water stress 0 [106th of 140]
Water > Suspended solids 4.55 mls/litre [84th of 141]
Water pollution, chemical industry > % of total BOD emissions 10.46 % [20th of 114]
Water pollution, clay and glass industry > % of total BOD emissions 0.18 % [50th of 112]
Water pollution, food industry > % of total BOD emissions 39.53 % [77th of 114]
Water pollution, metal industry > % of total BOD emissions 9.77 % [29th of 94]
Water pollution, other industry > % of total BOD emissions 1.67 % [71st of 107]
Water pollution, paper and pulp industry > % of total BOD emissions 16.89 % [28th of 111]
Water pollution, textile industry > % of total BOD emissions 9.1 % [58th of 114]
Water pollution, wood industry > % of total BOD emissions 12.41 % [2nd of 114]
Wetlands of intl importance > Area 178 thousand hectares [51st of 112]
Wetlands of intl importance > Area (per capita) 8.11082 thousand hectares per 1 m [66th of 112]
Wildness 0.58% [94th of 141]

Stockholm Environment Institute at York, Acidification in Developing Countries: Ecosystem Sensitivity and the Critical Loads Approach at the Global scale, 2000 via; World Development Indicators database; World Resources Institute; ; 2000 IUCN Red List, and World Resources Institute,World Resources 2000-2001, Washington, DC: WRI, 2000. Original sources: World Conservation Monitoring Center, IUCN-The World Conservation Union, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and other sources.; Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center; UNEP, Production and Consumption of Ozone Depleting Substances, 1986-1998, October 1999. via; World Resources Institute. 2003. Carbon Emissions from energy use and cement manufacturing, 1850 to 2000. Available on-line through the Climate Analysis Indicators Tool (CAIT) at Washington, DC: World Resources Institute; All CIA World Factbooks 18 December 2003 to 18 December 2008; World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), Living Planet Report 2000, Gland, Switzerland: 2000, and Redefining Progress.; Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, Report on National Reports Required Under Article VIII, Paragraph 7(a), of the Convention, Eleventh Meeting of the Conference of the Parties, Gigiri, Kenya, April 2000; World Bank, World Development Indicators 2001. Washington, DC: World Bank, 2001. via; FAOSTAT on-line database; Wild Areas Project (WAP), joint Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and CIESIN project to map the last wild places on the earth's surface. Accessed via; Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change: Special Report on Emissions Scenarios, Data Version 1.1, B1Illustrative Marker Scenario with model IMAGE; Gregg Marland, Tom Boden, and Bob Andres, University of North Dakota, via net publication; Jacaranda Atlas; International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, RAINS-ASIA and Co-operative Programme formonitoring and evaluation of the long range transmission of air pollutants in Europe (EMEP) via; United Nations World Statistics Pocketbook and Statistical Yearbook; World Resources Institute, World Resources 1998-99; World Bank, World Development Indicators 2000; WHO,Air Management Information System-AMIS 2.0, 1998; and Global Urban Observatory, Citibase, 1999. via; Center for Environmental Systems Research, University of Kassel, WaterGAP 2.1B, 2001 via; United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Global Environmental Monitoring System/Water Quality Monitoring System, with data for an additional 29 countries from Prescott-Allen,R. The Well being of Nations, Washington, DC: Island Press, 2001; United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Global Environmental Monitoring System/Water Quality Monitoring System, with data for an additional 29 countries from Prescott-Allen, R. The Well being of Nations, Washington, DC: Island Press, 2001; Center for Environmental Systems Research, University of Kassel, WaterGap 2.1, 2000 via; Wild Areas Project (WAP), joint Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and CIESIN project to map the lastwild places on the earth's surface. via

