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Adjusted net savings, excluding particulate emission damage > % of GNI 34.15 % of GNI [3rd of 145]
Adjusted net savings, including particulate emission damage > % of GNI 34.09 % of GNI [2nd of 135]
Adjusted savings: consumption of fixed capital > % of GNI 10.9 % of GNI [85th of 181]
Adjusted savings: gross savings > % of GNI 39.19 % of GNI [7th of 161]
Adjusted savings: net national savings > % of GNI 28.28 % of GNI [8th of 161]
African countries by GDP per capita > GDP Per Capita $6,658.00 [11th of 53]
Agriculture > products
millet, sorghum, peanuts; livestock; fish
Aid > % of central government expenditures 10.5 % [25th of 77]
Aid > % of GNI 1.99 % of GNI [76th of 155]
Aid > % of gross capital formation 7.9 % [68th of 148]
Aid > % of imports of goods and services 6.39 % [44th of 133]
Aid as % of GDP 4.4% [52nd of 129]
Aid per capita > current US$ 60.73 $ [46th of 169]
Bank capital to assets ratio > % 7.8 % [46th of 93]
Bank liquid reserves to bank assets ratio 2.48 [140th of 172]
Bank nonperfoming loans to total gross loans > % 2 % [58th of 99]
Budget > Expenditures $2,515,000,000.00 [111st of 165]
Budget > Expenditures (per $ GDP) $0.35 per $1 of GDP [47th of 155]
Budget > Expenditures (per capita) $1,223.80 per capita [70th of 164]
Budget > Revenues $2,765,000,000.00 [109th of 166]
Budget > Revenues (per $ GDP) $0.38 per $1 of GDP [42nd of 157]
Budget > Revenues (per capita) $1,345.45 per capita [68th of 165]
Business disclosure index 5 [92nd of 158]
Cash surplus/deficit > % of GDP -6.8 % [91st of 97]
Cash surplus/deficit > current LCU -2299960000
Central bank
Bank of Namibia
Central bank discount rate 10.5% [33rd of 117]
Changes in net reserves > BoP, current US$ 16,464,440 BoP $ [32nd of 156]
Changes in net reserves > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP) 2.882 BoP $ per $1,000 of GDP [31st of 175]
Changes in net reserves > BoP, current US$ (per capita) 8.194 BoP $ per capita [29th of 176]
Claims on governments and other public entities > current LCU 1428176000
Claims on governments, etc. > annual growth as % of M2 3.39 annual growth as % of M2 [30th of 164]
Claims on private sector > annual growth as % of M2 25.31 annual growth as % of M2 [23rd of 163]
Commercial bank prime lending rate 12.88% [66th of 156]
Commercial service exports > current US$ 462,690,400 $ [103rd of 156]
Commercial service exports > current US$ (per $ GDP) 81 $ per $1,000 of GDP [74th of 177]
Commercial service exports > current US$ (per capita) 230.28 $ per capita [80th of 179]
Commercial service imports > current US$ 375,847,900 $ [118th of 156]
Commercial service imports > current US$ (per $ GDP) 0.066 $ per $1,000 of GDP [102nd of 177]
Commercial service imports > current US$ (per capita) 187.059 $ per capita [90th of 179]
Consumer price index 114.12 % [99th of 165]
Cost of business start-up procedures > % of GNI per capita 18 % [102nd of 170]
Credit information availability index 5 [39th of 120]
Namibian dollar ; South African rand
Currency code NAD ;ZAR
Current account balance $805,200,000.00 [53rd of 181]
Current account balance > % of GDP 11.11 % [14th of 154]
Current account balance > BoP, current US$ 634,430,300 BoP $ [40th of 156]
Current account balance > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP) 111.065 BoP $ per $1,000 of GDP [14th of 177]
Current account balance > BoP, current US$ (per capita) 315.755 BoP $ per capita [28th of 179]
Current transfers, receipts > BoP, current US$ 703,938,200 BoP $ [76th of 155]
Current transfers, receipts > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP) 123.234 BoP $ per $1,000 of GDP [29th of 175]
Current transfers, receipts > BoP, current US$ (per capita) 350.349 BoP $ per capita [40th of 177]
Debt > External $1,003,000,000.00 [127th of 136]
Debt > External (per $ GDP) $211.57 per 1,000 $ of GDP [101st of 125]
Debt > External (per capita) $488.06 per capita [91st of 136]
Deposit interest rate > % 6.24 % [46th of 163]
Discrepancy in expenditure estimate of GDP > constant LCU -663000000
Discrepancy in expenditure estimate of GDP > current LCU -1246000000
Distribution of family income > Gini index 70.7 [1st of 43]
Domestic credit provided by banking sector > % of GDP 65.89 % [64th of 176]
Domestic credit to private sector > % of GDP 61.41 % [51st of 176]
Ease of doing business index 42 [130th of 171]
Economic aid > Recipient $123,400,000.00 [81st of 134]
Economic freedom 2.3 [52nd of 156]
Economy > Overview
The economy is heavily dependent on the extraction and processing of minerals for export. Mining accounts for 8% of GDP, but provides more than 50% of foreign exchange earnings. Rich alluvial diamond deposits make Namibia a primary source for gem-quality diamonds. Namibia is the fourth-largest exporter of nonfuel minerals in Africa, the world's fifth-largest producer of uranium, and the producer of large quantities of lead, zinc, tin, silver, and tungsten. The mining sector employs only about 3% of the population while about half of the population depends on subsistence agriculture for its livelihood. Namibia normally imports about 50% of its cereal requirements; in drought years food shortages are a major problem in rural areas. A high per capita GDP, relative to the region, hides one of the world's most unequal income distributions. The Namibian economy is closely linked to South Africa with the Namibian dollar pegged one-to-one to the South African rand. Increased payments from the Southern African Customs Union (SACU) put Namibia's budget into surplus in 2007 for the first time since independence, but SACU payments will decline after 2008 as part of a new revenue sharing formula. Increased fish production and mining of zinc, copper, uranium, and silver spurred growth in 2003-07, but growth in recent years was undercut by poor fish catches and high costs for metal inputs.
Entrepreneurship > Closing a Business > Index ranking 35 [121st of 155]
Entrepreneurship > Dealing with Licenses > Cost (% of income per capita) 892.4 % [29th of 150]
Entrepreneurship > Dealing with Licenses > Index ranking 58 [93rd of 150]
Entrepreneurship > Dealing with Licenses > Procedures (number) 11 [138th of 150]
Entrepreneurship > Dealing with Licenses > Time (days) 169 [93rd of 150]
Entrepreneurship > Ease of Doing Business > Index ranking 33 [123rd of 155]
Entrepreneurship > Enforcing Contracts > Cost (% of debt) 28.3 % [53rd of 154]
Entrepreneurship > Enforcing Contracts > Index ranking 67 [89th of 155]
Entrepreneurship > Enforcing Contracts > Procedures (number) 31 [67th of 152]
Entrepreneurship > Enforcing Contracts > Time (days) 270 [117th of 154]
Entrepreneurship > Getting Credit > Credit Information Index 5 [30th of 154]
Entrepreneurship > Getting Credit > Index ranking 37 [118th of 154]
Entrepreneurship > Getting Credit > Legal Rights Index 5 [82nd of 153]
Entrepreneurship > Getting Credit > Private bureau coverage (% adults) 35.2 % [30th of 153]
Entrepreneurship > Getting Credit > Public registry coverage (% adults) 0 % [126th of 153]
Entrepreneurship > Hiring & Firing Workers > Difficulty of Firing Index 20 [102nd of 154]
Entrepreneurship > Hiring & Firing Workers > Difficulty of Hiring Index 0 [136th of 154]
Entrepreneurship > Hiring & Firing Workers > Firing costs (weeks of wages) 24.2 [108th of 154]
Entrepreneurship > Hiring & Firing Workers > Hiring cost (% of salary) 0.1 % [142nd of 154]
Entrepreneurship > Hiring & Firing Workers > Rigidity of Employment Index 27 [116th of 154]
Entrepreneurship > Hiring & Firing Workers > Rigidity of Hours Index 60 [87th of 154]
Entrepreneurship > Hiring and Firing > Index ranking 13 [142nd of 154]
Entrepreneurship > Paying Taxes > Index ranking 28 [127th of 154]
Entrepreneurship > Paying Taxes > Payments (number) 23 [104th of 153]
Entrepreneurship > Paying Taxes > Time (hours) 50 [141st of 145]
Entrepreneurship > Paying Taxes > Total tax payable (% gross profit) 43.9 % [83rd of 153]
Entrepreneurship > Protecting Investors > Director Liability Index 5 [77th of 145]
Entrepreneurship > Protecting Investors > Disclosure Index 8 [20th of 145]
Entrepreneurship > Protecting Investors > Index ranking 15 [131st of 145]
Entrepreneurship > Protecting Investors > Investor Protection Index 6.7 [16th of 145]
Entrepreneurship > Protecting Investors > Shareholder Suits Index 7 [37th of 145]
Entrepreneurship > Registering Property > Cost (% of property value) 9.3 % [41st of 152]
Entrepreneurship > Registering Property > Index ranking 118 [35th of 152]
Entrepreneurship > Registering Property > Procedures (number) 9 [15th of 152]
Entrepreneurship > Registering Property > Time (days) 28 [108th of 152]
Entrepreneurship > Starting a Business > Cost (% GNI per capita) 18.8 % [83rd of 154]
Entrepreneurship > Starting a Business > Duration (days) 95 [14th of 154]
Entrepreneurship > Starting a Business > Index ranking 76 [80th of 155]
Entrepreneurship > Starting a Business > Min. Capital (% GNI per capita) 0 % [128th of 154]
Entrepreneurship > Starting a Business > Procedures (number) 10 [69th of 154]
Entrepreneurship > Trading Across Borders > Documents for export (number) 9 [33rd of 145]
Entrepreneurship > Trading Across Borders > Documents for import (number) 14 [36th of 154]
Entrepreneurship > Trading Across Borders > Index ranking 86 [70th of 155]
