Economy (1)        0  989 reads

Adjusted net savings, excluding particulate emission damage > % of GNI -5.67 % of GNI [113rd of 145]
Adjusted net savings, including particulate emission damage > % of GNI -5.79 % of GNI [108th of 135]
Adjusted savings: consumption of fixed capital > % of GNI 6.68 % of GNI [166th of 181]
Adjusted savings: gross savings > % of GNI 8.7 % of GNI [125th of 161]
Adjusted savings: net national savings > % of GNI 2.02 % of GNI [111st of 161]
African countries by GDP per capita > GDP Per Capita $753.00 [49th of 53]
Aid > % of central government expenditures 44.51 % [12th of 77]
Aid > % of GNI 46.79 % of GNI [4th of 155]
Aid > % of gross capital formation 378.18 % [1st of 148]
Aid > % of imports of goods and services 97.68 % [2nd of 133]
Aid as % of GDP 13.5% [21st of 129]
Aid per capita > current US$ 48.36 $ [59th of 169]
Bank and trade-related lending > PPG + PNG > NFL, current US$ -4,590,000 $ [75th of 114]
    Bank and trade-related lending > PPG + PNG > NFL, current US$ (per $ GDP) -5,738.666 $ per $1,000 of GDP [93rd of 134]
Bank liquid reserves to bank assets ratio 12.34 [67th of 172]
Cash surplus/deficit > % of GDP -2.36 % [49th of 97]
Cash surplus/deficit > current LCU -10738150000  
Central government debt, total > % of GDP 162.56 % [2nd of 57]
Central government debt, total > current LCU 740304800000  
Changes in net reserves > BoP, current US$ -12,578,020 BoP $ [45th of 156]
    Changes in net reserves > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP) -15.726 BoP $ per $1,000 of GDP [61st of 175]
Claims on governments and other public entities > current LCU 118304700000  
Claims on governments, etc. > annual growth as % of M2 5.98 annual growth as % of M2 [16th of 164]
Claims on private sector > annual growth as % of M2 -0.6 annual growth as % of M2 [157th of 163]
Commercial service exports > current US$ 6,522,327 $ [139th of 156]
    Commercial service exports > current US$ (per $ GDP) 8.155 $ per $1,000 of GDP [129th of 177]
Commercial service imports > current US$ 103,863,500 $ [130th of 156]
    Commercial service imports > current US$ (per $ GDP) 0.13 $ per $1,000 of GDP [38th of 177]
Consumer price index 146.11 % [35th of 165]
Cost of business start-up procedures > % of GNI per capita 222.4 % [11th of 170]
CPIA business regulatory environment rating 2.5 [65th of 75]
CPIA debt policy rating 3 [53rd of 75]
CPIA economic management cluster average 3.33 [53rd of 75]
CPIA efficiency of revenue mobilization rating 3 [53rd of 75]
CPIA financial sector rating 3 [43rd of 75]
CPIA macroeconomic management rating 3.5 [53rd of 75]
CPIA quality of budgetary and financial management rating 2.5 [69th of 75]
CPIA structural policies cluster average 2.83 [68th of 75]
CPIA trade rating 3 [70th of 75]
Credit information availability index 1 [112nd of 120]
Currency Burundi franc  
Currency code BIF  
Current account balance > % of GDP -31.96 % [130th of 154]
Current account balance > BoP, current US$ -255,665,600 BoP $ [80th of 156]
    Current account balance > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP) -319.647 BoP $ per $1,000 of GDP [130th of 177]
Current transfers, receipts > BoP, current US$ 26,512,020 BoP $ [131st of 155]
    Current transfers, receipts > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP) 33.147 BoP $ per $1,000 of GDP [77th of 175]
Debt service 39.81 [8th of 128]
Deposit interest rate > % 4 % [115th of 163]
Discrepancy in expenditure estimate of GDP > constant LCU -1072762000  
Discrepancy in expenditure estimate of GDP > current LCU 100011  
Domestic credit provided by banking sector > % of GDP 35.13 % [99th of 176]
Domestic credit to private sector > % of GDP 20.75 % [112nd of 176]
Ease of doing business index 166 [10th of 171]
Economic aid > Recipient $365,000,000.00 [49th of 134]
Entrepreneurship > Closing a Business > Index ranking 105 [51st of 155]
Entrepreneurship > Dealing with Licenses > Cost (% of income per capita) 10,740.5 % [1st of 150]
Entrepreneurship > Dealing with Licenses > Index ranking 138 [13th of 150]
Entrepreneurship > Dealing with Licenses > Procedures (number) 18 [75th of 150]
Entrepreneurship > Dealing with Licenses > Time (days) 302 [19th of 150]
Entrepreneurship > Ease of Doing Business > Index ranking 143 [13th of 155]
Entrepreneurship > Enforcing Contracts > Cost (% of debt) 32.5 % [40th of 154]
Entrepreneurship > Enforcing Contracts > Index ranking 140 [16th of 155]
Entrepreneurship > Enforcing Contracts > Procedures (number) 47 [17th of 152]
Entrepreneurship > Enforcing Contracts > Time (days) 433 [51st of 154]
Entrepreneurship > Getting Credit > Credit Information Index 3 [81st of 154]
Entrepreneurship > Getting Credit > Index ranking 110 [45th of 154]
Entrepreneurship > Getting Credit > Legal Rights Index 2 [142nd of 153]
Entrepreneurship > Getting Credit > Private bureau coverage (% adults) 0 % [93rd of 153]
Entrepreneurship > Getting Credit > Public registry coverage (% adults) 0.2 % [62nd of 153]
Entrepreneurship > Hiring & Firing Workers > Difficulty of Firing Index 60 [29th of 154]
Entrepreneurship > Hiring & Firing Workers > Difficulty of Hiring Index 67 [25th of 154]
Entrepreneurship > Hiring & Firing Workers > Firing costs (weeks of wages) 24.9 [107th of 154]
Entrepreneurship > Hiring & Firing Workers > Hiring cost (% of salary) 6.9 % [124th of 154]
Entrepreneurship > Hiring & Firing Workers > Rigidity of Employment Index 69 [10th of 154]
Entrepreneurship > Hiring & Firing Workers > Rigidity of Hours Index 80 [21st of 154]
Entrepreneurship > Hiring and Firing > Index ranking 107 [48th of 154]
Entrepreneurship > Paying Taxes > Index ranking 111 [44th of 154]
Entrepreneurship > Paying Taxes > Payments (number) 41 [52nd of 153]
Entrepreneurship > Paying Taxes > Time (hours) 140 [106th of 145]
Entrepreneurship > Paying Taxes > Total tax payable (% gross profit) 173.5 % [1st of 153]
Entrepreneurship > Registering Property > Cost (% of property value) 18.9 % [8th of 152]
