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  1. 50404 Evenements en Casamance (Senegal)
    Categories: Africa
    SENEGALReprise des hostilités en CasamanceAprès plusieurs mois d’accalmie, les combats ont repris en Casamance (sud du pays) où l’armée affronte, depuis 28 ans, les rebelles du Mouvements des forces démocratiques de la Casamance (Mfdc). Ces de...
  2. Sénégal 50413 Guinée Bissau: Mort du Général Tagmé
    Categories: Africa
    Sénégal-50413Guinée Bissau Mort du Général Batista Tagmé Na WaieCinq militaires présumés assassinsCinq militaires présentés, par l’armée, comme étant les assassins présumés, du général Batista Tagmé Na Waie, avaient été interpellé...
  3. Nigerians Spend N212 Billion On Phone Calls Monthly
    Categories: Africa
    Out of the over 180 million Nigerians in the country, 146 million of them are active subscribers and they spend about N212 billion on calls every month, LEADERSHIP investigations have revealed.
  4. 50405 Evenements en Casamance (suite) Senegal
    Categories: Africa
    Conflit en Casamance au sud du SénégalQuelle paix pour cette partie du pays?De nombreux cessez-le feu ont été signés, au cours de ces 25 dernières années, entre l’Etat et le Mfdc. Le dernier en date remonte au 31 décembre 2004, à Ziguinchor....
  5. Sénégal-50414-redéploiement des forces françaises en Afrique
    Categories: Africa
    CINQUANTE ANS APRES LES INDEPENDANCES DE SES ANCIENNES COLONIESLa France révise son dispositif militaire en AfriqueCinquante ans après les indépendances des anciennes colonies françaises d’Afrique subsaharienne, la France cherche à redéployer s...
  6. Italian police arrest Eritrean gang who smuggled migrants
    Categories: Africa
    Alleged human traffickers who had arranged more than 20 boat trips from north Africa to Europe picked up in sting operation in Italy and Germany
  7. Tehran calls for settlement of Somali crisis
    Categories: Africa
    50003 AfranIran’s Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki on Saturday voiced Tehran’s emphasis on resolving problems in Somalia.The Iranian minister made the announcement in a joint press conference with his Kenyan counterpart Moses Wetang’ula.Mottak...
  8. In a meeting with the Nigerian President /Ayatollah Khamenei: Global Anti-Terror Coalitions Unreliable
    Categories: Africa
    Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, in a meeting with Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari on Monday, said increased cooperation between Muslim nations for the purpose of defending the identity of Islam and Mus...
  9. 50001-IRAN-President:Nations are expected to get well-prepared for change
    Categories: Africa
    President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Monday that the independent countries should get well-prepared for dramatic change in world order owing to imminent collapse of the capitalist system.In a meeting with the visiting Speaker of National Assembly of t...
  10. FM: Tehran ready for cooperation for peace in east Africa
    Categories: Africa
    50004 AfranIranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki said Friday that Tehran is ready for cooperation and consultation with others on restoration of peace in east of Africa.Mottaki, who is on an official visit to Uganda, told his Ugandan counterpart ...
  11. Zarif meets Nigerian counterpart
    Categories: Africa
    Nigeria can be the center of regional cooperation in Africa, Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said here Monday.         Zarif made the remarks in a meeting with his visiting Nigerian counterpart Geoffrey Onye...
  12. 50101-Nigeria:Ag President Goodluck Jonathan, Ministers to meet Yar’adua
    Categories: Africa
    Following the miraculous return of Nigeria’s President Umar Musa Yar’adua into the country, strong indications emerged yesterday that arrangement have been concluded for Acting President Goodluck Jonathan and members of the federal Executive Counci...
  13. FM: ties with Kenya growing and dynamic
    Categories: Africa
    50005 AfranIran’s Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki described ties with Kenya as good, growing and dynamic.Making the remark in a meeting with his Kenyan counterpart Moses Wetang'ula in Nairobi on Saturday, he referred to the political will existin...
  14. Some Quotes By Prophet Mohammed (PBUH)
    Categories: Africa
    - The best of the houses is the house where an orphan gets love and kindness.- Much silence and a good disposition, there are no two things better than these.- Kindness is a mark of faith, and whoever is not kind has no faith.- When you see a person wh...
  15. Eshaq Jahangiri, first vice president & Abdelmalek Sellal
    Categories: Africa
  16. Pose première pierre Université islamique à Kossi (Sénégal)
    Categories: Africa
    Afran SénégalPose de la première pierre de l’université islamique de Kossi (Kaolack Sénégal)La communauté tidjane de Médina Baye (Kaolack du Sénégal) a profité de la célébration de la naissance du prophète Mohammad pour procéder à la ...
  17. Iran FM: Iran eager to expand two-way, multilateral ties with Uganda
    Categories: Africa
    50006 AfranForeign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki said Friday that Iran is ready for stronger bilateral or multi-lateral cooperation with Uganda with an approach in its foreign policy to promote vision to Africa.Talking to Ugandan President Yoweri Museven...
  18. Protest against anti-Islam movie
    Categories: Africa
    Making anti-Islam movie which insults the holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), hurt the sentiments of over one billion Muslims across the world and sparked their outrage.
  19. Ali Larijani, chairman of the Parliament & Abdelmalek Sellal
    Categories: Africa
  20. Appel des religieux au dialogue national au Sénégal
    Categories: Africa
    50407 Afran Sénégal Les chefs religieux de la cité de Tivaouane exigent de la part des politiques un dialogue national La religion n’a pas uniquement été le seul sujet de conversation des hommes religieux du Sénégal lors de la célébratio...
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