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Fragmentation of the Votes between the Revolutionaries and the Remnants

Egypt in the coming days will experience situation that it had never experienced before, in terms of political momentum reflected in the electoral contest supporters and opposition, remnants and revolutionaries. The fragmentation of the votes amid a state of wandering in their choices will have a huge effect on the current period.
Consequently, the clarification of the political strategy and the electoral grounds is of major importance in this presentation in which we present all the methods and attempts of the “remnants” to jump on the power and try to take the lead of the political scene as a reaction to what preceded through the twisted methods of their candidates, hours before the revolution’s parliamentary elections.
After the fall of dictatorships, societies are facing a challenge of what is called “the counter revolution and the remnants of the former regime” and it is a fierce battle following the fall of the head of the regime. This battle is blurry, and is against an unidentified enemy that cannot be determined easily or represented by one person but a whole system and is a category of people which had strong bonds of interests with the former regime and owed it loyalty. The source of this might be ideological or due to personal interests, or even just secular or due to “phobia” of the inability to cope and adapt to the new system due to the association of their names with the former regime, and therefore they put efforts to demolish the new system by spreading chaos and destruction.
The remnants, which still have the financial capabilities and strong relations network, led the scenes of the crisis trying to provide solutions to what the citizens are suffering in different provinces of Egypt which is also what other political parties did. In addition solutions have been provided for the crisis of the butane gas pipes which many provinces experienced during the Adha Eid holiday, by businessmen who are closely associated with the disbanded National Party.
But the crisis itself was created and exacerbated not to be resolved except by those! Which astonished many, as it supports the strategy of “Cause hunger then feed” in order to cause hunger amongst the revolutionaries so that they no longer call for democracy, justice and freedom and so on.
Perhaps the crisis which the province of Domiat experienced and the suffering of its people from the toxins of the “Mebco” factory, after their absolute refusal to keep the “toxin factory” in their province, and after the crisis deepened and developed into confrontations and clashes between the army and citizens, some found this as an opportunity to impose their presence in the scene of Domiat province by trying to resolve this crisis. This is accompanied with the propaganda and publicity for the party which took the initiatives of resolution. And this was an opportunity for the disbanded National Party to impose its presence by offering tangible solutions to the crisis which can cause gratitude amongst those who are furious about the presence of this factory. In addition to the gasoline crisis witnessed by the Daqahleya, Eastern, and Kfar Sheikh provinces as well as others in Al-Said which would have developed, if the remnants of the National Party did not put their “Magic Touches” in offering resolutions accompanied with strong financial support, the most famous attempt in this regard was associated with a former member of the parliament who has huge investments in the area of Western Alexandria and the Northern Coast by holding a huge ceremony to celebrate the marriage of girls and providing 100 housing units for young people who are not capable of getting married, that is to gather votes in his upcoming electoral battle.
All these were attempts made to reproduce the former regime, which is offset by the methodology for dealing with this category.
In Daqahleya, the Administrative Court ruled to exclude the former NDP deputies from running in the upcoming election due to their corruption of the political life in Egypt, but the decision was not binding to all the other provinces in Egypt. Therefore the calls and campaigns of some to face the “remnants” and reveal their attempt to keep them away, under the slow process of issuing the law of “political isolation” which will take time to implement may not allow the postponing of the elections. In this regard, many steps were taken by various political forces in all the provinces to face the remnants and reveal their names and warn citizens from voting for them in the upcoming elections. These campaigns include but are not limited to, “Catch the remnants” in Daqahleya, and the “Domiat elections network” in Domiat and “Be careful” in Alexandria and “Implement the Isolation law by yourself” in Minia and Asyout and finally “Your scissors are in your pocket, cut any remnant banner you see” and these are all campaigns organized by the youth aimed to reveal the identity of remnant candidates from leading the political scene and reproduce the former regime again by the distribution of leaflets and flyers, and holding exhibitions.
Of the active campaigns in the Suez Canal cities, in Al-Ismailia specifically "a white circle and black cirlce" which is mainly a scanning of the main streets at late night to avoid clashes with thugs, and use spray to draw a black circle around the pictures remnant candidates and a white one around new patriotic one in addition to distributing thousands of leaflets that reveal the remnants and encourages their isolation. As some of them announced that they are no longer members of the National Party like Deputy Talaat Al-Souedy who won the last elections in 2010, in the Derb Najm district in the Eastern province and is now heading the “Wafd” list in the province.
However, the situation in the provinces of Said which is witnessing family alliances will result in the success of some of the remnants estimated to be the second biggest force in the upcoming parliament after the Islamic Force such as “Freedom and Justice Party”, “Nour & Asala”, “Al-Binaa & Tanmia” through their presence on top of the lists of new parties such as “Free Egyptians” ,”Justice and Freedom” and “National Egyptian Party” in the form of a political mask that ensures their sneaking into the revolution’s parliament.
Consequently, the successful methodology prepared by the different forces of the political scene, which came to reveal the remnants, were met by threats of death and revenge but also reached assassination attempts, such as that against Muhammad Atiya the owner of lawsuit to exclude remnants from participating in the upcoming election elections in Al-Dahqeliya province, where some people, in a Jeep Cherokee chased his car and tried to overthrow it while he was coming back from Cairo but ended only in the explosion of his tires.
The battle is ongoing in different provinces of Egypt, and no doubt for those with closer vision of the electoral situations and the directions of the Egyptian street know that the Egyptian Parliament will include some of those remnants especially those in Al-Said and other poor villages of Egypt.

Source: Islam Times
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