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1) Government

Administrative divisions
56 districts; Adjumani, Apac, Arua, Bugiri, Bundibugyo, Bushenyi, Busia, Gulu, Hoima, Iganga, Jinja, Kabale, Kabarole, Kaberamaido, Kalangala, Kampala, Kamuli, Kamwenge, Kanungu, Kapchorwa, Kasese, Katakwi, Kayunga, Kibale, Kiboga, Kisoro, Kitgum, Kotido, Kumi, Kyenjojo, Lira, Luwero, Masaka, Masindi, Mayuge, Mbale, Mbarara, Moroto, Moyo, Mpigi, Mubende, Mukono, Nakapiripirit, Nakasongola, Nebbi, Ntungamo, Pader, Pallisa, Rakai, Rukungiri, Sembabule, Sironko, Soroti, Tororo, Wakiso, Yumbe
note: as of a July 2005, 13 new districts were reportedly added bringing the total up to 69; the new districts are Amolatar, Amuria, Budaka, Butaleja, Ibanda, Kaabong, Kabingo, Kaliro, Kiruhura, Koboko, Manafwa, Mityana, Nakaseke; a total of ten more districts are in the process of being added
Administrative divisions > A note
there may be eleven more districts: Kaberamaido, Kamwenge, Kanungu, Kayunga, Kyenjojo, Mayngc, Nakapiripiti, Pader, Sironko, Wakiso, Yumbe
Administrative divisions > Note
as of a July 2005, 13 new districts were reportedly added bringing the total up to 69; the new districts are Amolatar, Amuria, Budaka, Butaleja, Ibanda, Kaabong, Kabingo, Kaliro, Kiruhura, Koboko, Manafwa, Mityana, Nakaseke; a total of ten more districts are in the process of being added
Ambassadors from Finland > Current Finnish Ambassadors > Ambassador Matti Kääriäinen
Ambassadors from the United States > Other senior diplomatic representatives > Ambassador William E. Fitzgerald
Ambassadors from the United States > Other senior diplomatic representatives > Title Chargé d’Affaires
Capital city Kampala
Capital city > Geographic coordinates 0 19 N, 32 25 E
Capital city > Name Kampala
Capital city > Time difference
UTC+3 (8 hours ahead of Washington, DC during Standard Time)
Commonwealth Heads of Government > Current Heads > Head of Government Yoweri Museveni
Commonwealth Heads of Government > Current Heads > Title President
8 October 1995; in 2005 the constitution was amended removing presidential term limits and legalizing a multiparty political system
Corruption 2.5 [124th of 160]
countries' copyright length > Usual term of copyright protection TRIPS
CPIA equity of public resource use rating 4.5 [4th of 75]
CPIA quality of public administration rating 3 [42nd of 75]
Diplomatic representation from the US > Chief of mission
Ambassador Steven BROWNING
Diplomatic representation from the US > Embassy 1577 Ggaba Road, Kampala
Diplomatic representation from the US > FAX [256] (414) 258-451
Diplomatic representation from the US > Mailing address P. O. Box 7007, Kampala
Diplomatic representation from the US > Telephone [256] (414) 259, 306-001
Diplomatic representation in the US > Chancery
5911 16th Street NW, Washington, DC 20011
Diplomatic representation in the US > Chief of mission
Ambassador Perezi Karukubiro KAMUNANWIRE
Diplomatic representation in the US > FAX [1] (202) 726-1727
Diplomatic representation in the US > Telephone
[1] (202) 726-7100 through 7102, 0416
Elections > Head of state Direct election
embassies and high commissions in Ottawa > Address 231 Cobourg Street
embassies and high commissions in Ottawa > Neighbourhood Sandy Hill
Executive branch > Cabinet
Cabinet appointed by the president from among elected legislators
Executive branch > Chief of state
President Lt. Gen. Yoweri Kaguta MUSEVENI (since seizing power 26 January 1986); note - the president is both chief of state and head of government
Executive branch > Election results
Lt. Gen. Yoweri Kaguta MUSEVENI elected president; percent of vote - Lt. Gen. Yoweri Kaguta MUSEVENI 59.3%, Kizza BESIGYE 37.4%, other 3.3%
Executive branch > Elections
president reelected by popular vote for a five-year term; election last held 23 February 2006 (next to be held in 2011)
Executive branch > Head of government
President Lt. Gen. Yoweri Kaguta MUSEVENI (since seizing power 26 January 1986); Prime Minister Apolo NSIBAMBI (since 5 April 1999); note - the prime minister assists the president in the supervision of the cabine
Flag description
six equal horizontal bands of black (top), yellow, red, black, yellow, and red; a white disk is superimposed at the center and depicts a red-crested crane (the national symbol) facing the hoist side
Flag modification 9 [143rd of 197]
Foreign relations > Croatia > Date of Establishment March 10, 1999
Foreign relations of Western Sahara > States recognizing the SADR > Date of recognition September 6, 1979
General government final consumption expenditure > annual % growth 9.81 % [11th of 147]
General government final consumption expenditure > constant 2000 US$ 1,054,407,000 constant 2000 US$ [74th of 145]
General government final consumption expenditure > constant 2000 US$ (per capita) 36.591 constant 2000 US$ per c [100th of 146]
General government final consumption expenditure > constant LCU 1405033000000