Entrepreneurship > Registering Property > Index ranking 123 [30th of 152]
Entrepreneurship > Registering Property > Procedures (number) 5 [109th of 152]
Entrepreneurship > Registering Property > Time (days) 94 [39th of 152]
Entrepreneurship > Starting a Business > Cost (% GNI per capita) 200.7 % [13th of 154]
Entrepreneurship > Starting a Business > Duration (days) 43 [64th of 154]
Entrepreneurship > Starting a Business > Index ranking 88 [68th of 155]
Entrepreneurship > Starting a Business > Min. Capital (% GNI per capita) 0 % [135th of 154]
Entrepreneurship > Starting a Business > Procedures (number) 11 [50th of 154]
Entrepreneurship > Trading Across Borders > Documents for export (number) 11 [8th of 145]
Entrepreneurship > Trading Across Borders > Documents for import (number) 19 [1st of 154]
Entrepreneurship > Trading Across Borders > Index ranking 153 [3rd of 155]
Entrepreneurship > Trading Across Borders > Signatures for export (number) 29 [13th of 145]
Entrepreneurship > Trading Across Borders > Signatures for import (number) 55 [8th of 154]
Entrepreneurship > Trading Across Borders > Time for export (days) 67 [10th of 145]
Entrepreneurship > Trading Across Borders > Time for import (days) 124 [4th of 154]
Exchange rates > Recent years
Burundi francs per US dollar - 1,138 (2005), 1,100.91 (2004), 1,082.62 (2003), 930.75 (2002), 830.35 (2001)
Exchange rates to USD 1,065  
Expense > % of GDP 20.65 % [48th of 97]
Expense > current LCU 94029300000  
Export quantum/quantity index 99.93 % [89th of 110]
Export value index 93.78 % [103rd of 110]
Exports > Goods and services 9% [155th of 156]
Exports as a capacity to import > constant LCU 7169875000  
Exports of goods and services > % of GDP 8.48 % [150th of 180]
Exports of goods and services > annual % growth -36.1 % [154th of 155]
Exports of goods and services > BoP, current US$ 91,643,020 BoP $ [138th of 156]
    Exports of goods and services > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP) 0.115 BoP $ per $1 of GDP [129th of 177]
Exports of goods and services > constant LCU 11871740000  
Exports of goods and services > current LCU 72991640000  
Exports of goods and services > current US$ 67,821,440 $ [147th of 178]
    Exports of goods and services > current US$ (per $ GDP) 0.085 $ per $1 of GDP [150th of 186]
Exports of goods and services as % of GDP 6.46 [163rd of 164]
Exports of goods, services and income > BoP, current US$ 94,793,610 BoP $ [138th of 156]
    Exports of goods, services and income > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP) 0.119 BoP $ per $1 of GDP [130th of 177]
exports per capita > Exports per capita, US$ 7 [151st of 151]
Exports to US $1,200,000.00 [175th of 224]
    Exports to US (per $ GDP) $0.03 per $100 [169th of 213]
External balance on goods and services > % of GDP -27.84 % [139th of 181]
External balance on goods and services > constant LCU -7534393000  
External balance on goods and services > current LCU -239684500000  
External balance on goods and services > current US$ -222,707,000 $ [64th of 179]
    External balance on goods and services > current US$ (per $ GDP) -278.44 $ per $1,000 of GDP [138th of 187]
external debt > Date of information 2003  
External debt, total > DOD, current US$ 1,321,538,000 DOD $ [105th of 135]
    External debt, total > DOD, current US$ (per $ GDP) 1.652 DOD $ per $1,000 of GDP [4th of 134]
Final consumption expenditure > constant LCU 80072380000  
Final consumption expenditure > current LCU 1000825000000  
Final consumption expenditure > current US$ 929,934,300 $ [103rd of 141]
    Final consumption expenditure > current US$ (per $ GDP) 1.163 $ per $1 of GDP [6th of 154]
Final consumption expenditure, etc. > % of GDP 115.78 % [6th of 172]
Final consumption expenditure, etc. > annual % growth -22.23 % [139th of 142]
Final consumption expenditure, etc. > constant LCU 80072380000  
Final consumption expenditure, etc. > current LCU 996622500000  
Final consumption expenditure, etc. > current US$ 926,029,000 $ [132nd of 170]
    Final consumption expenditure, etc. > current US$ (per $ GDP) 1.158 $ per $1 of GDP [7th of 182]
Finance > % of managers surveyed ranking this as a major business constraint 16.05 % [9th of 39]
Fiscal year calendar year  
Foreign direct investment, net > BoP, current US$ 584,701.7 BoP $ [110th of 152]
    Foreign direct investment, net > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP) 0.731 BoP $ per $1,000 of GDP [102nd of 175]
Foreign direct investment, net inflows > % of GDP 0.07 % [150th of 166]
Foreign direct investment, net inflows > BoP, current US$ 584,701.7 BoP $ [160th of 172]
    Foreign direct investment, net inflows > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP) 0.731 BoP $ per $1 million of [149th of 171]
Foreign direct investment, net outflows > % of GDP 0.06 % [68th of 97]
GDP > CIA Factbook $3,780,000,000.00 [158th of 192]
GDP > constant 2000 US$ 789,755,500 constant 2000 US$ [146th of 186]
GDP > constant LCU 116865800000  
GDP > current LCU 860811000000  
GDP > PPP $4,957,000,000.00 [139th of 163]
GDP deflator 736.58 [30th of 188]
GDP growth > annual % 0.91 annual % [160th of 187]
GDP growth > Duration 1975-2000 -0.7% [116th of 149]
GDP growth > Duration 1980-2000 -7% [82nd of 108]
GDP per capita > constant 2000 US$ 104.64 constant 2000 US$ [167th of 182]
GDP per capita > constant LCU 15484.02  
GDP per capita growth > annual % -2.64 annual % [165th of 183]
GDP per capita, PPP > constant 2000 international $ 621.75 PPP 2000 $ [158th of 169]
GDP per capita, PPP > current international $ 698.87 PPP $ [158th of 169]
GDP sector composition > Indus. 20.9 % [140th of 196]
GDP sector composition > Serv. 34.1 % [180th of 196]
GDP, PPP > constant 2000 international $ 4,692,683,000 PPP 2000 $ [137th of 169]
GDP, PPP > current international $ 5,274,714,000 PPP $ [137th of 169]
GINI index 42.39 [21st of 40]
GNI > current LCU 839520000000  
GNI > current US$ 780,054,500 $ [148th of 183]
    GNI > current US$ (per $ GDP) 0.975 $ per $1 of GDP [95th of 194]