Ghana, Republic of Ghana

2) Human geography



Child employment in agriculture > % of economically active children ages 7-14 70.55 % [4th of 11]
Child employment in agriculture, female > % of female economically active children ages 7-14 59.11 % [4th of 11]
Child employment in agriculture, male > % of male economically active children ages 7-14 80.98 % [2nd of 11]
Child employment in manufacturing > % of economically active children ages 7-14 5.94 % [4th of 10]
Child employment in manufacturing, female > % of female economically active children ages 7-14 7.57 % [5th of 10]
Child employment in manufacturing, male > % of male economically active children ages 7-14 4.46 % [4th of 10]
Child employment in services > % of economically active children ages 7-14 22.49 % [4th of 11]
Child employment in services, female > % of female economically active children ages 7-14 32.05 % [4th of 11]
Child employment in services, male > % of male economically active children ages 7-14 13.78 % [6th of 11]
Compensation of employees > % of expense 44.82 % [7th of 97]
Compensation of employees > current LCU 7482860000000
CPIA building human resources rating 3.5 [27th of 75]
Economic activity > Both sexes aged 15-19 46.35 [56th of 167]
Economic activity > Both sexes aged 20-24 82.03 [20th of 166]
Economic activity > Both sexes aged 25-29 91.9 [17th of 167]
Economic activity > Both sexes aged 30-34 93.6 [20th of 165]
Economic activity > Both sexes aged 35-39 94.74 [16th of 166]
Economic activity > Both sexes aged 40-44 94.62 [15th of 167]
Economic activity > Both sexes aged 45-49 94.28 [7th of 163]
Economic activity > Both sexes aged 50-54 93.36 [2nd of 166]
Economic activity > Both sexes aged 55-59 91.93 [2nd of 166]
Economic activity > Both sexes aged 60-64 87.1 [3rd of 166]
Economic activity > Both sexes aged 65 plus 71.3 [3rd of 165]
Economic activity > Men aged 10-14 10.67 [65th of 92]
Economic activity > Men aged 15-19 39.16 [100th of 164]
Economic activity > Men aged 20-24 82.27 [99th of 166]
Economic activity > Men aged 25-29 95.46 [81st of 165]
Economic activity > Men aged 30-34 97.53 [59th of 165]
Economic activity > Men aged 35-39 97.96 [48th of 164]
Economic activity > Men aged 40-44 97.86 [27th of 163]
Economic activity > Men aged 45-49 97.56 [27th of 167]
Economic activity > Men aged 50-54 96.58 [13th of 165]
Economic activity > Men aged 55-59 95.25 [10th of 167]
Economic activity > Men aged 60-64 90.78 [11th of 165]
Economic activity > Men aged 65 plus 74.17 [13th of 162]
Economic activity > Women aged 10-14 13.33 [51st of 89]
Economic activity > Women aged 15-19 53.55 [29th of 164]
Economic activity > Women aged 20-24 81.8 [12th of 166]
Economic activity > Women aged 25-29 88.39 [15th of 165]
Economic activity > Women aged 30-34 89.74 [20th of 167]
Economic activity > Women aged 35-39 91.6 [17th of 165]
Economic activity > Women aged 40-44 91.49 [17th of 165]
Economic activity > Women aged 45-49 91.14 [13th of 161]
Economic activity > Women aged 50-54 90.33 [1st of 166]
Economic activity > Women aged 55-59 88.85 [2nd of 167]
Economic activity > Women aged 60-64 83.77 [1st of 165]
Economic activity > Women aged 65 plus 68.9 [2nd of 167]
Economically active children, female 28.43 % [13th of 34]
Economically active children, male 28.48 % [16th of 34]
Economically active children, study and work 63.64 % [19th of 34]
Economically active children, study and work, female 63.55 % [19th of 34]
Economically active children, study and work, male 63.72 % [21st of 34]
Economically active children, total 28.46 % [16th of 34]
Economically active children, work only 36.36 % [16th of 34]
Economically active children, work only, female 36.45 % [16th of 33]
