Politics        0  626 reads

1) Government

Capital city Ouagadougou  
General government final consumption expenditure > annual % growth 2.75 % [74th of 147]
General government final consumption expenditure > constant 2000 US$ 354,676,100 constant 2000 US$ [106th of 145]
General government final consumption expenditure > constant LCU 119498900000  
General government final consumption expenditure > current US$ 661,081,500 $ [108th of 169]
Legal origin
Parliamentary seats > Female 8% [85th of 143]
Procedures to register property > number 8 [22nd of 167]
Proportion of seats held by women in national parliament > % 11.7 % [105th of 174]
Start-up procedures to register a business > number 8 [104th of 171]
Status pseudo-democracy  
Time required to build a warehouse > days 226 days [55th of 168]
Time required to enforce a contract > days 446 days [93rd of 171]
Time required to register property > days 107 days [40th of 167]
Time required to start a business > days 34 days [90th of 171]
Time to prepare and pay taxes > hours 270 hours [75th of 169]
Total businesses registered > number 221 [60th of 71]
Transnational Issues > Disputes > International
in September 2007, Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) intervened to attempt to resolve the dispute over two villages along the Benin-Burkina Faso border that remain from 2005 ICJ decision; in recent years citizens and rogue security forces rob and harass local populations on both sides of the poorly-defined Burkina Faso-Niger border; despite the presence of over 9,000 UN forces (UNOCI) in Cote d'Ivoire since 2004, ethnic conflict continues to spread into neighboring states who can no longer send their migrant workers to work in Ivorian cocoa plantations
UN membership date 20 Sep. 1960  
United Nations mission
http://www.mae.gov.bf/ (Francais)


Bertelsmann Transformation Index > Management Index 2006 4.42 [73rd of 118]
Bertelsmann Transformation Index>Political Transformation 6.12 [59th of 119]
Civil and political liberties 3 [82nd of 140]
CPIA gender equality rating 3.5 [36th of 75]
Electoral system party list  
Electoral system type proportional  
Female candidacy 1,958 [46th of 161]
Female ministers 7.4% [90th of 125]
Female parliamentarians 11% [78th of 157]
Female suffrage 1958  
First female parliamentarian 1978 (elected)  
Homosexuality laws of the world > Homosexuality laws > Laws against homosexuality No  
Parliamentary elections > Invalid votes 7.7% [15th of 110]
Parliamentary elections > Registered voter turnout 64.1% [101st of 152]
Parliamentary elections > Total vote 1,868,640 [84th of 154]
Parliamentary elections > Voter registration 2,913,220 [84th of 152]
Parliamentary elections > Voting age population 5,376,800 [67th of 163]
Presidential elections > Total vote 2,361,290 [44th of 87]
Presidential elections > Turnout 46.9 [67th of 82]
Presidential elections > Voting age population 5,032,590 [39th of 91]

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