GNI, Atlas method > current US$ 724,002,900 $ [148th of 180]
    GNI, Atlas method > current US$ (per $ GDP) 0.905 $ per $1 of GDP [136th of 191]
GNI, PPP > current international $ 5,132,310,000 PPP $ [132nd of 169]
Goods and services expense > % of expense 22.09 % [19th of 96]
Goods and services expense > current LCU 13205000000  
Goods exports > BoP, current US$ 56,850,400 BoP $ [133rd of 156]
    Goods exports > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP) 0.071 BoP $ per $1 of GDP [127th of 177]
Goods imports > BoP, current US$ 240,678,300 BoP $ [132nd of 156]
    Goods imports > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP) 0.301 BoP $ per $1 of GDP [83rd of 177]
Grants and other revenue > % of revenue 19.22 % [34th of 94]
Grants and other revenue > current LCU 16011000000  
Gross capital formation > annual % growth 39.02 % [9th of 143]
Gross capital formation > constant LCU 31174760000  
Gross capital formation > current LCU 103873000000  
Gross capital formation > current US$ 96,515,400 $ [142nd of 171]
    Gross capital formation > current US$ (per $ GDP) 0.121 $ per $1 of GDP [145th of 182]
Gross domestic income > constant LCU 99010890000  
Gross domestic product per barrel > Data > GDP/Barrel > bbl/day 3,000 [156th of 176]
Gross domestic product per barrel > Data > GDP/Barrel > GDP/bbl 606.3 [130th of 176]
Gross domestic savings > constant LCU 18938500000  
Gross domestic savings > current LCU -135811500000  
Gross domestic savings > current US$ -126,191,600 $ [132nd of 170]
    Gross domestic savings > current US$ (per $ GDP) -157.772 $ per $1,000 of GDP [138th of 182]
Gross fixed capital formation > annual % growth -5.01 % [89th of 148]
Gross fixed capital formation > constant LCU 20959430000  
Gross fixed capital formation > current LCU 101873000000  
Gross fixed capital formation > current US$ 94,657,060 $ [139th of 171]
    Gross fixed capital formation > current US$ (per $ GDP) 0.118 $ per $1 of GDP [143rd of 182]
Gross national expenditure > constant LCU 111247100000  
Gross national expenditure > current LCU 1100495000000  
Gross national expenditure > current US$ 1,022,544,000 $ [134th of 170]
    Gross national expenditure > current US$ (per $ GDP) 1.278 $ per $1 of GDP [12th of 182]
Gross National Income $692,344,000.00 [144th of 172]
    Gross National Income (per $ GDP) $17.30 per $100 [142nd of 170]
Gross national income > constant LCU 97941970000  
Gross private capital flows > % of GDP 2.98 % [123rd of 154]
Gross savings > % of GNI 8.7 % of GNI [117th of 162]
Gross savings > current LCU 73055490000  
Gross savings > current US$ 67,880,770 $ [125th of 161]
    Gross savings > current US$ (per $ GDP) 0.085 $ per $1 of GDP [118th of 172]
Gross value added at factor cost > constant 2000 US$ 713,580,800 constant 2000 US$ [118th of 146]
Gross value added at factor cost > constant LCU 110628200000  
Gross value added at factor cost > current LCU 781719800000  
Gross value added at factor cost > current US$ 726,348,500 $ [125th of 162]
    Gross value added at factor cost > current US$ (per $ GDP) 0.908 $ per $1 of GDP [64th of 175]
    High-technology exports > current US$ (per $ GDP) 179.363 $ per $1 million of GDP [110th of 163]
Household final consumption expenditure > annual % growth -24.1 % [146th of 147]
Household final consumption expenditure > constant LCU 71104020000  
Household final consumption expenditure > current LCU 756027000000  
Household final consumption expenditure > current US$ 702,475,500 $ [133rd of 168]
    Household final consumption expenditure > current US$ (per $ GDP) 0.878 $ per $1 of GDP [17th of 182]
Household final consumption expenditure, etc. > % of GDP 87.34 % [15th of 169]
Household final consumption expenditure, etc. > annual % growth -24.1 % [136th of 138]
Household final consumption expenditure, etc. > constant LCU 71104020000  
Household final consumption expenditure, etc. > current LCU 751824000000  
Household final consumption expenditure, etc. > current US$ 698,570,200 $ [132nd of 168]
    Household final consumption expenditure, etc. > current US$ (per $ GDP) 0.873 $ per $1 of GDP [16th of 181]
Human Development Index 0.378 [170th of 178]
IBRD loans and IDA credits > PPG DOD, current US$ 14,056,000 $ [72nd of 125]
    IBRD loans and IDA credits > PPG DOD, current US$ (per $ GDP) 23,034.108 $ per $1 million of GDP [65th of 133]
IDA resource allocation index 2.97 [60th of 75]
Import quantum/quantity index 106.81 % [73rd of 105]
Import value index 119.14 % [72nd of 109]
Imports > Goods and services 24% [133rd of 156]
Imports from US $700,000.00 [195th of 224]
    Imports from US (per $ GDP) $0.02 per $100 [190th of 213]
Imports of goods and services > annual % growth -37.87 % [155th of 155]
Imports of goods and services > BoP, current US$ 352,742,300 BoP $ [132nd of 156]
    Imports of goods and services > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP) 0.441 BoP $ per $1 of GDP [70th of 177]
Imports of goods and services > constant LCU 19406130000  
Imports of goods and services > current LCU 312676200000  
Imports of goods and services > current US$ 290,528,400 $ [142nd of 178]
    Imports of goods and services > current US$ (per $ GDP) 0.363 $ per $1 of GDP [99th of 185]
Imports of goods and services as % of GDP 18.22 [154th of 164]
Imports of goods, services and income > BoP, current US$ 373,679,600 BoP $ [132nd of 156]
    Imports of goods, services and income > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP) 0.467 BoP $ per $1 of GDP [78th of 177]
Income category Low income  
Income distribution > Poorest 10% 1.8% [86th of 114]
Income distribution > Poorest 20% 5.1% [82nd of 114]
Income distribution > Richest 10% 32.9% [40th of 114]
Income distribution > Richest 20% 48% [42nd of 114]
income equality > UN Gini index 42.4 [48th of 125]
income equality > UN Richest 10% to poorest 10% 19.3 [32nd of 125]
income equality > UN Richest 20% to poorest 20% 9.5 [42nd of 125]