Economically active children, work only, male 36.28 % [14th of 34]
Employees, agriculture, female > % of female employment 50.3 % [9th of 86]
Employees, agriculture, male > % of male employment 59.8 % [3rd of 86]
Employees, industry, female > % of female employment 14.5 % [37th of 86]
Employees, industry, male > % of male employment 13.5 % [82nd of 86]
Employees, services, female > % of female employment 35.6 % [78th of 86]
Employees, services, male > % of male employment 26.5 % [84th of 86]
Employment in agriculture > % of total employment 55 % [6th of 94]
Employment in industry > % of total employment 14 % [82nd of 94]
Employment in services > % of total employment 31.1 % [86th of 94]
Female economic activity 80.1% [6th of 156]
Female economic activity growth -2% [133rd of 156]
Firing cost > weeks of wages 177.7 weeks of wages [6th of 164]
force participation rate, female > % of female population ages 15-64 71.76 % [28th of 184]
force participation rate, male > % of male population ages 15-64 75.71 % [149th of 184]
force participation rate, total > % of total population ages 15-64 73.75 % [54th of 184]
force with primary education > % of total 21.3 % [11th of 48]
force with secondary education > % of total 39.6 % [6th of 51]
force with tertiary education > % of total 31 % [1st of 52]
force, female > % of total labor force 48 % [20th of 184]
force, total 9,802,989 [47th of 184]
force, total (per capita) 0.443 per capita [92nd of 184]
Labor force 11,290,000 [35th of 132]
Labor force (per capita) 492,340.185 per million people [42nd of 131]
Labor force > By occupation
agriculture 60%, industry 15%, services 25%
Labor force > By occupation > Agriculture 56% [4th of 32]
Labor force > By occupation > Industry 15% [24th of 29]
Labor force > By occupation > Services 29% [23rd of 29]
Parental leave > Paid maternity leave 12 weeks
Regulation 35 [111st of 123]
Regulation > Employment Conditions 56 [92nd of 123]
Regulation > Firing 17 [107th of 123]
Regulation > Hiring 33 [84th of 123]
Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention > Ratifications > Date July 2, 1959
Rigidity of employment index 34 [91st of 166]
Share of women employed in the nonagricultural sector > % of total nonagricultural employment 56.5 % [1st of 174]
Unemployment rate 11% [13th of 107]
Unemployment, female > % of female labor force 8.7 % [47th of 95]
Unemployment, male > % of male labor force 7.5 % [44th of 95]
Unemployment, total > % of total labor force 8.2 % [49th of 101]
Unemployment, youth female > % of female labor force ages 15-24 19.4 % [31st of 77]
Unemployment, youth male > % of male labor force ages 15-24 12.7 % [43rd of 77]
Unemployment, youth total > % of total labor force ages 15-24 15.9 % [35th of 77]
Workers' remittances and compensation of employees, paid > US$ 6,000,000 $ [128th of 149]
Workers' remittances and compensation of employees, paid > US$ (per $ GDP) 0.56 $ per $1,000 of GDP [124th of 166]
Workers' remittances and compensation of employees, paid > US$ (per capita) 0.271 $ per 1,000 people [138th of 167]
Workers' remittances and compensation of employees, received > US$ 99,000,000 $ [109th of 156]
Workers' remittances and compensation of employees, received > US$ (per $ GDP) 9.235 $ per $1,000 of GDP [91st of 165]
Workers' remittances and compensation of employees, received > US$ (per capita) 4.477 $ per capita [137th of 167]
Workers' remittances, receipts > BoP, current US$ 99,184,640 BoP $ [66th of 115]
Workers' remittances, receipts > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP) 9.252 BoP $ per $1 million of [54th of 142]
Workers' remittances, receipts > BoP, current US$ (per capita) 4.485 BoP $ per 1,000 people [79th of 143]

