Égypte : nomination de plusieurs nouveaux ministres
le 07/03/2011 18:02:57

LE CAIRE, 6 mars (Xinhua) -- Le gouvernement de transition égyptien a nommé dimanche plusieurs nouveaux ministres.

Nabil al-Arabi, un ancien juge à la Cour internationale de Justice, a été nommé ministre des Affaires étrangères en remplacement de Ahmed Aboul Gheit, Ahmed Hassan el-Boraie ministre de la Main-d'oeuvre et de l'Immigration, a rapporté l'agence de presse officielle égyptienne Mena.

Les membres du nouveau gouvernement devraient prêter serment lundi, a annoncé le porte-parole du gouvernement Magdi Radi.

Selo le porte-parole, les ministres du Pétrole et de l'Agriculture n'ont pas été encore désignés. Fin

CAIRO, March 6 (Xinhua) -- The Egyptian care-taker government named on Sunday Nabil al-Arabi, a former judge in the International Court of Justice as new foreign minister, the state- run news agency MENA reported.

Nabil al-Arabi, who replaced former Foreign Minister Ahmed Abul Gheit, discussed with Prime Minister Essam Sharaf Arab and African affairs and other issues related to the neighboring countries, MENA said.

Newly-appointed Justice Minister Mohamed Abdel-Aziz el-Gendi expressed his aspirations to achieve his mission successfully.

Newly-appointed care-taker Awqaf Minister Abdullah el-Husseini discussed with Sharaf road maps in many issues, especially those related to Islamic da'wa or Islamic call, MENA reported.

Ahmed Hassan el-Boraie who accepted the manpower and immigration portfolio promised to exert utmost efforts to achieve positive developments, according to MENA.

Boraie urged all labor unions to concentrate on pushing the production cycle in the coming phase and pledged to set the minimum wage for the employees as soon as possible.

The petroleum and agricultural ministers have not been decided yet, government spokesman Magdi Radi said on Sunday.

The new cabinet is expected to take the constitutional oath on Monday, Radi added. Enditem

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