Income payments > BoP, current US$ 20,937,290 BoP $ [137th of 156]
    Income payments > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP) 26.177 BoP $ per $1,000 of GDP [103rd of 176]
Income receipts > BoP, current US$ 3,150,584 BoP $ [135th of 154]
    Income receipts > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP) 3.939 BoP $ per $1,000 of GDP [120th of 176]
Income share held by fourth 20% 21.5 % [21st of 40]
Income share held by highest 10% 32.77 % [20th of 40]
Income share held by highest 20% 48.02 % [21st of 40]
Income share held by lowest 10% 1.7 % [23rd of 40]
Income share held by lowest 20% 5.08 % [21st of 40]
Income share held by second 20% 10.31 % [14th of 40]
Income share held by third 20% 15.09 % [14th of 40]
Indices of Economic Freedom > Economic Freedom of the World > Summary index 4,5  
Industry > Value added 18.67 (2001)  
Inflation > Duration 1970-1979 10.7  
Inflation > Duration 1990-2000 16.1% [51st of 151]
Inflation > Duration 2000-2003 9.8  
Inflation, consumer prices > annual % 13.02 annual % [15th of 164]
Inflation, GDP deflator > annual % 16.67 annual % [21st of 186]
Insurance and financial services > % of commercial service exports 0.72 % [100th of 143]
Insurance and financial services > % of commercial service imports 4.18 % [84th of 147]
Interest payments > % of expense 7.4 % [40th of 97]
Interest payments > % of revenue 8.42 % [42nd of 98]
Interest payments > current LCU 4422000000  
Interest rate spread > lending rate minus deposit rate 8 % [26th of 150]
International tourism, expenditures > % of total imports 17.58 % [4th of 128]
International tourism, expenditures > current US$ 62,000,000 $ [102nd of 138]
    International tourism, expenditures > current US$ (per $ GDP) 0.078 $ per $1,000 of GDP [6th of 157]
International tourism, number of arrivals 148,000 [116th of 190]
International tourism, number of departures 35,000 [99th of 103]
International tourism, receipts > % of total exports 2.07 % [98th of 129]
International tourism, receipts > current US$ 1,900,000 $ [117th of 148]
    International tourism, receipts > current US$ (per $ GDP) 2.375 $ per $1,000 of GDP [106th of 160]
Legal rights of borrowers and lenders index 2 [161st of 169]
Lending interest rate > % 19.11 % [23rd of 156]
Liquid liabilities (M3) as % of GDP 27.95 [118th of 164]
Long-term debt > DOD, current US$ 1,227,908,000 DOD $ [103rd of 135]
    Long-term debt > DOD, current US$ (per $ GDP) 1.535 DOD $ per $1,000 of GDP [4th of 134]
Merchandise exports > current US$ 110,656,600 $ [171st of 193]
    Merchandise exports > current US$ (per $ GDP) 0.138 $ per $1,000 of GDP [139th of 187]
Merchandise imports > current US$ 267,171,000 $ [177th of 192]
    Merchandise imports > current US$ (per $ GDP) 0.334 $ per $1 of GDP [97th of 187]
Merchandise trade > % of GDP 47.24 % [139th of 183]
Money > current LCU 177266500000  
Money and quasi money (M2) as % of GDP 25.92 [118th of 163]
Money and quasi money (M2) to total reserves ratio 2.23 [100th of 160]
Money and quasi money > M2 > current LCU 242476600000  
Money and quasi money growth > annual % 19.02 annual % [57th of 164]
Multilateral debt service > % of public and publicly guaranteed debt service 87.08 % [9th of 134]
Net barter terms of trade 84.13 % [95th of 109]
Net capital account > BoP, current US$ 191,735,700 BoP $ [34th of 129]
    Net capital account > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP) 239.718 BoP $ per $1,000 of GDP [2nd of 159]
Net current transfers > BoP, current US$ 23,220,350 BoP $ [95th of 156]
    Net current transfers > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP) 29.031 BoP $ per $1,000 of GDP [67th of 177]
Net current transfers from abroad > current LCU 230158000000  
Net current transfers from abroad > current US$ 213,855,300 $ [76th of 157]
    Net current transfers from abroad > current US$ (per $ GDP) 267.373 $ per $1,000 of GDP [6th of 165]
Net domestic credit > current LCU 286082500000  
Net errors and omissions, adjusted > BoP, current US$ -24,887,540 BoP $ [82nd of 156]
    Net errors and omissions, adjusted > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP) -31,115,749,276.04 BoP $ per $1,000 of GDP [120th of 177]
Net financial flows, IBRD > current US$ -424,000 $ [53rd of 88]
    Net financial flows, IBRD > current US$ (per $ GDP) -774.379 $ per $1 million of GDP [89th of 99]
Net financial flows, IDA > current US$ 18,857,000 $ [47th of 95]
    Net financial flows, IDA > current US$ (per $ GDP) 23,576.042 $ per $1,000 of GDP [10th of 99]
Net financial flows, IMF concessional > current US$ 21,126,000 $ [4th of 55]
    Net financial flows, IMF concessional > current US$ (per $ GDP) 26.413 $ per $1,000 of GDP [1st of 74]
Net financial flows, IMF nonconcessional > current US$ -28,529,000 $ [25th of 68]
    Net financial flows, IMF nonconcessional > current US$ (per $ GDP) -42.956 $ per $1 million of GDP [48th of 113]
Net financial flows, others > current US$ -2,193,000 $ [83rd of 125]
    Net financial flows, others > current US$ (per $ GDP) -2,741.807 $ per $1,000 of GDP [114th of 132]
Net financial flows, RDB concessional > current US$ 5,930,000 $ [43rd of 87]
    Net financial flows, RDB concessional > current US$ (per $ GDP) 7,414.007 $ per $1 million of GDP [24th of 98]
Net financial flows, RDB nonconcessional > current US$ -2,695,000 $ [53rd of 94]
    Net financial flows, RDB nonconcessional > current US$ (per $ GDP) -3,369.435 $ per $1,000 of GDP [82nd of 108]
Net foreign assets > current LCU 58194270000  
Net foreign investment 1.7% [85th of 129]
Net income > BoP, current US$ -17,786,710 BoP $ [35th of 156]
    Net income > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP) -22.238 BoP $ per $1,000 of GDP [66th of 176]
Net income from abroad > constant LCU -1641886000  
Net income from abroad > current LCU -21291000000  
Net income from abroad > current US$ -19,782,900 $ [49th of 180]
    Net income from abroad > current US$ (per $ GDP) -24.734 $ per $1,000 of GDP [95th of 191]
