Culture        0  624 reads

1) General culture


Adjusted savings; education expenditure > % of GNI

2.14 % of GNI

[112nd of 168]

Duration of compulsory education

9 years

[92nd of 171]

Duration of education > Primary level


[109th of 181]

Duration of education > Secondary level


[122nd of 181]

Education enrolment by level > Primary level


[87th of 189]

Education enrolment by level > Primary level (per capita)

0.135 per capita

[59th of 172]

Education enrolment by level > Secondary level


[64th of 171]

Education enrolment by level > Secondary level (per capita)

144.586 per 1,000 people

[7th of 159]

Education enrolment by level > Tertiary level


[45th of 150]

Education enrolment by level > Tertiary level (per capita)

67.951 per 1,000 people

[1st of 146]

Education enrolment by level, percentage girls > Primary level


[47th of 179]

Education enrolment by level, percentage girls > Secondary level


[42nd of 162]

Education enrolment by level, percentage girls > Tertiary level


[71st of 126]

Education enrolment ratio, net, primary level


[36th of 160]

Education enrolment ratio, net, primary level > Men


[28th of 160]

Education enrolment ratio, net, primary level > Women


[47th of 160]

Expenditure per student, primary > % of GDP per capita

2.97 %

[71st of 101]

Expenditure per student, tertiary > % of GDP per capita

23.76 %

[56th of 81]

Female enrolment share > Primary level


[19th of 176]

Female enrolment share > Secondary level


[64th of 170]

Geographical aptitude results


[160th of 191]

Girls to boys ratio, primary level enrolment


[2nd of 183]

Girls to boys ratio, secondary level enrolment


[1st of 172]

Girls to boys ratio, tertiary level enrolment


[81st of 139]

Illiteracy rates by sex, aged 15+


[57th of 138]

Illiteracy rates by sex, aged 15+ > Men


[74th of 138]

Illiteracy rates by sex, aged 15+ > Women


[50th of 138]

Illiterate population by sex, aged 15+


[72nd of 138]

Illiterate population by sex, aged 15+ (per capita)

118.287 per 1,000 people

[53rd of 138]

Illiterate population by sex, aged 15+ > Men


[76th of 138]

Illiterate population by sex, aged 15+ > Men (per capita)

26.738 per 1,000 people

[71st of 138]

Illiterate population by sex, aged 15+ > Women


[63rd of 138]

Illiterate population by sex, aged 15+ > Women (per capita)

91.532 per 1,000 people

[49th of 138]

Literacy > Definition
age 15 and over can read and write

Literacy > Female


[109th of 157]

Literacy > Male


[83rd of 156]

Literacy > Total population


[102nd of 160]

Literacy rate, adult female > % of females ages 15 and above

51.13 %

[77th of 121]

Literacy rate, adult male > % of males ages 15 and above

82.84 %

[58th of 121]

Literacy rate, adult total > % of people ages 15 and above

68.05 %

[72nd of 121]

Literacy rate, youth female > % of females ages 15-24

82.66 %

[72nd of 123]

Literacy rate, youth male > % of males ages 15-24

98.94 %

[25th of 123]

Literacy rate, youth total > % of people ages 15-24

90.95 %

[61st of 123]

Literacy rates, aged 15-24


[9th of 138]

Literacy rates, aged 15-24 > Men


[6th of 138]

Literacy rates, aged 15-24 > Women


[16th of 138]

Primary education, duration > years

6 years

[103rd of 197]

Primary education, pupils


[50th of 176]

Primary education, pupils (per capita)

0.122 per capita

[61st of 193]

Primary education, pupils > % female

48.42 % female

[44th of 175]

Primary education, teachers


[39th of 159]

Primary education, teachers (per capita)

19.304 per 1,000 people

[1st of 191]

Primary school girls out of school


[84th of 99]

Private school enrolment > Primary level


[111st of 148]

Progression to secondary level


[71st of 97]

Public spending on education, total > % of GDP

2.67 %

[107th of 136]

Pupil-teacher ratio, primary


[133rd of 159]

Pupils-teacher ratio > primary level


[176th of 175]

Pupils-teacher ratio > secondary level


[120th of 121]

Ratio of female to male enrollments in tertiary education


[80th of 137]

Ratio of female to male primary enrollment


[35th of 174]

Ratio of female to male secondary enrollment


[45th of 162]

Ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary education > %

105.94 %

[32nd of 157]

