Research Africa > Reports & Articles > France and Israel from 1945 to 2012 … the massacres of Algeria and Deir Yassin…!

France and Israel from 1945 to 2012 … the massacres of Algeria and Deir Yassin…!

On May 8, 1945, the world celebrated the victory of the allies over the Nazi Hitler and over Nazism in general. In Syria, for example, Jamil Mardam Bey, the Foreign Minister at that time, stood in the Parliament and stated that the mentioned day was a critical day in the history of humanity, and that it is a great one.

He pointed to the Syrian involvement in this war, “World War II”, and its role in achieving victory... At the same time, the Lebanese parliament has had the same position ... This is not important, but what is important is that Algeria’s rebels went to the street’s squares having nothing except their belief in gaining independence from the French colonialism... They went on that day to the streets demanding independence and freedom. On that day also, the army of the occupation killed 45 thousand Algerians in one single day, “the day of achieving victory over the killer Hitler”, with deep hatred that lacks all the meanings of humanity... Since early May of 1948, though this is another topic, but it is associated with usurper entities and nations in general, and until the fifteenth of it i.e. the day of announcing the establishment of the State of “Israel”, most of the Israeli massacres took place during this period, starting from Kafr Kassem to Deir Yassin and to other massacres…?
What has been changed from that day until now...?

Nothing has been changed; the killer is still the same ... The French people are still killing, invading, occupying and plotting... Yes, the killer has changed his skin several times, and the tools of murder were changed too, as well as the methods, but the killer remained the same, though he covered himself with democracy and human rights. He remained the same, the one who killed more than one million Algerians and hundreds of thousands of Syrians and Lebanese... He is an advocate for human rights and freedom of expression…

De Gaulle, who created the “Gaullism” ideology later and whose name was a shelter behind which a lot of the leaders of France hided like Sarkozy, was not more compassionate with the Arabs, but France remained a state colonizing many other states during the presidency of De Gaulle and beyond, such as Algeria and Djibouti. Therefore, it remained a state killing all the people trying to achieve independence. Also, Napoleon, who led the French Revolution and opened the Bastille doors in front of the prisoners who were named as the prisoners of conscience or the criminal prisoners and were all let free later, was a fighter. He led a military campaign to attack the Arabs in their own homes, despite the fact that his “mission” discovered the Rosetta stone.

Additionally, there is also one thing that has not been changed, and it is the agents who were utilized by the French colonialism as a mean of survival, so that to punish every free person demanding independence and lifting the injustice of his country as Yusuf Al-Azma, Ahmed Ben Bella, Bashar al-Assad, and/or all those free men who sacrificed their blood in order to liberate their country from the French colonialism.

The French “invaders” did not enter any country but only after relying on weak agents. The grandfather of Basma Qadmani, who is dealing with “Israel” now, was an agent for the French and this is proved and evident, and is also known by the Damascenes, not to mention Al-Dawalibi. In fact, this is the course followed by Burhan Ghalioun currently with the Americans, French, Turks, Saudis, Qataris, and with all those conspiring on the Syrian blood. These are the tools of occupation, of any occupation that is an advocate for democracy, human rights and freedom of peoples.

Hence, how could France or other colonial countries convince the free peoples that it is struggling in favor of them, or is seeking to achieve their freedom at the time when it is the one that occupied and killed them! It is enough here to point out that France occupied Algeria, for example, for more than 135 years, throughout which it killed more than one million and a half Algerian rebels. It also occupied Syria for more than 25 years, and killed hundreds of thousands of Syrian rebels, as well as Lebanese, and many other ones?

What will be changed?

France is fighting in a great race with time, and it is as said by its Foreign Minister Alain Juppe threatening to issue a resolution against Syria in the Security Council on the fifteenth of May, “the day of confiscating” Palestine, and the call for this will start on the fifth of May, i.e. one day before the last round of the French elections, and two days before the Syrian legislative elections. What does this mean?

It is a message to the Israeli entity stating that Sarkozy with his pride “is with you until the last breath”, and it is also a call from the pride of the soul to a prejudice catching its last breath. In fact, it is the last attempt of the prejudice before leaving the Elysee and thus leaving the site of decision making in France, addressing both Qatar and Saudi Arabia, “We are still with you”?

It is also a message to the Syrian leadership stating that the Elysse is not convinced of the reform steps in Syria, and this was expressly said after each step of reform undertaken by the Syrian government, yet let them mind their own business.

As a Syrian person, I can say that all this do not matter; for the task of the international observers or that of Kofi Annan is still in the beginning, and it is still too early to judge its results. However, no one can predict the outcome of the French elections, but only the preliminary indications that already confirm that Sarkozy and his team are leaving the Elysee.
This means that Syria, including its regime represented in President Bashar al-Assad, is the strongest and would survive more.

This also means that the events of May, which extends from 1945 and until now, are still in the memory of the Arab peoples, especially those belonging to the Levant, whether the Syrian, Lebanese, or the Palestinian countries.

In the first week of the current May, there are two ordeals: the first is “voting” so that to ensure that Sarkozy will leave the Elysee or convincing the Syrians of Bashar al-Assad’s reforms represented in the parliamentary elections. Yet, between the two events, there are two convictions:

The first is the loss of Sarkozy, while the second is that the judgment of the peoples especially those of the “Levant” have affirmed that France is a colonial state, no matter how much it hides behind democracy, and that Bashar al-Assad is democratic and seeking for reform more than them and more than their allies as well.

Source: Islam Times
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