Net incurrence of liabilities, domestic > % of GDP 3.27 % [8th of 66]
Net incurrence of liabilities, domestic > current LCU 14869300000  
Net incurrence of liabilities, foreign > % of GDP 2.88 % [5th of 66]
Net incurrence of liabilities, foreign > current LCU 13121200000  
Net trade in goods > BoP, current US$ -183,827,900 BoP $ [56th of 156]
    Net trade in goods > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP) -229.832 BoP $ per $1,000 of GDP [108th of 177]
Net trade in goods and services > BoP, current US$ -261,099,300 BoP $ [67th of 156]
    Net trade in goods and services > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP) -326.44 BoP $ per $1,000 of GDP [125th of 177]
Official development assistance and official aid > current US$ 365,000,000 $ [51st of 172]
    Official development assistance and official aid > current US$ (per $ GDP) 456.343 $ per $1 million of GDP [4th of 168]
Other expense > % of expense 13.89 % [6th of 87]
Other expense > current LCU 13062600000  
Poverty gap at $1 a day > PPP > % 22.7 % [3rd of 36]
Poverty gap at $2 a day > PPP > % 48.9 % [3rd of 36]
Poverty headcount ratio at $1 a day > PPP > % of population 54.6 % [3rd of 37]
Poverty headcount ratio at $2 a day > PPP > % of population 87.6 % [2nd of 37]
Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty line > % of population 36.42 % [1st of 16]
Poverty headcount ratio at rural poverty line > % of rural population 36 % [1st of 13]
Poverty headcount ratio at urban poverty line > % of urban population 43 % [1st of 15]
Present value of debt > % of exports of goods and services 1,272.72 % [2nd of 133]
Present value of debt > % of GNI 130.89 % of GNI [6th of 132]
Public and publicly guaranteed (PPG) debt > DOD, current US$ 1,227,908,000 DOD $ [97th of 135]
    Public and publicly guaranteed (PPG) debt > DOD, current US$ (per $ GDP) 1.535 DOD $ per $1,000 of GDP [4th of 134]
Public and publicly guaranteed debt service > % of exports 41.22 % [1st of 115]
Public and publicly guaranteed debt service > % of GNI 5.01 % of GNI [22nd of 131]
Public and publicly guaranteed debt service > TDS, current US$ 39,072,000 $ [103rd of 134]
    Public and publicly guaranteed debt service > TDS, current US$ (per $ GDP) 48.85 $ per $1 million of GDP [22nd of 134]
Purchasing power parity conversion factor > LCU per international $ 163.2  
Quasi money > current LCU 65210100000  
Quasi-liquid liabilities > % of GDP 7.58 % [138th of 164]
Real interest rate > % 2.09 % [95th of 152]
Research and development personnel 21 per million people [84th of 88]
    Research and development personnel (per $ GDP) 0.0524869 per million people per $ [43rd of 87]
Research and development spending 0.3% [51st of 69]
    Research and development spending (per $ GDP) 0.000749813 % per $10 million [3rd of 68]
Researchers in R&D > per million people 21.49 per million people [12th of 54]
Reserve requirement > Ratio 8.5 % [11th of 23]
Revenue, excluding grants > % of GDP 15.8 % [69th of 98]
Revenue, excluding grants > current LCU 71936550000  
Royalty and license fees, payments > BoP, current US$ 23,121.64 BoP $ [95th of 121]
    Royalty and license fees, payments > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP) 26.606 BoP $ per $1 million of [126th of 142]
Service exports > BoP, current US$ 34,792,620 BoP $ [138th of 156]
    Service exports > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP) 43.5 BoP $ per $1,000 of GDP [106th of 177]
Service imports > BoP, current US$ 112,063,900 BoP $ [129th of 156]
    Service imports > BoP, current US$ (per $ GDP) 0.14 BoP $ per $1,000 of GDP [38th of 177]
Services, etc., value added > annual % growth 10.59 % [8th of 164]
Services, etc., value added > constant 2000 US$ 437,607,000 constant 2000 US$ [123rd of 164]
Services, etc., value added > constant LCU 51540670000  
Services, etc., value added > current LCU 352861800000  
Services, etc., value added > current US$ 327,867,700 $ [128th of 172]
    Services, etc., value added > current US$ (per $ GDP) 0.41 $ per $1 of GDP [95th of 181]
Short-term debt > % of exports of goods, services and income 37.38 % [8th of 115]
Short-term debt > % of total external debt 2.68 % [109th of 134]
Stock of money $208,700,000.00 [146th of 164]
Stock of quasi money $141,000,000.00 [154th of 165]
Subsidies and other transfers > % of expense 14.31 % [44th of 96]
Subsidies and other transfers > current LCU 8552000000  
Terms of trade 51 [83rd of 104]
Terms of trade adjustment > constant LCU -4701864000  
Total debt service > % of exports of goods, services and income 41.4 % [3rd of 116]
Total debt service > % of GNI 5.03 % of GNI [50th of 133]
Total debt service > TDS, current US$ 39,271,000 $ [107th of 135]
    Total debt service > TDS, current US$ (per $ GDP) 49.099 $ per $1 million of GDP [52nd of 134]
Total reserves > includes gold, current US$ 100,575,200 $ [154th of 178]
    Total reserves > includes gold, current US$ (per $ GDP) 125.745 $ per $1,000 of GDP [97th of 182]
Total reserves in months of imports 3.23 [66th of 152]
Total reserves minus gold > current US$ 100,082,300 $ [154th of 178]
    Total reserves minus gold > current US$ (per $ GDP) 125.128 $ per $1,000 of GDP [95th of 182]
Tourism expenditures, international $14,000,000.00 [125th of 159]
    Tourism expenditures, international (per $ GDP) $22.29 per $1,000 of GDP [67th of 153]
Tourism receipts, international $2,000,000.00 [172nd of 187]
    Tourism receipts, international (per $ GDP) $2.51 per $1,000 of GDP [149th of 180]
Tourist arrivals by region of origin > Africa 49,473 [46th of 142]
Tourist arrivals by region of origin > Americas 9,956 [138th of 191]
Tourist arrivals by region of origin > Asia, East and South East/Oceania 4,023 [129th of 172]
Tourist arrivals by region of origin > Europe 29,486 [138th of 195]
Tourist arrivals by region of origin > Region not specified 55,480 [32nd of 151]
Tourist arrivals by region of origin > Total 148,418 [145th of 198]
Trade > % of GDP 44.8 % [136th of 180]
