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1) General culture


Adjusted savings: education expenditure > % of GNI 1.05 % of GNI [137th of 168]
Duration of compulsory education 8 years [109th of 171]
Duration of education > Primary level 7 [7th of 181]
Duration of education > Secondary level 4 [179th of 181]
Education enrolment by level > Primary level 196,496 [117th of 189]
Education enrolment by level > Primary level (per capita) 0.03 per capita [160th of 172]
Education enrolment by level > Secondary level 45,686 [118th of 171]
Education enrolment by level > Secondary level (per capita) 7.061 per 1,000 people [146th of 159]
Education enrolment by level > Tertiary level 15,672 [84th of 150]
Education enrolment by level > Tertiary level (per capita) 2.416 per 1,000 people [97th of 146]
Education enrolment by level, percentage girls > Primary level 33.97% [143rd of 179]
Education enrolment by level, percentage girls > Secondary level 35.1% [104th of 162]
Education enrolment by level, percentage girls > Tertiary level 19.73% [84th of 126]
Education enrolment ratio, net, primary level 9% [139th of 160]
Education enrolment ratio, net, primary level > Men 12% [137th of 160]
Education enrolment ratio, net, primary level > Women 6% [138th of 160]
Geographical aptitude results 54.986 [187th of 191]
Literacy > Definition
age 15 and over can read and write
Literacy > Female 25.8% [31st of 157]
Literacy > Male 49.7% [31st of 156]
Literacy > Total population 37.8% [32nd of 160]
Persistence to grade 5, female > % of cohort 52 % [46th of 83]
Persistence to grade 5, male > % of cohort 66 % [39th of 83]
Primary education, duration > years 7 years [17th of 197]
Primary school girls out of school 94% [1st of 99]
School enrollment, primary > % gross 16.9 % gross [176th of 176]
School enrollment, primary > % net 8.96 % net [139th of 139]
School enrollment, primary, female > % net 6.4 % net [137th of 137]
School enrollment, primary, male > % net 11.54 % net [136th of 136]
Scientific and technical journal articles 1 [165th of 175]
Secondary education, general pupils 37,000 [139th of 183]
Secondary education, general pupils (per capita) 5.591 per 1,000 people [194th of 196]
Secondary education, pupils 43,400 [133rd of 166]
Secondary education, pupils (per capita) 0.007 per capita [184th of 185]
Secondary education, pupils > % female 34.74 % female [133rd of 153]
Secondary education, vocational pupils 6,400 [111st of 163]
Secondary education, vocational pupils (per capita) 0.967 per 1,000 people [151st of 183]


World Development Indicators database; UNESCO; Source: UNESCO UIS Data | UNESCO Institute for Statistics; The Geography Zone; All CIA World Factbooks 18 December 2003 to 18 December 2008; Household survey data, net enrolment data from UNESCO, and data from UNICEF country offices




