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The implications of the victory of Dr. Morsi on the Zionist entity

We thought that the Egyptian people are the only ones concerned with the victory of Dr. Morsi and becoming a President of the Republic of Egypt, and that the Egyptians are the only ones who were awaiting the results all night, but the national and global newspapers showed that many of the heads of the world were sharing with the Egyptians the burden of this task, and Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of the Zionist entity, is one of those who shared with the Egyptians the burden of staying awake all night and following-up the results.

On Monday morning they realized that Dr. Mohamed Morsi won, and that Ahmed Shafiq, Israel’s first option, failed to achieve success in the battle. Thus, the noises of the fireworks ignited by the Egyptians to celebrate the coronation of their revolution reflected a bad omen on the Israeli scene, and caused a sleep state waiting for the upcoming storm.

The Israeli media announced that Netanyahu had urged President Obama to lead an international campaign in which some Arab countries participate to support Shafiq’s part and to help him succeed in his mission if he wins the elections. Today comes the big shock represented in what was said by the Zionist foreign minister who said that Egypt after the victory of Dr. Morsi has become hundreds of times more dangerous than Iran, and that Israel must be prepared to face the new reality.

Therefore, the United States and Israel are no longer having any hope in the President, how come? He is not like Ahmed Shafiq and has nothing to do with treason and is not an agent.

However, they are both having hope in the ability of the military junta in Egypt to maintain its powers, on the basis that if the junta retains most of the powers this represents a national interest to the Israelis, and weakening those powers hurts them, and this is a clear and explicit confession that the victory of Dr. Morsi will change the strategic environment in a disastrous way against Israel, and that it should be prepared to face the worst scenarios.

Hence, the message is clear. Israel after it was shocked by Mubarak’s fall was reassured that Shafiq would win and was having greater confidence in the fact that he would take Egypt back to the policy of its former strategic ally and treasure.

Today, Israel after being disappointed will not find an alternative to resorting to blackmail and to indicating that the weak security control of the Sinai threatens the security of Israel, and this was published by the Israeli media today, signaling the need to pressure the new Egyptian President in order to act as a custodian for its security and to defend it. This comes regardless of what is committed by it i.e. the crimes committed daily against the Palestinians that aim at liquidating the cause and threaten the Egyptian national security.

This shameful situation experienced by the United States and Israel today is Dr. Mohamed Morsi’s point of strength, and this could also be the starting point towards a new strategy and an equation of power in the region not including America and Israel.

Here we can mention some of the tasks that should be reviewed by President Morsi to recover Egypt’s wellbeing, at the level of the internal or external situation together.

First: Dr. Morsi has to restore normal relations with Iran based on the mutual interests of both countries and to develop the fields of political coordination and economic cooperation, because this will achieve the strategic balance in the region.

Second: Dr. Mohamed Morsi has to be a president representing all the Egyptians, whether they were Muslims, Christians, belonging to the Brotherhood, Salafis, and/or liberals. He must also prove that he is with the freedom of opinion, expression and creativity and that he will not stop any pen or close any mouth. He has to bring the right of people back to them and fight in favor of the blood of the martyrs that was the reason for his victory today. He must restore the safety and security of the citizen everywhere.

Third, the new president of Egypt has to be the friend of all the forces, parties and political movements who have different thought, and should not exclude anyone. He has to rush to implement the project of (Renaissance), which was the title of his electoral campaign, and to benefit from the programs of the rest of the candidates of the revolution who were not lucky enough to attain the honor of the presidency of Egypt.

Certainly, their programs are full of projects that can assist in building Egypt and contribute to reforming its economic situation which has been deteriorated in the last period.

No one doubts that the task of this man is very difficult and not easy, and that is why the Egyptians must work all together to help Egypt bypass this critical and dangerous phase to reach to safety, and have to look to the future of this country, which is expecting them to do lots and lots of things.

Source: Islam Times
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