Entrepreneurship > Trading Across Borders > Signatures for export (number) 7 [88th of 145]
Entrepreneurship > Trading Across Borders > Signatures for import (number) 7 [101st of 154]
Entrepreneurship > Trading Across Borders > Time for export (days) 32 [65th of 145]
Entrepreneurship > Trading Across Borders > Time for import (days) 25 [105th of 154]
Exchange rates
Namibian dollars per US dollar - 6.4597 (2004), 7.5648 (2003), 10.5407 (2002), 8.6092 (2001), 6.9398 (2000)
Exchange rates > 2001 8.6092 [102nd of 214]
Exchange rates > 2002 10.5407 [100th of 214]
Exchange rates > 2003 7.5648 [105th of 213]
Exchange rates > 2004 6.4597 [108th of 211]
Exchange rates > 2005 6.3593 [111st of 212]
Exchange rates > Recent years
Namibian dollars per US dollar - 6.3593 (2005), 6.4597 (2004), 7.5648 (2003), 10.5407 (2002), 8.6092 (2001)
Exchange rates to USD 7.18
Exchange rates to USD > 2002 10.5407
Exchange rates to USD > 2003 7.5648
Exchange rates to USD > 2004 6.4597
Exchange rates to USD > 2005 6.3593
Exchange rates to USD > 2006 6.7649
Expense > % of GDP 31.1 % [35th of 97]
Expense > current LCU 10525820000
Export quantum/quantity index 106.31 % [75th of 110]
Export value index 114.11 % [76th of 110]
Exports $2,919,000,000.00 [115th of 189]
Exports (per $ GDP) $0.42 per $1 of GDP [48th of 173]
Exports (per capita) $1,420.38 per capita [76th of 186]
Exports > Commodities
diamonds, copper, gold, zinc, lead, uranium; cattle, processed fish, karakul skins
Exports > Goods and services 49% [43rd of 156]
Exports > Manufactured 0% [125th of 124]
Exports > Partners South Africa 33.4%, US 4%
Exports > Primary 0% [118th of 117]
Exports as a capacity to import > constant LCU 9963039000
Exports of goods and services > % of GDP 46.29 % [59th of 180]
Exports of goods and services > annual % growth 3.5 % [96th of 155]
Exports of goods and services > BoP, current US$ 2,309,910,000 BoP $ [106th of 156]
Exports of goods and services > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP) 0.404 BoP $ per $1 of GDP [77th of 177]
Exports of goods and services > BoP, current US$ (per capita) 1,149.637 BoP $ per capita [83rd of 179]
Exports of goods and services > constant 2000 US$ 2,064,197,000 constant 2000 US$ [90th of 151]
Exports of goods and services > constant 2000 US$ (per capita) 1,016.219 constant 2000 US$ per c [55th of 152]
Exports of goods and services > constant LCU 8566695000
Exports of goods and services > current LCU 18031360000
Exports of goods and services > current US$ 2,835,565,000 $ [98th of 178]
Exports of goods and services > current US$ (per $ GDP) 0.463 $ per $1 of GDP [58th of 186]
Exports of goods and services > current US$ (per capita) 1,395.969 $ per capita [62nd of 186]
Exports of goods and services as % of GDP 53.66 [38th of 164]
Exports of goods, services and income > BoP, current US$ 2,678,369,000 BoP $ [103rd of 156]
Exports of goods, services and income > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP) 0.469 BoP $ per $1 of GDP [71st of 177]
Exports of goods, services and income > BoP, current US$ (per capita) 1,333.019 BoP $ per capita [80th of 179]
exports per capita > Exports per capita, US$ 1,000 [67th of 151]
Exports to US $17,200,000.00 [126th of 224]
Exports to US (per $ GDP) $0.12 per $100 [137th of 213]
Exports to US (per capita) $8.47 per person [121st of 211]
External balance on goods and services > % of GDP 1.24 % [44th of 181]
External balance on goods and services > constant LCU -1129185000
External balance on goods and services > current LCU 483510600
External balance on goods and services > current US$ 76,035,630 $ [46th of 179]
External balance on goods and services > current US$ (per $ GDP) 12.412 $ per $1,000 of GDP [43rd of 187]
External balance on goods and services > current US$ (per capita) 37.433 $ per capita [42nd of 187]
external debt > Date of information 2006 est.
Final consumption expenditure > constant 2000 US$ 3,065,032,000 constant 2000 US$ [73rd of 118]
Final consumption expenditure > constant 2000 US$ (per capita) 1,508.937 constant 2000 US$ per c [46th of 119]
Final consumption expenditure > constant LCU 14136030000
Final consumption expenditure > current LCU 28542960000
Final consumption expenditure > current US$ 4,488,593,000 $ [83rd of 141]
Final consumption expenditure > current US$ (per $ GDP) 0.733 $ per $1 of GDP [85th of 154]
Final consumption expenditure > current US$ (per capita) 2,209.767 $ per capita [54th of 154]
Final consumption expenditure, etc. > % of GDP 73.27 % [107th of 172]
Final consumption expenditure, etc. > annual % growth 3.5 % [70th of 142]
Final consumption expenditure, etc. > constant 2000 US$ 2,996,632,000 constant 2000 US$ [92nd of 140]
Final consumption expenditure, etc. > constant 2000 US$ (per capita) 1,475.264 constant 2000 US$ per c [55th of 141]
Final consumption expenditure, etc. > constant LCU 14136030000
Final consumption expenditure, etc. > current LCU 28542960000
Final consumption expenditure, etc. > current US$ 4,488,593,000 $ [110th of 170]
Final consumption expenditure, etc. > current US$ (per $ GDP) 0.733 $ per $1 of GDP [108th of 182]
Final consumption expenditure, etc. > current US$ (per capita) 2,209.767 $ per capita [68th of 182]
Finance > % of managers surveyed ranking this as a major business constraint 11.8 % [14th of 39]
Fiscal year 1 April - 31 March
Foreign direct investment, net > BoP, current US$ 238,869,200 BoP $ [70th of 152]
Foreign direct investment, net > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP) 41.817 BoP $ per $1,000 of GDP [42nd of 175]
Foreign direct investment, net > BoP, current US$ (per capita) 118.885 BoP $ per capita [44th of 176]
Foreign direct investment, net outflows > % of GDP -0.38 % [80th of 97]
GDP $6,371,540,000.00 [115th of 203]
GDP (official exchange rate) $7,400,000,000.00 [130th of 192]
GDP (official exchange rate) (per capita) $3,600.83 per capita [97th of 192]
GDP (per capita) $3,106.82 per capita [79th of 201]
GDP (purchasing power parity) $10,690,000,000.00 [141st of 187]
GDP (purchasing power parity) (per capita) $5,201.74 per capita [105th of 186]
GDP > CIA Factbook $13,850,000,000.00 [119th of 192]
GDP > CIA Factbook (per capita) $6,973.94 per capita [73rd of 183]
GDP > Composition by sector > Agriculture 10.6% [64th of 146]
GDP > Composition by sector > Industry 35.4% [41st of 146]
GDP > Composition by sector > Services 53.9% [84th of 146]
GDP > constant 2000 US$ 4,231,199,000 constant 2000 US$ [116th of 186]
GDP > constant 2000 US$ (per capita) 2,083.05 constant 2000 US$ per c [78th of 187]
GDP > constant LCU 18716940000
GDP > current LCU 38956380000
GDP > PPP $13,139,000,000.00 [117th of 163]
GDP > PPP (per capita) $6,469.23 per capita [79th of 163]
GDP > Real growth rate 3.6% [132nd of 198]
GDP deflator 208.13 [69th of 188]
GDP growth > annual % 3.5 annual % [110th of 187]
GDP growth > Duration 1975-2000 -0.1% [101st of 149]
GDP growth > Duration 1980-2000 -31% [102nd of 108]
GDP per capita > constant 2000 US$ 2,083.05 constant 2000 US$ [78th of 182]
GDP per capita > constant LCU 9214.48
GDP per capita growth > annual % 2.38 annual % [100th of 183]
GDP per capita, PPP > constant 2000 international $ 6,748.88 PPP 2000 $ [68th of 169]
GDP per capita, PPP > current international $ 7,585.94 PPP $ [68th of 169]
GDP per unit of energy use 10.25 PPP 2000 $/kg of oil eq. [7th of 123]
GDP sector composition > Indus. 30.2 % [79th of 196]
GDP sector composition > Serv. 58.1 % [90th of 196]
GDP, PPP > constant 2000 international $ 13,708,680,000 PPP 2000 $ [111st of 169]
GDP, PPP > constant 2000 international $ (per capita) 6,748.882 PPP 2000 $ per capita [68th of 169]
GDP, PPP > current international $ 15,408,960,000 PPP $ [111st of 169]
GDP, PPP > current international $ (per capita) 7,585.942 PPP $ per capita [68th of 169]
GINI index 74.33 [1st of 40]
GNI > current LCU 39465230000
GNI > current US$ 6,206,201,000 $ [111st of 183]
GNI > current US$ (per $ GDP) 1.013 $ per $1 of GDP [21st of 194]
GNI > current US$ (per capita) 3,055.357 $ per capita [73rd of 196]
GNI, Atlas method > current US$ 6,073,660,000 $ [109th of 180]
GNI, Atlas method > current US$ (per $ GDP) 0.991 $ per $1 of GDP [62nd of 191]
GNI, Atlas method > current US$ (per capita) 2,990.107 $ per capita [66th of 191]
GNI, PPP > current international $ 15,620,330,000 PPP $ [107th of 169]
GNI, PPP > current international $ (per capita) 7,690.001 PPP $ per capita [60th of 169]
Goods and services expense > % of expense 27.57 % [17th of 96]
Goods and services expense > current LCU 2901990000
Goods exports > BoP, current US$ 1,827,467,000 BoP $ [101st of 156]
Goods exports > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP) 0.32 BoP $ per $1 of GDP [65th of 177]
Goods exports > BoP, current US$ (per capita) 909.526 BoP $ per capita [74th of 179]
Goods imports > BoP, current US$ 2,110,288,000 BoP $ [104th of 156]
Goods imports > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP) 0.369 BoP $ per $1 of GDP [66th of 177]
Goods imports > BoP, current US$ (per capita) 1,050.286 BoP $ per capita [80th of 179]
Grants and other revenue > % of revenue 7.5 % [78th of 94]
Grants and other revenue > current LCU 715240000
Gross capital formation > annual % growth 3.5 % [77th of 143]
Gross capital formation > constant 2000 US$ 1,073,323,000 constant 2000 US$ [88th of 141]