% immunized 1-year-old children > DPT3 40 [180th of 187]
% immunized 1-year-old children > Measles 45 [180th of 186]
% immunized 1-year-old children > Polio3 40 [181st of 187]
% immunized 1-year-old children > TB 60 [147th of 153]
% immunized pregnant women tetanus 60 [26th of 54]
Abortion law > National laws > Physical Health No
Adolescent fertility rate > births per 1,000 women ages 15-19 68.19 births [57th of 184]
Birth rate, crude > per 1,000 people 44.05 per 1,000 people [14th of 195]
Births attended by skilled health staff > % of total 24.8 % [55th of 76]
Children Underweight Rate 7% [27th of 95]
Contraceptive prevalence > % of women ages 15-49 1 % [25th of 57]
Dependency ratio per 100 102 [6th of 166]
expenditure per capita > current US$ 8 $ [175th of 186]
expenditure, private > % of GDP 1.44 % [147th of 187]
expenditure, public > % of GDP 1.16 % [168th of 187]
expenditure, total > % of GDP 2.6 % [179th of 187]
External resources for health > % of total expenditure on health 9.3 % [53rd of 141]
External resources for health as % of total expenditure on health 0% [142nd of 179]
Female adults with HIV > % of population ages 15+ with HIV 57.5 % [35th of 112]
Fertility rate, total > births per woman 6.2 births per woman [12th of 194]
Healthy life expectancy at birth, years > Females 37.5 [174th of 186]
Healthy life expectancy at birth, years > Males 36.1 [174th of 186]
Healthy life expectancy at birth, years > Total population 36.8 [174th of 186]
HIV AIDS > Adult prevalence rate 1% [55th of 136]
HIV AIDS > People living with HIV AIDS 43,000 [59th of 126]
HIV AIDS > People living with HIV AIDS (per capita) 5.949 per 1,000 people [52nd of 126]
HIVAIDS > Adult prevalence rate 15-49 years, 1 [49th of 145]
Hospital beds > per 1,000 people 0.4 per 1,000 people [65th of 149]
Immunization, DPT > % of children ages 12-23 months 35 % [186th of 190]
Immunization, measles > % of children ages 12-23 months 35 % [187th of 190]
Improved sanitation facilities > % of population with access 26 % [157th of 167]
Improved sanitation facilities, rural > % of rural population with access 14 % [154th of 167]
Improved sanitation facilities, urban > % of urban population with access 48 % [156th of 173]
Improved water source > % of population with access 29 % [175th of 176]
Improved water source, rural > % of rural population with access 27 % [170th of 174]
Improved water source, urban > % of urban population with access 32 % [181st of 181]
Incidence of tuberculosis > per 100,000 people 224.14 per 100,000 people [45th of 200]
Infant mortality rate > Female 101.5 deaths/1,000 live births [7th of 225]
Infant mortality rate > Male 120.17 deaths/1,000 live births [5th of 225]
Infant mortality rate > Total 110.97 deaths/1,000 live births [6th of 225]
Intestinal diseases death rate 36.24% [7th of 141]
life expectancy > Date of information 2006 est.
Life expectancy at birth > Female 51.12 years [202nd of 226]
Life expectancy at birth > Male 47.43 years [206th of 226]
Life expectancy at birth > Total population 49.25 years [205th of 225]
Life expectancy at birth, female > years 48.97 years [157th of 194]
Life expectancy at birth, male > years 46.54 years [160th of 194]
Life expectancy at birth, total > years 47.73 years [158th of 194]
Life expectancy at birth, years > Females 45 [175th of 186]
Life expectancy at birth, years > Males 43 [172nd of 186]
Life expectancy at birth, years > Total population 44 [174th of 186]
Major infectious diseases > Animal contact disease rabies
Major infectious diseases > Degree of risk high
Major infectious diseases > Food or waterborne diseases
bacterial and protozoal diarrhea, hepatitis A and E, and typhoid fever
Major infectious diseases > Vectorborne diseases
dengue fever, malaria, and Rift Valley fever
Major infectious diseases > Water contact disease schistosomiasis
Malaria % under-fives sleeping under a bednet 16 [19th of 35]
Malaria % under-fives with fever receiving anti-malarial drugs 19 [27th of 34]
Malaria prevention, use of insecticide-treated bed nets > % of under-5 population 0.3 % [4th of 27]
Malnutrition prevalence, height for age > % of children under 5 23.3 % [27th of 52]
Malnutrition prevalence, weight for age > % of children under 5 25.8 % [18th of 63]
Measles immunization 26 [166th of 168]
Nutrition > % of children who are still breastfeeding 20-23 months 8 [103rd of 105]
Nutrition > % of children who are � exclusively breastfed 6 months 9 [112nd of 125]
Nutrition > % of under-fives suffering from stunting moderate & severe 23 [66th of 132]
Nutrition > % of under-fives suffering from underweight moderate & severe 26 [31st of 137]
Nutrition > % of under-fives suffering from underweight severe 7 [27th of 104]
Nutrition > % of under-fives suffering from wasting moderate & severe 17 [2nd of 128]
Nutrition > Vitamin A supplementation coverage rate 6-59 months 62 [45th of 57]
Out-of-pocket health expenditure > % of private expenditure on health 100 % [5th of 185]
Physicians > per 1,000 people 0.04 per 1,000 people [106th of 148]
Pregnant women receiving prenatal care > % 32.3 % [17th of 62]
Prevalence of HIV, total > % of population ages 15-49 0.86 % [62nd of 148]
Probability of dying before 5 > Females 199 per 1,000 people [9th of 187]
Respiratory disease child death rate 209.11 (est)
Total fertility rate 7.2 [2nd of 166]
Tuberculosis cases detected under DOTS > % 85.78 % [30th of 178]
Tuberculosis treatment success rate > % of registered cases 90.51 % [20th of 171]
Water availability 1,538 cubic meters [134th of 169]
Women circumcised 4.5 [6th of 27]
Women circumcised (per capita) 0.000523743 per 1,000 people [2nd of 27]
Women circumcised share 4.5% [6th of 27]


UNICEF; Wikipedia: Abortion law ; World Development Indicators database; UNICEF; World Health Organization; All CIA World Factbooks 18 December 2003 to 18 December 2008; World Health Organisation. 1997-1999 World Health Statistics Annual. Geneva: WHO, 2000; Wikipedia: List of countries by life expectancy ; The World Health Report 2001; ; Unicef (1994)




1985 Pan Arab Games > Medals won > Bronze 1 [10th of 12]
1985 Pan Arab Games > Medals won > Silver 4 [7th of 13]
1985 Pan Arab Games > Medals won > Total 5 [11th of 16]
FIFA World Ranking > Men 111 [177th of 198]
FIFA World Ranking > Men (per capita) 12.919 per 1 million people [167th of 197]


