Somalia at a glance        0  810 reads


Area: 637,657 sq. km.; slightly smaller than Texas.
Cities: Capital--Mogadishu.
Other cities--Beledweyne, Kismayo, Baidoa, Jowhar, Merca, Gaalkayo, Bosasso, Hargeisa, Berbera. Terrain: Mostly flat to undulating plateau rising to hills in the north.
Climate: Principally desert; December to February--northeast monsoon, moderate temperatures in north, and very hot in the south; May to October--southwest monsoon, torrid in the north, and hot in the south; irregular rainfall; hot and humid periods (tangambili) between monsoons.


Nationality: Noun--Somali(s). Adjective--Somali.
Population (2009 est., no census exists): 9.8 million (of which an estimated 2 million in Somaliland). Annual growth rate (2009 est.): 2.815%.
Ethnic groups: Somali, with a small non-Somali minority (mostly Bantu and Arabs).
Religion: 99.9% Muslim. Languages: Somali (official), Arabic, Italian, English. Education: Literacy--total population that can read and write, 37.8%: male 49.7%; female 25.8%.
Health: Infant mortality rate--109.19/1,000 live births.
Life expectancy at birth--total population: 49.63 yrs.
Work force (3.447 million; very few are skilled workers): Pastoral nomad--60%. Agriculture, government, trading, fishing, industry, handicrafts, and other--40%.


Type: Transitional government, known as the Transitional Federal Government (TFG), established in October 2004 with a 5-year mandate leading to the establishment of a permanent government following national elections in 2009. In January 2009, the Transitional Federal Parliament (TFP) extended this mandate an additional two years to 2011 and expanded to include 200 members of Parliament (MPs) from the opposition Alliance for the Re-liberation of Somalia and 75 MPs from civil society and other groups, doubling the size of the TFP to 550 MPs. Independence: July 1, 1960 (from a merger between the former Somaliland Protectorate under British rule, which became independent from the U.K. on June 26, 1960, and Italian Somaliland, which became independent from the Italian-administered UN trusteeship on July 1, 1960, to form the Somali Republic).
Constitution: None in force. Note: A Transitional Federal Charter was established in February 2004 and is expected to serve as the basis for a future constitution in Somalia. In August 2004, the Somali TFP was established as part of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD)-led Somalia National Reconciliation Conference in accordance with the Charter. The Somalia National Reconciliation Conference concluded following the election of a Transitional President in October 2004. Consideration of a constitution still continues. (the rift was not just over the constitution but rather that sharmarke was ineffective.)
Branches: Executive--On January 30, 2009, Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed was elected by the TFP as President of the TFG following the December 29, 2008, resignation of former TFG President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed. On February 13, 2009, President Sharif appointed Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke as the new Prime Minister of the TFG. A cabinet, known as the Council of Ministers, also exists. Legislative--Transitional Federal Parliament, established in August 2004. Sheikh Adan Mohamed Nur “Madobe” was elected Speaker of the Parliament on January 31, 2007. Judicial--Supreme Court not functioning; no functioning nationwide legal system; informal legal system based on previously codified law, Islamic (shari'a) law, customary practices, and the provisions of the Transitional Federal Charter.
Political party: None. Note: In 1991, a congress drawn from the inhabitants of the former Somaliland Protectorate declared withdrawal from the 1960 union with Somalia to form the self-declared Republic of Somaliland. Somaliland has not received international recognition, but has maintained a de jure separate status since that time. Its form of government is republican, with a bicameral legislature including an elected elders chamber and a house of representatives. The judiciary is independent, and three official political parties exist. In line with the Somaliland Constitution, Vice President Dahir Riyale Kahin assumed the presidency following the death of former President Mohamed Ibrahim Egal in 2002. Kahin was elected President of Somaliland in elections determined to be free and fair by international observers in May 2003. Presidential elections originally scheduled to be held in April 2008 have now been postponed four times. Elections for the 84-member lower house of parliament took place on September 29, 2005 and were described as transparent and credible by international observers. Suffrage: 18 years of age; universal (no nationwide elections).
Administrative subdivisions: 18 regions (plural--NA; singular--Gobolka). Awdal, Bakool, Banaadir, Bari, Bay, Galguduud, Gedo, Hiraan, Jubbada Dhexe, Jubbada Hoose, Mudug, Nugaal, Sanaag, Shabeellaha Dhexe, Shabeellah Hoose, Sool, Togdheer, Woqooyi Galbeed. Central government budget: N/A.
Defense: N/A. National holiday: July 1 (June 26 in Somaliland).