Trade balance with US -$500,000.00 [114th of 224]
    Trade balance with US (per $ GDP) -$0.01 per $100 [101st of 213]
Trade in goods 25.97 [160th of 169]
Trade in services > % of GDP 18.36 % [68th of 154]
Trade with US > US exports of agric farming-unmanufactured 0 [173rd of 181]
Trade with US > US exports of agric industry-unmanufactured 2,731 [57th of 183]
Trade with US > US exports of agricultural machinery, equipment 0 [186th of 188]
Trade with US > US exports of animal feeds, nec 0 [155th of 168]
Trade with US > US exports of apparel, household goods > textile 158 [142nd of 202]
Trade with US > US exports of apparel,household goods-nontextile 0 [186th of 196]
Trade with US > US exports of artwork, antiques, stamps, etc 0 [166th of 184]
Trade with US > US exports of books, printed matter 5 [183rd of 206]
Trade with US > US exports of business machines and equipment 4 [169th of 194]
Trade with US > US exports of chemicals-fertilizers 0 [161st of 171]
Trade with US > US exports of chemicals-inorganic 0 [182nd of 192]
Trade with US > US exports of chemicals-other 3 [195th of 206]
Trade with US > US exports of computer accessories 276 [158th of 211]
Trade with US > US exports of computers 1,030 [107th of 206]
Trade with US > US exports of corn 4,565 [53rd of 171]
Trade with US > US exports of drilling & oilfield equipment 0 [183rd of 194]
Trade with US > US exports of electric apparatus 9 [191st of 207]
Trade with US > US exports of finished metal shapes 65 [161st of 204]
Trade with US > US exports of finished textile supplies 0 [184th of 197]
Trade with US > US exports of food, tobacco machinery 0 [196th of 202]
Trade with US > US exports of fruits, frozen juices 0 [171st of 178]
Trade with US > US exports of furniture, household goods, etc 0 [193rd of 202]
Trade with US > US exports of generators, accessories 0 [194th of 202]
Trade with US > US exports of hair, waste materials 0 [153rd of 169]
Trade with US > US exports of household appliances 9 [173rd of 202]
Trade with US > US exports of industrial engines 0 [204th of 207]
Trade with US > US exports of industrial machines, other 10 [191st of 213]
Trade with US > US exports of industrial rubber products 0 [172nd of 185]
Trade with US > US exports of jewelry, etc 70 [117th of 184]
Trade with US > US exports of laboratory testing instruments 18 [175th of 206]
Trade with US > US exports of measuring, testing, control instruments 85 [176th of 209]
Trade with US > US exports of medicinal equipment 0 [205th of 209]
Trade with US > US exports of metalworking machine tools 18 [153rd of 197]
Trade with US > US exports of minimum value shipments 277 [165th of 210]
Trade with US > US exports of musical instruments 0 [184th of 191]
Trade with US > US exports of other foods 554 [135th of 206]
Trade with US > US exports of other household goods 0 [203rd of 209]
Trade with US > US exports of other industrial supplies 87 [160th of 209]
Trade with US > US exports of parts for military-type goods 0 [169th of 178]
Trade with US > US exports of parts-civilian aircraft 8 [181st of 206]
Trade with US > US exports of petroleum products, other 0 [181st of 191]
Trade with US > US exports of pharmaceutical preparations 201 [147th of 207]
Trade with US > US exports of photo, service industry machinery 61 [166th of 210]
Trade with US > US exports of plastic materials 3 [183rd of 207]
Trade with US > US exports of pulp and paper machinery 0 [186th of 195]
Trade with US > US exports of records, tapes, and disks 8 [168th of 199]
Trade with US > US exports of semiconductors 366 [109th of 199]
Trade with US > US exports of shingles, molding, wallboard 13 [163rd of 195]
Trade with US > US exports of stereo equipment, etc 4 [158th of 188]
Trade with US > US exports of tapes, audio and visual 11 [109th of 173]
Trade with US > US exports of telecommunications equipment 4,928 [104th of 211]
Trade with US > US exports of textile, sewing machines 0 [171st of 183]
Trade with US > US exports of toiletries and cosmetics 16 [166th of 197]
Trade with US > US exports of tvs, vcrs, etc 0 [184th of 196]
Trade with US > US exports of vegetables 1,630 [64th of 194]
Trade with US > US exports of writing and art supplies 104 [150th of 203]
Trade with US > US imports of apparel and household goods-cotton 0 [185th of 195]
Trade with US > US imports of gem diamonds-uncut or unset 3,000 [33rd of 98]
Trade with US > US imports of green coffee 186 [41st of 104]
Trade with US > US imports of industrial organic chemicals 0 [106th of 122]
Trade with US > US imports of minimum value shipments 13 [180th of 208]
Trade with US > US imports of numismatic coins 0 [125th of 151]
Trade with US > US imports of tea, spices, and preparations 10 [104th of 133]
Transnational corporations > Affiliates 3 [150th of 162]
Use of IMF credit > DOD, current US$ 58,171,000 DOD $ [58th of 99]
    Use of IMF credit > DOD, current US$ (per $ GDP) 72.729 DOD $ per $1,000 of GDP [8th of 120]
World Trade > Exports > Alcoholic beverages 1,219 [90th of 124]
World Trade > Exports > Articles nes of plastics 264 [110th of 119]
World Trade > Exports > Base metal ore conc nes 790 [53rd of 77]
World Trade > Exports > Coffee coffee substitute 17,365 [47th of 99]
World Trade > Exports > Crude vegetables materials nes 325 [100th of 120]
World Trade > Exports > Fish, live fresh chilled frozen 156 [118th of 125]
World Trade > Exports > Gold non-monetary excl ore 3,325 [71st of 100]
World Trade > Exports > Hide skin excl fur raw 27 [114th of 119]
World Trade > Exports > Passenger cars etc 113 [100th of 110]
World Trade > Exports > Sugar mollasses honey 1,776 [88th of 112]
World Trade > Exports > Tea and mate 562 [62nd of 95]
World Trade > Exports > Telecomms equipment nes 102 [110th of 118]
World Trade > Exports > Tobacco, manufactured 424 [90th of 117]
World Trade > Exports > Tobacco, raw and wastes 245 [74th of 93]
World Trade > Imports > Agriculture machine excl tractors 129 [139th of 141]
World Trade > Imports > Aircraft spacecraft etc 729 [114th of 139]