Ratio of young literate females to males > % ages 15-24

83.55 %

[86th of 123]

School enrollment, preprimary > % gross

7.61 % gross

[135th of 159]

School enrollment, preprimary, female > % gross

7.46 % gross

[130th of 153]

School enrollment, preprimary, male > % gross

7.75 % gross

[130th of 153]

School enrollment, primary > % gross

107.27 % gross

[41st of 176]

School enrollment, primary > % net

95.88 % net

[32nd of 139]

School enrollment, primary, female > % gross

106.35 % gross

[40th of 174]

School enrollment, primary, female > % net

93.69 % net

[38th of 137]

School enrollment, primary, male > % gross

108.15 % gross

[44th of 174]

School enrollment, primary, male > % net

97.99 % net

[24th of 136]

School enrollment, primary, private > % of total primary

2.53 %

[95th of 139]

School enrollment, secondary > % gross

103.86 % gross

[23rd of 164]

School enrollment, secondary, female > % gross

107.07 % gross

[20th of 162]

School enrollment, secondary, male > % gross

100.78 % gross

[26th of 162]

School enrollment, secondary, private > % of total secondary

2.79 %

[95th of 124]

School enrollment, tertiary > % gross

56.24 % gross

[27th of 141]

School enrollment, tertiary, female > % gross

58.83 % gross

[30th of 137]

School enrollment, tertiary, male > % gross

53.73 % gross

[20th of 137]

School life expectancy > Primary to tertiary

17 years

[1st of 93]

School life expectancy > Primary to tertiary > Female

17 years

[1st of 93]

School life expectancy > Primary to tertiary > Male

16 years

[1st of 93]

Scientific and technical journal articles


[117th of 175]

Secondary education, general pupils


[64th of 183]

Secondary education, general pupils (per capita)

0.11 per 1,000 people

[26th of 196]

Secondary education, pupils


[58th of 166]

Secondary education, pupils (per capita)

0.142 per capita

[8th of 185]

Secondary education, pupils > % female

50.49 % female

[35th of 153]

Secondary education, teachers


[72nd of 141]

Secondary education, teachers (per capita)

3.964 per 1,000 people

[93rd of 188]

Secondary education, vocational pupils


[41st of 163]

Secondary education, vocational pupils (per capita)

31.633 per 1,000 people

[15th of 183]

Tertiary enrollment


[26th of 151]

Women to men parity index, as ratio of literacy rates, aged 15-24


[25th of 138]

World Organization of the Scout Movement > Members > Admits Boys/Girls



SOURCES World Development Indicators database; UNESCO; Source; UNESCO UIS Data | UNESCO Institute for Statistics; The Geography Zone; All CIA World Factbooks 18 December 2003 to 18 December 2008; Household survey data, net enrolment data from UNESCO, and data from UNICEF country offices; Wikipedia; List of World Organization of the Scout Movement members

Libya, Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Al Jumahiriyah al Arabiyah al Libiyah ash Shabiyah al Ishtirakiyah al Uzma, libyan arab jamahiriya, the libyan arab jamahiriya


% immunized 1-year-old children > DPT3


[81st of 187]

% immunized 1-year-old children > HepB3


[54th of 114]

% immunized 1-year-old children > Measles


[83rd of 186]

% immunized 1-year-old children > Polio3


[84th of 187]

% immunized 1-year-old children > TB


[28th of 153]

% of population using adequate sanitation facilities > Rural


[43rd of 140]

% of population using adequate sanitation facilities > Total


[43rd of 144]

% of population using adequate sanitation facilities > Urban


[56th of 141]

% of population using improved drinking water sources > Rural


[83rd of 146]

% of population using improved drinking water sources > Total


[109th of 150]

% of population using improved drinking water sources > Urban


[131st of 147]

% of routine EPI vaccines financed by government > Total


[131st of 133]

Abortion law > National laws > Physical Health


Adolescent fertility rate > births per 1,000 women ages 15-19

7.39 births

[167th of 184]

ARI treatment > % of children under 5 taken to a health provider

68.5 %

[4th of 52]

Birth rate, crude > per 1,000 people

22.98 per 1,000 people

[77th of 195]

Births attended by skilled health staff > % of total

94.4 %

[11th of 76]

Births with health staff


[42nd of 116]

Children Underweight Rate


[84th of 95]



[53rd of 89]

Contraceptive prevalence > % of women ages 15-49

45 %

[17th of 57]