World Development Indicators database; Economic activity rate and economically active population, by sex, thirteen age groups, 1950-2010 (ILO estimates and projections) are data from the International Labour Union (ILO). Source details: ILO, Economically Active Population, 1950-2010, fourth edition, diskette database (Geneva, 1997). The latest set of estimates and projections covering the period 1950-2010 (4th edition) was released by ILO in December 1996. These data are updated every five-ten years by ILO and a new set of these data is in preparation; calculated on the basis of data on the economically active population and total population from ILO (International Labour Organization). 2002. Estimates and Projections of the Economically Active Population, 1950-2010, 4th ed., rev. 2. Database. Geneva; All CIA World Factbooks 18 December 2003 to 18 December 2008; Wikipedia: Parental leave ; The World Bank Group The original methodology and data come from The Regulation of Labor, by Juan Botero, Simeon Djankov, Rafael La Porta, Florencio Lopez-de-Silanes, and Andrei Shleifer. When using the data, please also cite this paper as a reference.; The World Bank Group The original methodology and data come from The Regulation of Labor, by Juan Botero, Simeon Djankov, Rafael La Porta, Florencio Lopez-de-Silanes, and Andrei Shleifer. When using the data, please also cite this paper as a reference; Wikipedia: Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention, 1949

Ghana, Republic of Ghana


Happiness level > Not very or not at all happy 28% [16th of 50]
Happiness level > Quite happy 45% [41st of 50]
Happiness level > Very happy 26% [22nd of 50]
Happiness net 43% [35th of 50]
Life satisfaction inequality 2.4 [51st of 87]

World Values Survey; World Values Survey 2005; World Database of Happiness, Happiness in Nations, Rank Report 2004/3b. Equality of happiness in 90 nations 1990-2000. How much citizens differ in enjoyment of their life as a whole

Ghana, Republic of Ghana


African countries by population density > area 239,460 [31st of 56]
African countries by population density > pop. dens. 85 [15th of 56]
African countries by population density > population 20,244,154 [12th of 56]
Age dependency ratio > dependents to working-age population 0.74 [57th of 185]
Age structure > 0-14 years 38.8 % [57th of 225]
Age structure > 0-14 years 37.1 [74th of 226]
Age structure > 0-14 years > Females 4,360,359 [39th of 225]
Age structure > 0-14 years > From total 37.8% [61st of 227]
Age structure > 0-14 years > Males 4,470,382 [40th of 225]
Age structure > 15-64 years 59.1 [160th of 226]
Age structure > 15-64 years 57.7 % [165th of 225]
Age structure > 15-64 years > Females 6,866,470 [53rd of 225]
Age structure > 15-64 years > From total 58.7% [160th of 227]
Age structure > 15-64 years > Males 6,852,363 [53rd of 225]
Age structure > 65 years and over 3.5 % [163rd of 225]
Age structure > 65 years and over > Females 447,124 [68th of 225]
Age structure > 65 years and over > From total 3.6% [159th of 227]
Age structure > 65 years and over > Males 386,150 [65th of 225]
Birth rate 29.22 births/1,000 population [52nd of 226]
Chinese population 500 [86th of 127]
Chinese population (per capita) 2.278 per 100,000 people [100th of 126]
CPIA social protection rating 3.5 [27th of 75]
Death rate 9.39 deaths/1,000 population [78th of 226]
Education expenditures 5.4 % of GDP [20th of 55]

Ethnic groups
Akan 45.3%, Mole-Dagbon 15.2%, Ewe 11.7%, Ga-Dangme 7.3%, Guan 4%, Gurma 3.6%, Grusi 2.6%, Mande-Busanga 1%, other tribes 1.4%, other 7.8%