Gross capital formation > constant 2000 US$ (per capita) 528.405 constant 2000 US$ per c [52nd of 142]
Gross capital formation > constant LCU 5710095000
Gross capital formation > current LCU 9929914000
Gross capital formation > current US$ 1,561,553,000 $ [101st of 171]
Gross capital formation > current US$ (per $ GDP) 0.255 $ per $1 of GDP [48th of 182]
Gross capital formation > current US$ (per capita) 768.764 $ per capita [65th of 182]
Gross domestic income > constant LCU 20113280000
Gross domestic product per barrel > Data > GDP/Barrel > bbl/day 16,000 [117th of 176]
Gross domestic product per barrel > Data > GDP/Barrel > GDP/bbl 791.7 [105th of 176]
Gross domestic savings > constant LCU 5977254000
Gross domestic savings > current LCU 10413420000
Gross domestic savings > current US$ 1,637,588,000 $ [84th of 170]
Gross domestic savings > current US$ (per $ GDP) 267.31 $ per $1,000 of GDP [37th of 182]
Gross domestic savings > current US$ (per capita) 806.196 $ per capita [54th of 182]
Gross fixed capital formation > annual % growth 3.5 % [77th of 148]
Gross fixed capital formation > constant 2000 US$ 1,062,380,000 constant 2000 US$ [91st of 145]
Gross fixed capital formation > constant 2000 US$ (per capita) 523.017 constant 2000 US$ per c [52nd of 146]
Gross fixed capital formation > constant LCU 5585895000
Gross fixed capital formation > current LCU 9803230000
Gross fixed capital formation > current US$ 1,541,631,000 $ [99th of 171]
Gross fixed capital formation > current US$ (per $ GDP) 0.252 $ per $1 of GDP [37th of 182]
Gross fixed capital formation > current US$ (per capita) 758.956 $ per capita [62nd of 182]
Gross national expenditure > constant 2000 US$ 4,069,955,000 constant 2000 US$ [92nd of 140]
Gross national expenditure > constant 2000 US$ (per capita) 2,003.668 constant 2000 US$ per c [56th of 141]
Gross national expenditure > constant LCU 19846130000
Gross national expenditure > current LCU 38472880000
Gross national expenditure > current US$ 6,050,146,000 $ [108th of 170]
Gross national expenditure > current US$ (per $ GDP) 0.988 $ per $1 of GDP [102nd of 182]
Gross national expenditure > current US$ (per capita) 2,978.53 $ per capita [66th of 182]
Gross National Income $3,510,990,000.00 [113rd of 172]
Gross National Income (per $ GDP) $23.79 per $100 [114th of 170]
Gross National Income (per capita) $1,728.70 per person [85th of 172]
Gross national income > constant LCU 20375770000
Gross private capital flows > % of GDP 23.51 % [44th of 154]
Gross savings > % of GNI 39.19 % of GNI [6th of 162]
Gross savings > current LCU 15464950000
Gross savings > current US$ 2,431,978,000 $ [73rd of 161]
Gross savings > current US$ (per $ GDP) 0.397 $ per $1 of GDP [6th of 172]
Gross savings > current US$ (per capita) 1,197.28 $ per capita [35th of 172]
Gross value added at factor cost > constant 2000 US$ 3,835,277,000 constant 2000 US$ [95th of 146]
Gross value added at factor cost > constant 2000 US$ (per capita) 1,888.135 constant 2000 US$ per c [65th of 146]
Gross value added at factor cost > constant LCU 16453060000
Gross value added at factor cost > current LCU 35417680000
Gross value added at factor cost > current US$ 5,569,693,000 $ [95th of 162]
Gross value added at factor cost > current US$ (per $ GDP) 0.909 $ per $1 of GDP [63rd of 175]
Gross value added at factor cost > current US$ (per capita) 2,742 $ per capita [56th of 175]
Growth competitiveness score 4.11 [50th of 102]
High-technology exports > % of manufactured exports 2.92 % [92nd of 151]
High-technology exports > current US$ 15,234,180 $ [87th of 151]
High-technology exports > current US$ (per $ GDP) 3,405.632 $ per $1 million of GDP [68th of 163]
High-technology exports > current US$ (per capita) 7,670.925 $ per 1,000 people [73rd of 167]
Household final consumption expenditure > annual % growth -1.3 % [108th of 147]
Household final consumption expenditure > constant 2000 US$ 2,037,664,000 constant 2000 US$ [99th of 145]
Household final consumption expenditure > constant 2000 US$ (per capita) 1,003.157 constant 2000 US$ per c [67th of 146]
Household final consumption expenditure > constant LCU 9468435000
Household final consumption expenditure > current LCU 19411110000
Household final consumption expenditure > current US$ 3,052,541,000 $ [113rd of 168]
Household final consumption expenditure > current US$ (per $ GDP) 0.498 $ per $1 of GDP [119th of 182]
Household final consumption expenditure > current US$ (per capita) 1,502.788 $ per capita [73rd of 182]
Household final consumption expenditure per capita > constant 2000 US$ 1,003.16 constant 2000 US$ [67th of 145]
Household final consumption expenditure per capita growth > annual % -2.37 annual % [105th of 145]
Household final consumption expenditure, etc. > % of GDP 49.83 % [117th of 169]
Household final consumption expenditure, etc. > annual % growth 6.04 % [49th of 138]
Household final consumption expenditure, etc. > constant 2000 US$ 1,969,807,000 constant 2000 US$ [91st of 136]
Household final consumption expenditure, etc. > constant 2000 US$ (per capita) 969.75 constant 2000 US$ per c [61st of 136]
Household final consumption expenditure, etc. > constant LCU 9468435000
Household final consumption expenditure, etc. > current LCU 19411110000
Household final consumption expenditure, etc. > current US$ 3,052,541,000 $ [112nd of 168]
Household final consumption expenditure, etc. > current US$ (per $ GDP) 0.498 $ per $1 of GDP [117th of 181]
Household final consumption expenditure, etc. > current US$ (per capita) 1,502.788 $ per capita [73rd of 181]
Human Development Index 0.627 [126th of 178]
Import quantum/quantity index 95.81 % [84th of 105]
Import value index 105.82 % [87th of 109]
Imports $3,091,000,000.00 [119th of 185]
Imports (per $ GDP) $0.40 per $1 of GDP [68th of 168]
Imports (per capita) $1,504.08 per capita [77th of 185]
Imports > Commodities
foodstuffs; petroleum products and fuel, machinery and equipment, chemicals
Imports > Goods and services 56% [46th of 156]
Imports > Partners South Africa 85.2%, US
Imports from US $9,300,000.00 [142nd of 224]
Imports from US (per $ GDP) $0.06 per $100 [153rd of 213]
Imports from US (per capita) $4.58 per person [124th of 211]
Imports of goods and services > annual % growth 3.5 % [99th of 155]
Imports of goods and services > BoP, current US$ 2,495,356,000 BoP $ [106th of 156]
Imports of goods and services > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP) 0.437 BoP $ per $1 of GDP [76th of 177]
Imports of goods and services > BoP, current US$ (per capita) 1,241.933 BoP $ per capita [83rd of 179]
Imports of goods and services > constant 2000 US$ 1,933,036,000 constant 2000 US$ [102nd of 151]
Imports of goods and services > constant 2000 US$ (per capita) 951.648 constant 2000 US$ per c [59th of 151]
Imports of goods and services > constant LCU 9695880000
Imports of goods and services > current LCU 17547850000
Imports of goods and services > current US$ 2,759,529,000 $ [107th of 178]
Imports of goods and services > current US$ (per $ GDP) 0.45 $ per $1 of GDP [75th of 185]
Imports of goods and services > current US$ (per capita) 1,358.536 $ per capita [66th of 185]
Imports of goods and services as % of GDP 66.21 [36th of 164]
Imports of goods, services and income > BoP, current US$ 2,712,999,000 BoP $ [112nd of 156]
Imports of goods, services and income > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP) 0.475 BoP $ per $1 of GDP [80th of 177]
Imports of goods, services and income > BoP, current US$ (per capita) 1,350.254 BoP $ per capita [84th of 179]
Income category Lower middle income
income equality > UN Gini index 74.3 [1st of 125]
income equality > UN Richest 10% to poorest 10% 128.8 [2nd of 125]
income equality > UN Richest 20% to poorest 20% 56.1 [2nd of 125]
Income payments > BoP, current US$ 217,642,400 BoP $ [104th of 156]
Income payments > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP) 38.101 BoP $ per $1,000 of GDP [98th of 176]
Income payments > BoP, current US$ (per capita) 108.32 BoP $ per capita [90th of 178]
Income receipts > BoP, current US$ 368,458,900 BoP $ [72nd of 154]
Income receipts > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP) 64.504 BoP $ per $1,000 of GDP [20th of 176]
Income receipts > BoP, current US$ (per capita) 183.381 BoP $ per capita [50th of 178]
Income share held by fourth 20% 11.51 % [32nd of 40]
Income share held by highest 10% 64.46 % [1st of 40]
Income share held by highest 20% 78.68 % [1st of 40]
Income share held by lowest 10% 0.5 % [32nd of 40]
Income share held by lowest 20% 1.4 % [32nd of 40]
Income share held by second 20% 3 % [32nd of 40]
Income share held by third 20% 5.41 % [32nd of 40]
Indices of Economic Freedom > Economic Freedom of the World > Summary index 6,8
Industrial production growth rate 9% [28th of 147]
meatpacking, fish processing, dairy products; mining (diamonds, lead, zinc, tin, silver, tungsten, uranium, copper)
Industry > Value added 32.73 (2001)
Inflation > Duration 1970-1979 10.6
Inflation > Duration 1990-2000 9.9% [61st of 151]
Inflation > Duration 2000-2003 9.8
Inflation rate (consumer prices) 6.7% [67th of 192]
Inflation, consumer prices > annual % 2.26 annual % [121st of 164]
Inflation, GDP deflator > annual % 2 annual % [145th of 186]