Dependency ratio per 100


[120th of 166]

Drinking water availability %


[107th of 147]

Drug access


[42nd of 163]

expenditure per capita > current US$

195.4 $

[82nd of 186]

expenditure, private > % of GDP

0.95 %

[167th of 187]

expenditure, public > % of GDP

2.85 %

[111st of 187]

expenditure, total > % of GDP

3.8 %

[157th of 187]

External resources for health as % of total expenditure on health


[170th of 179]

Fertility rate, total > births per woman

2.85 births per woman

[73rd of 194]

Healthy life expectancy at birth, years > Females


[62nd of 186]

Healthy life expectancy at birth, years > Males


[54th of 186]

Healthy life expectancy at birth, years > Total population


[59th of 186]

HIV AIDS > Adult prevalence rate


[82nd of 136]

HIV AIDS > People living with HIV AIDS


[88th of 126]

HIV AIDS > People living with HIV AIDS (per capita)

1.848 per 1,000 people

[70th of 126]

HIV AIDS > Women living with aids 15-49


[81st of 114]

HIVAIDS > Adult prevalence rate 15-49 years,


[90th of 145]

Hospital beds > per 1,000 people

3.9 per 1,000 people

[27th of 149]

Immunization, DPT > % of children ages 12-23 months

98 %

[44th of 190]

Immunization, measles > % of children ages 12-23 months

97 %

[46th of 190]

Improved sanitation facilities > % of population with access

97 %

[38th of 167]

Improved sanitation facilities, rural > % of rural population with access

96 %

[34th of 167]

Improved sanitation facilities, urban > % of urban population with access

97 %

[56th of 173]

Improved water source > % of population with access

71 %

[100th of 176]

Improved water source, rural > % of rural population with access

68 %

[81st of 174]

Improved water source, urban > % of urban population with access

72 %

[154th of 181]

Incidence of tuberculosis > per 100,000 people

18.43 per 100,000 people

[149th of 200]

Infant mortality rate


[78th of 179]

Infant mortality rate > Female

19.63 deaths/1,000 live births

[99th of 225]

Infant mortality rate > Male

24.14 deaths/1,000 live births

[102nd of 225]

Infant mortality rate > Total

21.94 deaths/1,000 live births

[101st of 225]

Intestinal diseases death rate


[78th of 141]

life expectancy > Date of information

2006 est.

Life expectancy at birth > Female

79.44 years

[65th of 226]

Life expectancy at birth > Male

74.81 years

[52nd of 226]

Life expectancy at birth > Total population

77.07 years

[57th of 225]

Life expectancy at birth, female > years

76.75 years

[61st of 194]

Life expectancy at birth, male > years

72.07 years

[53rd of 194]

Life expectancy at birth, total > years

74.35 years

[57th of 194]

Life expectancy at birth, years > Females


[56th of 186]

Life expectancy at birth, years > Males


[50th of 186]

Life expectancy at birth, years > Total population


[52nd of 186]

Major infectious diseases > Degree of risk


Major infectious diseases > Food or waterborne diseases
bacterial diarrhea, hepatitis A, and typhoid fever

Major infectious diseases > Vectorborne diseases
may be a significant risk in some locations during the transmission season (typically April through October)

Malaria cases > per 100,000


[86th of 94]

Malnutrition prevalence, height for age > % of children under 5

15.1 %

[27th of 52]

Malnutrition prevalence, weight for age > % of children under 5

4.7 %

[35th of 63]

Maternal mortality

75 per 100,000

[69th of 136]

Measles immunization


[69th of 168]

Nutrition > % of children who are still breastfeeding 20-23 months


[71st of 105]

Nutrition > % of households consuming iodized salt


[25th of 112]

Nutrition > % of under-fives suffering from stunting moderate & severe


[90th of 132]

Nutrition > % of under-fives suffering from underweight moderate & severe


[121st of 137]

Nutrition > % of under-fives suffering from underweight severe


[92nd of 104]

Nutrition > % of under-fives suffering from wasting moderate & severe


[94th of 128]

Out-of-pocket expenditure as % of private health expenditure


[39th of 185]

Out-of-pocket health expenditure > % of private expenditure on health

100 %

[28th of 185]

Per capita government expenditure on health in international dollars


[113rd of 185]

Per capita total expenditure on health in international dollars


[108th of 185]