GDP (2008 est.): U.S. $5.524 billion.
Annual growth rate (2008 est.): 2.6%.
Per capita GDP (2008 est.): $600.
Avg. inflation rate: N/A. Natural resources: Largely unexploited reserves of iron ore, tin, gypsum, bauxite, uranium, copper, salt; likely petroleum and natural gas reserves.
Agriculture: Products--livestock, fish, bananas, corn, sorghum, sugar. Arable land--13%, of which 2% is cultivated.
Industry: Types--Telecommunications, livestock, fishing, textiles, transportation, limited financial services. Somalia's surprisingly innovative private sector has continued to function despite the lack of a functioning central government since 1991.
Trade: Exports--$300 million (f.o.b., 2006 est.): livestock, bananas, hides, fish, charcoal, scrap metal. Major markets--United Arab Emirates, Yemen, Saudi Arabia. Imports--$798 million (f.o.b., 2006 est.): food grains, animal and vegetable oils, petroleum products, construction materials, manufactured products, qat. Major suppliers--Djibouti, India, Kenya, United States, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Yemen. Aid disbursed: N/A. Remittances (2008 est.): $2 billion.


Britain withdrew from British Somaliland in 1960 to allow its protectorate to join with Italian Somaliland and form the new nation of Somalia. In 1969, a coup headed by Mohamed SIAD Barre ushered in an authoritarian socialist rule that managed to impose a degree of stability in the country for a couple of decades. After the regime's collapse early in 1991, Somalia descended into turmoil, factional fighting, and anarchy. In May 1991, northern clans declared an independent Republic of Somaliland that now includes the administrative regions of Awdal, Woqooyi Galbeed, Togdheer, Sanaag, and Sool. Although not recognized by any government, this entity has maintained a stable existence and continues efforts to establish a constitutional democracy, including holding municipal, parliamentary, and presidential elections. The regions of Bari, Nugaal, and northern Mudug comprise a neighboring self-declared autonomous state of Puntland, which has been self-governing since 1998 but does not aim at independence; it has also made strides toward reconstructing a legitimate, representative government but has suffered some civil strife. Puntland disputes its border with Somaliland as it also claims portions of eastern Sool and Sanaag. Beginning in 1993, a two-year UN humanitarian effort (primarily in the south) was able to alleviate famine conditions, but when the UN withdrew in 1995, having suffered significant casualties, order still had not been restored. A two-year peace process, led by the Government of Kenya under the auspices of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), concluded in October 2004 with the election of Abdullahi YUSUF Ahmed as President of the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) of Somalia and the formation of an interim government, known as the Somalia Transitional Federal Institutions (TFIs). The Somalia TFIs include a 275-member parliamentary body, known as the Transitional Federal Assembly (TFA), a transitional Prime Minister, Nur "Adde" Hassan HUSSEIN, and a 90-member cabinet. The TFIs are based on the Transitional Federal Charter, which outlines a five-year mandate leading to the establishment of a new Somali constitution and a transition to a representative government following national elections. While its institutions remain weak, the TFG continues to reach out to Somali stakeholders and work with international donors to help build the governance capacity of the TFIs and work towards national elections in 2009. In June 2006, a loose coalition of clerics, business leaders, and Islamic court militias known as the Council of Islamic Courts (CIC) defeated powerful Mogadishu warlords and took control of the capital. The Courts continued to expand militarily throughout much of southern Somalia and threatened to overthrow the TFG in Baidoa. Ethiopian and TFG forces, concerned over links between some CIC factions and the al-Qaida East Africa network and the al-Qaida operatives responsible for the bombings of the US embassies in Tanzania and Kenya in 1998, intervened in late December 2006, resulting in the collapse of the CIC as an organization. However, the TFG continues to face violent resistance from extremist elements, such as the al-Shabaab militia previously affiliated with the now-defunct CIC.