General government final consumption expenditure > current LCU 2181042000000
General government final consumption expenditure > current US$ 1,255,469,000 $ [92nd of 169]
General government final consumption expenditure > current US$ (per $ GDP) 0.144 $ per $1 of GDP [72nd of 184]
General government final consumption expenditure > current US$ (per capita) 43.568 $ per capita [121st of 184]
Government type republic
Heads of Missions from the United Kingdom Francois Gordon
Heads of Missions from the United Kingdom > Resident Heads of Missions > Type High Commission
Independence 9 October 1962 (from UK)
International organization participation
Judicial branch
Court of Appeal (judges are appointed by the president and approved by the legislature); High Court (judges are appointed by the president)
Legal origin
Legal system
in 1995, the government restored the legal system to one based on English common law and customary law; accepts compulsory ICJ jurisdiction, with reservations
Legal systems > Common law base
based on English common law
Legislative branch
unicameral National Assembly (332 seats; 215 members elected by popular vote, 104 nominated by legally established special interest groups [women 79, army 10, disabled 5, youth 5, labor 5], 13 ex officio members; to serve five-year terms)
Legislative branch > Election results
percent of vote by party - NA; seats by party - NRM 191, FDC 37, UPC 9, DP 8, CP 1, JEEMA 1, independents 36, other 49
Legislative branch > Elections
last held 23 February 2006 (next to be held in 2011)
Management time dealing with officials > % of management time 5.21 % [20th of 38]
National holiday
Independence Day, 9 October
Parliamentary seats > Female 18% [28th of 143]
Partners in Population and Development > Representatives > Name Dr. Jotham Musinguzi
Policy uncertainty > % of managers surveyed ranking this as a major business constraint 0.28 % [23rd of 38]
political parties > Dominant party
Political parties and leaders
Conservative Party or CP [Ken LUKYAMUZI]; Democratic Party or DP [Kizito SSEBAANA]; Forum for Democratic Change or FDC [Kizza BESIGYE]; Justice Forum or JEEMA [Muhammad Kibirige MAYANJA]; National Resistance Movement or NRM [Yoweri MUSEVENI]; Peoples Progressive Party or PPP [Bidandi SSALI]; Ugandan People's Congress or UPC [Miria OBOTE]; note: a national referendum in July 2005 opened the way for Uganda's transition to a multi-party political system
Political parties and leaders > A note
the new constitution requires the suspension of political parties while the Movement organization is in governance; of the political parties that exist but are prohibited from sponsoring candidates, the most important are the Ugandan People's Congress or UPC [Milton OBOTE]; Democratic Party or DP [Paul SSEMOGERERE]; Conservative Party or CP [Joshua S. MAYANJA-NKANGI]; Justice Forum [Muhammad Kibirige MAYANJA]; and National Democrats Forum [Chapaa KARUHANGA]
Political parties and leaders > Note
a national referendum in July 2005 opened the way for Uganda's transition to a multi-party political system
Political pressure groups and leaders
Lord's Resistence Group or LRA [Joseph KONY]; Young Parliamentary Association [Henry BANYENZAKI]; Parliamentary Advocacy Forum or PAFO; National Association of Women Organizations in Uganda or NAWOU [Florence NEKYON]; The Ugandan Coalition for Political Accountability to Wormen or COPAW
Prime minister Apolo Nsibambi
Procedures to build a warehouse > number 19 [57th of 168]
Procedures to build a warehouse > number (per capita) 0.659 per 1 million people [133rd of 170]
Procedures to enforce a contract > number 19 [159th of 170]
Procedures to enforce a contract > number (per capita) 0.659 per 1 million people [144th of 171]
Procedures to register property > number 13 [4th of 167]
Procedures to register property > number (per capita) 347.027 per 1 billion people [117th of 167]
Proportion of seats held by women in national parliament > % 29.8 % [20th of 174]
Start-up procedures to register a business > number 17 [3rd of 171]
Start-up procedures to register a business > number (per capita) 0.59 per 1 million people [115th of 171]
Status pseudo-democracy
18 years of age; universal
Time required to build a warehouse > days 156 days [106th of 168]
Time required to enforce a contract > days 484 days [82nd of 171]
Time required to register property > days 227 days [16th of 167]
Time required to start a business > days 30 days [104th of 171]
Time to prepare and pay taxes > hours 237 hours [90th of 169]
Time to resolve insolvency > years 2.2 years [103rd of 151]
Total businesses registered > number 14,021 [65th of 71]
Total businesses registered > number (per capita) 0.522 per 1 million people [64th of 83]
Trademarks, nonresidents 223 [82nd of 99]
Trademarks, nonresidents (per capita) 11.735 per 1 million people [127th of 146]
Trademarks, residents 26 [79th of 98]
Trademarks, residents (per capita) 1.368 per 1 million people [125th of 142]