Physicians > per 1,000 people

1.29 per 1,000 people

[67th of 148]

Pregnant women receiving prenatal care > %

80.8 %

[11th of 62]

Prepaid plans as % of private expenditure on health


[146th of 159]

Prevalence of undernourishment > % of population

2.5 %

[151st of 172]

Private expenditure on health as % of total expenditure on health


[62nd of 185]

Probability of dying before 5 > Females

29 per 1,000 people

[99th of 187]

Probability of not reaching 40


[91st of 111]

Probability of reaching 65 > Female


[78th of 159]

Probability of reaching 65 > Male


[65th of 159]

Respiratory disease child death rate

96.87 (est)

Total expenditure on health as % of GDP


[170th of 185]

Total fertility rate


[77th of 166]

Tuberculosis cases > Per 100,000


[129th of 165]

Tuberculosis cases detected under DOTS > %

177.65 %

[2nd of 178]

Tuberculosis immunisation


[49th of 134]

Tuberculosis treatment success rate > % of registered cases

63.88 %

[147th of 171]

Water availability

113 cubic meters

[164th of 169]


SOURCES UNICEF; Wikipedia; Abortion law ; World Development Indicators database; WHO 2002a; UNICEF; UN (United Nations). 2002. United Nations Population Division Database on Contraceptive Use. Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division. January. New York; World Health Organization; World Health Organization (WHO) and United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), Global Water Supply and Sanitation Assessment 2000 Report and updates provided by UNICEF to the United Nations Millennium Indicator Database; WHO (World Health Organization). 2001. Correspondence on access to essential drugs. Department of Essential Drugs and Medecines Policy. February. Geneva; All CIA World Factbooks 18 December 2003 to 18 December 2008; United Nations, Demographic Yearbook, 1997; CIA World Factbook, 28 July 2005; World Health Organisation. 1997-1999 World Health Statistics Annual. Geneva; WHO, 2000; Wikipedia; List of countries by life expectancy ; UNHDR; UNICEF (United Nations Children?s Fund). 2002. Official Summary; The State of the World's Children 2002. New York; Oxford University Press.; The World Health Report 2001; UN 2001 via backone.pdf; UN (United Nations). 2001. World Population Prospects 1950-2050; The 2000 Revision. Database. Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division. New York.; UN (United Nations). 2001. World Population Prospects 1950-2050; The 2000 Revision. Database. Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division. New York;

Libya, Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Al Jumahiriyah al Arabiyah al Libiyah ash Shabiyah al Ishtirakiyah al Uzma, libyan arab jamahiriya, the libyan arab jamahiriya


1965 Pan Arab Games > Medals won > Bronze 8 [5th of 9]
1965 Pan Arab Games > Medals won > Silver 5 [6th of 8]
1965 Pan Arab Games > Medals won > Total 13 [6th of 9]
1985 Pan Arab Games > Medals won > Bronze 1 [11th of 12]
1985 Pan Arab Games > Medals won > Gold 6 [6th of 13]
1985 Pan Arab Games > Medals won > Silver 15 [5th of 13]
1985 Pan Arab Games > Medals won > Total 12 [7th of 16]
2000 Summer Paralympics > Bronze 1 [53rd of 58]
2000 Summer Paralympics > Total 1 [64th of 66]
African Cup of Nations > Most tournaments hosted > Hosts 2 times
Canada men's national soccer team > All-time Record against other nations > Pts 3 [28th of 44]
Canada men's national soccer team > All-time Record against other nations > W 1 [34th of 36]
Chess > GrandMasters 0 [112nd of 135]
Chess > GrandMasters (per capita) 0 per 100,000 population [77th of 135]
Chess > International Masters 0 [124th of 135]
Chess > International Masters (per capita) 0 per 1 million population [101st of 135]
Chess > World Chess Rankings 2,233 [92nd of 135]
FIFA World Ranking > Men 519 [80th of 198]
FIFA World Ranking > Men (per capita) 90.01 per 1 million people [86th of 197]


SOURCES Wikipedia; 1965 Pan Arab Games ; Wikipedia; 1985 Pan Arab Games ; Wikipedia; 2000 Summer Paralympics ; Wikipedia; African Cup of Nations ; Wikipedia; Canada men's national soccer team ; World Chess Federation, 2006; Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA)