All CIA World Factbooks 18 December 2003 to 18 December 2008




15 character
30 character
Country name Somalia
Country name > Conventional long form none
Country name > Conventional short form Somalia

Country name > Former
Somali Republic, Somali Democratic Republic

Country name > Local long form
Jamhuuriyada Demuqraadiga Soomaaliyeed

Country name > Local short form Soomaaliya
ISO code 706
ISO long SOM
ISO short SO
Native names Soomaaliya
Oceanographic code SM
Translation > Catalan Somalia
Translation > French Somalie
Translation > German
Translation > Italian
Translation > Portugese Somalia
Translation > Spanish
UN code 706


CIA World Factbook, 28 July 2005; All CIA World Factbooks 18 December 2003 to 18 December 2008;; Wkipedia; IOC country codes



Top ranking


Economy > GDP > Composition by sector > Agriculture
Economy > Imports of goods and services > annual % growth
Education > Primary school girls out of school
Energy > Charcoal > Consumption by households and other consumers (per capita)
Energy > Charcoal > Consumption by other consumers (per capita)
Energy > Charcoal > Net inland availability (per capita)
Energy > Charcoal > Production from charcoal plants (per capita)
Environment > Freshwater withdrawal > Agricultural
Environment > Organic water pollutant (BOD) emissions > kg per day per worker
Immigration > Refugees > US applications
Immigration > Refugees > US applications otherwise closed
Immigration > Refugees > US applications otherwise closed (per capita)
Religion > Islam in Africa > Islamic population in Africa and population percentage > Population



Agriculture > Agricultural raw materials imports > % of merchandise imports
Agriculture > Agriculture, value added > current US$ (per $ GDP)
Agriculture > value added > current US$ (per $ GDP)
Economy > Aid > % of gross capital formation
Economy > Household final consumption expenditure, etc. > % of GDP
Economy > Short-term debt > % of exports of goods, services and income
Environment > Water pollution, food industry > % of total BOD emissions
Geography > Maritime claims > Territorial sea
Health > Nutrition > % of under-fives suffering from wasting moderate & severe
Health > Total fertility rate
Health > Women circumcised (per capita)
Immigration > Refugees and internally displaced persons > IDPs (per capita)
Immigration > Refugees > US applications denied
Immigration > Refugees > US applications (per capita)
Labor > force participation rate, male > % of male population ages 15-64
Religion > Islam > Percentage Muslim



Disasters > Tsunami aid recipients (per $ GDP)
Economy > Aid > % of GNI
Economy > Official development assistance and official aid > current US$ (per $ GDP)
Energy > Charcoal > Consumption by other consumers
Energy > Electricity > Production by source > Fossil fuel
Food > exports > % of merchandise exports
Immigration > Refugees > US applications denied (per capita)
Religion > Islam > Percentage



Economy > GDP deflator
Economy > Gross fixed capital formation > annual % growth
Economy > Use of IMF credit > DOD, current US$ (per $ GDP)
Health > Malaria prevention, use of insecticide-treated bed nets > % of under-5 population
Immigration > Refugees and internally displaced persons > IDPs
People > Projected population growth
People > Total fertility rate



Disasters > Tsunami aid recipients (per capita)
Disasters > Tsunami > Death toll
Economy > Aid > % of imports of goods and services
Economy > IBRD loans and IDA credits > PPG DOD, current US$ (per $ GDP)
Economy > Inflation, GDP deflator > annual %
Health > Infant mortality rate > Male
Health > Out-of-pocket health expenditure > % of private expenditure on health
Immigration > Refugee population by country or territory of origin
Immigration > Refugee population by country or territory of origin (per capita)

