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Israeli troops attacked to ship relief ‘Marmara”


Israeli troops Monday morning attacked to ship relief "Marmara", dated 2010/05/31 and about 20 people from human rights activists were killed and more than 50 others were also injured. This terrible crime was facing, with many criticizing the international community.

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News Raid:
Caravan aid in Gaza movement had begun from Greece and Turkey last week including 10 thousand tons of medical materials, construction and accommodation for 100 house and 500 thousands homeless wheelchair system for disabled people.

Early in the morning Israeli helicopters with the direct command of Commander Navy regime attacked the convoy of freedom. The attack took place after a 50-mile convoy of freedom was close to the Gaza shore. White Israeli flag ships in international waters surrounded the convoy of freedom and its helicopters targeted it.

On tuesday (2010/06/01) Turkey announced that three Turkish aircrafts was sent to the occupied territory to transport the bodies of martyrs and injured peace activists. Ankara government wanted Israel as soon as to release six passenger ships peace activists, including the Turkish ship's.
Recep Tayyip Erdogan , Turkey's prime minister said: “Israel must release the ships and peace activists and we want complete information about the victims and delivery demanded or injured bodies immediately. Three ships from six ships in the form of aid caravan was headed to Gaza, carrying the Turkey flag.

Caravan aid for Gaza, including six ships, which from an international coalition including the Freedom Movement in Gaza, the Turkey Humanitarian Assistance Foundation, European campaigns resolve on Gaza and some institutions from Malaysia, Greece and Ireland was supported by more than 40 governments. 750 freedom members of more than 40 countries included 44 official and parliamentary character of European and Arabic that were present in caravan.

World Reaction:

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei issued a statement Tuesday in condemnation of the Monday bloody Israeli attack against Fleet of Freedom humanitarian aid ships, saying that the atrocity was an aggression against world public opinion.
Ayatollah Khamenei said the Palestinian issue was no longer merely an Arabic or even Islamic issue rather it was a grave contemporary human rights issue to which the supporters of the Zionist regime especially America, Britain and France must be held accountable. (His message follows)

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent the Merciful

The criminal and brutal attack by the Zionist regime on the Gaza aid flotilla is another link in the chain of the great crimes committed by that criminal and evil regime during the seventh decade of its disgraceful existence. This is another example of the blatant and merciless actions which the Muslims of the region, particularly the oppressed people of Palestine, have been dealing with for several decades.

This time, it was not an Islamic or Arab convoy. Rather, it was a convoy which represented global public opinion and human consciences from across the world. This criminal attack must have convinced everyone that Zionism is a modern, yet more violent, form of fascism which is supported by governments - and above all the US government - who claim to support freedom and human rights.

The US, Britain, France, and other European governments who provide political, media, military, and economic support for these natural-born murderers and who have always backed the tragedies caused by them should answer for their actions. People with vigilant consciences from across the world should seriously consider what dangerous phenomenon humanity is currently faced with in the critical Middle East region.

A bloodthirsty, impudent, and insane regime is currently ruling the occupied Palestine and its oppressed and bereaved people. What is the meaning of the three years of food and medicine blockade imposed on the 1.5 million women, men, and children of Gaza? How can one justify the massacre, imprisoning, and daily torture of youth in Gaza and the West Bank?

The issue of Palestine is no longer an Arab or Islamic issue. Rather, it is the most important human rights issue of the contemporary world.

The symbolic and brilliant act of sending aid flotilla to Gaza should be repeated many times in different forms. The bloodthirsty Zionist regime and its supporters, particularly the US and Britain, should feel and see before their eyes the vigilant conscience and invincible power of determination of the people of the world.

Arab governments have now been put to a difficult test. The vigilant Arab peoples now require them to take a serious and effective measure in this regard. The Organization of the Islamic Conference and the Arab League should not be satisfied with anything less than the complete lifting of the blockade on Gaza, a complete end to the encroachment on the homes and lands of the Palestinian people in the West Bank, and the prosecution of such criminals as Netanyahu and Ehud Barak.

The mujahid people of Palestine as well as the people and populist government of Gaza should also know that their evil enemy is now weaker and more vulnerable than ever. The crime which happened on Monday is not indicative of the power of the Zionist regime. Rather, it shows that this occupying regime is desperate and confused. It is a divine tradition that oppressors hasten their predetermined annihilation and downfall with their own hands at the end of their disgraceful existence. Attacking Lebanon and then Gaza during the previous years were among such insane actions which brought the ruling Zionists closer to their ultimate downfall. Attacking an international aid convoy in Mediterranean waters was another stupid action which falls in the same category.

Dear Palestinian brothers and sisters, trust Allah the Exalted, believe in your power, and try to increase it. Be sure of your ultimate victory. And you should know that "surely Allah will help him who helps Him. Surely Allah is Strong, Mighty." [The Holy Quran, 22: 40]

Sayyid Ali Khamenei
Khordad 11, 1389
Jun 01, 2010

Spoksman of the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) condemned the Israeli attack on freedom of the fleet an said “This attack is an example of organized and state terrorism and asked all nations on the public protests.

