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Ten reasons preventing Israel from occupying Sinai

The security and military Zionist leaders are worried about the (lawlessness) found in the Sinai Peninsula, especially after the revolution, as well as about the impact of this on the Zionist cities and settlements.

A Zionist study confirmed that Sinai is turning rapidly into a center for instability, a possible springboard for the so-called (terrorism), and a source of tension between Egypt and the Zionist entity. The study added that the developments in Sinai could end the state of the fragile bilateral peace between Egypt and Israel.

The (Israel Is Our Home) far-right party launched a call for re-occupying the Sinai Peninsula directly after the revolution, claiming that it is an essential part of the (Zionist territories); a place where the Torah recommended the people of (Israel) to settle in.

The said party issued a statement entitled “The Re-occupation of Sinai”, which included a speech delivered by Rabbi Yisrael Ariel, a resident of the Zionist Yamit settlement, in which he called for re-occupying Sinai immediately, and planting the Jewish settlers in it, pursuant to the orders of the Torah. He warned of the repercussions of the January 25 revolution on the political situation and on the strategy of the entity during the coming ten years.

Moreover, “Al-Majd for security awareness” website conducted a deep security study, through which it found that the issue of re-occupying Sinai is not easy, for Sinai imposes significant pressure and apprehension on the shoulders of (Israel) in terms of security.

According to the study, the results of the Zionist studies and statements do not necessarily reflect the official orientations so that to talk about the re-occupation of Sinai. However, it is said that those who are preparing such studies are former security and military leaders who are now directing such centers.

The study showed that the studies carried out by the Zionist security men come under the framework of threatening and intimidating only so that to put pressure on the Egyptian side to increase the dominance and security control in Sinai.
The reasons for its inability:

The security study has outlined, after interviewing a number of political and security experts, that there are several reasons the make the occupation of Sinai by the Zionist entity impossible in the current period. Those reasons are namely as follows:
First, the occupation of Sinai needs a very large security budget, and this is not available for (the occupation state) in terms of the economic, for it is suffering greatly from an economic situation, and this produced economic and social oriented protests that are not over yet.

Second, the occupation of Sinai requires a large number of soldiers, as well as huge human potentials, in order to stay in and control, and this is not available for the Zionist entity, especially with the weakness found in the number of the soldiers belonging to the army and the low rates of recruitment.

Third, thinking about occupying it will increase the amount of the security budget, being reduced by the Zionist government in recent times. Also, the security budget for this year has been facing great controversy, and they are talking a lot about reducing it.

Fourth, the huge security problem faced by (Israel) in Sinai, which is not only represented in re-occupying it, but also assigning in it what or who can improve its control so as to ensure the safety of the security of the entity.

Fifth, (Israel) is fully aware that opening the file of Sinai means reopening the file of the “Camp David” Accord, and this worries the security and military leaders of the entity, because the number of Egyptian soldiers who are allowed to enter Sinai with their equipment and tools is very limited. Therefore, asking the Egyptian military board, or any new Egyptian leadership, to talk about it requires revising the number of Egyptian soldiers, noting that there is an increase in the number of soldiers approved by (Israel) after the revolution, so that not to lose the security control in Sinai. However, this number is not enough at all.

Sixth, Sinai according to the “Camp David” Accord is divided into three areas; an area controlled by the Egyptian army with light arms, an area controlled by international forces, and an area designated for the Egyptian soldiers to enter it with their heavy arms. In fact, this division in this way makes Sinai a security zone penetrated by the Zionists, and (Israel) cannot consider that the Egyptian side is responsible for security therein independently, because the Egyptian security does not impose its full control on it.

Seventh, the Zionist entity cannot control Sinai, because of its large size and the easiness of the security breaches through it.

Eighth, the future of Sinai is unknown by (Israel), and the entity cannot return to it because it will sink in it, as it previously drowned in South Lebanon; the place where it fled away in the darkness and is still suffering from. The same goes for Gaza, and thus it is unreasonable to return back to the mud of the Sinai desert.

Ninth, the Arab situation today is quite different than what it was before, for (Israel) was previously determining the time and place of any battle, but today this is over. This comes because of the shift found in the Arab world represented in the revolutions and the changing regimes, what makes it difficult for the Zionist entity to carry out any adventure against any Arab country, and in particular Egypt, because of its status in the Arab nation.

Tenth, any Zionist move towards occupying Sinai will lead to harsh tension in the region, and this is what the entity fears because of the Arab revolutions and the international isolation that is surround it.

Source: Islam Times
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