Books of Namibia        0  821 reads


Author(s): Gerald Hoberman, Marc Hoberman
Paperback: 248 pages
Publisher: Hoberman Collection
Publication date: January 27th 2009 (first published August 1999)
Language: English
ISBN-13: 9781919939032

Book Summary
Gerald Hoberman is a master of the art of photography and, with his son Marc, has produced a fascinating portrait of Namibia. Their lenses roam widely as they scan the environment to capture the essence of the subject under scrutiny. The results are sheer poetry: the wondrous shapes of the Namib Desert, its dunes, gravel plains and mountains rendered in rich colors of apricot and lavender, copper and honey...a flock of flamingos flying across Sandwich Harbor lagoon, casting stippled shadows on the water below...and the fog-shrouded Skeleton Coast - 'the coast of diamonds and death' - where ships come to grief in a capricious sea. Gerald and Marc train their lenses on the reed-fringed waterways in the Caprivi and Okavango regions, the wildlife kingdom of Etosha National Park and the frolicking seals crowding the desert beaches. Their photographs also reflect the diversity of the country's people, from the San, whose predecessors left a priceless treasury of art on rocks and cave walls, to the pastoral Himba, the 'ochre people' who live in the rugged Kaokoveld. The European influence does not escape the photographers' viewfinder either. Namibia was once part of the German empire and, as the photographs show, the colonial ambiance still pervades the capital city and smaller towns. Gerald and Marc ventured into Namibia's heart and emerged with a remarkable synthesis of images and words that reflect the harsh beauty, primordial grandeur and rich diversity of this extraordinary land.



Il Brasile Dal Mare. A Remi dalla Namibia a Bahia
Author(s): Amyr Klink, R. Ferreira Lima (Traduttore), G. Origo (Traduttore)
Paperback: 116 pages
Publisher: Dark Sky Books
Publication date: (first published 1995)
ISBN-10: 887108120X
ISBN-13: 9788871081205

Book Description
Navegando ao lado dos peixes, entretendo conversas com gaivotas e tubaroes, remando no meio de uma creche de baleias, Cem dias entre ceu e mar e o relato de uma travessia absolutamente incomum: mais de 3500 milhas (cerca de 6500 quilometros) desde o porto de Luderitz, no sul da Africa, ate a praia da Espera no litoral baiano, a bordo de um minusculo barco a remo.
Verdadeira odisseia moderna, neste livro Amyr Klink transporta o leitor para a superficie ora cinzenta, ora azulada do Atlantico Sul, tornando-o cumplice de suas alegrias e seus temores, ao mesmo tempo em que narra, passo a passo, os preparativos, as lutas, os obstaculos e os pressagios que cercaram a extraordinaria viagem.



Sands Of Silence: On Safari In Namibia
Author(s): Peter Hathaway Capstick
Paperback: 240 pages
Publisher: DK Publishing (Dorling Kindersley)
Publication date: October 15th 1991
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0312064594
ISBN-13: 9780312064594

Book Description
From the successor to Ruark and Hemingway comes the most lavishly illustrated, historically important safari ever captured in print.

Peter Hathaway Capstick journeyed on safari through Namibia in the African spring of 1989. This was a nation on the eve on independence, a land scorched by sun, by years of bitter war. In these perilous circumstances, Peter Capstick commences what is surely the most thrilling safari of his stories career. He takes the reader to the stark landscape that makes up the Bushmen's tribal territories. There, facing all kinds of risks, members of the chase pursue their quarry in a land of legend and myth. the result is an exciting big-game adventure whose underlying themes relate directly to the international headlines of today.

In this first person adventure, Capstick spins riveting tales from his travels and reports on the Bushmen's culture, their political persecution, and the Stone Age life of Africa's original hunter-gatherers. In addition, the author explains the economic benefits of the sportsman's presence, and how ethical hunting is a tool for game protection and management on the continent.

Not since Peter Capstick's Africa has the author taken the reader along on safari. In this superbly illustrated book, Capstick returns to the veld with an ace video cameraman and leading African wildlife photographer Dr. M. Philip Kahl. one hundred of Dr. Kahl's striking color photos capture perfectly life and death in the "land of thirst."



Title: Namibia: Épisode 3 (Namibia #3)
Author(s): Rodolphe, Léo, Bertrand Marchal
Paperback: 48 pages
Publisher: Dargaud
Publication date: April 13th 2012
Language: English
ISBN-10: 2205067842
ISBN-13: 9782205067842

Book Descripption
Dans ce 3e tome de Namibia, la série réalisée par Leo, Rodolphe et Marchal, Miss Austin sort du coma après le grave « accident » de voiture dont elle a été victime et lors duquel le major a perdu la vie...
Ce 3e épisode de Namibia nous replonge en Namibie à la fin des années 1940. On y retrouve Katy Austin qui, depuis son accident, a perdu la mémoire des événements récents. Elle n'est donc pas en mesure de raconter ce qu'elle a vu lors de sa mission, notamment la fameuse base souterraine. Sujette à des cauchemars, elle revit pourtant certaines scènes effrayantes qui, progressivement, lui permettent de retrouver le fil des événements. Au même moment, un mystérieux prophète venu des États-Unis et soi-disant capable d'accomplir des miracles fait de plus en plus parler de lui. Le MI5 est d'autant plus inquiet de cette popularité que ce prophète semble avoir un lien avec les événements de Namibie...

Namibia est la deuxième saison de Kenya, une bande dessinée d'aventures fantastiques.


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