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Rupiah is a shameless liar - Mpombo

GEORGE Mpombo yesterday described President Rupiah Banda as a shameless liar who is eager to hoodwink the public through blatant political plagiarism by claiming credit for projects initiated by the late president Levy Mwanawasa.

And Mpombo urged the MMD senior leadership, especially Cabinet ministers to get out of their cocoons of fear and exercise their democratic right to challenge President Banda.

In an interview, Mpombo, who is also Kafulafuta MMD member of parliament, said President Banda wants to sacrifice the truth for political expedience.

“We want to appeal to Mr Banda not to hoodwink the public through his blatant political plagiarism by claiming credit for projects he didn’t even sanction.

Mr Banda is a shameless liar. He wants to claim credit for projects that were initiated by Mwanawasa. But he will not achieve his intentions because Zambians are mature enough,” Mpombo said.

“The projects which were launched long before he became President are maturing now. His behaviour is like a man who marries a woman with a six months pregnancy and claims parentage of a child born in three months just because he stayed with a pregnant woman.”

Mpombo said President Banda was misleading the nation on developmental projects.

“For instance, on Syno-hydro of China, the memorandum of understanding (MoU) was signed in 2002. I signed the MoU in 2002 with Dipak Patel when we accompanied President Mwanawasa to China. That’s why Syno-hydro came into Zambia about five years ago,” Mpombo said.

“On road projects like the Kasama-Luwingu, they have been outstanding projects and have been funded on a yearly basis by the treasury.

The Mutanda-Chavuma road is an old project, which was still going on. Even the Mongu-Kalabo road, it’s inconceivable that Mr Banda can sink so low to mislead the public just for cheap political gain. The Mongu-Kalabo road has been an outstanding project.
“On the Choma-Namwala road, this is an old project.

In fact, when I was provincial minister for Southern Province, I even went and inspected this project. The government has been working on this project in phases. I personally find it mind-boggling that Mr Banda has no shame.”
Mpombo said the late Mwanawasa launched the Cancer Hospital project about two years ago.

“Even these district hospitals, boarding schools…all these were on the drawing board, they were approved projects and are now being launched. This is not a new concept at all.

These were started by Mwanawasa. If you want, check the Fifth National Development Plan; you will find that all these projects are lined up. Look at Lusaka Central Hospital where Rupiah Banda has even put his portrait; again that was Levy’s project. He launched the project of building that hospital along Great East Road,” Mpombo said.

“The Muchinji railway line project was started by Dr Kaunda in 1970s or so then it collapsed. When Mwanawasa became President, they re-launched the project with Malawian President Bingu wa Mutharika. The funding for that project was resusitated. Mr Banda never put any contributions towards that project.”
Mpombo said President Banda had not initiated a single development plan.

“The only project he can claim credit for is the dubious sale of Zamtel. This one, let him claim all the credit and no one will dispute that,” Mpombo said. “But Zambians are not stupid. They are able to read through Mr Banda’s deliberate and calculated deceit.”

And Mpombo said it was his fervent hope that former vice-president Enoch Kavindele would not develop cold feet and chicken out of the race for the MMD vice-presidency.

“Right now, MMD is engulfed by feverish political shambles and requires an emergency injection of solid and tested leadership, which can bandage the party’s severe bleeding wounds sustained through Mr Banda’s reckless political behaviour,” Mpombo said.

“Mr Banda should expect more surprises at the convention because he has provided very dull leadership. That’s why I want to urge other senior members, especially ministers to get out of their cocoons of fear and exercise their democratic right to challenge Mr Banda.”

Mpombo said MMD needed fresh leadership to stop the downward spiral of its political fortunes.

“We are heading for another mammoth defeat in Mpulungu. Mr Banda is leading the party into unthinkable proportions of defeat. Mr Kavindele must also be aware that there is a conspiracy to doctor the list of delegates,” said Mpombo.


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