Insurance and financial services > % of commercial service exports 0.53 % [119th of 143]
Insurance and financial services > % of commercial service imports 5.53 % [81st of 147]
Interest payments > % of expense 8.21 % [50th of 97]
Interest payments > % of revenue 9.07 % [49th of 98]
Interest payments > current LCU 864370000
Interest rate spread > lending rate minus deposit rate 4.37 % [104th of 150]
International tourism, number of arrivals 695,000 [84th of 190]
International tourism, receipts > % of total exports 18.44 % [30th of 129]
International tourism, receipts > current US$ 426,000,000 $ [92nd of 148]
International tourism, receipts > current US$ (per $ GDP) 74.577 $ per $1,000 of GDP [32nd of 160]
International tourism, receipts > current US$ (per capita) 212.019 $ per capita [59th of 164]
Investment (gross fixed) 23.8 % of GDP [59th of 146]
Legal rights of borrowers and lenders index 5 [81st of 169]
Lending interest rate > % 10.61 % [81st of 156]
Liquid liabilities (M3) as % of GDP 44.59 [80th of 164]
Listed domestic companies 9 [55th of 111]
Listed domestic companies (per capita) 6.4 per 1 million people [66th of 119]
Macroeconomic environment index 3.76 [60th of 101]
Market capitalization of listed companies > current US$ 541,780,000 $ [55th of 110]
Market capitalization of listed companies > current US$ (per $ GDP) 67.687 $ per $1,000 of GDP [93rd of 117]
Market capitalization of listed companies > current US$ (per capita) 204.14 $ per capita [89th of 119]
Market value of publicly traded shares $541,800,000.00 [58th of 58]
Market value of publicly traded shares (per $ GDP) $85.03 per 1,000 $ of GDP [48th of 50]
Market value of publicly traded shares (per capita) $264.19 per capita [54th of 58]
Merchandise exports > current US$ 2,070,000,000 $ [112nd of 193]
Merchandise exports > current US$ (per $ GDP) 0.338 $ per $1,000 of GDP [71st of 187]
Merchandise exports > current US$ (per capita) 1,019.076 $ per capita [82nd of 193]
Merchandise imports > current US$ 2,520,000,000 $ [119th of 192]
Merchandise imports > current US$ (per $ GDP) 0.411 $ per $1 of GDP [77th of 187]
Merchandise imports > current US$ (per capita) 1,240.614 $ per capita [92nd of 192]
Merchandise trade > % of GDP 74.92 % [66th of 183]
Money > current LCU 9408844000
Money and quasi money (M2) as % of GDP 42.6 [78th of 163]
Money and quasi money (M2) to total reserves ratio 8.75 [18th of 160]
Money and quasi money > M2 > current LCU 17370220000
Money and quasi money growth > annual % 9.79 annual % [115th of 164]
Net barter terms of trade 97.18 % [57th of 109]
Net capital account > BoP, current US$ 77,158,510 BoP $ [50th of 129]
Net capital account > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP) 13,507.601 BoP $ per $1,000 of GDP [31st of 159]
Net capital account > BoP, current US$ (per capita) 38.402 BoP $ per capita [37th of 160]
Net current transfers > BoP, current US$ 669,060,200 BoP $ [49th of 156]
Net current transfers > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP) 117.128 BoP $ per $1,000 of GDP [24th of 177]
Net current transfers > BoP, current US$ (per capita) 332.99 BoP $ per capita [19th of 179]
Net current transfers from abroad > constant LCU 2343391000
Net current transfers from abroad > current LCU 4542677000
Net current transfers from abroad > current US$ 714,369,700 $ [45th of 157]
Net current transfers from abroad > current US$ (per $ GDP) 116.609 $ per $1,000 of GDP [28th of 165]
Net current transfers from abroad > current US$ (per capita) 351.689 $ per capita [11th of 165]
Net domestic credit > current LCU 25670130000
Net errors and omissions, adjusted > BoP, current US$ -65,163,770 BoP $ [110th of 156]
Net errors and omissions, adjusted > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP) -11,407,765,690.066 BoP $ per $1,000 of GDP [113rd of 177]
Net errors and omissions, adjusted > BoP, current US$ (per capita) -32,431,871,378.937 BoP $ per capita [121st of 178]
Net foreign assets > current LCU -156681800
Net income > BoP, current US$ 150,816,500 BoP $ [24th of 156]
Net income > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP) 26.402 BoP $ per $1,000 of GDP [6th of 176]
Net income > BoP, current US$ (per capita) 75.061 BoP $ per capita [17th of 178]
Net income from abroad > constant LCU 262487500
Net income from abroad > current LCU 508847400
Net income from abroad > current US$ 80,020,030 $ [26th of 180]
Net income from abroad > current US$ (per $ GDP) 13.062 $ per $1,000 of GDP [21st of 191]
Net income from abroad > current US$ (per capita) 39.394 $ per 1,000 people [27th of 191]
Net incurrence of liabilities, domestic > % of GDP -19.97 % [65th of 66]
Net incurrence of liabilities, domestic > current LCU -6758600000
Net incurrence of liabilities, foreign > % of GDP -0.1 % [48th of 66]
Net incurrence of liabilities, foreign > current LCU -34550000
Net trade in goods > BoP, current US$ -282,821,000 BoP $ [78th of 156]
Net trade in goods > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP) -49.511 BoP $ per $1,000 of GDP [69th of 177]
Net trade in goods > BoP, current US$ (per capita) -140.759 BoP $ per capita [87th of 179]
Net trade in goods and services > BoP, current US$ -185,446,300 BoP $ [75th of 156]
Net trade in goods and services > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP) -32.465 BoP $ per $1,000 of GDP [69th of 177]
Net trade in goods and services > BoP, current US$ (per capita) -92.296 BoP $ per capita [91st of 179]
Official development assistance and official aid > current US$ 123,360,000 $ [87th of 172]
Official development assistance and official aid > current US$ (per $ GDP) 20.137 $ per $1 million of GDP [80th of 168]
Official development assistance and official aid > current US$ (per capita) 60.731 $ per 1,000 people [47th of 173]
Other expense > % of expense 1.98 % [66th of 87]
Other expense > current LCU 208270000
Population below poverty line 50% [10th of 46]
Population under $1 a day 34.9 [17th of 59]
Population under $1 a day (per $ GDP) 0.023645 per $10 million [13th of 59]
Population under $1 a day (per capita) 17.1837 per 1 million people [4th of 59]
Population under $2 a day 55.8 [27th of 59]
Population under $2 a day (per $ GDP) 0.0378049 per $10 million [15th of 59]
Population under $2 a day (per capita) 27.4742 per 1 million people [5th of 59]
Portfolio investment, excluding LCFAR > BoP, current US$ -163,995,700 BoP $ [64th of 135]
Portfolio investment, excluding LCFAR > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP) -28.71 BoP $ per $1,000 of GDP [76th of 155]
Portfolio investment, excluding LCFAR > BoP, current US$ (per capita) -81.62 BoP $ per 1,000 people [74th of 155]
Poverty > Share of all poor people 0.06 % of world's poor [50th of 80]
Poverty gap at $1 a day > PPP > % 13.97 % [8th of 36]
Poverty gap at $2 a day > PPP > % 30.37 % [9th of 36]
Poverty headcount ratio at $1 a day > PPP > % of population 34.93 % [9th of 37]
Poverty headcount ratio at $2 a day > PPP > % of population 55.78 % [12th of 37]
Private credit bureau coverage > % of adults 35.2 % [36th of 67]
Public debt 22.3 % of GDP [88th of 121]
Public institution index 4.92 [40th of 102]
Purchasing power parity conversion factor > LCU per international $ 2.53
Quasi money > current LCU 7961379000
Quasi-liquid liabilities > % of GDP 20.44 % [95th of 164]
Real interest rate > % 8.44 % [40th of 152]
Reserves of foreign exchange and gold $896,000,000.00 [123rd of 149]
Reserves of foreign exchange and gold (per $ GDP) $70.56 per 1,000 $ of GDP [108th of 148]
Reserves of foreign exchange and gold (per capita) $435.99 per capita [85th of 149]
Revenue, excluding grants > % of GDP 28.07 % [43rd of 98]
Revenue, excluding grants > current LCU 9497750000
Risk premium on lending > % 3.52 % [52nd of 82]
Royalty and license fees, payments > BoP, current US$ 3,241,378 BoP $ [88th of 121]
Royalty and license fees, payments > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP) 567,445.388 BoP $ per $1 million of [91st of 142]
Royalty and license fees, payments > BoP, current US$ (per capita) 1,613.227 BoP $ per 1,000 people [81st of 144]
Royalty and license fees, receipts > BoP, current US$ 3,808,376 BoP $ [58th of 91]
Royalty and license fees, receipts > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP) 1,219.888 BoP $ per $1 million of [28th of 121]
Royalty and license fees, receipts > BoP, current US$ (per capita) 1,942.973 BoP $ per 1,000 people [41st of 123]
Service exports > BoP, current US$ 482,443,200 BoP $ [105th of 156]
Service exports > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP) 84.458 BoP $ per $1,000 of GDP [73rd of 177]
Service exports > BoP, current US$ (per capita) 240.111 BoP $ per capita [80th of 179]
Service imports > BoP, current US$ 385,068,500 BoP $ [118th of 156]
Service imports > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP) 0.067 BoP $ per $1,000 of GDP [106th of 177]
Service imports > BoP, current US$ (per capita) 191.648 BoP $ per capita [90th of 179]
Services, etc., value added > annual % growth 3.47 % [96th of 164]
Services, etc., value added > constant 2000 US$ 2,300,626,000 constant 2000 US$ [94th of 164]
Services, etc., value added > constant 2000 US$ (per capita) 1,132.615 constant 2000 US$ per c [56th of 164]
Services, etc., value added > constant LCU 9984814000
