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Adjusted savings: education expenditure > % of GNI 3.93 % of GNI [92nd of 168]
Average years of schooling of adults 6 [53rd of 100]
Children out of school, primary 5,981 [53rd of 126]
Children out of school, primary, female 2,488 [51st of 117]
Children out of school, primary, male 3,493 [48th of 117]
Duration of compulsory education 6 years [150th of 171]
Duration of education > Primary level 6 [62nd of 181]
Duration of education > Secondary level 5 [153rd of 181]
Education enrolment by level > Primary level 132,432 [132nd of 189]
Education enrolment by level > Secondary level 111,766 [123rd of 171]
Education enrolment by level > Tertiary level 16,764 [104th of 150]
Education enrolment by level, percentage girls > Primary level 49.39% [16th of 179]
Education enrolment by level, percentage girls > Secondary level 49.4% [72nd of 162]
Education enrolment by level, percentage girls > Tertiary level 57.95% [26th of 126]
Education enrolment ratio, net, primary level 95% [61st of 160]
Education enrolment ratio, net, primary level > Men 94% [60th of 160]
Education enrolment ratio, net, primary level > Women 96% [50th of 160]
Education expenditure of government > As percentage of GNI 4.5% [25th of 127]
Education expenditure of government > As percentage of total government 14.3% [29th of 85]
Education spending (% of GDP) 4.7% [64th of 132]
Education spending (% of total government expenditure) 13.3% [58th of 96]
Education spending (% Primary) 32% [85th of 110]
Education spending (% Secondary) 38.3% [43rd of 107]
Education spending (% Tertiary) 15.6% [75th of 108]
Education, percentage of pupils starting grade 1 reaching grade 5 95.9% [34th of 112]
Education, percentage of pupils starting grade 1 reaching grade 5 > Men 95.5% [32nd of 101]
Education, percentage of pupils starting grade 1 reaching grade 5 > Women 96.3% [30th of 101]
Education, primary completion rate 97 [38th of 148]
Education, primary completion rate > Men 97 [37th of 145]
Education, primary completion rate > Women 98 [38th of 145]
Enrolment ratio > Secondary level 64.2% [72nd of 135]
Expenditure per student, primary > % of GDP per capita 11.85 % [22nd of 101]
Expenditure per student, secondary > % of GDP per capita 19.84 % [18th of 93]
Expenditure per student, tertiary > % of GDP per capita 37.06 % [20th of 81]
Female enrolment share > Primary level 49.2% [17th of 176]
Female enrolment share > Secondary level 47.8% [117th of 170]
Geographical aptitude results 74.239 [64th of 191]
Girls to boys ratio, primary level enrolment 1 [20th of 183]
Girls to boys ratio, secondary level enrolment 0.99 [73rd of 172]
Girls to boys ratio, tertiary level enrolment 1.26 [34th of 139]
Grade 1 intake rate 24.5 [106th of 114]
Gross intake rate in grade 1, female > % of relevant age group 101.82 % [51st of 156]
Gross intake rate in grade 1, male > % of relevant age group 101.98 % [53rd of 156]
Gross intake rate in grade 1, total > % of relevant age group 101.91 % [52nd of 157]
Illiteracy rates by sex, aged 15+ 14.4% [65th of 138]
Illiteracy rates by sex, aged 15+ > Men 11.4% [65th of 138]
Illiteracy rates by sex, aged 15+ > Women 17.4% [68th of 138]
Illiterate population by sex, aged 15+ 129,000 [100th of 138]
Illiterate population by sex, aged 15+ > Men 50,600 [101st of 138]
Illiterate population by sex, aged 15+ > Women 78,500 [101st of 138]
Literacy rate, adult female > % of females ages 15 and above 80.5 % [67th of 121]
Literacy rate, adult male > % of males ages 15 and above 88.38 % [62nd of 121]
Literacy rate, adult total > % of people ages 15 and above 84.37 % [65th of 121]
Literacy rate, youth female > % of females ages 15-24 95.36 % [60th of 123]
Literacy rate, youth male > % of males ages 15-24 93.72 % [67th of 123]
Literacy rate, youth total > % of people ages 15-24 94.54 % [62nd of 123]
Literacy rates, aged 15-24 94.5% [18th of 138]
Literacy rates, aged 15-24 > Men 93.7% [19th of 138]
Literacy rates, aged 15-24 > Women 95.4% [17th of 138]
Net intake rate in grade 1 > % of official school-age population 90.49 % [5th of 95]
Net intake rate in grade 1, female > % of official school-age population 90.72 % [4th of 93]
Net intake rate in grade 1, male > % of official school-age population 90.26 % [5th of 93]
Persistence to grade 5, female > % of cohort 96.98 % [11th of 83]
Persistence to grade 5, male > % of cohort 97.05 % [7th of 83]
Persistence to grade 5, total > % of cohort 97.02 % [10th of 92]
Primary completion rate, female > % of relevant age group 98.39 % [23rd of 138]
Primary completion rate, male > % of relevant age group 96.62 % [24th of 138]
Primary completion rate, total > % of relevant age group 97.49 % [24th of 141]
Primary education, duration > years 6 years [124th of 197]