Bottom ranking



Agriculture > Agricultural machinery > tractors
Agriculture > Agricultural machinery > tractors per 100 hectares of arable land
Agriculture > Agricultural machinery > tractors (per capita)
Agriculture > Agricultural raw materials exports > % of merchandise exports
Agriculture > Agriculture, value added > current US$ (per capita)
Agriculture > Arable land > hectares
Agriculture > Arable land > hectares (per capita)
Agriculture > Arable land > % of land area
Agriculture > Fertilizer consumption > 100 grams per hectare of arable land
Agriculture > Fertilizer consumption > metric tons
Agriculture > Fertilizer consumption > metric tons (per capita)
Agriculture > Irrigated land > % of cropland
Agriculture > Land under cereal production > hectares
Agriculture > Land under cereal production > hectares (per capita)
Agriculture > Permanent cropland > % of land area
Agriculture > value added > annual % growth
Agriculture > value added > current US$
Agriculture > value added > current US$ (per capita)
Crime > Executions (per capita)
Democracy > Bertelsmann Transformation Index > Management Index 2006
Democracy > Bertelsmann Transformation Index > Status Index 2006
Democracy > Bertelsmann Transformation Index>Political Transformation
Democracy > Parliamentary elections > Voting age population (per capita)
Economy > Adjusted net savings, excluding particulate emission damage > % of GNI
Economy > Adjusted savings: consumption of fixed capital > % of GNI
Economy > Adjusted savings: gross savings > % of GNI
Economy > Adjusted savings: net national savings > % of GNI
Economy > Aid per capita > current US$
Economy > Bank and trade-related lending > PPG + PNG > NFL, current US$
Economy > Bank and trade-related lending > PPG + PNG > NFL, current US$ (per capita)
Economy > Bank and trade-related lending > PPG + PNG > NFL, current US$ (per $ GDP)
Economy > Changes in net reserves > BoP, current US$ (per capita)
Economy > Commercial service exports > current US$
Economy > Commercial service exports > current US$ (per capita)
Economy > Commercial service exports > current US$ (per $ GDP)
Economy > Commercial service imports > current US$
Economy > Commercial service imports > current US$ (per capita)
Economy > Commercial service imports > current US$ (per $ GDP)
Economy > Current account balance > BoP, current US$
Economy > Current account balance > BoP, current US$ (per capita)
Economy > Current account balance > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP)
Economy > Current account balance > % of GDP
Economy > Current transfers, receipts > BoP, current US$
Economy > Current transfers, receipts > BoP, current US$ (per capita)
Economy > Exports of goods and services > BoP, current US$
Economy > Exports of goods and services > BoP, current US$ (per capita)
Economy > Exports of goods and services > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP)
Economy > Exports of goods and services > current US$
Economy > Exports of goods and services > current US$ (per capita)
Economy > Exports of goods and services > current US$ (per $ GDP)
Economy > Exports of goods and services > % of GDP
Economy > Exports of goods, services and income > BoP, current US$
Economy > Exports of goods, services and income > BoP, current US$ (per capita)
Economy > Exports of goods, services and income > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP)
Economy > External balance on goods and services > current US$
Economy > External balance on goods and services > current US$ (per capita)
Economy > External balance on goods and services > current US$ (per $ GDP)
Economy > External balance on goods and services > % of GDP
Economy > External debt, total > DOD, current US$
Economy > External debt, total > DOD, current US$ (per capita)
Economy > Final consumption expenditure > current US$
Economy > Final consumption expenditure > current US$ (per capita)
Economy > Final consumption expenditure, etc. > current US$
Economy > Final consumption expenditure, etc. > current US$ (per capita)
Economy > Foreign direct investment, net > BoP, current US$
Economy > Foreign direct investment, net > BoP, current US$ (per capita)
Economy > Foreign direct investment, net > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP)
Economy > Foreign direct investment, net inflows > BoP, current US$
Economy > Foreign direct investment, net inflows > BoP, current US$ (per capita)
Economy > Foreign direct investment, net inflows > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP)
Economy > Foreign direct investment, net inflows > % of GDP
Economy > GDP growth > annual %
Economy > GDP per capita growth > annual %
Economy > GNI, Atlas method > current US$
Economy > GNI, Atlas method > current US$ (per capita)
Economy > GNI, Atlas method > current US$ (per $ GDP)
Economy > GNI > current US$
Economy > GNI > current US$ (per capita)
Economy > GNI > current US$ (per $ GDP)
Economy > Goods exports > BoP, current US$
Economy > Goods exports > BoP, current US$ (per capita)
Economy > Goods exports > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP)
Economy > Goods imports > BoP, current US$
Economy > Goods imports > BoP, current US$ (per capita)
Economy > Goods imports > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP)
Economy > Gross capital formation > current US$
Economy > Gross capital formation > current US$ (per capita)