Services, etc., value added > current LCU 20678000000
Services, etc., value added > current US$ 3,251,769,000 $ [89th of 172]
Services, etc., value added > current US$ (per $ GDP) 0.531 $ per $1 of GDP [48th of 181]
Services, etc., value added > current US$ (per capita) 1,600.869 $ per capita [54th of 181]
Share of household income > Highest 10% 64.5% [1st of 34]
Share of household income > Lowest 10% 0.5% [30th of 34]
SPAR > SPAR International Statistics 2005 > Retail Store > Numbers 23 [20th of 32]
Stock exchange
Namibia Stock Exchange
Stock of domestic credit $4,446,000,000.00 [96th of 167]
Stock of money $2,149,000,000.00 [87th of 164]
Stock of quasi money $1,493,000,000.00 [106th of 165]
Stocks traded, total value > current US$ 20,720,000 $ [55th of 108]
Stocks traded, total value > current US$ (per $ GDP) 1.05 $ per $1,000 of GDP [100th of 112]
Stocks traded, total value > current US$ (per capita) 3.166 $ per capita [94th of 112]
Stocks traded, turnover ratio > % 4.56 % [49th of 107]
Subsidies and other transfers > % of expense 13.63 % [84th of 96]
Subsidies and other transfers > current LCU 1434500000
Technology index 3.66 [65th of 101]
Terms of trade adjustment > constant LCU 1396344000
Total reserves > includes gold, current US$ 312,104,900 $ [136th of 178]
Total reserves > includes gold, current US$ (per $ GDP) 50.946 $ per $1,000 of GDP [144th of 182]
Total reserves > includes gold, current US$ (per capita) 153.651 $ per capita [124th of 184]
Total reserves in months of imports 1.53 [122nd of 152]
Total reserves minus gold > current US$ 312,104,900 $ [135th of 178]
Total reserves minus gold > current US$ (per $ GDP) 50.946 $ per $1,000 of GDP [142nd of 182]
Total reserves minus gold > current US$ (per capita) 153.651 $ per capita [120th of 184]
Tourism expenditures, international $56,000,000.00 [106th of 159]
Tourism expenditures, international (per $ GDP) $17.94 per $1,000 of GDP [83rd of 153]
Tourism expenditures, international (per capita) $28.57 per capita [85th of 154]
Tourism receipts, international $348,000,000.00 [106th of 187]
Tourism receipts, international (per $ GDP) $56.27 per $1,000 of GDP [48th of 180]
Tourism receipts, international (per capita) $171.32 per capita [92nd of 184]
Tourist arrivals 502,000 [69th of 152]
Tourist arrivals (per capita) 247.169 per 1,000 people [52nd of 152]
Tourist arrivals by region of origin > Africa 601,737 [8th of 142]
Tourist arrivals by region of origin > Americas 14,685 [129th of 191]
Tourist arrivals by region of origin > Asia, East and South East/Oceania 4,607 [127th of 172]
Tourist arrivals by region of origin > Europe 146,362 [99th of 195]
Tourist arrivals by region of origin > Region not specified 10,499 [59th of 151]
Tourist arrivals by region of origin > Total 777,890 [88th of 198]
Trade > % of GDP 91.33 % [70th of 180]
Trade balance with US -$7,900,000.00 [131st of 224]
Trade balance with US (per $ GDP) -$0.05 per $100 [114th of 213]
Trade balance with US (per capita) -$3.89 per person [127th of 211]
Trade in goods 94.84 [28th of 169]
Trade in services > % of GDP 15.19 % [89th of 154]
Trade with US > US exports of agric farming-unmanufactured 91 [118th of 181]
Trade with US > US exports of agric industry-unmanufactured 0 [157th of 183]
Trade with US > US exports of agricultural machinery, equipment 82 [142nd of 188]
Trade with US > US exports of agriculture-manufactured, other 17 [127th of 167]
Trade with US > US exports of alcoholic beverages, excluding wine 12 [118th of 146]
Trade with US > US exports of aluminum and alumina 0 [133rd of 159]
Trade with US > US exports of animal feeds, nec 87 [108th of 168]
Trade with US > US exports of apparel, household goods > textile 126 [147th of 202]
Trade with US > US exports of apparel,household goods-nontextile 137 [122nd of 196]
Trade with US > US exports of artwork, antiques, stamps, etc 90 [93rd of 184]
Trade with US > US exports of automotive tires and tubes 19 [132nd of 174]
Trade with US > US exports of bakery products 279 [92nd of 183]
Trade with US > US exports of books, printed matter 195 [124th of 206]
Trade with US > US exports of business machines and equipment 9 [159th of 194]
Trade with US > US exports of chemicals-fertilizers 166 [97th of 171]
Trade with US > US exports of chemicals-inorganic 57 [122nd of 192]
Trade with US > US exports of chemicals-organic 468 [96th of 192]
Trade with US > US exports of chemicals-other 485 [122nd of 206]
Trade with US > US exports of civilian aircraft 575 [92nd of 161]
Trade with US > US exports of commercial vessels, other 0 [127th of 155]
Trade with US > US exports of computer accessories 130 [170th of 211]
Trade with US > US exports of computers 96 [164th of 206]
Trade with US > US exports of cookware, cutlery, tools 27 [126th of 184]
Trade with US > US exports of copper 0 [111st of 138]
Trade with US > US exports of corn 4 [140th of 171]
Trade with US > US exports of cotton fiber cloth 0 [161st of 182]
Trade with US > US exports of cotton, raw 0 [88th of 105]
Trade with US > US exports of dairy products and eggs 41 [109th of 162]
Trade with US > US exports of drilling & oilfield equipment 111 [130th of 194]
Trade with US > US exports of electric apparatus 319 [141st of 207]
Trade with US > US exports of engines-civilian aircraft 0 [163rd of 178]
Trade with US > US exports of excavating machinery 1,309 [106th of 198]
Trade with US > US exports of finished metal shapes 351 [133rd of 204]
Trade with US > US exports of finished textile supplies 6 [156th of 197]
Trade with US > US exports of fish and shellfish 110 [106th of 169]
Trade with US > US exports of food, tobacco machinery 56 [140th of 202]
Trade with US > US exports of fruits, frozen juices 43 [123rd of 178]
Trade with US > US exports of fuel oil 0 [112nd of 124]
Trade with US > US exports of furniture, household goods, etc 164 [124th of 202]
Trade with US > US exports of gem diamonds 4,030 [28th of 121]
Trade with US > US exports of generators, accessories 96 [142nd of 202]
Trade with US > US exports of glass-plate, sheet, etc 6 [124th of 163]
Trade with US > US exports of glassware, chinaware 79 [80th of 169]
Trade with US > US exports of hair, waste materials 0 [143rd of 169]
Trade with US > US exports of household appliances 312 [119th of 202]
Trade with US > US exports of industrial engines 145 [144th of 207]
Trade with US > US exports of industrial machines, other 287 [149th of 213]
Trade with US > US exports of industrial rubber products 12 [139th of 185]
Trade with US > US exports of jewelry, etc 24,563 [23rd of 184]
Trade with US > US exports of laboratory testing instruments 720 [93rd of 206]
Trade with US > US exports of leather and furs 0 [98th of 129]
Trade with US > US exports of logs and lumber 102 [108th of 178]
Trade with US > US exports of manmade cloth 0 [163rd of 182]
Trade with US > US exports of marine engines, parts 92 [104th of 190]
Trade with US > US exports of materials handling equipment 4,144 [71st of 202]
Trade with US > US exports of measuring, testing, control instruments 193 [158th of 209]
Trade with US > US exports of meat, poultry, etc 244 [117th of 190]
Trade with US > US exports of medicinal equipment 247 [141st of 209]
Trade with US > US exports of metalworking machine tools 39 [141st of 197]
Trade with US > US exports of military apparel and footwear 0 [117th of 148]
Trade with US > US exports of mineral supplies-manufactured 25 [125th of 181]
Trade with US > US exports of minimum value shipments 11,147 [79th of 210]
Trade with US > US exports of musical instruments 75 [105th of 191]
Trade with US > US exports of natural gas liquids 0 [97th of 116]
Trade with US > US exports of newsprint 85 [127th of 195]
Trade with US > US exports of nonagricultural foods, etc 29 [109th of 163]
Trade with US > US exports of nonfarm tractors and parts 444 [80th of 170]
Trade with US > US exports of nonferrous metals, other 22 [99th of 155]
Trade with US > US exports of nonmetallic minerals 973 [46th of 156]
Trade with US > US exports of nontextile floor tiles 25 [100th of 159]
Trade with US > US exports of nursery stock, etc 6 [84th of 121]
Trade with US > US exports of nuts 65 [109th of 156]
Trade with US > US exports of oilseeds, food oils 41 [124th of 175]
Trade with US > US exports of other foods 591 [134th of 206]
Trade with US > US exports of other household goods 365 [126th of 209]
Trade with US > US exports of other industrial supplies 285 [134th of 209]
Trade with US > US exports of parts for military-type goods 156 [83rd of 178]
Trade with US > US exports of parts-civilian aircraft 876 [105th of 206]
Trade with US > US exports of petroleum products, other 28 [144th of 191]
Trade with US > US exports of pharmaceutical preparations 1,470 [109th of 207]
Trade with US > US exports of photo, service industry machinery 471 [122nd of 210]
Trade with US > US exports of plastic materials 428 [115th of 207]
Trade with US > US exports of pleasure boats and motors 451 [83rd of 187]
Trade with US > US exports of pulp and paper machinery 13 [149th of 195]
Trade with US > US exports of pulpwood and woodpulp 0 [118th of 143]
Trade with US > US exports of railway transportation equipment 127 [91st of 171]
Trade with US > US exports of records, tapes, and disks 21 [155th of 199]
Trade with US > US exports of rice 40 [125th of 173]