Transnational Issues > Disputes > International
Uganda is subject to armed fighting among hostile ethnic groups, rebels, armed gangs, militias, and various government forces that extend across its borders; Uganda hosts 209,860 Sudanese, 27,560 Congolese, and 19,710 Rwandan refugees, while Ugandan refugees as well as members of the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) seek shelter in southern Sudan and the Democratic Republic of the Congo's Garamba National Park; LRA forces have also attacked Kenyan villages across the border

UN membership date 25 Oct. 1962
United Nations mission

All CIA World Factbooks 18 December 2003 to 18 December 2008; CIA World Factbook, December 2003; CIA World Factbook, 14 June, 2007 ; Wikipedia: List of Ambassadors from Finland ; Wikipedia: Ambassadors from the United States ; Wikipedia: Commonwealth Heads of Government ; Transparency International; Wikipedia: List of countries' copyright length ; World Development Indicators database; Wikipedia: Elections by country ; Wikipedia: List of embassies and high commissions in Ottawa ; Flagspot; Wikipedia: Foreign relations of Croatia ; Wikipedia: Foreign relations of Western Sahara ; Wikipedia: Heads of Missions from the United Kingdom ; CIA World Factbook, 28 July 2005; Wikipedia: Legal systems of the world ; United Nations World Statistics Pocketbook and Statistical Yearbook; Wikipedia: Partners in Population and Development ; Wikipedia: List of political parties ; Wikipedia: Prime minister ; electionworld.org; Wisconsin High School Model United Nations

Uganda, Republic of Uganda


Bertelsmann Transformation Index > Management Index 2006 5.55 [41st of 118]
Bertelsmann Transformation Index > Status Index 2006 5.82 [59th of 119]
Bertelsmann Transformation Index>Political Transformation 5.85 [66th of 119]
Civil and political liberties 1.5 [116th of 140]
CPIA gender equality rating 3.5 [46th of 75]
CPIA policies for social inclusion/equity cluster average 3.9 [8th of 75]
CPIA property rights and rule-based governance rating 3.5 [19th of 75]
CPIA public sector management and institutions cluster average 3.3 [27th of 75]
CPIA transparency, accountability, and corruption in the public sector rating 3 [32nd of 75]
Electoral system first-past-the-post
Electoral system type plurality
Female candidacy 1,962 [31st of 161]
Female ministers 44% [5th of 125]
Female parliamentarians 24.7% [21st of 157]
Female suffrage 1962
First female parliamentarian 1962 (appointed)
Gender Parity Index in primary level enrolment 0.996986157333179 [36th of 183]
Homosexuality laws of the world > Homosexuality laws > Laws against homosexuality Male only
Parliamentary elections > Invalid votes 2.7% [52nd of 110]
Parliamentary elections > Registered voter turnout 70.3% [70th of 152]
Parliamentary elections > Total vote 7,576,140 [34th of 154]
Parliamentary elections > Turnout 74.2 [38th of 117]
Parliamentary elections > Voter registration 10,775,800 [38th of 152]
Parliamentary elections > Voting age population 10,206,500 [44th of 163]
Parliamentary elections > Voting age population (per capita) 374.288 per 1,000 people [145th of 162]
Presidential elections > Invalid votes 2.7% [23rd of 61]
Presidential elections > Registered voter turnout 70.3% [47th of 86]
Presidential elections > Total vote 7,576,140 [18th of 87]
Presidential elections > Turnout 74.2 [29th of 82]
Presidential elections > Voter registration 10,775,800 [18th of 86]
Presidential elections > Voting age population 10,206,500 [23rd of 91]
Presidential elections > Voting age population (per capita) 374.288 per 1,000 people [79th of 91]
Vote counting technology manual

Bertelsmann Transformation Index online, 2006; http://www.bertelsmann-transformation ... /BTI_2006_Ranking_GB.pdf; Freedom House, Freedom in the World 2000-2001, New York: Freedom House, 2001; World Development Indicators database; No comment is being made on the state of democracy. Categorizations are based on the electoral law, or the last competitive election held; IPU (Inter-Parliamentary Union). 1995. Women in Parliaments 1945-1995: A World Statistical Survey. Geneva and IPU (Inter-Parliamentary Union). 2001. Correspondence on year women received the right to vote and to stand for election and year first woman was elected or appointed to parliament. March. Geneva; IPU (Inter-Parliamentary Union). 2001. Correspondence on women in government at the ministerial level. March. Geneva; calculated on the basis of data on parliamentary seats from IPU (Inter-Parliamentary Union). 2002. Parline Database. March 2002; IPU (Inter-Parliamentary Union). 1995. Women in Parliaments 1945-1995: A World Statistical Survey. Geneva and IPU (Inter-Parliamentary Union). 2001. Correspondence on year women received the right to vote and to stand for election and year first woman was elected or appointed to parliament. March. Geneva.; Source: Millennium Development Goals Database | United Nations Statistics Division; Wikipedia: Homosexuality laws of the world ; Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance 2003; Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance

Uganda, Republic of Uganda

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