World Trade > Imports > Alcoholic beverages 426 [143rd of 147]
World Trade > Imports > Alcohols phenols derivatives 70 [135th of 136]
World Trade > Imports > Aluminium 328 [133rd of 143]
World Trade > Imports > Animal oil fat 1 [116th of 117]
World Trade > Imports > Animal vegetables oils processed 118 [126th of 134]
World Trade > Imports > Articles nes of plastics 1,255 [139th of 148]
World Trade > Imports > Articles of apparel nes 230 [142nd of 145]
World Trade > Imports > Articles of rubber nes 248 [136th of 141]
World Trade > Imports > Baby care toys games sport 85 [145th of 146]
World Trade > Imports > Base metal handheld equipment 352 [143rd of 148]
World Trade > Imports > Base metal manufactures nes 733 [141st of 148]
World Trade > Imports > Carboxylic acid compound 21 [126th of 125]
World Trade > Imports > Cereal etc flour starch 4,045 [126th of 149]
World Trade > Imports > Cereal grains nes 448 [73rd of 115]
World Trade > Imports > Cereal meal flour nes 2,232 [45th of 134]
World Trade > Imports > Clay refractory material 325 [143rd of 147]
World Trade > Imports > Computer equipment 2,280 [130th of 148]
World Trade > Imports > Copper 15 [138th of 137]
World Trade > Imports > Cotton 140 [92nd of 108]
World Trade > Imports > Cotton fabrics, woven 238 [135th of 144]
World Trade > Imports > Crude vegetables materials nes 480 [121st of 140]
World Trade > Imports > Cut paper board articles 1,826 [136th of 147]
World Trade > Imports > Cutlery 91 [138th of 139]
World Trade > Imports > Domestic equipment 332 [144th of 149]
World Trade > Imports > Edible products nes 1,374 [141st of 149]
World Trade > Imports > Electric circuit equipment 488 [140th of 147]
World Trade > Imports > Electrical distribution equipment 863 [137th of 147]
World Trade > Imports > Electrical equipment nes 1,504 [136th of 149]
World Trade > Imports > Electrical power transmission equipment 272 [136th of 145]
World Trade > Imports > Elements oxides hal salt 1,396 [120th of 142]
World Trade > Imports > Essentoil perfume flavr 42 [139th of 139]
World Trade > Imports > Fans filters gas pumps 450 [138th of 145]
World Trade > Imports > Fixed vegetables oil fat, soft 525 [133rd of 143]
World Trade > Imports > Fixed vegetables oils not soft 1,042 [110th of 135]
World Trade > Imports > Flat rolled iron steel products 611 [123rd of 137]
World Trade > Imports > Flour meal wheat meslin 697 [112nd of 145]
World Trade > Imports > Food processing machines 357 [129th of 141]
World Trade > Imports > Footwear 216 [145th of 147]
World Trade > Imports > Fruit preserved fruit preparations 3 [133rd of 132]
World Trade > Imports > Furniture stuff furnishing 736 [142nd of 148]
World Trade > Imports > Glass 333 [134th of 146]
World Trade > Imports > Gold non-monetary excl ore 229 [71st of 81]
World Trade > Imports > Goods service vehicles 4,065 [131st of 148]
World Trade > Imports > Hand machine tools 2,774 [109th of 147]
World Trade > Imports > Headgear non-textile clothing 119 [137th of 138]
World Trade > Imports > Heavy petrol bitum oils 16,347 [131st of 148]
World Trade > Imports > Household garden chemicals 1,508 [121st of 144]
World Trade > Imports > Hydrocarbons derivatives 33 [137th of 137]
World Trade > Imports > Indust heat cool equipment 866 [138th of 148]
World Trade > Imports > Internal combustion engines 519 [133rd of 146]
World Trade > Imports > Iron steel aluminium structures 142 [147th of 148]
World Trade > Imports > Iron steel bars rods etc 1,429 [135th of 148]
World Trade > Imports > Iron steel pipe tube etc 475 [139th of 146]
World Trade > Imports > Iron steel wire 271 [119th of 133]
World Trade > Imports > Lighting fixtures etc 182 [143rd of 145]
World Trade > Imports > Lime cement constr material 8,063 [103rd of 149]
World Trade > Imports > Made-up textile articles 1,872 [123rd of 146]
World Trade > Imports > Maize except sweet corn 1,038 [103rd of 126]
World Trade > Imports > Man-made fibres nes wast 86 [98th of 106]
World Trade > Imports > Man-made woven fabrics 609 [130th of 141]
World Trade > Imports > Manufactured fertilizers 1,570 [120th of 139]
World Trade > Imports > Measure control appliances nes 667 [133rd of 146]
World Trade > Imports > Mechanical handling equipment 337 [140th of 146]
World Trade > Imports > Medical etc electronic diagnostics equipment 170 [133rd of 139]
World Trade > Imports > Medical etc instruments 1,389 [122nd of 143]
World Trade > Imports > Medicaments include veterinary 7,968 [122nd of 145]
World Trade > Imports > Mens boys wear, woven 160 [138th of 142]
World Trade > Imports > Metal salts of inorganic acid 429 [128th of 137]
World Trade > Imports > Metal store transport cont 133 [140th of 143]
World Trade > Imports > Meters and counters nes 67 [134th of 138]
World Trade > Imports > Milk products excl butter cheese 777 [143rd of 149]
World Trade > Imports > Misc chemical products nes 249 [136th of 140]
World Trade > Imports > Misc manufactures articles nes 715 [136th of 147]
World Trade > Imports > Motor vehicles parts accessories 1,536 [130th of 148]
World Trade > Imports > Motorcycles cycles etc 1,170 [123rd of 145]
World Trade > Imports > Musical instruments records 47 [144th of 144]
World Trade > Imports > Nails screws nuts bolts 147 [142nd of 146]
World Trade > Imports > Non-electrical machines nes 1,236 [126th of 143]
World Trade > Imports > Non-electrical parts accessories machines 101 [134th of 136]
World Trade > Imports > Office equipment parts accessories 820 [127th of 144]
World Trade > Imports > Office machines 517 [127th of 145]
World Trade > Imports > Office stationery supply 499 [125th of 146]
World Trade > Imports > Oil etc additives fluids 28 [135th of 135]
World Trade > Imports > Oil seeds-not soft oil 270 [82nd of 105]
World Trade > Imports > Optical fibres 25 [131st of 131]
World Trade > Imports > Optical instruments nes 12 [124th of 123]
World Trade > Imports > Organo-inorganic compounds 25 [118th of 117]
World Trade > Imports > Other crude minerals 1,921 [114th of 146]