2010/05/31 : SA journalist believed to be on attacked convoy
At least one South African is known to have been on board the humanitarian convoy which was attacked by Israeli forces this morning. The flotilla was reportedly carrying more than 700 Pro-Palestinian activists from all over the world.

The South African is a 25-year old journalist, Gadija Davids, of the Cape Town-based Radio 786. The station says that it has not been able to make contact with Davids since the attack.

Reports say between 10 and 16 people were killed or wounded when Israeli commandos boarded the ships. Media reports indicate that the convoy was on a peaceful mission and carrying 10 000 tons of aid to the beleaguered people of Gaza.

Earlier, the South African government said it strongly condemns all military aggression by Israel against innocent civilians, including those in the occupied West Bank and Gaza. "It is this siege which has caused untold hardships for the ordinary people of Gaza and which prompted the international community to organise such relief efforts to the territory and therefore Israel stands solely responsible for the loss of life during this action," the SA government said in a statement.

The government also says it is seeking urgent contact with South Africa's Missions in Tel Aviv, Ramallah and Ankara --where some of the ships originated from in order to obtain more information on the attacks.

2010/05/31 : No word on SA journalist's fate
Pretoria - Just before the Israeli military attacked an aid ship about 65km from the coast of Gaza early on Monday morning, a South African journalist told her news editor that the approximately 750 passengers were extremely nervous and "expecting the worst".

That was the last time anyone was able to make contact with Gadija Davids, 25, from Western Cape radio station Radio 786, on board the Mavi Marmara

Davids' news editor, Zubeida Samsodien, told Beeld: "We don't know whether she's been taken hostage, whether she's been injured or killed.

"We've had absolutely no contact from anyone since the attack took place. "The Israelis cut all channels of communication and apparently confiscated everyone's cellphones and electronic devices. The survivors were apparently all arrested."

At least ten and possibly as many as 25 of the passengers were killed in the attack. More than 60 were injured.

During Samsodien's last conversation with Davids, Israeli warships had already started issuing “threats”.

"Gadija said two of the Israeli ships were already trying to place gangplanks on either side of the Mavi Marmara, but then the convoy changed course and headed away from Gaza," said Samsodien.

According to Samsodien, Davids said the warships moved away once the convoy had changed course. Everyone on board thought the worst was over.

"They were told to sleep fully dressed. Gadija was very nervous. This was the first time she'd been on a plane, and the first time she's left the country."

Israeli soldiers in helicopters and warships raided the convoy of six ships, carrying about 10 000 tons of emergency aid destined for Gaza. The ensuing gun battle ended in a bloodbath.

In response Israel alleged that the aid workers were the first to attack the soldiers with live ammunition, knives and baseball bats.

The South African government expressed their condemnation of the attack on Monday. "The convoy was on a mission of peace and the ships were unarmed.

"The Israeli attack on civilian ships in international waters is a gross contravention of international law. It calls for the highest level of international condemnation," said Saul Molobi, spokesperson for the department of international relations and co-operation.

The department is trying to gain more clarity about the situation from its missions in Tel Aviv, Ramallah and Ankara in Turkey. The ships were sailing under the Turkish flag when they left Cyprus on Sunday.

The Elders, a group of prominent world leaders including Archbishop Desmond Tutu, former US president Jimmy Carter and former secretary general of the United Nations Kofi Annan, condemned the attack on Monday.

2010/06/01 : SA journalist found
Cape Town - South African journalist Gadijah Davids, who was caught up in a clash between the Israeli defence force and an aid ship bound for Gaza, is alive, her relieved mother Magboeba said on Tuesday.

"The mere fact that she is alive is quite consoling for us," Davids said.

The Department of International Relations told the family that she had been found, and they were currently working on finding out more about the conditions that she was being held under.

Davids said she had known the possibilities when she left.

She had been covering Palestinian issues for some time and already had an idea of what she might face. She had wanted to be part of a team delivering medical supplies, and was not interested in anything military.

"She will come back a stronger person. It was a maiden experience for her on so many levels - it was the first time she left home, first big story, and now she has an international scoop - we are very proud of her."

Being held in prison

Daniel Seaman, spokesperson for the Israeli government, told Sapa that the people on five of the six ships would be sent home by plane as soon as they had identified themselves.

They were currently being held in prisons around the country.

They would be sent home because they had not engaged in violent confrontation with the soldiers who boarded the vessels to search them.

The people on board the sixth - the Mavi Marmara - where nine people were killed when the soldiers rappelled on to the ship from helicopters - would be released only if authorities could establish that they were not part of the direct physical confrontations that also left a number of soldiers wounded.

The Israeli government said two of its soldiers' guns were taken away and they were attacked with sticks and knives.

Seaman could not say how they would establish who was directly involved and they were in the process of identifying those who were on board, as well as those killed.

Others will face charges

Those found not directly involved would be flown home, and the others would face charges, still to be formulated, in Israel.

