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1) Government

Capital city Malabo  
General government final consumption expenditure > annual % growth -4.64 % [124th of 147]
General government final consumption expenditure > constant LCU 28800000000  
General government final consumption expenditure > current US$ 95,590,700 $ [155th of 169]
Legislative branch > A note
opposition parties have refused to take up their seats in the House to protest widespread irregularities in the 1999 legislative elections
Parliamentary seats > Female 5% [113rd of 143]
political parties > Dominant party  
Procedures to register property > number 6 [69th of 167]
Proportion of seats held by women in national parliament > % 18 % [67th of 174]
Start-up procedures to register a business > number 20 [1st of 171]
Status pseudo-democracy  
Time required to build a warehouse > days 156 days [104th of 168]
Time required to enforce a contract > days 553 days [68th of 171]
Time required to register property > days 23 days [126th of 167]
Time required to start a business > days 136 days [9th of 171]
Time to prepare and pay taxes > hours 212 hours [98th of 169]
Transnational Issues > Disputes > International
in 2002, ICJ ruled on an equidistance settlement of Cameroon-Equatorial Guinea-Nigeria maritime boundary in the Gulf of Guinea, but a dispute between Equatorial Guinea and Cameroon over an island at the mouth of the Ntem River and imprecisely defined maritime coordinates in the ICJ decision delay final delimitation; UN urges Equatorial Guinea and Gabon to resolve the sovereignty dispute over Gabon-occupied Mbane and lesser islands and to create a maritime boundary in the hydrocarbon-rich Corisco Bay
UN membership date 12 Nov. 1968  
United Nations mission
Washington, D.C. embassies > Neighborhood Kalorama Triangle  



Electoral system party list  
Electoral system type proportional  
Female candidacy 1,963 [27th of 161]
Female ministers 9.4% [82nd of 125]
Female parliamentarians 5% [134th of 157]
Female suffrage 1963  
First female parliamentarian 1968 (elected)  
Gender Parity Index in primary level enrolment 0.951620998196791 [105th of 183]
Homosexuality laws of the world > Homosexuality laws > Laws against homosexuality No  

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