Primary education, pupils 123,562 [74th of 176]
Primary education, pupils > % female 49.23 % female [14th of 175]
Primary education, teachers 5,531 [65th of 159]
Primary education, teachers > % female 62.68 % female [52nd of 153]
Primary school girls out of school 6% [74th of 99]
Private school enrolment > Primary level 23.9 [32nd of 148]
Private school enrolment > Secondary level 74.6 [7th of 131]
Progression to secondary level 61 [78th of 97]
Progression to secondary school > % 64.17 % [61st of 123]
Progression to secondary school, female > % 69.17 % [54th of 118]
Progression to secondary school, male > % 59.52 % [63rd of 118]
Public spending on education, total > % of GDP 4.46 % [26th of 136]
Public spending on education, total > % of government expenditure 14.26 % [29th of 103]
Public spending per student > Primary level 10.8 [88th of 126]
Public spending per student > Secondary level 16 [80th of 123]
Public spending per student > Tertiary level 111.8 [27th of 123]
Pupil-teacher ratio, primary 22.34 [59th of 159]
Pupils reaching grade 5 98.8 [20th of 108]
Pupils-teacher ratio > primary level 26.1 [70th of 175]
Pupils-teacher ratio > secondary level 19.9 [47th of 121]
Ratio of female to male enrollments in tertiary education 126.4 [19th of 137]
Ratio of female to male primary enrollment 100.21 [16th of 174]
Ratio of female to male secondary enrollment 98.99 [47th of 162]
Ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary education > % 98.26 % [41st of 157]
Ratio of young literate females to males > % ages 15-24 101.75 % [11th of 123]
Repetition rate, primary > % of total enrollment 4.83 % [53rd of 128]
Repetition rate, primary, female > % of total enrollment 4.2 % [52nd of 125]
Repetition rate, primary, male > % of total enrollment 5.43 % [51st of 125]
Repitition rate > Primary level 4.2 [84th of 143]
Repitition rate > Secondary level 13.9 [16th of 82]
School enrollment, preprimary > % gross 95.48 % gross [7th of 159]
School enrollment, preprimary, female > % gross 95.86 % gross [7th of 153]
School enrollment, preprimary, male > % gross 95.11 % gross [7th of 153]
School enrollment, primary > % gross 102.19 % gross [58th of 176]
School enrollment, primary > % net 95.05 % net [18th of 139]
School enrollment, primary, female > % gross 102.29 % gross [53rd of 174]
School enrollment, primary, female > % net 95.82 % net [15th of 137]
School enrollment, primary, male > % gross 102.08 % gross [65th of 174]
School enrollment, primary, male > % net 94.32 % net [20th of 136]
School enrollment, primary, private > % of total primary 25.07 % [20th of 139]
School enrollment, secondary > % gross 88.61 % gross [22nd of 164]
School enrollment, secondary > % net 81.7 % net [12th of 121]
School enrollment, secondary, female > % gross 88.15 % gross [27th of 162]
School enrollment, secondary, female > % net 82.45 % net [15th of 119]
School enrollment, secondary, male > % gross 89.05 % gross [21st of 162]
School enrollment, secondary, male > % net 80.98 % net [13th of 119]
School enrollment, secondary, private > % of total secondary 73.25 % [6th of 124]
School enrollment, tertiary > % gross 16.86 % gross [27th of 141]
School enrollment, tertiary, female > % gross 18.85 % gross [28th of 137]
School enrollment, tertiary, male > % gross 14.91 % gross [27th of 137]
School life expectancy > Primary to tertiary 14 years [4th of 93]
School life expectancy > Primary to tertiary > Female 13 years [11th of 93]
School life expectancy > Primary to tertiary > Male 14 years [4th of 93]
Schools connected to the Internet > % 18.7 % [25th of 39]
Scientific and technical journal articles 16 [121st of 175]
Secondary education, general pupils 110,287 [69th of 183]
Secondary education, pupils 128,141 [65th of 166]
Secondary education, pupils > % female 49.12 % female [41st of 153]
Secondary education, teachers 7,433 [43rd of 141]
Secondary education, teachers > % female 55.32 % female [35th of 131]
Secondary education, vocational pupils 17,854 [42nd of 163]
Tertiary enrollment 11.4% [92nd of 151]
Trained teachers in primary education > % of total teachers 100 % [5th of 61]
Trained teachers in primary education, female > % of female teachers 100 % [6th of 56]
Trained teachers in primary education, male > % of male teachers 100 % [5th of 56]
Unemployment with primary education > % of total unemployment 71.5 % [2nd of 78]
Unemployment with primary education, female > % of female unemployment 65.4 % [5th of 72]
Unemployment with primary education, male > % of male unemployment 79.7 % [2nd of 72]
Unemployment with secondary education > % of total unemployment 28.2 % [53rd of 77]
Women to men parity index, as ratio of literacy rates, aged 15-24 1.02 [3rd of 138]
World Organization of the Scout Movement > Members > Admits Boys/Girls both  

