Military        0  574 reads

Arms imports > constant 1990 US$ 5,000,000 constant 1990 US$ [76th of 100]
    Arms imports > constant 1990 US$ (per capita) 0.135 constant 1990 US$ per c [100th of 170]
Tanzanian People's Defense Force (Jeshi la Wananchi la Tanzania, JWTZ) Army, Naval Wing (includes Coast Guard), Air Defense Command (includes Air Wing), National Service
Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty > Signatures and Ratifications > Ratification 30 SEP 2004  
Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty > Signatures and Ratifications > Signature 30 SEP 2004  
Conscription exists (FWCC).
expenditure > % of GDP 1.07 % [87th of 145]
expenditure > current LCU 146380500000  
Expenditures 0.2 % of GDP [74th of 87]
Expenditures > Dollar figure $20,600,000.00 [72nd of 111]
    Expenditures > Dollar figure (per $ GDP) $1.81 per 1,000 $ of GDP [86th of 111]
    Expenditures > Dollar figure (per capita) $0.55 per capita [85th of 111]
Expenditures > Percent of GDP 1.6% [57th of 154]
Manpower > Availability > Males 9,108,177 [35th of 210]
Manpower > Availability > Males age 15-49 8,477,190 [35th of 175]
Manpower > Availability > Males age 15-49 8,687,477 [35th of 175]
    Manpower > Availability > Males age 15-49 (per capita) 0.232 per capita [145th of 175]
    Manpower > Availability > Males age 15-49 (per capita) 230.572 per 1,000 people [134th of 174]
Manpower > Fit for military service > Males 5,278,833 [43rd of 210]
Manpower > Fit for military service > Males age 15-49 5,031,621 [37th of 174]
Manpower > Fit for military service > Males age 15-49 4,911,240 [40th of 174]
    Manpower > Fit for military service > Males age 15-49 (per capita) 0.134 per capita [135th of 174]
    Manpower > Fit for military service > Males age 15-49 (per capita) 133.581 per 1,000 people [128th of 173]
Manpower > Reaching military age annually > Females 479,557 [21st of 226]
    Manpower > Reaching military age annually > Females (per capita) 11.925 per 1,000 people [17th of 225]
Manpower > Reaching military age annually > Males 478,812 [22nd of 226]
    Manpower > Reaching military age annually > Males (per capita) 11.907 per 1,000 people [26th of 225]
Manpower available for military service > Males age 18-49 7,422,869 [25th of 164]
    Manpower available for military service > Males age 18-49 (per capita) 0.188 per capita [143rd of 164]
Manpower fit for military service > Males age 18-49 3,879,630 [32nd of 161]
    Manpower fit for military service > Males age 18-49 (per capita) 0.099 per capita [149th of 161]
personnel 28,000 [91st of 170]
    personnel (per capita) 0.731 per 1,000 people [153rd of 171]
personnel > % of total labor force 0.14 % [154th of 168]
Service age and obligation
18 years of age for voluntary military service
US military exports $201.00 thousand [83rd of 109]
    US military exports (per capita) $0.01 thousand per 1,000 peopl [99th of 109]
Weapon holdings 387,000 [89th of 137]
    Weapon holdings (per capita) 10,526 per 1 million people [113rd of 137]

SOURCES World Development Indicators database; All CIA World Factbooks 18 December 2003 to 18 December 2008; Wikipedia Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty ; Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Geneva, Switzerland, 1997. Data collected from the nations concerned, unless otherwise indicated. Acronyms Amnesty International (AI); European Council of Conscripts Organizations (ECCO); Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC); International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights (IHFHR); National Interreligious Service Board for Conscientious Objectors (NISBCO); Service, Peace and Justice in Latin America (SERPAJ); War Resisters International (WRI); World Council of Churches (WCC); CIA World Factbook, 28 July 2005; CIA World Factbook, 14 June, 2007 ; Study by David Lochhead and James Morrell; available from the Center for International Policy; Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC).

ALTERNATIVE NAMES Tanzania, United Republic of Tanzania, united rep. of tanzania, Tanzania, U. Rep. of

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