Ethnicity > London 46,513 [10th of 21]
Female population > Age 10-14 1,330,471 [41st of 224]
Female population > Age 10-14 > % of the total 5.94 [59th of 224]
Female population > Age 15-19 1,276,406 [42nd of 224]
Female population > Age 15-19 > % of the total 5.7 [28th of 224]
Female population > Age 20-24 1,081,553 [46th of 224]
Female population > Age 20-24 > % of the total 4.83 [53rd of 224]
Female population > Age 25-29 871,464 [50th of 224]
Female population > Age 25-29 > % of the total 3.89 [103rd of 224]
Female population > Age 30-34 788,845 [50th of 224]
Female population > Age 30-34 > % of the total 3.52 [109th of 224]
Female population > Age 35-39 673,148 [51st of 224]
Female population > Age 35-39 > % of the total 3 [147th of 224]
Female population > Age 40-44 551,105 [53rd of 224]
Female population > Age 40-44 > % of the total 2.46 [156th of 224]
Female population > Age 45-49 442,406 [52nd of 224]
Female population > Age 45-49 > % of the total 1.97 [158th of 224]
Female population > Age 50-54 338,491 [60th of 224]
Female population > Age 50-54 > % of the total 1.51 [175th of 224]
Female population > Age 55-59 251,522 [65th of 224]
Female population > Age 55-59 > % of the total 1.12 [192nd of 224]
Female population > Age 60-64 208,841 [61st of 224]
Female population > Age 60-64 > % of the total 0.93 [167th of 224]
Female population > Age 65-69 169,710 [64th of 224]
Female population > Age 65-69 > % of the total 0.76 [162nd of 224]
Female population > Age 70-74 119,741 [64th of 224]
Female population > Age 70-74 > % of the total 0.53 [159th of 224]
Female population > Age 75-79 73,444 [75th of 224]
Female population > Age 75-79 > % of the total 0.33 [165th of 224]
Female population > Age 80-84 56,176 [74th of 224]
Female population > Age 80-84 > % of the total 0.25 [161st of 224]
Gender development 0.544 [105th of 141]
Jewish population > By country > Jews > % Jewish 0.0043 % [78th of 97]
Jewish population > By country > Jews > Estimated number of Jews 800 [68th of 102]
Male population > Age 10-14 1,364,830 [42nd of 224]
Male population > Age 10-14 > % of the total 6.09 [56th of 224]
Male population > Age 15-19 1,297,124 [43rd of 224]
Male population > Age 15-19 > % of the total 5.79 [31st of 224]
Male population > Age 20-24 1,101,077 [47th of 224]
Male population > Age 20-24 > % of the total 4.91 [60th of 224]
Male population > Age 25-29 892,486 [50th of 224]
Male population > Age 25-29 > % of the total 3.98 [107th of 224]
Male population > Age 30-34 802,697 [50th of 224]
Male population > Age 30-34 > % of the total 3.58 [109th of 224]
Male population > Age 35-39 679,808 [51st of 224]
Male population > Age 35-39 > % of the total 3.03 [153rd of 224]
Male population > Age 40-44 550,369 [53rd of 224]
Male population > Age 40-44 > % of the total 2.46 [162nd of 224]
Male population > Age 45-49 428,717 [52nd of 224]
Male population > Age 45-49 > % of the total 1.91 [164th of 224]
Male population > Age 50-54 314,224 [59th of 224]
Male population > Age 50-54 > % of the total 1.4 [174th of 224]
Male population > Age 55-59 214,334 [67th of 224]
Male population > Age 55-59 > % of the total 0.96 [191st of 224]
Male population > Age 60-64 169,992 [63rd of 224]
Male population > Age 60-64 > % of the total 0.76 [178th of 224]
Male population > Age 65-69 147,040 [64th of 224]
Male population > Age 65-69 > % of the total 0.66 [162nd of 224]
Male population > Age 70-74 108,877 [62nd of 224]
Male population > Age 70-74 > % of the total 0.49 [155th of 224]
Male population > Age 75-79 66,622 [68th of 224]
Male population > Age 75-79 > % of the total 0.3 [156th of 224]
Male population > Age 80-84 48,889 [63rd of 224]
Male population > Age 80-84 > % of the total 0.22 [146th of 224]
Median age > Female 20.7 years [164th of 224]
Median age > Male 20.2 years [166th of 224]
Median age > Total 20.4 years [167th of 224]
Nationality > Adjective Ghanaian
Nationality > Noun Ghanaian(s)

People > Note
there are 9,500 Liberians, 2,000 Sierra Leoneans, and 1,000 Togolese refugees residing in Ghana

Percentage living in rural areas. 55% [66th of 193]
Percentage living in urban areas 45% [135th of 199]
Population 23,382,848 [48th of 242]
Population > CIA Factbook 23,382,848 [48th of 240]

Population > Note
estimates for this country explicitly take into account the effects of excess mortality due to AIDS; this can result in lower life expectancy, higher infant mortality and death rates, lower population and growth rates, and changes in the distribution of population by age and sex than would otherwise be expected (July 2007 est.)