World Development Indicators database; UNESCO; Source: UNESCO UIS Data | UNESCO Institute for Statistics; United Nations Human Development Programme; The Geography Zone; World Bank; Household survey data, net enrolment data from UNESCO, and data from UNICEF country offices; All CIA World Factbooks 18 December 2003 to 18 December 2008; Wikipedia: List of World Organization of the Scout Movement members

Mauritius, Republic of Mauritius

% immunized 1-year-old children > DPT3 88 [105th of 187]
% immunized 1-year-old children > HepB3 88 [62nd of 114]
% immunized 1-year-old children > Measles 84 [111st of 186]
% immunized 1-year-old children > Polio3 88 [107th of 187]
% immunized 1-year-old children > TB 87 [103rd of 153]
% of population using adequate sanitation facilities > Rural 99 [27th of 140]
% of population using adequate sanitation facilities > Total 99 [31st of 144]
% of population using adequate sanitation facilities > Urban 100 [11th of 141]
% of population using improved drinking water sources > Rural 100 [4th of 146]
% of population using improved drinking water sources > Total 100 [16th of 150]
% of population using improved drinking water sources > Urban 100 [25th of 147]
% of routine EPI vaccines financed by government > Total 100 [46th of 133]
Abortion law > National laws > Physical Health No  
Access to sanitation 86% [60th of 129]
Adolescent fertility rate > births per 1,000 women ages 15-19 31.8 births [108th of 184]
Birth rate, crude > per 1,000 people 15.1 per 1,000 people [124th of 195]
Births attended by skilled health staff > % of total 99.2 % [10th of 76]
Children Underweight Rate 2% [70th of 95]
Contraceptive prevalence > % of women ages 15-49 76 % [2nd of 57]
Dependency ratio per 100 46 [149th of 166]
Drinking water availability % 100% [9th of 147]
Drug access 95% [19th of 163]
expenditure per capita > current US$ 222.3 $ [73rd of 186]
expenditure, private > % of GDP 1.95 % [114th of 187]
expenditure, public > % of GDP 2.35 % [128th of 187]
expenditure, total > % of GDP 4.3 % [144th of 187]
External resources for health > % of total expenditure on health 1.4 % [100th of 141]
External resources for health as % of total expenditure on health 1.4% [97th of 179]
Fertility rate, total > births per woman 1.98 births per woman [122nd of 194]
Healthy life expectancy at birth, years > Females 64.6 [67th of 186]
Healthy life expectancy at birth, years > Males 60.3 [70th of 186]
Healthy life expectancy at birth, years > Total population 62.4 [68th of 186]
HIV AIDS > Women living with aids 15-49 0.1 [103rd of 114]
HIVAIDS > Adult prevalence rate 15-49 years, 0.1 [108th of 145]
Hospital beds > per 1,000 people 3.07 per 1,000 people [51st of 149]
Immunization, DPT > % of children ages 12-23 months 97 % [45th of 190]
Immunization, measles > % of children ages 12-23 months 98 % [32nd of 190]
Improved sanitation facilities > % of population with access 94 % [49th of 167]
Improved sanitation facilities, rural > % of rural population with access 94 % [43rd of 167]
Improved sanitation facilities, urban > % of urban population with access 95 % [68th of 173]
Improved water source > % of population with access 100 % [19th of 176]
Improved water source, rural > % of rural population with access 100 % [7th of 174]
Improved water source, urban > % of urban population with access 100 % [42nd of 181]