Trade with US > US exports of rugs 14 [115th of 174]
Trade with US > US exports of semiconductors 54 [146th of 199]
Trade with US > US exports of shingles, molding, wallboard 250 [112nd of 195]
Trade with US > US exports of soybeans 0 [104th of 111]
Trade with US > US exports of specialized mining 200 [76th of 160]
Trade with US > US exports of sports apparel and gear 16 [137th of 185]
Trade with US > US exports of steelmaking materials 3 [97th of 127]
Trade with US > US exports of stereo equipment, etc 114 [101st of 188]
Trade with US > US exports of synthetic rubber-primary 0 [120th of 147]
Trade with US > US exports of tapes, audio and visual 84 [74th of 173]
Trade with US > US exports of telecommunications equipment 1,111 [144th of 211]
Trade with US > US exports of textile, sewing machines 10 [150th of 183]
Trade with US > US exports of tobacco, manufactured 33 [100th of 154]
Trade with US > US exports of toiletries and cosmetics 1,017 [93rd of 197]
Trade with US > US exports of toysgamessporting goods 254 [117th of 207]
Trade with US > US exports of tvs, vcrs, etc 52 [125th of 196]
Trade with US > US exports of vegetables 68 [144th of 194]
Trade with US > US exports of wheat 9,694 [53rd of 153]
Trade with US > US exports of wine and related products 0 [136th of 153]
Trade with US > US exports of wood supplies, manufactured 38 [105th of 170]
Trade with US > US exports of wood, glass, plastic 13 [135th of 187]
Trade with US > US exports of writing and art supplies 373 [117th of 203]
Trade with US > US imports of apparel and household goods-cotton 76,250 [53rd of 195]
Trade with US > US imports of apparel and household goods-wool 0 [124th of 155]
Trade with US > US imports of copper 21,987 [8th of 87]
Trade with US > US imports of crude 0 [46th of 58]
Trade with US > US imports of engines and engine parts 0 [106th of 135]
Trade with US > US imports of feedstuff and foodgrains 0 [104th of 115]
Trade with US > US imports of fertilizers, pesticides, and insecticides 0 [85th of 96]
Trade with US > US imports of fish and shellfish 8,019 [52nd of 162]
Trade with US > US imports of fuel oil 0 [80th of 87]
Trade with US > US imports of furniture, household items, baskets 9 [130th of 183]
Trade with US > US imports of gem diamonds-uncut or unset 9,752 [20th of 98]
Trade with US > US imports of generators, transformers, and accessories 0 [135th of 159]
Trade with US > US imports of household and kitchen appliances 30 [74th of 123]
Trade with US > US imports of jewelry watches, rings, etc 0 [136th of 159]
Trade with US > US imports of leather and furs-unmanufactured 3 [75th of 119]
Trade with US > US imports of materials handling equipment 0 [115th of 134]
Trade with US > US imports of minimum value shipments 3,943 [66th of 208]
Trade with US > US imports of nonmonetary gold 0 [82nd of 93]
Trade with US > US imports of numismatic coins 0 [100th of 151]
Trade with US > US imports of other industrial machinery 17 [104th of 174]
Trade with US > US imports of other materials, except chemicals 0 [98th of 117]
Trade with US > US imports of other parts and accessories 0 [145th of 167]
Trade with US > US imports of pleasure boats and motors 0 [97th of 108]
Trade with US > US imports of pulp and paper machinery 0 [106th of 119]
Trade with US > US imports of records, tapes, and disks 0 [109th of 140]
Trade with US > US imports of semiconductors and related devices 14 [98th of 175]
Trade with US > US imports of steelmaking and ferroalloying materials-unmanufacd 0 [97th of 107]
Trade with US > US imports of sulfur and nonmetallic minerals 1,083 [31st of 110]
Trade with US > US imports of tea, spices, and preparations 0 [113rd of 133]
Trade with US > US imports of telecommunications equipment 16 [120th of 179]
Trade with US > US imports of vegetables and preparations 0 [122nd of 142]
Trade with US > US imports of wine and related products 6 [89th of 115]
Trade with US > US imports of zinc 85,046 [4th of 59]
Transnational corporations > Affiliates 2 [152nd of 162]
Transnational corporations > Affiliates (per capita) 0.984737 per 1 million people [135th of 162]
World Trade > Exports > Agriculture machine excl tractors 397 [65th of 89]
World Trade > Exports > Aircraft spacecraft etc 1,235 [74th of 106]
World Trade > Exports > Alcoholic beverages 68,015 [29th of 124]
World Trade > Exports > Aluminium 134 [97th of 105]
World Trade > Exports > Aluminium ores concs etc 0 [53rd of 53]
World Trade > Exports > Animal feed excl unml cer 17,373 [48th of 121]
World Trade > Exports > Animal oil fat 2,305 [36th of 75]
World Trade > Exports > Animal vegetables oils processed 55 [88th of 92]
World Trade > Exports > Arms and ammunition 1,610 [42nd of 68]
World Trade > Exports > Art collections antiques 1,605 [46th of 104]
World Trade > Exports > Articles nes of plastics 7,297 [81st of 119]
World Trade > Exports > Articles of apparel nes 594 [102nd of 122]
World Trade > Exports > Articles of rubber nes 97 [80th of 86]
World Trade > Exports > Baby care toys games sport 1,132 [71st of 100]
World Trade > Exports > Ball roller bearings 78 [68th of 77]
World Trade > Exports > Base metal handheld equipment 3,997 [62nd of 110]
World Trade > Exports > Base metal manufactures nes 10,233 [62nd of 114]
World Trade > Exports > Base metal ore conc nes 18 [70th of 77]
World Trade > Exports > Beef, fresh chilled frozen 35,245 [24th of 81]
World Trade > Exports > Beverage non-alcohol nes 68,839 [17th of 112]
World Trade > Exports > Butter and cheese 45 [72nd of 78]
World Trade > Exports > Cereal etc flour starch 4,887 [72nd of 110]
World Trade > Exports > Cereal meal flour nes 1,065 [34th of 78]
World Trade > Exports > Cheese and curd 107 [76th of 82]
World Trade > Exports > Chocolate cocoa preparations 776 [68th of 89]
World Trade > Exports > Civil engineering plant 3,994 [63rd of 117]
World Trade > Exports > Clay refractory material 686 [74th of 97]
World Trade > Exports > Clothing accessories 94 [94th of 105]
World Trade > Exports > Coffee coffee substitute 140 [93rd of 99]
World Trade > Exports > Computer equipment 1,263 [66th of 104]
World Trade > Exports > Copper 67 [92nd of 96]
World Trade > Exports > Copper ores concentrates 101 [47th of 53]
World Trade > Exports > Cotton 935 [62nd of 102]
World Trade > Exports > Cotton fabrics, woven 140 [100th of 108]
World Trade > Exports > Crude animal material nes 944 [65th of 99]
World Trade > Exports > Crude vegetables materials nes 1,772 [83rd of 120]
World Trade > Exports > Crustaceans molluscs etc 4,003 [66th of 110]
World Trade > Exports > Cut paper board articles 2,627 [88th of 118]
World Trade > Exports > Cutlery 168 [67th of 80]
World Trade > Exports > Domestic equipment 7,852 [59th of 99]
World Trade > Exports > Dyeing tanning extracts 70 [65th of 74]
World Trade > Exports > Edible products nes 2,353 [85th of 119]
World Trade > Exports > Eggs, albumin 735 [57th of 83]
World Trade > Exports > Electric circuit equipment 654 [81st of 109]
World Trade > Exports > Electric current 13 [59th of 58]
World Trade > Exports > Electrical distribution equipment 632 [83rd of 106]
World Trade > Exports > Electrical equipment nes 4,027 [66th of 114]
World Trade > Exports > Electrical power transmission equipment 1,037 [64th of 99]
World Trade > Exports > Elements oxides hal salt 214 [99th of 106]
World Trade > Exports > Engines non-electric nes 125 [73rd of 82]
World Trade > Exports > Essentoil perfume flavr 350 [81st of 99]
World Trade > Exports > Explosives pyrotechnics 20 [74th of 76]
World Trade > Exports > Fans filters gas pumps 911 [77th of 108]
World Trade > Exports > Ferrous waste scrap 1,565 [74th of 116]
World Trade > Exports > Fertilizers crude 225 [48th of 60]
World Trade > Exports > Fish shellfish, prepared pressed 9,283 [53rd of 93]
World Trade > Exports > Fish, dried salted smoked 423 [74th of 93]
World Trade > Exports > Fish, live fresh chilled frozen 305,204 [20th of 125]
World Trade > Exports > Fixed vegetables oil fat, soft 3,738 [57th of 104]
World Trade > Exports > Fixed vegetables oils not soft 24 [94th of 101]
World Trade > Exports > Floor coverings etc 119 [77th of 85]
World Trade > Exports > Flour meal wheat meslin 195 [83rd of 104]
World Trade > Exports > Food processing machines 883 [61st of 97]
World Trade > Exports > Footwear 1,469 [81st of 115]
World Trade > Exports > Fruit nuts, fresh dried 9,029 [81st of 124]
World Trade > Exports > Fruit vegetables juices 661 [86th of 105]
World Trade > Exports > Fuel wood wood charcoal 3,052 [29th of 66]
World Trade > Exports > Furniture stuff furnishing 24,521 [55th of 122]
World Trade > Exports > Furskins pieces, raw 1,880 [21st of 49]
World Trade > Exports > Furskins tanned dressed 122 [50th of 61]
World Trade > Exports > Glass 719 [70th of 93]
World Trade > Exports > Gold non-monetary excl ore 24,696 [49th of 100]
World Trade > Exports > Goods service vehicles 7,366 [50th of 115]
World Trade > Exports > Hand machine tools 1,397 [64th of 109]
World Trade > Exports > Headgear non-textile clothing 275 [80th of 98]
World Trade > Exports > Heavy petrol bitum oils 11,867 [80th of 117]
World Trade > Exports > Hide skin excl fur raw 7,210 [45th of 119]
World Trade > Exports > Household garden chemicals 343 [85th of 101]
World Trade > Exports > Indust heat cool equipment 2,009 [66th of 113]