Economy > Gross capital formation > current US$ (per $ GDP)
Economy > Gross domestic savings > current US$
Economy > Gross domestic savings > current US$ (per capita)
Economy > Gross domestic savings > current US$ (per $ GDP)
Economy > Gross fixed capital formation > current US$
Economy > Gross fixed capital formation > current US$ (per capita)
Economy > Gross fixed capital formation > current US$ (per $ GDP)
Economy > Gross national expenditure > current US$
Economy > Gross national expenditure > current US$ (per capita)
Economy > Gross savings > current US$
Economy > Gross savings > current US$ (per capita)
Economy > Gross savings > current US$ (per $ GDP)
Economy > Gross savings > % of GNI
Economy > Gross value added at factor cost > current US$
Economy > Gross value added at factor cost > current US$ (per capita)
Economy > Gross value added at factor cost > current US$ (per $ GDP)
Economy > Household final consumption expenditure > current US$
Economy > Household final consumption expenditure > current US$ (per capita)
Economy > Household final consumption expenditure, etc. > current US$
Economy > Household final consumption expenditure, etc. > current US$ (per capita)
Economy > IBRD loans and IDA credits > PPG DOD, current US$
Economy > IBRD loans and IDA credits > PPG DOD, current US$ (per capita)
Economy > Imports of goods and services > BoP, current US$
Economy > Imports of goods and services > BoP, current US$ (per capita)
Economy > Imports of goods and services > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP)
Economy > Imports of goods and services > current US$
Economy > Imports of goods and services > current US$ (per capita)
Economy > Imports of goods and services > current US$ (per $ GDP)
Economy > Imports of goods, services and income > BoP, current US$
Economy > Imports of goods, services and income > BoP, current US$ (per capita)
Economy > Imports of goods, services and income > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP)
Economy > Imports (per $ GDP)
Economy > Income payments > BoP, current US$
Economy > Income payments > BoP, current US$ (per capita)
Economy > Income payments > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP)
Economy > Income receipts > BoP, current US$
Economy > Income receipts > BoP, current US$ (per capita)
Economy > Income receipts > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP)
Economy > Insurance and financial services > % of commercial service exports
Economy > Insurance and financial services > % of commercial service imports
Economy > Long-term debt > DOD, current US$
Economy > Long-term debt > DOD, current US$ (per capita)
Economy > Net current transfers > BoP, current US$ (per capita)
Economy > Net errors and omissions, adjusted > BoP, current US$
Economy > Net errors and omissions, adjusted > BoP, current US$ (per capita)
Economy > Net errors and omissions, adjusted > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP)
Economy > Net financial flows, IDA > current US$
Economy > Net financial flows, IDA > current US$ (per capita)
Economy > Net financial flows, IMF concessional > current US$ (per capita)
Economy > Net financial flows, IMF concessional > current US$ (per $ GDP)
Economy > Net financial flows, IMF nonconcessional > current US$ (per capita)
Economy > Net financial flows, IMF nonconcessional > current US$ (per $ GDP)
Economy > Net financial flows, others > current US$
Economy > Net financial flows, others > current US$ (per capita)
Economy > Net financial flows, others > current US$ (per $ GDP)
Economy > Net financial flows, RDB concessional > current US$
Economy > Net financial flows, RDB concessional > current US$ (per capita)
Economy > Net financial flows, RDB nonconcessional > current US$
Economy > Net financial flows, RDB nonconcessional > current US$ (per capita)
Economy > Net financial flows, RDB nonconcessional > current US$ (per $ GDP)
Economy > Net income > BoP, current US$
Economy > Net income > BoP, current US$ (per capita)
Economy > Net income > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP)
Economy > Net income from abroad > current US$
Economy > Net income from abroad > current US$ (per capita)
Economy > Net income from abroad > current US$ (per $ GDP)
Economy > Net trade in goods and services > BoP, current US$
Economy > Net trade in goods and services > BoP, current US$ (per capita)
Economy > Net trade in goods and services > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP)
Economy > Net trade in goods > BoP, current US$
Economy > Net trade in goods > BoP, current US$ (per capita)
Economy > Net trade in goods > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP)
Economy > Official development assistance and official aid > current US$
Economy > Official development assistance and official aid > current US$ (per capita)
Economy > Public and publicly guaranteed debt service > % of GNI
Economy > Public and publicly guaranteed debt service > TDS, current US$
Economy > Public and publicly guaranteed debt service > TDS, current US$ (per capita)
Economy > Public and publicly guaranteed debt service > TDS, current US$ (per $ GDP)
Economy > Public and publicly guaranteed (PPG) debt > DOD, current US$
Economy > Public and publicly guaranteed (PPG) debt > DOD, current US$ (per capita)
Economy > Services, etc., value added > annual % growth