Incidence of tuberculosis > per 100,000 people 62.32 per 100,000 people [99th of 200]
Infant mortality rate 15.57 [105th of 179]
life expectancy > Date of information 2006 est.  
Life expectancy at birth, female > years 76.52 years [63rd of 194]
Life expectancy at birth, male > years 69.68 years [76th of 194]
Life expectancy at birth, total > years 73.02 years [68th of 194]
Life expectancy at birth, years > Females 76 [53rd of 186]
Life expectancy at birth, years > Males 69 [62nd of 186]
Life expectancy at birth, years > Total population 72 [59th of 186]
Malaria cases > per 100,000 1 [91st of 94]
Malnutrition prevalence, height for age > % of children under 5 9.7 % [32nd of 52]
Malnutrition prevalence, weight for age > % of children under 5 14.9 % [21st of 63]
Maternal mortality 21 per 100,000 [102nd of 136]
Measles immunization 79 [118th of 168]
Nutrition > % of children who are � exclusively breastfed 6 months 16 [90th of 125]
Nutrition > % of under-fives suffering from stunting moderate & severe 10 [109th of 132]
Nutrition > % of under-fives suffering from underweight moderate & severe 15 [65th of 137]
Nutrition > % of under-fives suffering from underweight severe 2 [76th of 104]
Nutrition > % of under-fives suffering from wasting moderate & severe 14 [9th of 128]
Out-of-pocket expenditure as % of private health expenditure 100% [14th of 185]
Out-of-pocket health expenditure > % of private expenditure on health 80.8 % [117th of 185]
Per capita government expenditure on health in international dollars 228 [76th of 185]
Per capita total expenditure on health in international dollars 387 [75th of 185]
Physicians > per 1,000 people 1.06 per 1,000 people [14th of 148]
Population suffering from undernourishment in 1990-1992 6 % [88th of 106]
Population suffering from undernourishment in 2001-2003 6 % [82nd of 108]
Prevalence of HIV, total > % of population ages 15-49 0.55 % [71st of 148]
Prevalence of undernourishment > % of population 5 % [105th of 172]
Private expenditure on health as % of total expenditure on health 41% [94th of 185]
Probability of dying before 5 > Females 16 per 1,000 people [127th of 187]
Probability of not reaching 40 5.4% [96th of 111]
Probability of reaching 65 > Female 80.6% [59th of 159]
Probability of reaching 65 > Male 63% [87th of 159]
Smoking prevalence, females > % of adults 1 % [38th of 43]
Smoking prevalence, males > % of adults 32.1 % [21st of 42]
Spending > Per person 120 [66th of 133]
Spending > Private 1.6 [91st of 141]
Spending > Public 1.8%  
Suicide rate > Gender ratio 4.8 per 100,000 people [16th of 76]
Suicide rate > Young females 17.1 per 100,000 people [1st of 43]
Suicide rate > Young males 13.3 per 100,000 people [26th of 43]
Tobacco > Adult female smokers 2.9 [100th of 114]
Tobacco > Adult male smokers 44.8 [46th of 115]
Tobacco > Cigarette consumption 1,284 [48th of 106]
Tobacco > Total adult smokers 23.9 [78th of 121]
Total expenditure on health as % of GDP 3.5% [167th of 185]
Total fertility rate 1.9 [127th of 166]
Tuberculosis cases > Per 100,000 57 [73rd of 165]
Tuberculosis cases detected under DOTS > % 31.66 % [156th of 178]
Tuberculosis immunisation 86% [94th of 134]
Tuberculosis treatment success rate > % of registered cases 88.89 % [34th of 171]
Water availability 1,904 cubic meters [122nd of 169]