Libya, Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Al Jumahiriyah al Arabiyah al Libiyah ash Shabiyah al Ishtirakiyah al Uzma, libyan arab jamahiriya, the libyan arab jamahiriya


beverages and tobacco > % of value added in manufacturing

64.94 %

[6th of 103]

exports > % of merchandise exports

0.53 %

[136th of 156]

imports > % of merchandise imports

16.76 %

[35th of 155]

World Development Indicators database

Libya, Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Al Jumahiriyah al Arabiyah al Libiyah ash Shabiyah al Ishtirakiyah al Uzma, libyan arab jamahiriya, the libyan arab jamahiriya


Arabic, Italian, English, all are widely understood in the major cities

Languages of the African Union > Illiteracy > Literacy rate


[111st of 174]

SOURCES All CIA World Factbooks 18 December 2003 to 18 December 2008; Wikipedia Languages of the African Union

ALTERNATIVE NAMES Libya, Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Al Jumahiriyah al Arabiyah al Libiyah ash Shabiyah al Ishtirakiyah al Uzma, libyan arab jamahiriya, the libyan arab jamahiriya

2) Religion

Catholic > Diocesan priests


[134th of 143]

Catholic > Diocesan priests (per capita)

0.000867152 per 1,000 people

[128th of 143]

Catholic > Dioceses


[91st of 150]

Catholic > Dioceses (per capita)

0.000693722 per 1,000 people

[86th of 148]

Catholic > Parishes


[124th of 149]

Catholic > Parishes (per capita)

0.0022546 per 1,000 people

[126th of 147]

Catholic > Religious Priests


[120th of 148]

Catholic > Religious Priests (per capita)

0.00294832 per 1,000 people

[116th of 147]

Catholic > Total Priests


[123rd of 149]

Catholic > Total Priests (per capita)

0.00381547 per 1,000 people

[124th of 148]



[112nd of 140]

Catholics as percentage


[111st of 150]

Islam > Number of Muslim


[36th of 67]

Islam > Percentage


[17th of 164]

Islam > Percentage Muslim


[16th of 168]

Islam > Population


[35th of 165]

Islam > Shia


[53rd of 67]

Islam > Shia to Muslim

1 %

[67th of 67]

Islam > Sunni


[35th of 67]

Islam > Sunni to Muslim

99 %

[4th of 67]

Islam in Africa > Islamic population in Africa and population percentage > Population

97 %

[8th of 45]


97 %

[18th of 66]

Religion in national flags > Islam > Religious characteristics
Entirely green (symbolizes the tribe of Muhammed and Gaddafi's Green Revolution)

Sunni Muslim 97%, other 3%

Religions > All

Sunni Muslim 97%

Religions > Muslim

97 %

[7th of 100]

Roman Catholicism > By country > Roman Catholicism > % Catholic

0.7 %

[138th of 170]

Roman Catholicism > By country > Roman Catholicism > Catholic total


[133rd of 170]

Seventh-day Adventist Membership


[188th of 232]

Seventh-day Adventist Membership (per capita)

117.933 per 10 million people

[196th of 222]


SOURCES Catholic; Wikipedia Demographics of Islam ; CIA World Factbook; International Religious Freedom Report 2004, U.S. State Department; Wikipedia Islam in Africa ; Wikipedia Religion in national flags ; All CIA World Factbooks 18 December 2003 to 18 December 2008; CIA World Factbook, 22 August 2006 ; Wikipedia Roman Catholicism by country ; 2004 Annual Report 31 December 2004

Libya, Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Al Jumahiriyah al Arabiyah al Libiyah ash Shabiyah al Ishtirakiyah al Uzma, libyan arab jamahiriya, the libyan arab jamahiriya



Cinema attendance


[51st of 78]

Cinema attendance (per capita)

498.786 per 1,000 people

[46th of 78]



[37th of 61]

Cinemas (per capita)

5.19 per million people

[37th of 60]

Cinemas > Annual attendance


[32nd of 65]

Cinemas > Annual attendance (per capita)

0.557 per capita

[35th of 64]

Cinemas > Seats


[25th of 44]

Cinemas > Seats (per capita)

2.768 per 1,000 people

[30th of 43]

Computer, communications and other services > % of commercial service exports

2.39 %

[132nd of 153]

Computer, communications and other services > % of commercial service imports

11.84 %

[118th of 155]

Daily newspapers > per 1,000 people

14.12 per 1,000 people

[66th of 89]

DVD region


[51st of 171]

E-Government rating


[165th of 182]

Fixed line and mobile phone subscribers > per 1,000 people

155.81 per 1,000 people

[118th of 193]

HAM radio prefixes

5AA - 5AZ

Households with television > %

95.06 %

[30th of 160]

International dialling code


International voice traffic > out and in, minutes

67,500,000 min.

