Economy        0  676 reads

Aid as % of GDP 12.9% [23rd of 129]
Bank liquid reserves to bank assets ratio 1.12 [155th of 172]
Consumer price index 122.98 % [1st of 165]
Current transfers, receipts > BoP, current US$ 85,409,150 BoP $ [113rd of 155]
Debt service 5.5 [101st of 128]
Economic freedom 1.7 [100th of 156]
Exports > Goods and services 45% [53rd of 156]
Exports to US $300,000.00 [190th of 224]
Foreign direct investment, net > BoP, current US$ 3,218,528 BoP $ [119th of 152]
GDP > PPP $1,506,000,000.00 [150th of 163]
GDP growth > annual % 3.2 annual % [118th of 187]
GDP per capita, PPP > current international $ 2,177.53 PPP $ [119th of 169]
Gross fixed capital formation > constant 2000 US$ 124,374,800 constant 2000 US$ [112nd of 145]
Gross National Income $571,967,000.00 [150th of 172]
Human Development Index 0.495 [151st of 178]
Imports > Goods and services 63% [32nd of 156]
Imports of goods, services and income > BoP, current US$ 300,814,200 BoP $ [138th of 156]
Services, etc., value added > constant 2000 US$ 437,884,200 constant 2000 US$ [122nd of 164]
Total reserves minus gold > current US$ 89,264,780 $ [160th of 178]
Trade balance with US $6,700,000.00 [61st of 224]

Currency franc  
ISO code DJF 262  
Official exchange rate > LCU per US$, period average 177.72  
PPP conversion factor to official exchange rate ratio 0.41 [84th of 169]
Regime US-$ (177.72)  
Subdivision 100 [10th of 192]
Symbol DF  


Electricity > Production by source > Fossil fuel 100% [44th of 223]
Electricity > Production by source > Hydro 0% [200th of 223]
Electricity > Production by source > Nuclear 0% [157th of 223]
Electricity > Production by source > Other 0% [161st of 210]
electricity consumption > Date of > Information 2003  
Hydroelectricity consumption 0 [157th of 213]
natural gas consumption > Date of > Information 2003 est.  
Residual Fuel Oil > Consumption by households and other consumers 6,000 ton [78th of 98]
Residual Fuel Oil > Consumption by other consumers 6,000 ton [59th of 85]
Residual Fuel Oil > Conversion in thermal power plants 47,000 ton [95th of 131]
Residual Fuel Oil > Conversion to other forms of energy 47,000 ton [101st of 133]
Residual Fuel Oil > Imports 360,000 ton [51st of 150]
Residual Fuel Oil > Net inland availability 6,000 ton [144th of 155]
Wall plugs > Voltage 220 V [153rd of 209]
White spirit/industrial spirit > Consumption by industry & construction 19,000 ton [2nd of 9]
White spirit/industrial spirit > Consumption by other industries and construction 19,000 ton [2nd of 8]
White spirit/industrial spirit > Energy balance requirement 19,000 ton [13th of 51]
White spirit/industrial spirit > Gross inland availability 19,000 ton [31st of 62]
White spirit/industrial spirit > Imports 19,000 ton [20th of 44]
White spirit/industrial spirit > Net inland availability 19,000 ton [2nd of 9]


Manufactures exports > % of merchandise exports 12.35 % [81st of 156]
Manufacturing, value added > annual % growth 3.95 % [72nd of 156]
Manufacturing, value added > constant 2000 US$ 14,895,860 constant 2000 US$ [106th of 155]
Manufacturing, value added > constant LCU 1814000000  
Manufacturing, value added > current LCU 2940000000  
Manufacturing, value added > current US$ 16,542,780 $ [117th of 167]
Ores and metals exports > % of merchandise exports 0.21 % [83rd of 154]
Ores and metals imports > % of merchandise imports 0.64 % [91st of 155]
value added > annual % growth 6.64 % [47th of 164]
value added > constant 2000 US$ 95,451,860 constant 2000 US$ [127th of 164]
value added > constant LCU 11624000000  
value added > current LCU 18835000000  
value added > current US$ 105,980,700 $ [131st of 172]


Agricultural machinery > tractors 6 [187th of 190]
Agricultural machinery > tractors per 100 hectares of arable land 60 [108th of 188]
Agricultural raw materials exports > % of merchandise exports 5.25 % [24th of 154]
Agricultural raw materials imports > % of merchandise imports 10.38 % [1st of 155]
Arable land > % of land area 0.04 % of land area [199th of 199]
Arable land > hectares 1,000 hectares [194th of 199]
Crop production index 114.6 % [44th of 182]
Fertilizer consumption > 100 grams per hectare of arable land 1,000 100 g/ha of arable land [58th of 169]
Fertilizer consumption > metric tons 100 metric tons [146th of 169]
Food production index 109.6 % [63rd of 182]
Land under cereal production > hectares 6 hectares [175th of 176]
Livestock production index 108.5 % [73rd of 181]
Permanent crops 0 hectares [174th of 181]
Value added 3.72 [128th of 158]
value added > annual % growth 4.51 % [45th of 164]
value added > constant 2000 US$ 20,356,590 constant 2000 US$ [135th of 164]
value added > constant LCU 2479000000  
value added > current LCU 4017000000  
value added > current US$ 22,602,840 $ [135th of 172]
value added per worker > constant 2000 US$ 71.61 constant 2000 US$ [151st of 163]

Air transport, freight > million tons per km 0.1 million tons/km [138th of 153]
Airports > With paved runways > 1524 to 2437 m 1 [101st of 139]
Airports > With paved runways > 2438 to 3047 m 1 [91st of 119]
Airports > With paved runways > Over 3047 m 1 [72nd of 119]
Airports > With unpaved runways > 1524 to 2437 m 2 [61st of 99]
Airports > With unpaved runways > 914 to 1523 m 5 [82nd of 137]
Driving side of the road > Left or right Right side  
Highways > Paved 364 km [101st of 113]
Highways > Total 2,890 km [91st of 118]
Highways > Unpaved 2,526 km [76th of 113]
Investment in transport with private participation > current US$ 50,000,000 $ [21st of 30]
Merchant marine > Total > Dwt 3,030 Dwt [147th of 157]
Merchant marine > Total > GRT 1,369 GRT [153rd of 157]
Motor vehicles 28 motor vehicles per 100 p [94th of 134]
Ports and harbors Djibouti  
Railways > A note
Djibouti and Ethiopia plan to revitalize the century-old railroad that links their capitals by 2003 (2001 est.)
Transnational Issues > Disputes > international
Djibouti maintains economic ties and border accords with "Somaliland" leadership while maintaining some political ties to various factions in Somalia including the Somali Transitional National Government in Mogadishu
Travel services > % of commercial service exports 15.87 % [126th of 153]


CPIA fiscal policy rating 3 [52nd of 75]
Net taxes on products > constant LCU 9901933000  
Net taxes on products > current LCU 16713000000  
Net taxes on products > current US$ 94,040,660 $ [117th of 159]
Net taxes on products > current US$ (per $ GDP) 0.133 $ per $1 billion of GDP [29th of 174]
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