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Afran honorary colleague: Haneen Zoabi speaking tour of South Africa

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The Afro-Middle East Centre



16 - 20 April 2012



Pretoria * Johannesburg * Cape Town




University of Pretoria


(Co-hosted by the Afro-Middle East centre and the Department of Political Sciences)


Title: Apartheid or democracy? The Palestinian experience in Israel


Date: Monday, 16 April 2012


Time: 10h30 – 12h00


Venue: 1-56, Graduate Centre, Hatfield Campus, UP





Cape Town


(Hosted by UCT Palestine Solidarity Forum  & Open Shuhada Street)


Title: Can a state be Jewish and democratic? Perspectives from a Palestinian Member of the Israeli parliament


A panel discussion with: Haneen Zoabi (MK), Prof. Ben Turok (MP), & Judge Dennis Davis


Date: Wednesday, 18 April 2012


Time: 18h30 – 20h30


Venue: Metropolitan Methodist Church, corner of Burg and Longmarket street, Greenmarket square, Cape Town







University of the Witwatersrand Wolpe Dialogue


(Co-hosted by the Afro-Middle East centre, the Department of Sociology & the Harold Wolpe Memorial Trust)


Title: Palestinians in Israel: From oppressed national minority to catalysts for change


Date: Thursday, 19 April 2012


Time: 17h45 for 18h00


Venue: Southwest Engineering Building, ground floor, room 10, Wits University







Ahmed Kathrada Foundation  - Johannesburg


(Co-hosted by the Afro-Middle East centre and the Ahmed Kathrada Foundation)


Title: Are some parliamentarians more equal than others? The experience of a Palestinian Member of Israel's Parliament


Date: Friday, 20 April 2012


Time: 18h00


Venue: Sci-Bono Auditorium, Newtown, Johannesburg












About the speaker:

Haneen Zoabi is a Palestinian citizen of Israel and a member of the Israeli Knesset (parliament). She is a leading voice for the rights of Palestinians in Israel who, despite holding Israeli citizenship, are subjected to a myriad of discriminatory policies and practices. Ms. Zoabi has called Israel ‘inherently racist’ and has challenged the notion of it being a democracy. In 2010 she participated in the 'Freedom Flotilla' on board the MV Mavi Marmara which was attacked by Israeli Defense Force commandos and, more recently, she participated in the Russell Tribunal on Palestine in Cape Town. Ms. Zoabi is under increasing attack for her outspoken position and was stripped of her parliamentary privileges for taking part in the flotilla. After her testimony at the Russell Tribunal - where she accused Israel of targeting dissenting voices - some fellow Knesset members attempted to have her stripped of her citizenship.

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