Wikipedia: 1985 Pan Arab Games ; Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA)




beverages and tobacco > % of value added in manufacturing 30.57 % [25th of 103]
exports > % of merchandise exports 93.73 % [3rd of 156]
imports > % of merchandise imports 22.44 % [13th of 155]


World Development Indicators database




English status
Used more in the north. Official language. Bible 1535-1989.
Somali (official), Arabic, Italian, English


Ethnologue; All CIA World Factbooks 18 December 2003 to 18 December 2008



2) Religion

Catholic > Diocesan priests 1 [139th of 143]
Catholic > Diocesan priests (per capita) 0.000116387 per 1,000 people [142nd of 143]
Catholic > Dioceses 1 [120th of 150]
Catholic > Dioceses (per capita) 0.000116387 per 1,000 people [136th of 148]
Catholic > Parishes 1 [144th of 149]
Catholic > Parishes (per capita) 0.000116387 per 1,000 people [147th of 147]
Catholic > Religious Priests 1 [145th of 148]
Catholic > Religious Priests (per capita) 0.000116387 per 1,000 people [146th of 147]
Catholic > Total Priests 2 [145th of 149]
Catholic > Total Priests (per capita) 0.000232775 per 1,000 people [147th of 148]
Catholics as percentage 0 [141st of 150]
Islam > Number of Muslim 8,600,000 [27th of 67]
Islam > Percentage 99.996% [3rd of 164]
Islam > Percentage Muslim 100% [2nd of 168]
Islam > Population 8,591,629 [27th of 165]
Islam > Shia 86,000 [49th of 67]
Islam > Shia to Muslim 1 % [59th of 67]
Islam > Sunni 8,514,000 [26th of 67]
Islam > Sunni to Muslim 99 % [6th of 67]
Islam in Africa > Islamic population in Africa and population percentage > Population 99.9 % [1st of 45]
Muslim 99 % [9th of 66]
Religions Sunni Muslim
Religions > All Sunni Muslim
Seventh-day Adventist Membership 0 [220th of 232]
Seventh-day Adventist Membership (per capita) 0 per 10 million people [210th of 222]


Catholic; Wikipedia: Demographics of Islam ; CIA World Factbook; International Religious Freedom Report 2004, U.S. State Department; Wikipedia: Islam in Africa ; All CIA World Factbooks 18 December 2003 to 18 December 2008; CIA World Factbook, 22 August 2006 ; 2004 Annual Report 31 December 2004



3) Media

Computer, communications and other services > % of commercial service exports 24.93 % [67th of 153]
Computer, communications and other services > % of commercial service imports 57.6 % [6th of 155]
DVD region 5 [13th of 171]
E-Government rating 32 [157th of 182]
Fixed line and mobile phone subscribers > per 1,000 people 72.92 per 1,000 people [123rd of 193]
HAM radio prefixes 6OA - 6OZ
Households with television > % 8.45 % [126th of 160]
International dialling code 252
Investment in telecoms with private participation > current US$ 1,400,000 $ [82nd of 101]
Investment in telecoms with private participation > current US$ (per $ GDP) 1.09 $ per $1,000 of GDP [103rd of 130]
Investment in telecoms with private participation > current US$ (per capita) 0.17 $ per capita [81st of 132]
Mobile phone subscribers 500,000 [121st of 198]
Mobile phone subscribers (per capita) 60.769 per 1 million people [140th of 201]
Number of PCs 50 [125th of 169]
Number of PCs (per $ GDP) 0.109 per $10 million of GDP [69th of 144]
Number of PCs (per capita) 0.058 per 10,000 people [148th of 169]
Personal computers 50,000 [116th of 164]
Personal computers (per capita) 6.278 per 1 million people [138th of 171]
Price basket for mobile > US$ per month 5.15 $/month [155th of 185]

Radio broadcast stations
AM 0, FM 11 (also 1 station each in Puntland and Somaliland), shortwave 1 (in Mogadishu)

Radio receivers 470,000 [132nd of 188]
Radio receivers (per capita) 0.073 per capita [166th of 182]
Radios 470,000 [132nd of 221]
Radios (per capita) 54.702 per 1,000 people [200th of 212]
Telecommunications investment > % of revenue 32.55 % [52nd of 165]
Telecommunications investment > current LCU 21089000
Telecommunications revenue > % GDP 0.22 % GDP [78th of 167]
Telecommunications revenue > current LCU 64783000
Telephone employees, total 1,500 [122nd of 194]
Telephone employees, total (per capita) 0.227 per 1,000 people [172nd of 202]
Telephone mainlines 100,000 [108th of 202]
Telephone mainlines (per capita) 12.154 per 1,000 people [124th of 203]
Telephone subscribers 600,000 [111st of 199]
Telephone subscribers (per capita) 0.07 per 1,000 people [125th of 201]
Telephone subscribers per employee 10 [166th of 191]