All-time medal tally of Commonwealth Games > Commonwealth Games > Gold 1 [37th of 38]
All-time medal tally of Commonwealth Games > 2006 Commonwealth Games > Silver 4 [26th of 41]
Chess > GrandMasters 0 [76th of 135]
Chess > International Masters 0 [134th of 135]
Chess > World Chess Rankings 2,155 [110th of 135]
FIFA World Ranking > Men 280 [137th of 198]
Table Tennis at the 2006 Commonwealth Games > Men's Team > Losses 4 [6th of 15]
Table Tennis at the 2006 Commonwealth Games > Men's Team > Wins 2 [11th of 14]


beverages and tobacco > % of value added in manufacturing 78.28 % [4th of 103]
exports > % of merchandise exports 27.59 % [27th of 156]



English speakers 3,000   [30th of 52]
English status
Used in secondary school, courts, for road signs. Not widely known. Official language. Bible 1535-1989.
English-speaking population > As an additional language 3,000   [56th of 59]
English-speaking population > Total 3,000   [77th of 99]
French speakers 1,046,011   [5th of 31]
French status
One of two official languages (the other being English). Used widely and considered more popular than English. The elderly tend to use creole. Newspapers, radio programs, TV. Bible 1530-1986.French Creole(A French patois ,French derived) used as well.
John Doe > Informal names for unknown or unspecified persons in various countries/regions
Sa Nation la, Sa boug la (for male) ; Safame la, Sapitin la (for female)
Languages of the African Union > Illiteracy > Literacy rate 84.3   [104th of 174]

2) Religion
Buddhism > By country > Buddhism > % of Buddhists 0.3 % [37th of 63]
Catholic > Cardinal electors 0 [56th of 63]
Catholic > Cardinals 1 [50th of 65]
 Catholic > Cardinals (per $ GDP) 0.899 per $14.1 billion [4th of 64]
Catholic > Diocesan priests 62 [96th of 143]
Catholic > Dioceses 2 [109th of 150]
Catholic > Parishes 49 [102nd of 149]
Catholic > Religious Priests 42 [101st of 148]
Catholic > Total Priests 104 [100th of 149]
Catholics 277,000 [97th of 140]
Catholics as percentage 23.51 [64th of 150]
Islam > Percentage Muslim 16.6% [65th of 168]
Islam > Population 204,279 [103rd of 165]
Jehovahs Witnesses 1,536 [116th of 178]
Protestantism > By country > Protestants 55,377 [127th of 167]
Protestantism > By country > Protestants > % Protestant 4.5 % [97th of 163]
Religions > All
Hindu 48%, Roman Catholic 23.6%, other Christian 8.6%, Muslim 16.6%, other 2.5%, unspecified 0.3%, none 0.4% (2000 census)
Religions > Hindu 48 % [3rd of 17]
Religions > Muslim 16.6 % [55th of 100]
Religions > Roman Catholic 23.6 % [69th of 96]
Roman Catholicism > By country > Roman Catholicism > % Catholic 23.51 % [71st of 170]
Roman Catholicism > By country > Roman Catholicism > Catholic total 289,314 [101st of 170]
Seventh-day Adventist Membership 3,802 [111st of 232]

Wikipedia: Buddhism by country ; - College of Cardinals; Catholic; International Religious Freedom Report 2004, U.S. State Department; CIA World Factbook; - 2002 Report of Jehovah's Witnesses Worldwide; Wikipedia: Protestantism by country ; CIA World Factbook, 22 August 2006 ; Wikipedia: Roman Catholicism by country ; 2004 Annual Report 31 December 2004

