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  1. President Ahmadinejad reveals new US scenario against Iran
    Categories: Africa
    500156 AfranTehran, July 24, IRNA – President Mahmoud Ahamdinejad here Friday unveiled truth about new US-Zionist scenario against Iran, expressing sorrow that Russia, too, is now harmonizing with it.According to IRNA presidential affairs reporter...
  2. The security problem with Col. Gadaffi
    Categories: Africa
    5060680All was going well just before the flamboyant Libyan leader, Col. Muammar Gadaffi, reached the security checkpoint at the venue of the ongoing 15th Ordinary Session of the African Union heads of state summit in Munyonyo on Sunday.Riding in a fou...
  3. Tracing the life of fallen former president Binaisa
    Categories: Africa
    50692Godfrey Lukongwa Binaisa, a lawyer, former President and Attorney General in the post independent government, died yesterday in Kampala, Fred Guweddeko writes about his life;The late Godfrey Lukongwa Binaisa was President of Uganda from July 1979 ...
  4. luxury train fares
    Categories: Africa
    Pride of Africa £10,600 per personThere are certainly choices you can make when you’re deciding on a way to get from Point A to Point B, or when you are planning a holiday away from the rat race of everyday life. Train travel is a popular means of...
  5. freak clothes of gaddafi!
    Categories: Africa
  6. Colonialism
    Categories: Africa
  7. 50101-Nigeria:Ag President Goodluck Jonathan, Ministers to meet Yar’adua
    Categories: Africa
    Following the miraculous return of Nigeria’s President Umar Musa Yar’adua into the country, strong indications emerged yesterday that arrangement have been concluded for Acting President Goodluck Jonathan and members of the federal Executive Counci...
  8. FM: ties with Kenya growing and dynamic
    Categories: Africa
    50005 AfranIran’s Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki described ties with Kenya as good, growing and dynamic.Making the remark in a meeting with his Kenyan counterpart Moses Wetang'ula in Nairobi on Saturday, he referred to the political will existin...
  9. Some Quotes By Prophet Mohammed (PBUH)
    Categories: Africa
    - The best of the houses is the house where an orphan gets love and kindness.- Much silence and a good disposition, there are no two things better than these.- Kindness is a mark of faith, and whoever is not kind has no faith.- When you see a person wh...
  10. Eshaq Jahangiri, first vice president & Abdelmalek Sellal
    Categories: Africa
  11. Pose première pierre Université islamique à Kossi (Sénégal)
    Categories: Africa
    Afran SénégalPose de la première pierre de l’université islamique de Kossi (Kaolack Sénégal)La communauté tidjane de Médina Baye (Kaolack du Sénégal) a profité de la célébration de la naissance du prophète Mohammad pour procéder à la ...
  12. Iran FM: Iran eager to expand two-way, multilateral ties with Uganda
    Categories: Africa
    50006 AfranForeign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki said Friday that Iran is ready for stronger bilateral or multi-lateral cooperation with Uganda with an approach in its foreign policy to promote vision to Africa.Talking to Ugandan President Yoweri Museven...
  13. Protest against anti-Islam movie
    Categories: Africa
    Making anti-Islam movie which insults the holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), hurt the sentiments of over one billion Muslims across the world and sparked their outrage.
  14. Ali Larijani, chairman of the Parliament & Abdelmalek Sellal
    Categories: Africa
  15. Appel des religieux au dialogue national au Sénégal
    Categories: Africa
    50407 Afran Sénégal Les chefs religieux de la cité de Tivaouane exigent de la part des politiques un dialogue national La religion n’a pas uniquement été le seul sujet de conversation des hommes religieux du Sénégal lors de la célébratio...
  16. Iran Keen to Expand All-Out Ties with Zimbabwe
    Categories: Africa
    50007 AfranIranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki on Monday underlined Tehran's readiness to improve all-out ties with the south African state of Zimbabwe.Fortunately, the relations between the Islamic Republic of Iran and Zimbabwe are moving forw...
  17. Sudanese stage demonstration against Israel, US
    Categories: Africa
    Hundreds of Sudanese have staged a demonstration in the capital Khartoum to protest against an airstrike on a weapons factory blamed on Israel. On Wednesday night, the protesters chanted slogans against the Israeli regime and the United Stat...
  18. Ayatollah Khamenei receives Algerian Prime Minister
    Categories: Africa
  19. Appel des religieux au dialogue national au Sénégal
    Categories: Africa
    50407 Afran SénégalLes chefs religieux de la cité de Tivaouane exigent de la part des politiques un dialogue nationalLa religion n’a pas uniquement été le seul sujet de conversation des hommes religieux du Sénégal lors de la célébration, la ...
  20. Ahmadinejad: Zimbabwean nation’s resistance against oppressors historic
    Categories: Africa
    50008 Afranthe Presidential Office website reported President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as saying so in a meeting here Monday evening with Zimbabwe’s Government Minister for Presidential Affairs, Didbemos Mutsa, while discussing expansion of comprehensive ...
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