Economy > Services, etc., value added > current US$
Economy > Services, etc., value added > current US$ (per capita)
Economy > Services, etc., value added > current US$ (per $ GDP)
Economy > Service exports > BoP, current US$
Economy > Service exports > BoP, current US$ (per capita)
Economy > Service exports > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP)
Economy > Service imports > BoP, current US$
Economy > Service imports > BoP, current US$ (per capita)
Economy > Service imports > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP)
Economy > Total debt service > % of GNI
Economy > Total debt service > TDS, current US$
Economy > Total debt service > TDS, current US$ (per capita)
Economy > Total debt service > TDS, current US$ (per $ GDP)
Economy > Total reserves in months of imports
Economy > Total reserves > includes gold, current US$
Economy > Total reserves > includes gold, current US$ (per capita)
Economy > Total reserves > includes gold, current US$ (per $ GDP)
Economy > Total reserves minus gold > current US$
Economy > Total reserves minus gold > current US$ (per capita)
Economy > Total reserves minus gold > current US$ (per $ GDP)
Economy > Trade in services > % of GDP
Economy > Trade > % of GDP
Education > Adjusted savings: education expenditure > % of GNI
Education > Education enrolment by level > Primary level (per capita)
Education > Education enrolment ratio, net, primary level
Education > Education enrolment ratio, net, primary level > Men
Education > Education enrolment ratio, net, primary level > Women
Education > Literacy > Female
Education > Literacy > Male
Education > Literacy > Total population
Education > Persistence to grade 5, female > % of cohort
Education > Persistence to grade 5, male > % of cohort
Education > Primary education, duration > years
Education > School enrollment, primary, female > % net
Education > School enrollment, primary > % gross
Education > School enrollment, primary, male > % net
Education > School enrollment, primary > % net
Education > Scientific and technical journal articles
Education > Secondary education, general pupils
Education > Secondary education, general pupils (per capita)
Education > Secondary education, pupils
Education > Secondary education, pupils > % female
Education > Secondary education, pupils (per capita)
Education > Secondary education, vocational pupils
Education > Secondary education, vocational pupils (per capita)
Energy > Fuel exports > % of merchandise exports
Energy > Fuel imports > % of merchandise imports
Energy > Gas-diesel oils > Net inland availability (per capita)
Energy > Oil Consumption Test (per capita)
Energy > Oil Consumption Test (per $ GDP)
Energy > Oil Consumption Test Test (per capita)
Energy > Oil Consumption Test Test (per $ GDP)
Environment > Adjusted savings: carbon dioxide damage > % of GNI
Environment > Adjusted savings: net forest depletion > % of GNI
Environment > Adjusted savings: particulate emission damage > % of GNI
Environment > CO2 emissions > kt
Environment > CO2 emissions > kt (per capita)
Environment > Forest area > % of land area
Environment > Forest area > sq. km
Environment > Forest area > sq. km (per capita)
Environment > Freshwater withdrawal > Domestic
Environment > Organic water pollutant (BOD) emissions > kg per day
Environment > PM10, country level > micrograms per cubic meter
Environment > Water pollution, chemical industry > % of total BOD emissions
Environment > Water pollution, clay and glass industry > % of total BOD emissions
Environment > Water pollution, metal industry > % of total BOD emissions
Environment > Water pollution, other industry > % of total BOD emissions
Environment > Water pollution, paper and pulp industry > % of total BOD emissions
Environment > Water pollution, textile industry > % of total BOD emissions
Environment > Water pollution, wood industry > % of total BOD emissions
Geography > Population density > people per sq. km
Geography > Rural population density > rural population per sq. km of arable land
Government > General government final consumption expenditure > current US$
Government > General government final consumption expenditure > current US$ (per capita)
Government > General government final consumption expenditure > current US$ (per $ GDP)
Government > Proportion of seats held by women in national parliament > %
Health > Adolescent fertility rate > births per 1,000 women ages 15-19
Health > Births attended by skilled health staff > % of total
Health > expenditure per capita > current US$
Health > expenditure, private > % of GDP
Health > expenditure, public > % of GDP
Health > expenditure, total > % of GDP
Health > External resources for health > % of total expenditure on health
Health > Female adults with HIV > % of population ages 15+ with HIV
Health > Hospital beds > per 1,000 people
Health > Immunization, DPT > % of children ages 12-23 months
Health > Immunization, measles > % of children ages 12-23 months
Health > Improved sanitation facilities > % of population with access
Health > Improved sanitation facilities, rural > % of rural population with access
Health > Improved sanitation facilities, urban > % of urban population with access
Health > Improved water source > % of population with access
Health > Improved water source, rural > % of rural population with access
Health > Improved water source, urban > % of urban population with access