Mauritius, Republic of Mauritius

3) Media
Average cost of local call 0.03 [114th of 151]
Book production, titles by the Universal Decimal Classification > Applied sciences 2 [56th of 77]
Book production, titles by the Universal Decimal Classification > Arts and recreation 2 [56th of 72]
Book production, titles by the Universal Decimal Classification > Generalities 10 [51st of 70]
Book production, titles by the Universal Decimal Classification > Geography, history 13 [50th of 77]
Book production, titles by the Universal Decimal Classification > Literature 5 [57th of 77]
Book production, titles by the Universal Decimal Classification > Philology 6 [49th of 70]
Book production, titles by the Universal Decimal Classification > Philosophy, psychology 4 [65th of 68]
Book production, titles by the Universal Decimal Classification > Pure sciences 1 [72nd of 72]
Book production, titles by the Universal Decimal Classification > Religion, theology 5 [53rd of 73]
Book production, titles by the Universal Decimal Classification > Social sciences 12 [55th of 77]
Book production, titles by the Universal Decimal Classification > Total 55 [58th of 80]
Cinema attendance 1,325,000 [60th of 78]
Cinemas 32 [33rd of 61]
Cinemas > Annual attendance 1,300,000 [41st of 65]
Cinemas > Seats 16,000 [24th of 44]
Computer, communications and other services > % of commercial service exports 20.48 % [73rd of 153]
Computer, communications and other services > % of commercial service imports 28.9 % [63rd of 155]
DVD region 5 [20th of 171]
E-Government rating 40.6 [94th of 182]
Fax machines 16.54 per 1,000 people [24th of 103]
Fixed line and mobile phone subscribers > per 1,000 people 862.5 per 1,000 people [51st of 193]
HAM radio prefixes 3BA - 3BZ  
Households with television > % 92.8 % [39th of 160]
International dialling code 230  
International voice traffic > out and in, minutes 111,965,000 min. [74th of 164]
Investment in telecoms with private participation > current US$ 45,700,000 $ [69th of 101]
 Investment in telecoms with private participation > current US$ (per $ GDP) 7.536 $ per $1,000 of GDP [50th of 130]
Mobile phone subscribers 713,300 [112nd of 198]
Newspaper circulation 138,000 [32nd of 51]
Newspapers 5 [50th of 67]
Newspapers and periodicals > Circulation > Daily 138,000 [48th of 90]
Newspapers and periodicals > Circulation > Non-daily 150,000 [30th of 46]
Newspapers and periodicals > Circulation > Periodicals 65,000 [22nd of 26]
Newspapers and periodicals > Number of titles > Daily 5 [58th of 106]
Newspapers and periodicals > Number of titles > Non-daily 33 [37th of 69]
Newspapers and periodicals > Number of titles > Periodicals 64 [26th of 40]
Number of PCs 200 [94th of 169]
 Number of PCs (per $ GDP) 0.128 per $10 million of GDP [56th of 144]
Personal computers 200,000 [90th of 164]
Phone subscribers 509.08 [61st of 178]
Population covered by mobile telephony > % 99.8 % [13th of 108]
Price basket for mobile > US$ per month 4.17 $/month [163rd of 185]
Price basket for residential fixed line > US$ per month 7.87 $/month [92nd of 151]
Radio broadcast stations AM 4, FM 9, shortwave 0  
Radio receivers 420,000 [135th of 188]
Radios 420,000 [135th of 221]
Telecommunications investment > % of revenue 15.25 % [43rd of 165]
Telecommunications investment > current LCU 816000000  
Telecommunications revenue > % GDP 3.22 % GDP [80th of 167]
Telecommunications revenue > current LCU 5350900000  
Telephone average cost of call to US > US$ per three minutes 1.59 $ [6th of 142]
    Telephone average cost of call to US > US$ per three minutes (per $ GDP) 252.797 $ per $1 trillion of GD [3rd of 174]
Telephone employees, total 1,997 [71st of 194]
Telephone faults > per 100 mainlines 41.47 per 100 mainlines [26th of 134]
Telephone mainlines 359,000 [85th of 202]
Telephone subscribers 1,072,300 [91st of 199]
Telephone subscribers per employee 451.5 [42nd of 191]
Telephone system > Regulation 1988  
Television broadcast stations 2 [57th of 89]
Television receivers 258,000 [116th of 185]
Television standard > VHF SECAM B  
Televisions 258,000 [118th of 215]
Website defacements 1 [116th of 129]

Source: UNESCO UIS Data | UNESCO Institute for Statistics; UNESCO Institute for Statistics, March 11, 2003; World Development Indicators database;; report presents the second annual update on global e-government, i.e., the delivery of public sector information and online services through the Internet. This report studies the features that are available online at national government websites. Using a detailed analysis of 1.197 government websites in 198 different nations, it measures the information and services that are online, chart the variations that exist across countries, and discuss how e-government sites vary by region of the world. In order to see how the 198 nations ranked overall, the E-Government Ranking 2002 created a 0 to 100 point index and applied it to each nation's websites based on the availability of contact information, publications, databases, portals, and number of online services. (2002); The Information for Development Program;; ITU; All CIA World Factbooks 18 December 2003 to 18 December 2008; CIA World Factbook, December 2003; ITU-BDT Telecommunications Regulatory Database; Tenlab May 2002;