World Trade > Exports > Internal combustion engines 3,047 [58th of 111]
World Trade > Exports > Iron ore concentrates 180 [39th of 47]
World Trade > Exports > Iron steel aluminium structures 3,297 [65th of 108]
World Trade > Exports > Iron steel bars rods etc 329 [87th of 106]
World Trade > Exports > Iron steel pipe tube etc 279 [88th of 107]
World Trade > Exports > Jewellery 544 [78th of 98]
World Trade > Exports > Leather 994 [45th of 74]
World Trade > Exports > Leather manufactures 62 [70th of 72]
World Trade > Exports > Lighting fixtures etc 749 [68th of 101]
World Trade > Exports > Lime cement constr material 6,906 [73rd of 115]
World Trade > Exports > Live animals except fish 51,746 [20th of 108]
World Trade > Exports > Machine-tools remove material 298 [62nd of 89]
World Trade > Exports > Made-up textile articles 4,917 [71st of 122]
World Trade > Exports > Maize except sweet corn 1,394 [45th of 82]
World Trade > Exports > Man-made fibres nes wast 149 [49th of 66]
World Trade > Exports > Manufactured fertilizers 113 [88th of 96]
World Trade > Exports > Margarine shortening 1,422 [53rd of 82]
World Trade > Exports > Materials of rubber 73 [74th of 84]
World Trade > Exports > Measure control appliances nes 919 [77th of 114]
World Trade > Exports > Meat nes, fresh chilled frozen 10,130 [47th of 102]
World Trade > Exports > Meat offal preserved 535 [32nd of 55]
World Trade > Exports > Meat offal preserved nes 3,081 [48th of 91]
World Trade > Exports > Mech transmission equipment 743 [58th of 94]
World Trade > Exports > Mechanical handling equipment 4,081 [52nd of 113]
World Trade > Exports > Medical etc electronic diagnostics equipment 27 [76th of 79]
World Trade > Exports > Medical etc instruments 727 [68th of 96]
World Trade > Exports > Medicaments include veterinary 768 [96th of 115]
World Trade > Exports > Men boy wear knit croch 381 [91st of 112]
World Trade > Exports > Mens boys wear, woven 356 [104th of 120]
World Trade > Exports > Metal machine tool parts 54 [71st of 74]
World Trade > Exports > Metal salts of inorganic acid 69 [96th of 99]
World Trade > Exports > Metal store transport cont 413 [88th of 116]
World Trade > Exports > Metalworking machine nes 257 [68th of 87]
World Trade > Exports > Meters and counters nes 98 [66th of 77]
World Trade > Exports > Milk products excl butter cheese 1,777 [76th of 108]
World Trade > Exports > Mineral manufactures nes 705 [73rd of 96]
World Trade > Exports > Misc chemical products nes 148 [98th of 108]
World Trade > Exports > Misc manufactures articles nes 1,311 [84th of 113]
World Trade > Exports > Motor vehicles parts accessories 4,649 [62nd of 106]
World Trade > Exports > Motorcycles cycles etc 3,018 [51st of 89]
World Trade > Exports > Musical instruments records 316 [80th of 99]
World Trade > Exports > Nails screws nuts bolts 155 [82nd of 99]
World Trade > Exports > Natural abrasives nes 396 [36th of 57]
World Trade > Exports > Natural gas 120 [41st of 47]
World Trade > Exports > Natural rubber latex etc 126 [54th of 61]
World Trade > Exports > Nickel-ferrum base metal waste nes 288 [102nd of 113]
World Trade > Exports > Nitrogen function compounds 25 [79th of 81]
World Trade > Exports > Non-electrical machines nes 663 [76th of 103]
World Trade > Exports > Non-electrical parts accessories machines 260 [76th of 90]
World Trade > Exports > Office equipment parts accessories 742 [68th of 99]
World Trade > Exports > Office machines 251 [59th of 78]
World Trade > Exports > Office stationery supply 182 [76th of 89]
World Trade > Exports > Oil seeds etc > soft oil 110 [88th of 97]
World Trade > Exports > Optical fibres 102 [69th of 77]
World Trade > Exports > Optical instruments nes 160 [52nd of 57]
World Trade > Exports > Other crude minerals 14,244 [47th of 109]
World Trade > Exports > Paper paperboard 389 [90th of 105]
World Trade > Exports > Passenger cars etc 18,272 [48th of 110]
World Trade > Exports > Pearls precious stones 141,286 [18th of 74]
World Trade > Exports > Perfume toilet cosmetics 2,140 [81st of 112]
World Trade > Exports > Petrol hydrocarbon gas 290 [49th of 58]
World Trade > Exports > Pharmaceuticals excl medicaments 463 [80th of 108]
World Trade > Exports > Photographic equipment 336 [60th of 85]
World Trade > Exports > Pig iron etc ferro alloy 201 [63rd of 73]
World Trade > Exports > Pigments paints varnish 1,498 [77th of 113]
World Trade > Exports > Plastic sheets film etc 236 [87th of 101]
World Trade > Exports > Plastic tube pipe hose 557 [76th of 98]
World Trade > Exports > Pottery 376 [66th of 84]
World Trade > Exports > Power generating equipment nes 197 [62nd of 83]
World Trade > Exports > Precious metal ore conc 12 [68th of 73]
World Trade > Exports > Prefabricated buildings 2,013 [51st of 94]
World Trade > Exports > Printed matter 147,759 [24th of 123]
World Trade > Exports > Printing industry machinery 903 [54th of 87]
World Trade > Exports > Pulp and waste paper 368 [74th of 96]
World Trade > Exports > Pumps for liquids 851 [68th of 102]
World Trade > Exports > Radio broadcast receiver 2,055 [36th of 76]
World Trade > Exports > Railway vehicles equipment 155 [62nd of 79]
World Trade > Exports > Residual petrol products 596 [70th of 92]
World Trade > Exports > Rice 111 [77th of 93]
World Trade > Exports > Road motor vehicles nes 1,914 [55th of 93]
World Trade > Exports > Rolled plated m-steel 6,655 [53rd of 96]
World Trade > Exports > Rotating electrical plant 2,132 [61st of 113]
World Trade > Exports > Rubber tyres treads 6,451 [57th of 96]
World Trade > Exports > Sanitary plumb heat fixtures 108 [75th of 77]
World Trade > Exports > Ships boats etc 3,810 [56th of 109]
World Trade > Exports > Soaps cleansers polishes 4,436 [75th of 118]
World Trade > Exports > Sound tv recorders etc 1,239 [43rd of 83]
World Trade > Exports > Special industrial machines nes 1,591 [75th of 114]
World Trade > Exports > Special transactions nes 5,263 [59th of 98]
World Trade > Exports > Special yarns fabrics 1,719 [72nd of 101]
World Trade > Exports > Spices 136 [94th of 102]
World Trade > Exports > Starches glues etc 154 [79th of 88]
World Trade > Exports > Steam generating boilers 1,650 [42nd of 70]
World Trade > Exports > Stone sand gravel 2,523 [61st of 103]
World Trade > Exports > Sugar confectionery 5,044 [59th of 98]
World Trade > Exports > Sugar mollasses honey 6,803 [77th of 112]
World Trade > Exports > Synthetic organic colour agents 33 [75th of 77]
World Trade > Exports > Taps cocks valves 145 [79th of 90]
World Trade > Exports > Telecomms equipment nes 8,517 [59th of 118]
World Trade > Exports > Television receivers 14,755 [42nd of 87]
World Trade > Exports > Textile leather machinery 150 [79th of 99]
World Trade > Exports > Tobacco, manufactured 2,845 [73rd of 117]
World Trade > Exports > Tobacco, raw and wastes 5 [94th of 93]
World Trade > Exports > Tractors 672 [57th of 92]
World Trade > Exports > Trailers caravans etc 2,173 [60th of 100]
World Trade > Exports > Trunks and cases 2,023 [61st of 93]
World Trade > Exports > Valves transistors etc 432 [66th of 87]
World Trade > Exports > Vegetables root tuber prepared pressed 4,613 [59th of 105]
World Trade > Exports > Vegetables, fresh chilled frozen 1,243 [100th of 124]
World Trade > Exports > Veneer plywood etc 315 [84th of 103]
World Trade > Exports > Vinyl chloride etc polymers 83 [72nd of 78]
World Trade > Exports > Wire products excl insulators electrical 871 [62nd of 100]
World Trade > Exports > Women girl clothing woven 253 [100th of 113]
World Trade > Exports > Women girl wear knit croch 191 [98th of 110]
World Trade > Exports > Wood chips waste 85 [54th of 59]
World Trade > Exports > Wood in rough squared 75 [88th of 94]
World Trade > Exports > Wood manufactures nes 2,119 [74th of 115]
World Trade > Exports > Wood simply worked 392 [87th of 105]
World Trade > Exports > Worn clothing etc 264 [68th of 85]
World Trade > Exports > Zinc 25,990 [23rd of 73]
World Trade > Imports > Agriculture machine excl tractors 1,853 [105th of 141]
World Trade > Imports > Aircraft spacecraft etc 2,256 [99th of 139]
World Trade > Imports > Alcoholic beverages 32,310 [51st of 147]
World Trade > Imports > Alcohols phenols derivatives 123 [129th of 136]
World Trade > Imports > Aluminium 1,126 [117th of 143]
World Trade > Imports > Animal feed excl unml cer 11,581 [79th of 143]
World Trade > Imports > Animal oil fat 553 [92nd of 117]
World Trade > Imports > Animal vegetables oils processed 1,554 [97th of 134]
World Trade > Imports > Arms and ammunition 12,017 [34th of 121]
World Trade > Imports > Art collections antiques 342 [65th of 109]
World Trade > Imports > Articles nes of plastics 17,373 [94th of 148]
World Trade > Imports > Articles of apparel nes 6,869 [88th of 145]
World Trade > Imports > Articles of rubber nes 3,690 [97th of 141]
World Trade > Imports > Baby care toys games sport 4,427 [95th of 146]
World Trade > Imports > Ball roller bearings 2,651 [88th of 132]
World Trade > Imports > Base metal handheld equipment 5,408 [91st of 148]
World Trade > Imports > Base metal manufactures nes 15,532 [92nd of 148]
World Trade > Imports > Base metal ore conc nes 102 [76th of 82]
World Trade > Imports > Beef, fresh chilled frozen 2,658 [74th of 119]
World Trade > Imports > Beverage non-alcohol nes 2,374 [92nd of 145]