Population ages 0-14 > % of total 39.02 % [54th of 185]
Population ages 15-64 > % of total 57.31 % [129th of 185]
Population ages 65 and above > % of total 3.66 % [126th of 185]
Population growth > annual % 2.05 annual % [50th of 195]
Population growth rate 1.928% [71st of 235]
Population in 2015 26,562 [48th of 225]
Population in largest city 1,981,468 [62nd of 118]
Population in largest city (per capita) 0.09 per capita [84th of 118]
Population in the largest city > % of urban population 18.75 % [91st of 118]
Population in urban agglomerations > more than 1 million 3,498,042 [46th of 106]
Population in urban agglomerations > more than 1 million (per capita) 0.158 per capita [69th of 106]
Population, female > % of total 49.4 % [156th of 190]
Projected population growth 60.62% [61st of 141]
Rights of the Child Convention > Ratification Dates 5 Feb 1990
Rights of the Child Convention > Signatories 29 Jan 1990
Rural population 11,542,880 [42nd of 193]
Rural population (per capita) 0.522 per capita [75th of 194]
Rural population growth > annual % 0.6 annual % [81st of 193]
Sex ratio > 15-64 years 1 [115th of 223]
Sex ratio > 15-64 years 1 male(s)/female [115th of 224]
Sex ratio > 65 years and over 0.86 male(s)/female [66th of 223]
Sex ratio > At birth 1.03 male(s)/female [190th of 223]
Sex ratio > sex ratios > 15–65 1 [111st of 215]
Sex ratio > sex ratios > at birth 1.03 [194th of 215]
Sex ratio > sex ratios > over 65 0.89 [49th of 215]
Sex ratio > sex ratios > total 1 [80th of 215]
Sex ratio > sex ratios > under 15 1.03 [158th of 215]
Sex ratio > Total population 1 male(s)/female [89th of 224]
Sex ratio > Under 15 years 1.02 male(s)/female [177th of 224]
Total fertility rate 3.78 children born/woman [52nd of 225]
Total Population 22,409,572 [49th of 227]
Total population > Age 10-14 2,695,301 [42nd of 224]
Total population > Age 10-14 > % of the total 12.03 [58th of 224]
Total population > Age 15-19 2,573,530 [42nd of 224]
Total population > Age 15-19 > % of the total 11.48 [28th of 224]
Total population > Age 20-24 2,182,630 [47th of 224]
Total population > Age 20-24 > % of the total 9.74 [56th of 224]
Total population > Age 25-29 1,763,950 [49th of 224]
Total population > Age 25-29 > % of the total 7.87 [105th of 224]
Total population > Age 30-34 1,591,542 [50th of 224]
Total population > Age 30-34 > % of the total 7.1 [114th of 224]
Total population > Age 35-39 1,352,956 [51st of 224]
Total population > Age 35-39 > % of the total 6.04 [153rd of 224]
Total population > Age 40-44 1,101,474 [54th of 224]
Total population > Age 40-44 > % of the total 4.92 [162nd of 224]
Total population > Age 45-49 871,123 [52nd of 224]
Total population > Age 45-49 > % of the total 3.89 [163rd of 224]
Total population > Age 50-54 652,715 [60th of 224]
Total population > Age 50-54 > % of the total 2.91 [172nd of 224]
Total population > Age 55-59 465,856 [65th of 224]
Total population > Age 55-59 > % of the total 2.08 [191st of 224]
Total population > Age 60-64 378,833 [62nd of 224]
Total population > Age 60-64 > % of the total 1.69 [178th of 224]
Total population > Age 65-69 316,750 [64th of 224]
Total population > Age 65-69 > % of the total 1.41 [161st of 224]
Total population > Age 70-74 228,618 [63rd of 224]
Total population > Age 70-74 > % of the total 1.02 [157th of 224]
Total population > Age 75-79 140,066 [68th of 224]
Total population > Age 75-79 > % of the total 0.63 [162nd of 224]
Total population > Age 80-84 105,065 [72nd of 224]
Total population > Age 80-84 > % of the total 0.47 [155th of 224]
Total Population > Female 11,191,572 [50th of 227]
Total Population > Male 11,218,000 [49th of 227]
Urban population 10,569,920 [46th of 195]
Urban population (per capita) 0.478 per capita [120th of 196]
Urban population growth > annual % 3.65 annual % [35th of 195]
Urbanization 36 [156th of 204]
Urbanization in 1975 30.1% [111st of 164]
Urbanization in 2015 42.4% [127th of 164]
Women > Adult literacy rate females as a % of males 79 [99th of 144]
Women > Antenatal care coverage % 88 [66th of 133]
Women > Contraceptive prevalence % 22 [142nd of 170]
Women > Life expectancy females as a % of males 105 [117th of 173]
Women > Maternal mortality ratio > reported 210 [51st of 154]
Women > Maternal mortality ratio adjusted 540 [41st of 166]
Women > Skilled attendant at delivery % 44 [143rd of 172]