Mauritius, Republic of Mauritius

Broadband subscribers 2,708 [86th of 117]
Country code .mu  
Hosts 9,609 [108th of 228]
International Internet bandwidth > Mbps 61 Mbps [83rd of 167]
International Internet bandwidth > Mbps (per $ GDP) 11.623 Mbps per $1 trillion of [79th of 184]
Internet Service Providers 2 [152nd of 229]
ISP 2 [103rd of 162]
Linux web servers 5 [62nd of 107]
Livejournal users 47 [165th of 226]
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Named after the Dutch prince Maurice Van Nassau, Mauritius is one the world’s most beautiful island nations. The turquoise waters, beautiful landscape, and amazing cultural heritage make this country unlike any other in the world. Mauritius's location in the southwest Indian Ocean, some 500 miles east of Madagascar, gives the country a unique history that includes both African and Asian elements, not to mention lasting European colonial influence. Mauritius is certainly a top destination for anyone looking for a taste of secluded paradise, and the country boasts a diverse population, including English, African, Indian, and Creole elements.

The Top 10
What to Do in Mauritius

1. Tamarin Falls
The journey to reach this beautiful series of seven falls is an experience and an adventure in itself but definitely worth it. One of the most beautiful waterfalls in the world, it should be seen by anyone visiting Mauritius.

2. Domaine du Chasseir
Covering about 2,000 acres, this beautiful site is the island’s heart. It also is a lively natural hunting ground with about a thousand deer and hundreds of wild boar. If hunting is not your thing, you may opt for a relaxing and tranquil walk, observing all the various trees, some of which are protected species.

3. Mauritius Aquarium
This aquarium allows tourists to view about 200 indigenous species, including corals, sponges, and invertebrates. It also offers an opportunity to view the fauna and flora of the Indian Ocean, all in one spot.

4. Colored Earths of Chamarel
Thanks to the weathering of volcanic rock, seven different-color dunes have grown from the soil of Mauritius. The Colored Earths make for a sight you’ll have trouble surpassing while you’re in the country.

5. Black River Gorges National Park
With one of the most exquisite hiking trails in the country, the park features indigenous wildlife and plants and the highest mountain in Mauritius. On your way back from the mountain, make sure to check out the park’s amazing gorges.

6. Rodrigues Island
This northeastern part of Mauritius is also referred to as “the antistress island.” Very small and volcanic, it has a large Creole population. This part of the island has much to offer, from deep-sea diving to delicious native Creole dishes.

7. Domaine Les Pailles Nature Park
Take a tour of the Moka Mountains by four-wheel drive, horse, or quad bike. While on the exciting tour, traverse the Domaine Les Pailles Nature Park andhead to the sugar mill. At the end of your journey, enjoy one of the four restaurants you will pass during the tour.

8. Pamplemousses Gardens
One of the oldest botanical gardens in the world, this one was created in the 18th century and is home to an impressive international collection of plants, including massive lilies and tailpot palms, which are very rare, as they flower only once every 60 years.

9. Cable Rides
Do Something Different, an adventure sports company that operates in many parts of the world, has organized cable car rides in Mauritius. Take in a splendid view of banana plantations, beautiful forests, and waterfalls. Halfway through this fantastic journey, have a relaxing swim and rest in a natural pool. Native Mauritian dishes are also a part of this package
savor a delicious lunch with fresh ingredients that will boost your energy level.

10. Northern and Eastern Island Sailing
Choose either the northern or the eastern sailing route. Take a ride aboard a spacious catamaran, and discover the islands’ beaches and underwater beauty.

When to Go

Mauritius is blessed with a very mild climate temperatures usually remain stable throughout the year, and rainfall is only occasional. The temperature in Mauritius usually remains around 75 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit (24 to 27 degrees Celcius.) The best times to visit the island are between April and June and between September and December. Stick to those months, and you’re almost guaranteed sunny skies and great weather.


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