Health > Incidence of tuberculosis > per 100,000 people
Health > Life expectancy at birth, female > years
Health > Life expectancy at birth, male > years
Health > Life expectancy at birth, total > years
Health > Physicians > per 1,000 people
Health > Prevalence of HIV, total > % of population ages 15-49
Health > Tuberculosis cases detected under DOTS > %
Health > Tuberculosis treatment success rate > % of registered cases
Immigration > International migration stock > % of population
Immigration > International migration stock, total
Immigration > Net migration
Immigration > Net migration (per capita)
Immigration > Refugee population by country or territory of asylum
Immigration > Refugee population by country or territory of asylum (per capita)
Industry > Changes in inventories > current US$
Industry > Changes in inventories > current US$ (per capita)
Industry > Changes in inventories > current US$ (per $ GDP)
Industry > Machinery and transport equipment > % of value added in manufacturing
Industry > Manufactures exports > % of merchandise exports
Industry > Manufactures imports > % of merchandise imports
Industry > Manufacturing, value added > annual % growth
Industry > Manufacturing, value added > current US$
Industry > Manufacturing, value added > current US$ (per capita)
Industry > Manufacturing, value added > current US$ (per $ GDP)
Industry > Ores and metals exports > % of merchandise exports
Industry > Ores and metals imports > % of merchandise imports
Industry > Patent applications, nonresidents
Industry > Patent applications, nonresidents (per capita)
Industry > value added > annual % growth
Industry > value added > current US$
Industry > value added > current US$ (per capita)
Industry > value added > current US$ (per $ GDP)
Internet > Hosts (per capita)
Internet > International Internet bandwidth > Mbps
Internet > International Internet bandwidth > Mbps (per capita)
Internet > International Internet bandwidth > Mbps (per $ GDP)
Labor > force, female > % of total labor force
Labor > force participation rate, female > % of female population ages 15-64
Labor > force participation rate, total > % of total population ages 15-64
Labor > force, total
Labor > force, total (per capita)
Labor > Share of women employed in the nonagricultural sector > % of total nonagricultural employment
Labor > Workers' remittances and compensation of employees, paid > US$
Labor > Workers' remittances and compensation of employees, paid > US$ (per capita)
Labor > Workers' remittances and compensation of employees, paid > US$ (per $ GDP)
Labor > Workers' remittances and compensation of employees, received > US$
Labor > Workers' remittances and compensation of employees, received > US$ (per capita)
Labor > Workers' remittances and compensation of employees, received > US$ (per $ GDP)
Labor > Workers' remittances, receipts > BoP, current US$ (per capita)
Media > Computer, communications and other services > % of commercial service exports
Media > Fixed line and mobile phone subscribers > per 1,000 people
Media > Households with television > %
Media > Investment in telecoms with private participation > current US$
Media > Investment in telecoms with private participation > current US$ (per capita)
Media > Investment in telecoms with private participation > current US$ (per $ GDP)
Media > Mobile phone subscribers
Media > Mobile phone subscribers (per capita)
Media > Personal computers
Media > Personal computers (per capita)
Media > Price basket for mobile > US$ per month
Media > Telephone employees, total
Media > Telephone employees, total (per capita)
Media > Telecommunications investment > % of revenue
Media > Telephone mainlines
Media > Telephone mainlines (per capita)
Media > Telecommunications revenue > % GDP
Media > Telephone subscribers
Media > Telephone subscribers per employee
Media > Telephone subscribers (per capita)
Military > Arms imports > constant 1990 US$
Military > Arms imports > constant 1990 US$ (per capita)
Military > expenditure > % of GDP
Military > personnel
Military > personnel > % of total labor force
Military > personnel (per capita)
People > Population ages 15-64 > % of total
People > Population ages 65 and above > % of total
People > Population, female > % of total
People > Population in largest city
People > Population in largest city (per capita)
People > Population in the largest city > % of urban population
People > Population in urban agglomerations > more than 1 million
People > Population in urban agglomerations > more than 1 million (per capita)
People > Rural population
People > Rural population (per capita)
People > Urban population
People > Urban population (per capita)
Religion > Catholic > Parishes (per capita)
Taxation > Net taxes on products > current US$
Taxation > Net taxes on products > current US$ (per capita)
Taxation > Net taxes on products > current US$ (per $ GDP)
Transportation > Air transport, freight > million tons per km
Transportation > Air transport, passengers carried
Transportation > Air transport, passengers carried (per capita)
Transportation > Air transport, registered carrier departures worldwide
Transportation > Air transport, registered carrier departures worldwide (per capita)
Transportation > Roads, paved > % of total roads
Transportation > Roads, total network > km
Transportation > Travel services > % of commercial service imports