Wikipedia: List of African countries by population density ; World Development Indicators database; CIA World Factbook, 22 August 2006 ; CIA World Factbook, 28 July 2005; All CIA World Factbooks 18 December 2003 to 18 December 2008; University Libraries, Ohio University; Wikipedia: London ; U.S. Census Bureau, Population Division, International Programs Center ; Human Development Reports, United Nations 2002; Wikipedia: Jewish population ; Population Division of the United Nations Secretariat, World Urbanization Prospects: The 2003 Revision, Data Tables and Highlights. Estimates and projections of urban and rural populations are made by the Population Division of the United Nations Secretariat and published every two years. These estimates and projections are based on national census or survey data that have been evaluated and, whenever necessary, adjusted for deficiencies and inconsistencies; World Development Indicators database and CIA World Factbook; CIA World Factbook, 14 June, 2007 ; Population Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations Secretariat, World Population Prospects: The 2004 Revision and World Urbanization Prospects:; Population Reference Bureau, 2001 World Population Data Sheet, Washington, DC: PRB, 2001. via; The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights; The Office of the High Commissioner for Human RIghts; Wikipedia: Sex ratio ; U.S. Census Bureau, Population Division, International Programs Center Spanish Statistical Institute; Population Division of the United Nations Secretariat, World Urbanization Prospects: The 2001 Revision, Data Tables and Highlights (ESA/P/WP.173, 20 March 2002); UN (United Nations). 2002. World Urbanization Prospects: The 2001 Revision. Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division. New York; UNICEF

Ghana, Republic of Ghana


Death rate, crude > per 1,000 people 10.47 per 1,000 people [59th of 195]
rate, adult, female > per 1,000 female adults 329.85 per 1,000 female adults [36th of 185]
rate, adult, male > per 1,000 male adults 344.07 per 1,000 male adults [42nd of 185]
rate, infant > per 1,000 live births 68 per 1,000 live births [44th of 187]
rate, under-5 > per 1,000 112 per 1,000 [39th of 187]

World Development Indicators database

Ghana, Republic of Ghana


immigrant population > Immigrants as percentage of state population 7.548 [60th of 195]
immigrant population > Number of immigrants 1,669,000 [24th of 195]
immigrant population > Percentage of total number of immigrants in the world 0.8945
International migration stock > % of population 7.55 % [72nd of 205]
International migration stock, total 1,669,267 [23rd of 205]
Net migration 11,690 [58th of 180]
Net migration (per capita) 0.529 per 1 million people [68th of 185]
Net migration rate -0.55 migrant(s)/1,000 populati [107th of 225]
Refugee population by country or territory of asylum 53,537 [32nd of 151]
Refugee population by country or territory of asylum (per capita) 2,421.086 per 1 million people [46th of 162]
Refugee population by country or territory of origin 18,433 [40th of 77]
Refugee population by country or territory of origin (per capita) 0.834 per 1 million people [45th of 77]
Refugees 15,700 [53rd of 110]
Refugees (per capita) 0.715392 per 1,000 people [68th of 110]
Refugees > Convention on refugees 18 Mar 1963 a
Refugees > Outflow 13,000 [31st of 76]
Refugees > Outflow (per capita) 0.592363 per 1,000 people [38th of 76]
Refugees > US acceptance rates 114.3 [1st of 49]
Refugees > US applications 7 [46th of 64]
Refugees > US applications (per capita) 0.000318965 per 1,000 people [47th of 63]
Refugees > US applications approved 8 [27th of 53]
Refugees > US applications approved (per capita) 0.000364531 per 1,000 people [37th of 52]
Refugees and internally displaced persons > Refugees (country of origin)
35,653 (Liberia); 8,517 (Togo)
US visa lottery winners 7,040 US visa lottery winners [2nd of 178]
US visa lottery winners (per capita) 320.787 US visa lottery winners [9th of 176]

Wikipedia: List of countries by immigrant population ; World Development Indicators database; All CIA World Factbooks 18 December 2003 to 18 December 2008; United Nations World Statistics Pocketbook and Statistical Yearbook; United Nations Treaty Collection; UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees). 2002. Correspondence on refugees and internally displaced persons. February. Geneva.; calculations based on USCIS (United States Citizenship and Immigration Services) data; United States Citizenship and Immigration Services; US Department of State: Bureau of Consular Affairs

Ghana, Republic of Ghana

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