Telephone system > Domestic
local cellular telephone systems have been established in Mogadishu and in several other population centers

Telephone system > General assessment
the public telecommunications system was almost completely destroyed or dismantled during the civil war; private wireless companies offer service in most major cities and charge the lowest international rates on the continent

Telephone system > International
country code - 252; international connections are available from Mogadishu by satellite

Telephones > Main lines in use 100,000 [104th of 174]
Telephones > Main lines in use (per capita) 10.966 per 1,000 people [113rd of 173]
Telephones > Mobile cellular 600,000 [130th of 186]
Telephones > Mobile cellular (per capita) 65.798 per 1,000 people [152nd of 185]
Television broadcast stations 4 [14th of 89]
Television broadcast stations (per capita) 0.553 per million people [22nd of 67]
Television receivers 135,000 [123rd of 185]
Television receivers (per capita) 20.877 per 1,000 people [144th of 179]
Television standard > UHF PAL G
Television standard > VHF PAL B
Televisions 135,000 [125th of 215]
Televisions (per capita) 15.7123 per 1,000 people [180th of 209]


World Development Indicators database;; report presents the second annual update on global e-government, i.e., the delivery of public sector information and online services through the Internet. This report studies the features that are available online at national government websites. Using a detailed analysis of 1.197 government websites in 198 different nations, it measures the information and services that are online, chart the variations that exist across countries, and discuss how e-government sites vary by region of the world. In order to see how the 198 nations ranked overall, the E-Government Ranking 2002 created a 0 to 100 point index and applied it to each nation's websites based on the availability of contact information, publications, databases, portals, and number of online services. (2002);; ; ITU; All CIA World Factbooks 18 December 2003 to 18 December 2008; Source: UNESCO UIS Data | UNESCO Institute for Statistics; CIA World Factbook, December 2003; Tenlab May 2002




Country code .so
Hosts 1 [226th of 228]
Hosts (per capita) 0.105 per million people [222nd of 222]
International Internet bandwidth > Mbps 3 Mbps [118th of 167]
International Internet bandwidth > Mbps (per $ GDP) 141.76 Mbps per $1 trillion of [136th of 184]
International Internet bandwidth > Mbps (per capita) 0.389 Mbps per 1 billion peop [144th of 188]
Internet Service Providers 3 [128th of 229]
Internet Service Providers (per capita) 0.000349162 per 1,000 people [169th of 215]
ISP 3 [89th of 162]
ISP (per capita) 427.859 per billion people [94th of 127]
Livejournal users 30 [188th of 226]
TLD .so
Users 98,000 [127th of 190]
Users (per capita) 10.747 per 1,000 people [141st of 184]


IANA: Internet Assigned Numbers Authority; All CIA World Factbooks 18 December 2003 to 18 December 2008; World Development Indicators database; CIA World Factbook, December 2003; LiveJournal




4) Tourist


Right Now

Even though strife with political upheaval, the tourism industry in the Somaliland region of Somalia has been blossoming. Somaliland has recently been attracting an influx of tourists, signifying a change in the global perception of the region.

Since gaining its independence after the merging of two territories in 1960, the republic of Somalia has undergone many hardships. Challenged by civil war and the absence of a trustworthy centralized government, the people of Somalia have had to rely on their own steadfastness to move forward and leave the country’s troubled past behind.

While Somalia struggles, one territory in the country has been able to achieve something that had been deemed nearly impossible. In Somaliland, a region in the northwestern corner of the country, peaceful, fair, and org
anized national elections have taken place since 2003. Since Somaliland is not recognized as being independent from Somalia, as it wishes, the territory is setting an example not only for Somalia but also the rest of the continent to follow.

The Top 5
What to Do in Somalia

1. Laas Gaal Cave Paintings
A French archaeological team discovered these ancient artifacts in 2002. In order to preserve the cave, there’s currently a restriction on the number of tourists allowed to visit the site at a time.

2. Sheikh
This historic town is home to many British colonial buildings, untouched for some 40 years.

3. Zeila
Formerly a part of the Ottoman Empire, Zeila was also a dependency of Yemen and Egypt, as it served as a major trading city in the 19th century. There one can view old colonial landmarks, coral reefs, towering cliffs, and beaches.

4. Freedom Arch of Hargeisa
The arch and the war memorial in this city’s center are worth visiting. Both sites offer commentary on Somalia’s remarkable progress.

5. Naasa Hablood Hills
Located on the outskirts of Hargeisa, these twin hills are considered by native Somalilanders a majestic natural landmark.

Getting In and Around

All who wish to visit the country require a visa.

Very few major airlines from the U.S. or the U.K. fly directly to Somalia. Traveling through the Middle East is the best way to get to Somalia.

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