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Why the World Won't Forget 42 Years of Muammar Gaddafi
UNSC Refers Situation in Libya to ICC, Sanctions Gaddafi & ...
Water shortage threatens residents
Islamic Awakening
Afran colleague: Egypt's Future outlook
Libyan ambassador: The U.S. must do more to stop ...
Libya: 'Help Us' Plea Pro-Democracy Activists Who ...
What Libya and Côte d'Ivoire Have in Common
Kibaki gambles on regional war with Al Shabaab
Libya and Iraq: The Price of Success
Attacks in Israel and New Militant Opportunities in Egypt
As Libyans wrangle, Qatar in wings
The revolution will be financed
Afran: Flowering of the Arab Spring, Understanding ...
Egypt's Brotherhood feels its time has come
African leader's son tests U.S. anti-corruption push
Egyptian election sends shiver through Israel
Islamist poll win sets up tussle with Egypt military
Egypt's Brotherhood leads on eve of run-off vote
Africa Lies Naked to Euro-American Military Offensive
Crunching numbers in Morocco polls
The Egyptian Elections… alarming indicators
Dateline: Tahrir Square
Egypt and the Idealist-Realist Debate in U.S. Foreign ...
Arab Spring stretches "Islamist" tag to its ...
A year after the revolution: the West and the fallacies
Egypt may need up to $15 bln from IMF to avoid crunch
Violent protests may extend Egypt army's predominance
Boko Haram bombings strike at Nigeria's faultlines
Nigerian attacks pose new risks for divided nation
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