[115th of 164]

International voice traffic > out and in, minutes (per capita)

13.496 min. per capita

[124th of 185]

Mobile phone subscribers


[134th of 198]

Mobile phone subscribers (per capita)

40.905 per 1 million people

[161st of 201]

Newspapers and periodicals > Circulation > Daily


[68th of 90]

Newspapers and periodicals > Circulation > Daily (per capita)

13.918 per 1,000 people

[66th of 90]

Newspapers and periodicals > Number of titles > Daily


[79th of 106]

Newspapers and periodicals > Number of titles > Daily (per capita)

0.784 per million people

[75th of 104]

Number of PCs


[106th of 169]

Number of PCs (per $ GDP)

0.035 per $10 million of GDP

[128th of 144]

Number of PCs (per capita)

0.225 per 10,000 people

[117th of 169]

Personal computers


[96th of 164]

Personal computers (per capita)

23.554 per 1 million people

[104th of 171]

Phone subscribers


[119th of 178]

Price basket for mobile > US$ per month

6.31 $/month

[141st of 185]

Radio broadcast stations

AM 16, FM 3, shortwave 3

Radio receivers


[97th of 188]

Radio receivers (per capita)

0.27 per capita

[102nd of 182]



[97th of 221]

Radios (per capita)

234.131 per 1,000 people

[133rd of 212]

Telecommunications investment > % of revenue

47.06 %

[49th of 165]

Telecommunications investment > current LCU


Telecommunications revenue > % GDP

0.7 % GDP

[157th of 167]

Telecommunications revenue > current LCU


Telephone employees, total


[59th of 194]

Telephone employees, total (per capita)

2.638 per 1,000 people

[38th of 202]

Telephone faults > per 100 mainlines

230 per 100 mainlines

[6th of 134]

Telephone mainlines


[81st of 202]

Telephone mainlines (per capita)

133.247 per 1,000 people

[92nd of 203]

Telephone subscribers


[102nd of 199]

Telephone subscribers (per capita)

0.159 per 1,000 people

[121st of 201]

Telephone subscribers per employee


[150th of 191]

Telephone system > Domestic
microwave radio relay, coaxial cable, cellular, tropospheric scatter, and a domestic satellite system with 14 earth stations

Telephone system > General assessment
telecommunications system is being modernized; mobile cellular telephone system became operational in 1996; combined fixed line and mobile telephone density approached 90 telephones per 100 persons in 2007

Telephone system > International
country code - 218; satellite earth stations - 4 Intelsat, NA Arabsat, and NA Intersputnik; submarine cables to France and Italy; microwave radio relay to Tunisia and Egypt; tropospheric scatter to Greece; participant in Medarabtel

Telephones > Main lines in use


[85th of 174]

Telephones > Main lines in use (per capita)

80.969 per 1,000 people

[102nd of 173]

Telephones > Mobile cellular


[75th of 186]

Telephones > Mobile cellular (per capita)

745.414 per 1,000 people

[74th of 185]

Television broadcast stations


[8th of 89]

Television broadcast stations (per capita)

2.306 per million people

[5th of 67]

Television receivers


[88th of 185]

Television receivers (per capita)

145.959 per 1,000 people

[87th of 179]

Television standard > UHF


Television standard > VHF




[91st of 215]

Televisions (per capita)

126.604 per 1,000 people

[116th of 209]

UNESCO Institute for Statistics, March 11, 2003; Source UNESCO UIS Data | UNESCO Institute for Statistics; World Development Indicators database;; report presents the second annual update on global e-government, i.e., the delivery of public sector information and online services through the Internet. This report studies the features that are available online at national government websites. Using a detailed analysis of 1.197 government websites in 198 different nations, it measures the information and services that are online, chart the variations that exist across countries, and discuss how e-government sites vary by region of the world. In order to see how the 198 nations ranked overall, the E-Government Ranking 2002 created a 0 to 100 point index and applied it to each nation's websites based on the availability of contact information, publications, databases, portals, and number of online services. (2002);; ; ITU; All CIA World Factbooks 18 December 2003 to 18 December 2008; CIA World Factbook, December 2003; Tenlab May 2002

