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Gaddafi's ignominious end

It is very hard for any truly conscientious person to shed tears over Qaddafi's tragic but well-deserved death.

The man did embody evil in its worst. He not only transformed Libya, one of the world's oil-richest nations into a fiefdom for himself, his family and political cohorts and hangers-on, he actually spread terror and death all over Libya as well as abroad. Only God knows the number of the people whose blood was shed by Qaddafi and his murderous agents.

Very often, he tried to cover his nefarious rule with a thin façade of mostly empty rhetoric about the struggle against imperialism and Zionism and what have you.

Qaddafi was his own god. He bestowed on himself all kinds of grand titles, including the Imam of Muslims, Leader of the world's revolution and King of Kings of Africa, which underscored the man's megalomania.

During 42 years of autocratic rule, Qaddafi left the vast country without political institutions, such as a true parliament, without a justice system worthy of the name, and without a civilian infrastructure. He probably thought the world would cease to exist upon his death.

He could have built the best hospitals, the best universities and the best welfare system in the entire world, thanks to the massive oil revenue, estimated at hundreds of billions of dollars.

Instead, he squandered his country's wealth on his own vagaries, delusions and morbid fantasies

And when the Libyan people ventured to demand human rights and civil liberties earlier this year, he demonized the peaceful protesters as rodents, scum, vermin and dirty animals that ought to be exterminated.

He really meant what he said.

In fact, in light of his eccentric and murderous mindset, the former Libyan dictator would have most likely perpetrated genocidal crimes against his own people, resembling or even exceeding those crimes committed by Cambodia 's Pol Pot.

There is no iota of doubt that Libyans and all Arabs and Muslims, as well as free men and women around the world, will breathe a deep sigh of relief now that Qaddafi is in the belly of earth.

It is true that mortals ought not to be jubilant over a person's death. However, there is no doubt that an evil person's death shouldn't be mourned and wept, and Qaddafi was undoubtedly an evil person par excellance.

None the less, the scenes of jubilation all over Libya show a people who have finally seen light and liberty after 42 years of darkness and tyranny during which countless Libyans were murdered, orphaned, and widowed.

How will Muammar Qaddafi face the Almighty with so much innocent blood on his hands?

Now, a new life has been granted to Libya and its heroic people who didn't flinch from paying the price for their freedom. The estimated 50, 000 victims of Qaddafi's genocidal criminality must serve as a constant reminder to all Libyans that under no circumstances will they allow the reproduction of another Qaddafi.

Who would want to invite cancer back to his body after having eradicated it?

The belated elimination of Qaddafi shows there is still some justice in this world. After all, who would have imagined only a year ago that in a few months the eccentric tyrant would be consigned to the dustbin of history in the most disgraceful manner?

There are those who show a certain propensity to cast a thick shadow of doubt on the authenticity of the Libyan revolution. Some argue rightly that NATO is not a charitable organization and its intervention on the side of the pro-freedom rebels is never meant to serve the cause of liberty and democracy in the vast North African country.

Well, it is true that NATO is not a charitable organization, but it is also true that the Libyan people will never allow a foreign power to arrogate or hijack their hard-earned sovereignty, independence and free will.

Besides, we advise those who don't stop making all sorts of silly insinuations about the Libyan revolutionaries to wait and see and reserve their final judgment for sometime, instead of trying to create confusion and spreading false propaganda.

There is no doubt that the downfall of Qaddafi will send powerful signals to the remaining hotbeds of tyranny and despotism throughout the Arab world. Tyrants and their murderous thugs may kill and spill untold blood of their own people. However, they too will face their ultimate hour of truth because those who live by the sword shall die by the sword.

A final note. There are some pro-Palestinian activists who are, either sincerely or maliciously, worried about a "less than complete commitment" by the new rulers of Libya to the Palestinian cause.

I say to those; assuming their sincerity, don't worry. In the final analysis, the Libyan revolution has an Arab-Islamic face, heart and mind. It will not betray or disappoint Muslims anywhere in the world. Just give them a grace period, and they won't disappoint you.

This is not wishful thinking or daydreaming. Because Palestine and Jerusalem are always in the hearts of all Libyans and other Muslims.

Source: ABNA
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