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Afran: NIGERI, After the Middle East

Honorary colleague of Afran
Considering the living conditions of Nigerians from the view point of even distribution of natural resources, Nigeria can be considered the poorest country on earth. From the view point of what is buried under the Nigerian soils, the country can as well be considered the richest country on earth.
The American government has realized its mistake in choosing the Middle East for its vital oil interest which is available in Nigeria . Going by Nigeria 's annual budget of three trillion Naira (about 20 billion dollars), America has spent Nigeria 's 100-year budget (2 trillion dollars) in Afghanistan and Iraq without any planned success. For sure, time has come for a change in battleground.
The recent bombings  in  Nigeria's  cities, and the subsequent involvement of the FBI in investigations about any groups responsible for the attack, are clear indications of America's  planned shift from the Middle East to Nigeria.
For Afghanistan and Iraq , the cover screens used were Alqa'ida base and Saddam's weapons of mass destruction respectively. For Nigeria , it’s the Boko Haram. The myths and fictions that surrounded the late Usama bn Laden are exactly similar to those surrounding Mohammed Yusuf, former leader of the Boko Haram.
On many occasions, there have been revelations that bomb attacks often attributed to the Boko Haram, were actually carried out by non-Moslem Nigerians, either from the northern or southern part of the country. Most shocking of such revelations, however, was the fact that the former Boko Haram leader had always been granted bail after arrest to some personalities from among northern Christian minorities, instead of any sureties from his fellow Moslem brothers.
The Boko Haram alone seems to be the pivot of America 's vision that Nigeria will secede about the year 2015. Whenever the Nigerian national security operatives fail to secure peace in the country, any foreign involvement will make sure that the country secedes, and the Niger-Delta oil rich region will form a second Kuwait . The American government will have little to spend, but a lot to gain.
Reports after the FBI investigations into the Abuja bombings will definitely indicate the incompetence of Nigeria 's combined forces to control the situation. All secrets of Nigeria 's military strength had already been laid open to the American government some years ago. The opportunity was so expensive that it had to be achieved through forcing a retirement from military services on General Victor Malu, a former Chief of Nigeria's Army Staff. The General had chosen to retire instead of allowing any American military officer access to secrets of the Nigerian military forces.
An organized northern Nigeria may not allow an easy going secession of the country. For this reason, American forces may have to be stationed in their multitudes in the North at the brink of total collapse of the Nigerian nation. This will guarantee the breaking apart of the country. The minority Christians of the north may be used against their Moslem neighbors to further destabilize the region.
Another possible role of American forces in the north for the interests of American government is the control of oil prospects in the north, and the arrest of Nigerian Moslem Shi'a influence in Nigeria , Cameroon and the Niger Republics . On one hand, the discovery of oil in large quantities in Niger and the Chad basin leaves a green light of a similar discovery in northern Nigeria . America may not afford to lose that. On the other hand, Shi'a influence in Nigeria is the most organized threat to any American presence. Whether there is oil in the north or not, the growth of Shi'a revolutionary ideology is something that may consume a lot of funds even if there are no economic gains at sight.
There are indications that Nigerian government officials may not understand the real objectives behind these myths and fictions, and hence their permissions for all false allegations on innocent Nigerians on crimes they have not committed. Had they realized that the end result is secession of the country wherein they may lose any relevance in the break away regions they may find themselves, they may act against it. In their ignorance, they await the coming of rewards from American officials and their Zionist allies similar to those Saddam, Umar El-Bashir and their likes.
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