2nd last

Economy > African countries by GDP per capita > GDP Per Capita
Economy > GDP > Composition by sector > Services
Economy > Gross National Income (per capita)
Economy > Gross National Income (per $ GDP)
Economy > Use of IMF credit > DOD, current US$
Energy > Gas-diesel oils > Consumption by transportation industry (per capita)
Energy > Gas-diesel oils > Consumption in road transport (per capita)
Energy > Motor Gasoline > Production from refineries (per capita)
Energy > Motor Gasoline > Total production (per capita)
Religion > Catholic > Diocesan priests (per capita)
Religion > Catholic > Religious Priests (per capita)
Religion > Catholic > Total Priests (per capita)


3rd last

Agriculture > Cereal production (per capita)
Economy > Exports (per $ GDP)
Economy > GDP > CIA Factbook (per capita)
Economy > GDP > Composition by sector > Industry
Energy > Gas-diesel oils > Production from refineries
Energy > Gas-diesel oils > Production from refineries (per capita)
Energy > Gas-diesel oils > Total production
Energy > Gas-diesel oils > Total production (per capita)
Energy > Motor Gasoline > Production from refineries
Energy > Motor Gasoline > Total production
Environment > Carbon efficiency
Health > Out-of-pocket health expenditure > % of private expenditure on health
Internet > Hosts
Military > Iraqi insurgency > Foreign fighter nationality distribution > Sorted alphabeticallyality
People > Ethnicity > London
People > Women > Contraceptive prevalence %
Sports > 1985 Pan Arab Games > Medals won > Bronze
Transportation > Vehicle abundance


4th last

Disasters > Tsunami aid recipients
Economy > Use of IMF credit > DOD, current US$ (per capita)
Energy > Oil reserves (per capita)
Health > Malaria prevention, use of insecticide-treated bed nets > % of under-5 population
Health > Pregnant women receiving prenatal care > %
Labor > Workers' remittances, receipts > BoP, current US$
Religion > Catholic > Religious Priests


5th last

Disasters > Tsunami aid recipients (per capita)
Disasters > Tsunami aid recipients (per $ GDP)
Economy > Household final consumption expenditure, etc. > annual % growth
Economy > Tourist arrivals (per capita)
Education > Geographical aptitude results
Geography > Land area > sq. km
Geography > Surface area > sq. km
Health > Malnutrition prevalence, height for age > % of children under 5
Health > Measles immunization
Immigration > Refugees > US acceptance rates
Religion > Catholic > Diocesan priests
Religion > Catholic > Total Priests


6th last

Economy > GDP (purchasing power parity) (per capita)
Economy > Tourist arrivals
Education > Education enrolment by level > Secondary level (per capita)
Energy > Bagasse > Consumption by industry & construction
Energy > Bagasse > Consumption by other industries and construction
Labor > Workers' remittances, receipts > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP)
Religion > Catholic > Parishes
Sports > 1985 Pan Arab Games > Medals won > Total
Transportation > Merchant marine > Total > Dwt (per capita)
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