World Trade > Imports > Butter and cheese 1,155 [80th of 131]
World Trade > Imports > Carboxylic acid compound 516 [102nd of 125]
World Trade > Imports > Cereal etc flour starch 13,234 [84th of 149]
World Trade > Imports > Cereal grains nes 2,709 [37th of 115]
World Trade > Imports > Cereal meal flour nes 712 [71st of 134]
World Trade > Imports > Cheese and curd 2,811 [82nd of 140]
World Trade > Imports > Chocolate cocoa preparations 3,561 [88th of 138]
World Trade > Imports > Civil engineering plant 24,363 [86th of 143]
World Trade > Imports > Clay refractory material 4,568 [107th of 147]
World Trade > Imports > Clothing accessories 6,235 [72nd of 136]
World Trade > Imports > Coal non-agglomerated 1,665 [71st of 97]
World Trade > Imports > Coffee coffee substitute 2,407 [84th of 141]
World Trade > Imports > Computer equipment 16,470 [96th of 148]
World Trade > Imports > Copper 4,368 [78th of 137]
World Trade > Imports > Copper ores concentrates 30,055 [13th of 46]
World Trade > Imports > Cotton 1,724 [68th of 108]
World Trade > Imports > Cotton fabrics, woven 1,078 [116th of 144]
World Trade > Imports > Crude animal material nes 608 [76th of 110]
World Trade > Imports > Crude vegetables materials nes 2,282 [94th of 140]
World Trade > Imports > Crustaceans molluscs etc 343 [97th of 115]
World Trade > Imports > Cut paper board articles 17,638 [94th of 147]
World Trade > Imports > Cutlery 1,252 [98th of 139]
World Trade > Imports > Domestic equipment 14,349 [85th of 149]
World Trade > Imports > Dyeing tanning extracts 530 [78th of 114]
World Trade > Imports > Edible products nes 10,189 [106th of 149]
World Trade > Imports > Eggs, albumin 800 [87th of 122]
World Trade > Imports > Electric circuit equipment 17,144 [88th of 147]
World Trade > Imports > Electric current 19 [66th of 67]
World Trade > Imports > Electrical distribution equipment 11,047 [89th of 147]
World Trade > Imports > Electrical equipment nes 15,261 [94th of 149]
World Trade > Imports > Electrical power transmission equipment 6,661 [93rd of 145]
World Trade > Imports > Elements oxides hal salt 2,006 [112nd of 142]
World Trade > Imports > Engines non-electric nes 650 [90th of 120]
World Trade > Imports > Essentoil perfume flavr 6,684 [82nd of 139]
World Trade > Imports > Explosives pyrotechnics 1,553 [76th of 136]
World Trade > Imports > Fans filters gas pumps 6,085 [104th of 145]
World Trade > Imports > Ferrous waste scrap 108 [73rd of 80]
World Trade > Imports > Fertilizers crude 1,727 [54th of 109]
World Trade > Imports > Fish shellfish, prepared pressed 1,911 [82nd of 141]
World Trade > Imports > Fish, dried salted smoked 357 [81st of 112]
World Trade > Imports > Fish, live fresh chilled frozen 6,750 [78th of 131]
World Trade > Imports > Fixed vegetables oil fat, soft 7,531 [94th of 143]
World Trade > Imports > Fixed vegetables oils not soft 259 [124th of 135]
World Trade > Imports > Flat rolled alloy steel 1,279 [87th of 123]
World Trade > Imports > Flat rolled iron steel products 3,208 [103rd of 137]
World Trade > Imports > Floor coverings etc 1,475 [89th of 136]
World Trade > Imports > Flour meal wheat meslin 479 [124th of 145]
World Trade > Imports > Food processing machines 3,886 [101st of 141]
World Trade > Imports > Footwear 12,649 [93rd of 147]
World Trade > Imports > Fruit nuts, fresh dried 5,677 [94th of 144]
World Trade > Imports > Fruit preserved fruit preparations 2,119 [81st of 132]
World Trade > Imports > Fruit vegetables juices 6,371 [61st of 142]
World Trade > Imports > Fuel wood wood charcoal 104 [70th of 81]
World Trade > Imports > Furniture stuff furnishing 22,942 [75th of 148]
World Trade > Imports > Glass 3,985 [92nd of 146]
World Trade > Imports > Gold non-monetary excl ore 6 [80th of 81]
World Trade > Imports > Goods service vehicles 23,202 [104th of 148]
World Trade > Imports > Hand machine tools 7,448 [83rd of 147]
World Trade > Imports > Headgear non-textile clothing 2,369 [88th of 138]
World Trade > Imports > Heavy petrol bitum oils 137,119 [88th of 148]
World Trade > Imports > Hide skin excl fur raw 579 [61st of 87]
World Trade > Imports > Household garden chemicals 2,687 [112nd of 144]
World Trade > Imports > Hydrocarbons derivatives 2,048 [83rd of 137]
World Trade > Imports > Indust heat cool equipment 10,758 [100th of 148]
World Trade > Imports > Internal combustion engines 10,423 [88th of 146]
World Trade > Imports > Iron ore concentrates 4 [70th of 72]
World Trade > Imports > Iron steel aluminium structures 11,594 [78th of 148]
World Trade > Imports > Iron steel bars rods etc 7,430 [109th of 148]
World Trade > Imports > Iron steel pipe tube etc 7,419 [99th of 146]
World Trade > Imports > Iron steel railway material 650 [74th of 112]
World Trade > Imports > Iron steel wire 1,919 [92nd of 133]
World Trade > Imports > Jewellery 2,236 [75th of 123]
World Trade > Imports > Knit crochet fabrics 19,551 [59th of 121]
World Trade > Imports > Leather 197 [81st of 92]
World Trade > Imports > Leather manufactures 254 [74th of 97]
World Trade > Imports > Lighting fixtures etc 3,433 [96th of 145]
World Trade > Imports > Lime cement constr material 13,608 [84th of 149]
World Trade > Imports > Liquid propane butane 536 [97th of 124]
World Trade > Imports > Live animals except fish 3,283 [74th of 132]
World Trade > Imports > Machine-tools remove material 649 [100th of 134]
World Trade > Imports > Made-up textile articles 7,517 [81st of 146]
World Trade > Imports > Maize except sweet corn 9,197 [67th of 126]
World Trade > Imports > Man-made woven fabrics 1,332 [122nd of 141]
World Trade > Imports > Manufactured fertilizers 2,115 [119th of 139]
World Trade > Imports > Margarine shortening 1,005 [99th of 140]
World Trade > Imports > Material machine tools without mtl-removal 313 [104th of 127]
World Trade > Imports > Materials of rubber 2,103 [94th of 135]
World Trade > Imports > Measure control appliances nes 6,655 [96th of 146]
World Trade > Imports > Meat nes, fresh chilled frozen 12,986 [69th of 138]
World Trade > Imports > Meat offal preserved 485 [54th of 97]
World Trade > Imports > Meat offal preserved nes 1,851 [84th of 139]
World Trade > Imports > Mech transmission equipment 3,169 [88th of 137]
World Trade > Imports > Mechanical handling equipment 13,962 [82nd of 146]
World Trade > Imports > Medical etc electronic diagnostics equipment 1,805 [104th of 139]
World Trade > Imports > Medical etc instruments 3,406 [110th of 143]
World Trade > Imports > Medicaments include veterinary 22,664 [110th of 145]
World Trade > Imports > Men boy wear knit croch 3,816 [60th of 137]
World Trade > Imports > Mens boys wear, woven 6,231 [79th of 142]
World Trade > Imports > Metal machine tool parts 1,446 [72nd of 121]
World Trade > Imports > Metal salts of inorganic acid 2,118 [108th of 137]
World Trade > Imports > Metal store transport cont 16,805 [62nd of 143]


World Development Indicators database; Wikipedia: List of African countries by GDP per capita ; CIA World Factbook, 28 July 2005; calculated on the basis of data on ODA from OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development), Development Assistance Committee. 2002. DAC Online. Database. Paris.; and data on GDP from World Bank. 2002. World Development Indicators 2002. CD-ROM. Washington, DC; All CIA World Factbooks 18 December 2003 to 18 December 2008; CoinsManiaPortal Thanks to John Baibakis; The Heritage Foundation; Doing Business, Economy Rankings, 2005.; Doing Business ; Doing Business ; Doing Business ; Doing Business ; Doing Business ; Doing Business ; Doing Business ; Doing Business ; Doing Business ; CIA World Factbook, 22 August 2006 ; CIA World Factbook, 14 June, 2007 ; World Bank. 2002. World Development Indicators 2002. CD-ROM. Washington, DC; ; Wikipedia: List of countries by exports per capita ; US Census Bureau; Wikipedia: List of countries by external debt ; World Development Indicators database and CIA World Factbook; World Bank. 2005. World Development Indicators 2005.; World Bank. 2002. Correspondence on GDP per capita annual growth rates. March. Washington, DC; Per Capita GDP Growth IMF; Wikipedia: List of countries by GDP sector composition ; Wikipedia: Gross domestic product per barrel ; World economic forum - Global Competitiveness Report 2004-2005; Human Development Report 2006, United Nations Development Programme; ; Wikipedia: List of countries by income equality ; Wikipedia: Indices of Economic Freedom ; IMF, World Economic Outlook databases; calculated for the Human Development Report Office by the World Bank on the basis of data on the consumer price index from World Bank (2002b); IMF, World Economic Outlook Database; World Bank 2002b via backone.pdf; Country Responsibilities in Achieving the Millenium Development Goals", April 8 2003, by Janice Poling; Wikipedia: SPAR ; Global Edge; World economic forum - Global Competitiveness Report 2004-2005; Source: World Tourism Organization Statistics Database and Yearbook | United Nations World Tourism Organization; United Nations World Statistics Pocketbook and Statistical Yearbook; FTDWebMaster, Foreign Trade Division, U.S. Census Bureau; World Investment Report 2001, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD); International Trade Centre UNCTAD/WTO;


Namibia, Republic of Namibia

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