The flotilla attempted to sail through an Israeli blockade to Gaza. The Israeli government, in response to mortar attacks two years ago, imposed the blockade of supplies to the contested territory and insisted on searching consignments bound for the area.
The blockade included maritime traffic.

Restricted items included cement, which they said could be used to mould mortar shells. Israel had rejected international calls that the restrictions were too harsh and were causing a humanitarian crisis.

2010/06/01 : Sherwin Bryce-Pease, New York
The United Nations (UN) Security Council has called for the immediate release of the ships and the civilians held after an Israeli raid of a convoy of vessels sailing towards the Gaza strip. The Council, which began an emergency session yesterday afternoon worked into the early hours of this morning before reaching consensus on the language in the statement.

They condemned the acts that led to the deaths of at least 10 people and called for an impartial, credible and transparent investigation. The Council expressed regret for the loss of life and urged immediate action from the Israelis. Mexican Ambassador and President of the Security Council for June, Claude Heller says the Security Council urges Israel to permit full consular access, to allow countries to retrieve their deceased and wounded immediately.

But, the ambiguity of the text allowed for different interpretations regarding responsibility for investigating the incident. Heller says they believe an impartial investigation has to deal with all the issues that are involved in the incident as well as with all acts of violence that were created in the deadly incident.

Transparent and prompt investigation

United States Permanent Representative Alejandro Wolff says they have confidence that Israel can conduct a credible and impartial, transparent and prompt investigation. The Palestinians wanted a stronger text and also disagreed with the American interpretation. Palestinian Permanent Representative Riyad Mansour argues that the responsibility will be put on the shoulders of the Security Council to carry out an independent investigation.

Meanwhile, Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu says, "This action was uncalled for. Israeli actions constitute a grave breach on international law, in simplest terms this is tantamount to banditry and piracy. It is murder conducted by a state. It has no excuses, no justification whatsoever. The UN-secretariat wants a full investigation into the incident while reiterating calls for an end to the Gaza blockade."

The Security Council has urged parties to avoid further provocative actions and to act with restraint. It has also underscored the importance of the proximity talks currently underway.

2010/06/02 : Zuma strongly condemns Israeli attack
President Jacob Zuma has strongly condemned the Israeli naval raid on the humanitarian vessels destined for Gaza. On Monday Israeli troops stormed the aid flotilla in an attack that left nine people dead.

The aid convoy was seeking to overcome the Israeli blockade of the Gaza strip which has been imposed almost continuously since Hamas took control there three years ago. The incident forced the South African government to summon the Israeli Ambassador in South Africa Segev Steinberg to explain the raid incident.

Pretoria has described the Israeli government's action an unjustified military action, with Zuma expressing outrage at the incident. Zuma says from time to time the Middle-East issue exposes itself as one of the most serious issues. He says even the condemnations are subdued from other quarters and it reflects the kind of double standards.

In the absence of International Relations and Co-operation Minister Maite Nkoana-Mashabane, who is on an official visit to France, Deputy Minister Sue van der Merwe summoned Steinberg to issue a Démarche, registering Government’s strongest possible protest to the Israeli government for its unjustified military action and resultant loss of life.

Van der Merwe stated that such a military attack was an aberration from acceptable behaviour on the part of a State party in dealing with civilians and that Israel must be held accountable for its actions under international law.

2010/06/02 : Govt verifying reports of SA journalist's deportation from Israel
The South African Government says it is trying to verify reports of the deportation of Cape Town journalist, Gadija Davids, from Israel. International Relations and Cooperation spokesperson Mahlatse Mminele says they have had no communication with her at this stage.

It is unclear when Davids is expected to arrive back home. Earlier today, Davids’ family said it made contact with her following her ordeal in the Middle East. Her mother, Magboeba Davids, said her daughter could be back home sooner than expected.

She says Gadija is physically unharmed but traumatised. Gadija was on board the humanitarian aid flotilla when it was attacked by Israeli forces off the coast of Gaza on Monday. The attack was strongly condemned by President Jacob Zuma, with the South African government summoning the Israeli Ambassador in South Africa, Segev-Steinberg to explain the raid incident.

2010/06/02 : SA journalist in contact with family after Mideast ordeal
The family of Cape Town journalist, Gadija Davids, says they have made contact with her following her ordeal in the Middle East.

Her mother, Magboeba Davids says Gadija could be back home sooner than expected, adding that she is physically unharmed but traumatised. Gadija was on board a humanitarian flotilla when it was attacked by Israeli forces off the coast of Gaza on Monday. Magboeba says her daughter appeared calm. She says they spoke briefly to her last night for half-a-minute and she told them that she is on her way home.

She has been detained in Israel and they have now all been deported and she will be arriving in South Africa via Jordan. The mother says her daughter was physically okay, but not emotional. "She was quite traumatised, but the conditions were good and they were supplied with basic needs. But she was also separated from her luggage and things like that," the mother said. Management of the Cape Town radio station, which employs journalist Davids, says it has been receiving some hate mail since news of her trip to the Middle East broke.
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