Libya, Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Al Jumahiriyah al Arabiyah al Libiyah ash Shabiyah al Ishtirakiyah al Uzma, libyan arab jamahiriya, the libyan arab jamahiriya


Country code




[205th of 228]

Hosts (per capita)

5.021 per million people

[207th of 222]

International Internet bandwidth > Mbps

6 Mbps

[129th of 167]

International Internet bandwidth > Mbps (per $ GDP)

0.312 Mbps per $1 trillion of

[168th of 184]

International Internet bandwidth > Mbps (per capita)

1.087 Mbps per 1 billion peop

[137th of 188]

Internet Service Providers


[212nd of 229]

Internet Service Providers (per capita)

0.00017343 per 1,000 people

[185th of 215]



[23rd of 162]

ISP (per capita)

181.188 per billion people

[19th of 127]

Livejournal users


[215th of 226]

Price basket for Internet > US$ per month

21.98 $/month

[97th of 180]

Secure Internet servers


[167th of 183]

Secure Internet servers (per capita)

0.171 per 1 million people

[162nd of 189]





[103rd of 190]

Users (per capita)

43.586 per 1,000 people

[116th of 184]

IANA Internet Assigned Numbers Authority; All CIA World Factbooks 18 December 2003 to 18 December 2008; World Development Indicators database; CIA World Factbook, December 2003; LiveJournal

Libya, Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Al Jumahiriyah al Arabiyah al Libiyah ash Shabiyah al Ishtirakiyah al Uzma, libyan arab jamahiriya, the libyan arab jamahiriya

4) Tourism

1. Leptis Magna
Made great by the emperor Septimius Severus, Leptis Magna was one of the most beautiful cities of the Roman Empire. Now a UNESCO World Heritage Site, it abounds in impressive ruins and monuments looking out onto the Mediterranean.

2. Rock Art Sites of Tadrart Acacus
Comprising thousands of cave paintings spanning from 12,000 B.C.E. to A.D. 100, this site demonstrates the many changes to the area over thousands of years. It is on the border of Libya and Algeria.

3. Old Town of Ghadamès
Another UNESCO World Heritage Site, this is one of the oldest pre-Saharan cities and one of the best preserved.

4. Nafusa Mountains
These mountains, in western Libya, are where most of the Berbers of Libya are located. The villages throughout the mountains are home to goats and olive, fig, and apricot trees. The mountains are cooler than the rest of Libya, and snow is not uncommon during the winter. The mountains also harbor ghorfas, or ancient grain storage structures.

5. Cyrene
An ancient Greek city that was one of the principal cities of its time, Cyrene was later Romanized and remained very important until an earthquake in A.D. 365.

6. Sabratha
Once a Phoenician trading post, these ruins look out onto the blue Mediterranean. They are another UNESCO World Heritage Site.

7. Medina
The medina lies within the old city walls of Tripoli, flanked by the Mediterranean. Chockablock with jewelry merchants, mosques, a few bathhouses, and some good restaurants, it is one of the most interesting neighborhoods in Tripoli. In a market not yet destroyed by tourism, some souks still sell handcrafted and traditional items.

8. Jamahiriya House
One of the most impressive museums in the world, in the heart of Tripoli, the Jamahiriya House is home to many significant artifacts. UNESCO played a major role in the museum’s collection, which offers a truly impressive tribute to Libyan history.

9. Tripoli Castle
A fortress has stood on this site since the seventh century A.D.; it has been home to everyone from Christian knights to Muslim pirates. Today much of the castle is devoted to the Jamahiriya museum.

10. Modern Tripoli
While the medina, with its beautiful, historic mosques, and the Tripoli castle are the major draws for tourists in Tripoli, travelers should also visit the Tripoli of the present day. Much investment is being poured into this city, which is undergoing a massive construction boom.

When to Go
The Libyan climate is divided between milder Mediterranean conditions and harsh desert heat. Tripoli, jutting out into the Mediterranean, experiences less extreme temperatures, although it can get very hot and humid during the summers. The winters are mild, and the thermometer never drops below freezing. Still, the city is close to the desert, and it can be hot and dry. The best time to visit Tripoli is from November to April.

If you are planning to visit the desert, the November-to-April recommendation is even more important. The desert heat during the summer, reaching as high as 131 degrees Fahrenheit (55 degrees Celcius,) can be deadly. Night temperatures in the desert can fall to below freezing, so come prepared.


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