World Trade > Imports > Other organic compounds 263 [119th of 127]
World Trade > Imports > Paper paperboard 1,365 [132nd of 147]
World Trade > Imports > Passenger cars etc 4,046 [137th of 148]
World Trade > Imports > Perfume toilet cosmetics 75 [147th of 146]
World Trade > Imports > Pharmaceuticals excl medicaments 2,472 [120th of 145]
World Trade > Imports > Photographic equipment 35 [140th of 139]
World Trade > Imports > Photographic supplies 141 [139th of 140]
World Trade > Imports > Pigments paints varnish 630 [140th of 147]
World Trade > Imports > Plastic nes-primary form 722 [117th of 135]
World Trade > Imports > Plastic sheets film etc 66 [145th of 144]
World Trade > Imports > Plastic tube pipe hose 387 [134th of 144]
World Trade > Imports > Polyacetals polyesters 181 [128th of 133]
World Trade > Imports > Primary ethylene polymer 1,012 [111st of 134]
World Trade > Imports > Printed matter 1,155 [139th of 149]
World Trade > Imports > Printing industry machinery 142 [128th of 137]
World Trade > Imports > Pulp and waste paper 59 [100th of 102]
World Trade > Imports > Pumps for liquids 529 [137th of 147]
World Trade > Imports > Radio broadcast receiver 113 [138th of 142]
World Trade > Imports > Residual petrol products 208 [135th of 140]
World Trade > Imports > Rice 13 [146th of 145]
World Trade > Imports > Road motor vehicles nes 1,041 [133rd of 146]
World Trade > Imports > Rolled plated m-steel 2,466 [114th of 141]
World Trade > Imports > Rotating electrical plant 596 [141st of 149]
World Trade > Imports > Rubber tyres treads 2,925 [127th of 147]
World Trade > Imports > Sanitary plumb heat fixtures 306 [131st of 141]
World Trade > Imports > Soaps cleansers polishes 480 [145th of 149]
World Trade > Imports > Special industrial machines nes 659 [137th of 144]
World Trade > Imports > Special transactions nes 847 [90th of 118]
World Trade > Imports > Special yarns fabrics 237 [135th of 144]
World Trade > Imports > Starches glues etc 1,841 [105th of 140]
World Trade > Imports > Steam generating boilers 131 [120th of 131]
World Trade > Imports > Sugar mollasses honey 789 [137th of 148]
World Trade > Imports > Synthetic organic colour agents 1,387 [90th of 125]
World Trade > Imports > Synthetic spinning fibre 131 [103rd of 110]
World Trade > Imports > Taps cocks valves 135 [136th of 139]
World Trade > Imports > Telecomms equipment nes 2,264 [138th of 148]
World Trade > Imports > Television receivers 131 [143rd of 142]
World Trade > Imports > Textile leather machinery 128 [141st of 142]
World Trade > Imports > Textile yarn 72 [137th of 140]
World Trade > Imports > Tobacco, raw and wastes 0 [122nd of 122]
World Trade > Imports > Tractors 105 [136th of 141]
World Trade > Imports > Trailers caravans etc 127 [140th of 142]
World Trade > Imports > Trunks and cases 102 [140th of 140]
World Trade > Imports > Tulle lace embr trim etc 13 [132nd of 131]
World Trade > Imports > Valves transistors etc 190 [129th of 136]
World Trade > Imports > Vegetables root tuber prepared pressed 94 [145th of 144]
World Trade > Imports > Vegetables, fresh chilled frozen 45 [149th of 148]
World Trade > Imports > Veneer plywood etc 539 [137th of 148]
World Trade > Imports > Vinyl chloride etc polymers 402 [110th of 125]
World Trade > Imports > Wheat meslin 347 [124th of 131]
World Trade > Imports > Wire products excl insulators electrical 797 [121st of 145]
World Trade > Imports > Wood manufactures nes 81 [144th of 145]
World Trade > Imports > Worn clothing etc 2,203 [80th of 129]
World Trade > Imports > Zinc 29 [115th of 116]

World Development Indicators database; Wikipedia: List of African countries by GDP per capita ; calculated on the basis of data on ODA from OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development), Development Assistance Committee. 2002. DAC Online. Database. Paris.; and data on GDP from World Bank. 2002. World Development Indicators 2002. CD-ROM. Washington, DC; All CIA World Factbooks 18 December 2003 to 18 December 2008; ; Doing Business, Economy Rankings, 2005.; Doing Business ; Doing Business ; Doing Business ; Doing Business ; Doing Business ; Doing Business ; Doing Business ; Doing Business ; CIA World Factbook, 22 August 2006 ; World Bank. 2002. World Development Indicators 2002. CD-ROM. Washington, DC; Wikipedia: List of countries by exports per capita ; US Census Bureau; Wikipedia: List of countries by external debt ; World Bank. 2005. World Development Indicators 2005.; World Bank. 2002. Correspondence on GDP per capita annual growth rates. March. Washington, DC; Per Capita GDP Growth IMF; Wikipedia: List of countries by GDP sector composition ; Wikipedia: Gross domestic product per barrel ; Human Development Report 2006, United Nations Development Programme; ; Wikipedia: List of countries by income equality ; Wikipedia: Indices of Economic Freedom ; IMF, World Economic Outlook databases; calculated for the Human Development Report Office by the World Bank on the basis of data on the consumer price index from World Bank (2002b); IMF, World Economic Outlook Database; calculated on the basis of data on foreign direct investment and GDP from World Bank. 2002. World Development Indicators 2002. CD-ROM. Washington, DC; aggregates calculated for the Human Development Report Office by the World Bank; World Bank. 2002. World Development Indicators 2002. CD-ROM. Washington, DC; aggregates calculated for the Human Development Report Office by the World Bank; Wikipedia: Reserve requirement ; calculated on the basis of data on terms of trade from World Bank. 2002. World Development Indicators 2002. CD-ROM. Washington, DC; Source: World Tourism Organization Statistics Database and Yearbook | United Nations World Tourism Organization; FTDWebMaster, Foreign Trade Division, U.S. Census Bureau; World Investment Report 2001, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD);

Burundi, Republic of Burundi, Republika y'u Burundi
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